.";":',}'m",'"'",'.' hercohy given that the Subscriber, Executor of the Last ~LIBERTYVILLE FORTY HEAD OF GOOD FARM MULES AND FOUR HORSES AT YOUR OWN PRICE Lake County National Bank THOS. PETTEN: COMPANY CONSUMER'S ICE COMPANY LIBERTMILI ADJUDICATION NOTICE A great opportunity to buy real stock at your own Price. Cash or Bankable Note. Sold single or in pairs at Christmas Club LAKE ZURICH, ILL l YR UOGREAY : Join Our Christmas Club and you will find it's éasy to ac-- cyumulate all the money you will~ need for next Christmas. o ;'?'; rar= y *k ts n1 'fi -- ';« ?)'~;-, k : .:'.,%;;"""}:r hb muuieatiee (fif 7 ;'\.J'\'"»)' 1 e fras l & | R\ 5e a C : P % 3 " wP ogy v inss + t 6400 b :: Sn' _ When you get your money back in a lump sum it will seem just . like a gift from Santa Claus wC 1 werene pomeyy-- JOIN NOW! To Belong To Our _ Will and Testament of William John-- son, deceased, will attend the Probais Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan in said Count;, on the first Monday of January next, 1926, when and where all persons hay-- Ing claims against said estate are noti fied and requested to present the same to Said Court for adjudication. JOSEPH E. REUSE, Erecutor. Waukegan, Iil., Nov. 9, 1926. 85 nov 12 19 26 Trust & Savings DECKER & NEVILLE BA ILLINONS I ®8 . _ SBhoot the shouts! Roar the laughs! Rush to the goal of thrills--with Har-- old Lloyd in "THE FRESHMAN" at 'the Auditorium, Sunday, Monday and About twenty members of TiAberty-- ville Chapter No. 272, R. A. M., went to Highland Park. Friday night, where they were guests of that chapter. W. Cart; the wel} known rallroad--gon-- ma 400 --ekabst k. plee A--peo 2 GiIMmcemmnnmw_ EC -- 240 i. Fyes 4 hotumm® from ®C..y .-- Montana, spent| ~The body of Mrs. Elia Brooks Barr-- in looking after his farming intérests was brought to Libertyville Monday in that state. Gilbert reports lots of and buried in Lakeside cemetery, near: ratn --and snow in the west. and says her husband, who .was interred here the roads are notexactly like Mflwau-- in 1904. Mrs. Brooks was born in New kee avenue. . York state and dieéd at 'her home in -- & i)(Unnkee'N'ovember 19th. She leaves Gaturdav afternomn Noav *1 at thelone son, Jack Barr, whoresides in --~--~.conuink,.consider Swuscty tewe "m;,;;m;';;; unable to locate 8. --* the Copvenient to transportation and 10-- 'spot in Col Whigam's body. However Some people invest al' their moneYy |shot striking him in the forehead, tw« in mining stock; others go to Filorida: in left wtist and three in the neck For Investments Ihkt spdgre and that The Gunter made hiy priaway, Ang 1 Saturday afternoon, Nov. 21, at the Episcopal rectory, Waukegan, the mar-- rlage of Miss Bernice Duncan of Mill}-- burn and Roy Gratz. of Libertyyille, #as solemized. The bride is a cousin of Wi'liam Fendick and has made ber home in this village several months. Joe Hart usurped one of the jobs | in . Denamis' department Monday, and, burned leaves on Cook avenue, Joe!\ thinks the Cook Park should be raked | clean of leaves so as to prevent them ; blowing on the street. se Olaf Egers, superintendernt of . horn-- bury Farm, left the first of the week for a trip to Swedéen, where he will re main for several mopths visiting rel-- atives. 'The public hearing on the zoning and planning matter will be held at the vilage hall Priday night, Novem-- %r 27th An adjourned meeting of the MAllage board will be held on that date. day) for )yi{h her ductor, was a member 6f a Team to re celve the Royal Arch degree. Buy coal on approval from Russell ; & Stephenson. _ Phone 411. -- Prices| range from $9.25 to $13.25 per ton.| Satisfaction guaranteed. Distributors | for Red Seal Coal Co. Call us up. -- | Tuesday tr Charles W. Peitls, aged i%6, and fory P _ NbN_BR® UT C 0 x ww more than forty years a resident of | LAbertyyill¢ fanciers carried away Deerfield, died at Bis botks there on |hocors of the breeds they represontied. Wedsesday, Nov. 16, st 5 a m.