Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Nov 1925, p. 7

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4 Attorney General Ruies that ~~----~--~-- --County Money. in Bank that---- : a Fails Must Be Paid. Mr. and Mrs. George Obenaut and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behm and daugh-- li#t., Alvers, were Waukegan callers last Thursday. _Mrs. Christ Hapke returned to he: Bome last Saturday, after spending the past week with ber daughter in Chi cago, 'bqh,-bognmud&m«:: bhospital, following the birth of a litt}e son Monday of iast week. The baby died Thursday, and the condition of the mother is somewhat improved. ABbert Dutslier was taken vyery il! with an attack of appendi¢itis Sunday Mrse. Helen Frederick was given a surprise birthday party by her chil-- dren and grandchi'dren at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. Mary Guerin, in Rev. F. M. Bay, who has been crlu-l cally i at 8t: A';lhonn bospital in' Chicago, following an operstion for: appenditittts. ts muck tmproved, but tr1 not out of danger. . * FR EM ONT CENTER * "In contemplation.of law the $164,-- 000 is in the treasury, at least so far as the liability of the treasurer --and his bondsmen are concerned. in the case of County of Lake ys. Wesw erfleld, 273 All., it was held that <a county treasurer is absolutely liable under the-- statute for all funds re cefved br him.> it folidws, therefore, that the county treasurer of your county and his bondsmen must ac-- count. for the money deposited in the Farmers#' State Bank and Trust com-- count for the money deposited in Inf!~ y request of the Reverend Father Farmers' State Bank and Trust eom~$', M. Bay, a patient at 8t Anthony's PABY-- . t W ) m en .L. . |Hospital, Chicago,, will you . kindly "In view of. the faregoing. 1 Em 0f{péblish his sincere thanks and heart, : opinion: thit the proper course,felt np:gnhn for the 9&'4'!"-; S€ .. -- county.. i x l..'"_.a:i, An. . racovery, and é 'm' th wfiu-'%:'&?'m; &WMM too8. duteies Sowr --, t uk. Gipe 2 Y 2 20 n Cl in t ns b cz se in ns c 47. iocenpatitths ors 2.3 porstaterats sineths s would P0 "to --make *a Semand »r~ the td}-- flowers . o teK t betie ho , Pham treasurer and his to make fo'lowing: >=r.-'s¢ut'au:m available immediately to the countY State _Bank;.._Mr._and Mrs. E. H. the above sum of $163.000; and if: it\ Blunm; George Meyer; --H.--A. Watson; is not forthcoming, then in order to}Frank Wirtz, Sr.; August Wirtz; Miss meet the expenses -- of the countY./Lizzie. Wirts and Mjss Carrie Wirtz. the board would be -- authorized t0o<Editor Independent: lssue anticipation warrants after first| mmmimnosmmatmsnmnmmirentoomomages" adopting a resolution setting forth . c the facts relative to the deposit. **~% the tnsoivency of the bank, the de GEUSS fiETS A * * % mand on the treasurer and his bonds a men and their failure to comply with -- * mey qy ieey ie es *l. 0 ~o0 00 BONLS AS COP The county har $163,000 on deposit there. Loss of that amount, the state's attorney said, put the county of lhoonrln} qunndnq for funds. There 1s insufficient:-- mohey on hand to meet the ordinary and nece_lnz expenses of the county until tax are collected, and the suggestion was made that anticipation warrants be issued against the next taxes levied. Attorney General Caristrom's ad-- vice was as follows: County treasureds and their bonds-- men must account for county money deposited in a bank that subseqoent-- I¢ Lalls, Attordey General Oscar--E Carlstrom adviset States ~Attorney Charles F. Evans of Macon county, where the Farmers' State Bank and Trust company of Decatur was re-- cently closed by the state auditor. IVANHOE, ILL. _ j L. H. Deitz, Prop.