Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 4

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s tm nc ol y o ob faage C d PW ce Te 3 T\ a vuegh --aelera ie --. 113000000000 0C Pn dile tap A ooo e5g s 81. <Gnte i. The tarnkey: 'Mohmain wWas PE i boys on Monday evenings"and for gir's fx«*~--I5 Jall May* 14; --1925. | on Tuesday evenings of each wers _' .~_ _~--* Visitors smuggied the saws to--the ' . he work begins at 4 o'clock and con-- covs"~~"teenr, the sheriff says, and be is U tinues with different groups until 9:39. ww within--a Iew days.----A small fee--is charged-- to--pay --ex-- ~ * Cut Away Pipe. t penses C ~~ ~ es s _3 E> First, according to the two con(es" 'Will you please be prepared to en //_ . _sloms, the men had sawed the jail roll in the Red Crass and pay your t'f--;-_,hv «-- bar through, but found that. it would Tf:@mkmmp fee of one dollar Sunday F mot lige liberty. They put soap on | morning. 'Fhat is Red Cross day, and .( _ Athe sawed part, so, that"it would be ' we are requested to observe it. _ ?r--f .. @oncealed: from the eye of deputies. | s ncffm :: [\ _/ Next they sawed through a soil pipe | HMRCTPRESBYTER:AN _ & «+ ~, in a to.let, where they would hanl Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. © n loosened the iron plating and gained i Miss Ruby Wiliiams, Organist: Mrs. E- the corridor. f t Nelite Layson Choir Leader: _ they we/e going to saw out. thr.0273 . ba provided Ig an who cofme; . . . w oo -- in «a~window,, which. sbunds tmprob|~ T:o Epworth .and _Junior Leagues -- Mave Bar and Soil Pips a2tih* . c oY S Rawed Thrn * e l2 _ _With Hack--saws. -- M'nm 15¢: BHWARTED, THREE _ MEN ARE CAUGHT --KIDNAPED INOWN _ ; ° CAR, ROBBED, LEFT | -- > IN CHICAGO ALLEY > With a gencral jail delivery plan-- med for this week, three inmates of theccounty jaltt Saturday night_were grabbed. by Sheriff Ed Ablstrom and d@eprived of. hallf a dozen hack--saws and a knife with which they had cut through a cell bar, and also a soil Whst M RCT+ i ¥ -'The 'plan that was to be tolloved.'B;'h:b ::dmgfinfifr;}e%';;é':o?' ::;; the sheriff believes, is this. With the give an addréss in the church and pro-- soil yipe sawed through, a foose irOoD |pram of work. at home and .afie'id at oi s cail allowing' a may to $er ou; 188 51 oelock service., All are cordial Ts 'the corrianr. " One hight turukey |" *****"~ o | is Glupi():- ('J, and he would ha ve Mni ME'I'}'R)U'ST EplSCOPAL * hit over the head with=a twofoot|.~-- nev John E. Delong. Pastor fron pipe that had been secreted in [' "A dleacher From a Far Country" is a cell, he believes, The keys could ; tme subject for the morning service at have been taken away then, and all ;1 y'ciock. . the --prisoners would have to do wouldi At the evening service at 7:30, the be to walk out: -- 6 '-- leubjeot vill be "Treasure Trails." Thts ----Two ronfessions have been obtain-- éd, and the third person, Frank-- Kas-- per, Walkowski, taken in the Petersos: clothing robbery: two 'years ago: reruses 40 confess but says>-- > ~ O "IT'll take the rap but I'm not a squa w ker." ** ~Cart: Hohmann, 2¢,. bound. over to the graid jury @®few weeksago-- on a,charge of breaking into cottages at Long Luke, und Fred llc'b'r"riidn. jalled . May 28, _l?.') for taking inde-- eent CHbe.iles .with liige. Elizabeth gent "Hbe.ilog..with dliige. Elizabeth | _ apus _« they wi;/e «o alw out, the.0318 " bo prow One man would do the sawing whilé 'the other two prisoners would snore with great fusio to cover up the 'rasping uoise of the saw. On each snore the saw would --be work-- this week. The sheriff stated that be had b¢-- wome> suspicious,. and it 18 betieved that trusties, or other©® prisoners, might have tipped off the plot. When he raided the cells he found an innocent lookiznz wash board, such «s clothes are. ruobed on, and, rip ping up the zinc, he {found the array of sawsa and the lone knife. Mohmanan bad a saw in his --ves', between the Uining and outside clot .. "~_ Alt three of the mes are young feF lows, and "runts" in stature. Morri son and Walkoweki look like a pair M .. amemic _ tifteengyearolds, while Mobhmann is only a Jittle better de *The turnkeys only carry a "sap" Or "billy" into the pail, as guns are tabose, (or the ruasou that if the pri-- sopers ever overpowered a turnkey, be tould ko out armed t --The maiter bhas iwen taken up with States