--Por{Rart 3. Woodward fook minhers sid iin s best of breed with his Airdale Terrier mapy years Mr. Pettis was the village y ° (Eartwood Wendigo). Mr. Woodward blacksmith, and enjoyed a wide ac-- \has been one of the thost .successful quaintance among Lake county ADd|preeders and exhibitors in the United northern Copk®county Tolks. He toOk |grates, and has taken first prize for an ARetive interest in eivic affairs nd¢m'h show of all breeds. J. R. Mack served on the village board, was Jus--|at the Chicago show took winners and Tice of the Péace, and was a member for best of breed with his lrish Terrier of the board of supervisors for several | (Langolee Rattier). This dog has tak-- years. His wife is degd, uut be is en winners at the tast three shows survived by a large family of sons and against strong--competition. This gives daughters. No arrangements bave u'lho dog seven points toward cham-- yet been made for the funtral. 1"lmulm)- + e Mrs sU TOOn InFCC CHmplJ PomI®L CAE d bhas departed for wunnknonl 'The Western Specialty Dog Show' report of the robbery was made to| Of Chicago was held sunday, Nov. 22. eriff Ablstrom. gl.nd was one of the largest ever held --iin'that city. Moreé than 800 thorough-- Charles W. Peitis, aged i6, ant hrlhmddm were on exhibition. . Two D¥ a _ sc an£." sc sims C Anmoit ~rwuay ~Short Items--of Especial interest toLibertyville --People Local and Personal A very small percentage of men at the age of sixty, have any money. Most of them are DEPENDENT UPON OTHERS for support You want to be INDEPENDENT when old, don't yoyu? -- Then become independent NOW by keeping in the bank a part of your income and always ADDING to it. We invite YOUR Banking Business, Start Saving Regularly NOW. . Tavenier left today (Wednes-- for Cleveland, Ohio, for a visit her mother until after the holi-- LIBERTYVILLE Lake County National Bank Prosperous W RHen i HaAvr Money| at population. )ns has not suffered any Ail effects, and Ti rowr ie 48 It ! Last Sunday aiternoon Miss ~ ida 'Witte and Roy Klepper were united \in marriage, the ceremony taking place 'at the heme u. the bride's parents, Mr. land' Mrs. John Witt, in Palatine. Only |near re'Mfives of the bride and groom \were present. The bride is a well }known young lady in the south part of 'the county, and the groom is a popu-- 11" saleman in the Corlett Grocery | store. 'The young couple went on a short wedding trip and will reside in 'the Kennedy apartments in Liberty-- | viBe. I * near Eimhurst, and a hunter in quést of pheasants shot him, several of the shot striking him in the forehead, two Wilitam Whigam received word last week of a narrow escape his son, Col. Wallace Whigam, bad ArmKtice day. Col. Whigam was at a country c'nub Erie, Pa. Rev. 8Smock conducted the service at> the --cemetery. The Barrs former'y lived south of town, and had & fine home where Hawthorn Farm is now. Mr. Barr was master mechan-- ic of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. year, Asxs »Pri'~; . 2.A ROMF 4.4. auiet way wis cetobrated another an-- niversary of his birth, this time the figure 8 Being used twice. Mr. Whig-- Buy coal on approval from Russell & Btephenson. -- Phone 411. Prices range from $9.2%5 to $13.25 per ton. Satisfaction guaranteed. Distributors for Red Seal Coal Co. Call us up. Buy coal on approval from Russell & Stephenson. Phone 411. . Prices range from $9.25 to $13.2%5 per ton. Satisfaction guaranteed. . Distributors for Red Seal CoalCo.~ Call us up. am is still hale and hearty, aud as in-- terested in cuyrent events as a man of twontyf}re yYe®RTrs. _-- --~::=---------->~--.:* Wi)lliam Whigam called at the Inde-- pendent office Saturday to inform us that he was entering upon his §9th en winners at the tast three shows agarinst strong--competition. This gives the dog seven points toward cham-- planship. ; _ HURSDAY, _ NOVEMBER 26. 