® Hnwmw-f# We are Agents for the Willys--Knight «»« Overland We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to put your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring your battery here and have it tested free of charge. TO BE HELD FOR ~-- THE BANK LOSS COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY MONUMENTS Battery Work and removed to the Victory Rest Haven Garage and Mausoleums DOWN BY TBE ELECTRIC S1AT10N FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed Sales and Service Station | . Ricbard A~ Geuss, the Waukegan | man employed as an Evanston police who matde a img a bandit and killing him.' is to 'ut a bonus for his work. The coun-- cil bas voted to give him an extra month's pay, and the Chamber of hkester Niron of Antioch was in Jured Wednesday of last week while playing with the hbigh school team against Gurnee. He suffered a frac-- Waukegan where be was atiended by Ir. Charles Lieber. He was playing ¢r the Gurnee Aold. for all of the policemen since Geuss kad his sbhooting match, in which the bandit clicked his revolver three times before dropping Gead. Geuss lived in Wuko?u for eight years, and it was on'ly reoently tThat be earned a place on the Evanston police force through a letter of rec-- ommendation from Dr. J. E. Waiter of Waukesian Bullet proof vests have been ordered _ After nupital high mass a large re-- ception was held at the bride's home. which was attended by about a hun-- dred friends and relatives of the bride and groom. It was a very jolly affair and enjoyed by all, and Mr. and Mrs. Dutzler received many compliments for the fine cordiality shown guests. Mr. and Mrs. Obenau{ received many beautifut presents, besides a substan-- tial purse. The young couple will make their home on the farm of the groom's father, near Gilmer, and their many friends wish them luck and hap iness in their now We . The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Obenauf and Miss Julia DUlzler, and the groom was accompanied by Martiv Obenauf and A'bert Dutzler, brothers and sisters of the bride and groom. All were beautifully gowned and car-- ried shower Bboquets of roses. The church was also nicely decorated with chrysanthemums and ferns. % Tuesday morning. **----**. at 400. -- came the bride of Bernard Obenaut. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Oben-- auf, of Gilmer, at St. Mary's Catholic eburch, in the midst of a large gather-- ing ef friends and eaitrlldlivemfwy Ing of friends and félativées. Rev. Fr. Furéy; _msmxmriat St' Mary-- of 'me' Lake Seminary, officiated. Miss Cecelia Dutzler, eldest daugh-- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vitus Dutzler, on M td n mwomenenina-- **--ACIK ~Ir wan x ambulance. Albert has many friends who are grieved to hear of his iliness and we hope he will soon be back with _ Misses Irene Hertel, Kntfiryn and Bertha Hironimus were in Libertyville and Rondout on business Monday. Memorial hospital in. Waukegan in an US OBENAUF--DUTZLER NUPTIALS his work for the Public Service Co. George Schlosser has been sent ot Antlioch, taking . .the place of Mr. Grumnritt here. The Schliosser fam-- 40-- Antioech,-- and occupy. the house on Victoria street. _ The Senor class of the Antioch high school will present a pay, '"The Whole _ _Mr. and Mrs. Gail Grammitt are moving to Grayslake this week, where Mr. Grummitt has been transferred in . Lknprovements in methods of sew-- age disposal are described --in Mr. Buswe!l¥Fs report which in 4> be--trans mitted to Gov. Small as part of the program of"the board--of--naturel-- re---- sources and tonservation 'tor develop Lee Strang. a daughter _ Phone 154--M Mr. Buswell has-- made exhaustive tests of the sewa@ge tanks pot only at Highland Park but at Decatur and Urbana--Champaign, with the result that it has been found that mueh ¥al uable gas is going to waste at the present time. At Décature alone he fAgures 'that theé dalily aupply of gas generated by the cewage tanks Nas a value of $108. -- -- Why not, reason some of the Hizh land Park residents, install: a (few more tanks of the same kind and produce a supply of gas eufficient "or the city's use. They figure that this could be done considerahly cheaper than by purchasing thié commodity from & corporation, * >« + Residents of Highland Park ar interested over the «tatement ju«t made by A. B. Buswell of-- the etate water survey--division of the siate. de-- partment "of registratioh ~and ~educa-- tion to the efféct that gas gene:ated by ~Highland Park's sewage diaposa'! tanks-- has a real commercial value and could be used for heating and illuminating purposes, having a heot Ing value considerably higher than that prescribed by law for municipai State Expert Discovers that --Lity's-- Sewage Tank Gener------ - ates Valuable Gas. HIGHLAND PARK ; ~= NOW HAS A FREE _ SUPPLY OF GAS Libertyville Battery £$ Company This marvelous