Aitornoy A. V. Amith and the plan i= to prosoecute the three mer. The three men isvolved have beep The three men involve kbown 4s trouble maker _Right and & <two saflore : Between h avenve and Water stree ors struck That he was kidnmnapped in his own car by two wailors, and that he was robbéd of $45 in cash and then dumped into an alliey in Chilcago by the youth who drove away in his Nash sedan. was :h complaint made ko the Waukegan police Sunday night by James Clark of 610 Water street. According to the account given the police by Clark he drove away from his home at nine o% ock Saturday RigBt and soon aitersard picked up two saflors wha asked nim for a ride Between the corng of (Glen Rock avenue and Washington stm t and in 28,.407. _ 'One of the sailors was att # skilor's uniform while the ot] b;m\dothen but wore O k pestoat: Both were ai feet ten inchos talil _ The same information w; veyed to the Waukégin po\ they are assisting in the sear robbery is one of the boldes wur bere in a long time. Hagbert Finstad, age 63 yeirse, died #8 a. Bt. Paul Ara¥r Friday morning Me was an uncle of Bert. and Mis= Gyda Finstad . of Liberiyyille. _ His -- was in Chicaté, but ho ho S home at Long Lake; and was route to that place when he passed t ~Meart dixease was the cause "Abath. : The funeral was beld in Chi-- xz was attemied by took the drove to Latet in ie Clark, the sail an alley a>,290 When he secov «lently hbe ven station where | asked the pol ly in arresting @rlog o his car . and Mizs were 136.986. The 908 = avered ent to ready to break out | Wells, Supt of to T €2Ing n m according "to jed him into State street. senses suffi-- nearbhy police mis «:ory and 11 num be al Bu: 1 with an ors then tire her D Rock t. and e sail Té Gue: e Mn 1006 cans on Briieptnth es P rivaiinnties, on o * Fra YOND--LAKE COMNUNPTY i be 5d 'Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor.. _ -- -- ~| ~'The services on Sunday, Nov. 8 (the ' i22nd Gunday after Trinity) are: '!~ Holy Communion at 7:30 a.' m. . _ Morning Prayer at Sermon 11 a. m. '| Church School at 10 a, m. . { J. V. Norcross, representative of the *' Bishop amrd Councit of Chicago, will '¢ give an addréss in the church and pro-- ' {gram of work. t home and afieid at i' the 11 o'clock service., All are cordial t _ly. invitedd. & | n )¥ | cnurcnes | ' Morning worship at 11. Sub)zct.i "Caleb's Reigion Paying Utvidends." | Young people meeting at 6:3N p. n. | 'At 7:30 the ladies annual praise ser-- | vice. Special music and an address |by Rev. Wheeler, of New York, 8ec': | of Board of Missions to Latin Ameri-- | ea.' His message appeals to laymen; At the evening service at 7:380, the subject vill be "Treasure Trails." Tuis evening service is helpful--and restful, and you will have a more successful week by atiending it. We live.largely 'by thoughts, ToTty feéelings~--'and x courage ments. M «+s = (Methodist Episcopal) . -- «* --~Rev. W. C. Payfer, Pastor | Sundsay Schoo! at 10 a. m. -- = Evening Service at 7: 45 p. m. Our church building hase been re pairad and gervice$ will be held each Sunday. All 'are cordially fnvited to both services. Watch this column for church.announcements. , \_ _ _ _....._ BT. JOSEPH'S > . ... Rev, Martin J. . Nealis, Pastor. First Mass Sunday, 7:45 o'clock. Secand Mass sunday, 9:45 o'clock Daily Mass at 7:80 o'cilock. ®, n HUNTER IS FOUND GUILTY BY JDRY _ | _ . FOR ASSAULTING bIRGT U PRESBYTERIAN . Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Miss Ruby Wiliiams, Organist: Mrs ___Neliie Layson, Choir Leader: Next Wednesday evening Charles 2. Bchenck, many years worker and sec-- retary of lliinois Sunday School Asso-- clation, will speak to Sunday School workers and all others who wish to hear him on "Making the Most of the and hbhis manner of approach to this szection of the world will interest al: who know anything about South America. All are invited. two weeks azo on the (arm ol lu« tice Howard Howlant, ol Bartingio~ on a charge ol aseguit. with a dea~ weapon, last week was found gui iy by a Juty in the county court. -- Jobn [NDGlsando, and Pete Gaftam two compaartons of Minok, were foun sot guilty. ~_ A motier for a new trial wos mad W ee k A motien for a new triat wo«s made by A\t;orney Geo ze bie'd, with: the prospect that it will be argued this he caug@ht 8T. LAWRENCES EPISCOPAL 8T. JOHX'8 EV. LL . HERAN Rev, Eimer