1925 0 ~ _ ILLINOIg tammn&mags&'sfi! two. "eath day. One of the latest victims | was Joseph Becs. of, Chicago, who paid . a fine of $10 and costs in Justice Bart-- | Mett's court, after pleading guilty to a -- charge cf going 39 miles an hour south \ of Libertyville. -- house at corner of Milwaukee and Appley avenues; all modern conven-- iences including heat; will be sold on very easy.terms, or will rent for one t othree years. The price is right and this is a desirable home in a fine loca-- tion. If interested see Chas. Johnsoun. 'vrelephone 524--J. "g © 48. 1t ~ The Libertyville Post Office will close at 10 o'cleck on Thanksgiving day and will remain closéd for the rest of thb day. There will be no delivery on the rural routes. Remember the grand. bazaar and dinner to be held in the Parish House under the auspices of the Women's Guild of St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church on Tuesday, December 8, after-- Mr. and Mrg. Peter Haneséen and wifé, and Yr.'and Mrs. Fred Smith and Dan motored to Crystal Lake on Sunday. _ noon and evening. The dinner will be served lrym 5:30 _UI.' 8:00 p. m. All KIGUD o2 . «..)y afticicy Wt s4}0 Mky: "_ Singce Bismarck was laid off as the village speed cop, Constable Kruger is keeping the justices in Libertyville FOR SALE OR RENT--A 12 room _NOV 26 and 27 1 hertvville At Wosk« --E= «ouramii>.(|| Libertyville Cement Works--_|-- ~"The Marriage ----||/|_ ~ -- Gement Biocksfor All Biilding Purposes _ || -- Thurs. and Fri. NOV 26 and 27 From the stage play "The Nationa! Anthem," by J. Hartley Manners. With an all star cast, including Nita Naldi, Kenneth Harlan and Harrison Ford. The beautiful Corrinne as the modern wife caught in tthe whirl of reckless marriage --seekng ever seeking for the happiness this marriage denies. ; 'NOV. 29, 30, DEC 1 Marold Lloyd ----Im-- "The Freshman" Comedy and Hodge You'll be out of luck If you miss this picture. An action comedy of love, luck and lightning. Writ-- ten by Byron Morgazn...author of the famous Wally Reid Racing stories. Supporting cast includes Exther Ralston, and "Gunboat" Amitih. Added Attraction Hal Roach --__ Presents y Saturda Gorgeous -- Comedy! _ Riotous fun! Thrills that will run an ley finger up your s,ine,. We guar .Atee you will laugh until you are boarse at this picture Children 20¢ ~_ Adults 4D0¢ "The Lucky Devil" TIRE TROUBLE nd evening. The dinner will bv] and nine times out of ten it Decause from 5:380 ti? 8:00 p. m. All * _4 -- _ £ Roaingy aftniacy Nee fee®ty. "AI m uw _ APbev «bavenk, mreanizged their finances, _ They 6 8 it AZ___ . 4 e 3 hm cramigai «Sn oeifmmeee aemining n ow ar ie natnnt= > ~nnntigee uie --> 4) h cornpermmtmenssisciainr jnan Telephonse. 29 UDIT OR I U urday NOV.~28 Richard Dix Added _ Attractions W. W. Carroll & Son . Garters' Rubber Aprons Coat Flowers Fancy Towels Two Reel Comedy For Gifts and Prizes . If your financial machinery is getting ~----------------alt kinked up, come im here and see if we can't-- . suggest a remedy. We deal in money; that's ~our busin'gss.~ We've got to know a lot about it to keep our doors open. That Knowledge | . can be--made valuable to you-- only when you | . come in and tell us about your financial affairs. Libertyville Lumber Company ' Something New--CURVED BLOCKS FOR CATCH BASINS. ||| .--.. High TestBlocks. Reasonable Prices. Call and Inspect Them. . --|| _ _ On the Map!| _ Organize Your Finances _ ~ 4ave no defémite policy en--money matters. Many bwildimgs gowmg up. We can help you make YOUR home better. Look for the Message of the Bankers of Illinots . in This Week's Prairie Farmer _ 2 LOTS of otherwise successful folks fail mis erably when it comes to money matters, and nine times out of ten it because TELEPHONE 47 J Down by the Old Depot--Been there twenty yeass. _ I' Makes an old house new--plaster right on i. -- See it--try it! : . t SOLD ONLY BT | ~First National Bank-- Capital Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois : --Plant, 415; Residence, 165--J. 50c to $2.00 50c, 75¢ . 50c, 75¢ 48¢ to 98¢ Hours 8 A.M. to 8 P.M..