lo@dspeaker--well on its way to REBPLACE HALF--A u_xmou_ HORN TYPE SPEAKERS--substantially reduced because Oof assembly improvements devoloped by Crosly Engineers Repro-- duces all tones without distortion. Crosiey patented 'unit, not cone, secret of its amazing perfection. Born, last Friday, to Mr,. and Mrs, Three tubes in the Crostey Super Trirdyn do more work than five do in other types of radios. That is one of the reasons why so many thou-- sands of thease radios are being sold. Another reason is that is so ex-- tremely easy to tune in distant stations on a Musicons or any other type of loudspeaker and to hear what that station is broadiasting as clearly as though thelistener were right in the studio. Tha Super Trir-- dyne Special is extremely popular and thousands have been sold within the past few mornths. > As us to hear the Super Trirdyn Special. PRICE .________. Here They Are! AV G FR O E LCYTCH--J FARM--AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY IP o Phone 41 . Lake Zurich, Alinois [ -- LUBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1925 Chas. D. Proctor Insurance of all kinds MUSICONE Now Priced Within Reach Of All $14.75 The Famous AUTHORIZED CROSLY disTRIguToRs ' Tuesday evenng . at her home at Channel Lake. occurred the death of Mrs George Hirschmiler at the age bf 28 years. Mrs. Hirschmillet leaves, besides hér husband, "three echildren ond.hbyal_tvdanold. . * c ~The members of the Womens Club are busy rehearsing for a play they will present in the near future. s Mr. and. Mrs. 'William Davis and fam fly of. Milwaukee, Mr+ and Mrs. A. Hadlock and. son, M a coshrdfuuuu & Stephenson. _ Phone 411. ~ Prices range from $9.2%5 to $13.2%5 per ton. Satisfaction guaranteed. Distributors for Red--Seal Coal Co. Call us up. -- Phone Central 1512 Mmeske and family ali of Euests of their motker. | Mrs. James McVey is very sick at her home if§ Antioch. B. J. Murphy of Evanston vsited in Antioch with relatives Tuesday and Wednesday. & Dr. W. W. Warriner has been on the sick list the past week. _ Mr.{ and Mrs. Wiliam Ziegler were Chicago visitors over Bunday. Charles Blunt left last week _ to spend the winter. with relatives in Detroit, Mich. o2 The William Dupre family from evan, Wis., visited at the Mrs: 1 Wiliams home last Sunday. Frank R. KifE, Antioch druggist, and. was well and favorably known by a gréat many peop'e in this village, who are sorry of his passing.~ . 200 Jacob G. King passed away at the Lake County General hospital last Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The tEmailia were" brought to the Hlrank undertaking room that afternoon and Tuesday evening were sent to his old home at Sherlock,. Mich Mt. and Mrs. Frank King accompanied _ the body to Michigan, where the funeral was held.«Mr. King was the father of Scientific Swedish Massage and " Medical Gymnaitaes" __ There was a good attendahce at the comic opera given at the A. 'T. H. 8. last Friday evening. 'The opera was sponsored by St. Izgnatius Episcopal churech. The opera came from Christ church, Waukgan, and consisted of over 50 voices. BUITE 602 MALLERS_BUILDING _ 6 8. WABASH AVENUE ' CHICAGO -- ~ 2oL Kellberg, Institute, Inc. Town's--Talkng," 'on~ the--evening --of. December 11th. Buy coa}l on approval from Russeli S pecial Super LIBERTYYVILLE lt .. 60« hn OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS Schanck Hardware Co. WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN -- _ Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warr furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost advancing market. | Prepare Now -- mm Don't Shiver Next Winter DNobnee BrothHers _ The Heating Men Who Satisfy J'A M ES MORROW & SO N 202 SOUTH GENESSEE STREET, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 2t -- TELEPHONR 228 ym --. Now so attractively priced that with Dodge Brothers New Credit--Purchase Plan, ownership is made possible for practically everyone. areas--low--swung body lines--long resilient underslung springs. + Smart and staunch, chdmmy yet roomy-- 5* a--refreshing example of--advanced coach ---- _ -- Full balloon tires--quality whipcord uphol-- stery --deep blue lacquer finish--cartouche yellow body--striping --exceptional vision design. m and B

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