C. Kiessi, g, Pasto Bunday Sciioo! at 9:3 a. m. English services ai i9:30 a. m. _0"' CHRISTIAX SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Fioor, First Nat] Bank Bidg Sunday School at 5:45 m. m. GATHER SPAWN OF TROUT : TO GET services Sunday a. iv: 45 a m. Bubject, "Adam and Fallen Man ABOUT 500 QUARTS Zunday fa H thre 1 Or! wtor p W 1. meess. at teh 1a i challenge e without hi ans aered, _ | ver the hea shot fun. ¥ Smith ha the cou hay nz fhed tha rite s ar Mrs. Tapley had been suspcious of her husband for some time she told the police. Saturday night at supper time hbe told her that he might be a litt'e late in getting home. Shortly »fter _ midnight _ Mrs._ _ Tapl®. A'sguised. so " that . even her-- 'est friends would not© Fnow her. hired a taxicab and drove to a noint near the North Shore line car barns in North Chicago. Poirting out her husband's car to the taxi driver she ordered him to follow it. ~'Then she seated herself in the> bottom of the *»chine so that she cQuld not be seen. --About 1:09 o'clock her busband--com-- vleted his report and started to drive away. oo uoamet P ':"'BQ'I&AIM%'- o n trormiase . 222. e n inslin jed drive ~p'ck up a woman companton and drive _rorth,' \Urs, Tapley's taxicab took up ii;"&"'?""'v-"'--;.;;;:--- "-l rede C. D. Tapley, 31, of 25 South Chap-- el street, a motorman ifi the employ of the North Shore line, together with a woman companion, Mrs:--~Laura Whalen, 27, of 728 Ash stréet. were arrested by the Waukegan police Sun-- day morning at 5:00 o'clock, after his wife, Mrs.: Roxanna Tapley, -- turned amateur 'fitecuve e?d followed him for hours th a rented taxtcab: > Tapley is locked up in the city jail while Mrs. Whalen was taken to the comnty jJail~ 'They will be arraigned in police court before Police Magistrate Walter Taylor tomorrow morning. WIFE IN ROLE OF SLEUTH FOLLOWS HUBBY IN TAXI and sure enoubg bad a woman in the car with him. -- « The trail led to a well known road: house .et:-rxomh where --Mrs.--Tap tevy says husband and the w entered, remaining nearly two hours. All this time the wife waited outside. Tapley and the woman then were fol . lowed to a restavrant -- in-- Kenosha where they ate. . his mind and drove on until be eame + to a road leading west near the Glen | Flora Country club. He drove west : about a block and stopped near a/' wooded> space. A moment~later the ' lights were exinguished. + | . On the return trip the local taxi kept in sight of the Tapley machine, Once near Beach road Tapley drew over to the sige of the road and stop Mrs. Tapley waited for no more. She hurried to the nearest house and called the Waukegan 'police. Captain Thomas Booth and-- two officers re-- sponded. They drove up to the Tap ley car where the couple woere found aittnig in the front seat. Mrs. Tapley leaped at the other woman and tore out two handfuls of hair before she cou'!d be puiled away by the police. Tapley and Mrs. Whalen were takon to the city falt It was 5:00 o'clock in the morning when the arrest took According to Mres. Tap'oy another North Shore trainman, together with another woman. arcompanied her bu» band and the Whalen woman on the trip to Kenoshka bu!t they occupied a separate car. . The other trainman, ar-- cordinb to Mra. Tapley, lives at lake Forest. His wife is said to be deird Mre. Whalen != sald to be employcd in a laundry at Highland Park: "Now t know why my husBand mads so many trip« to Highland Park dvring the summer." Mrs. Tapliey said The Tapley's have two children, a boy of 4 and a ha'lf and a girl of two Mrs. Tapley says she wil} sue for sep arate maintenance and vill insist tha ber husbapd support the childron. TWO DROWN AT FOX LAKE WHEN ICF GIVES W AY Two brothers, hunting alone in Fox Lake Sunday. drowned when th toe broke under them They went down out of sight of other hunters. who recovered their bod'es after being in the water about hall an hour. Brothers Lkaose Lives While Hunting in Pistakee Bay 300 Feet from Shore. The two were Sisteen Nelson,. 3", of 2218 Thome street, and Fin:al Nelson, 37. of 1832 Summerdale street, Chicago. They were brick: lavers. and both were married layers, and both were married The -- brothers went down o'f Slough Point around § Aelock in the morning. Startins out in a boat. uses His Arrest and that of Woman 'Companion »at 5 Th am a. m. Sunday. m Novem}ier 11, 1925 * as a legal holid1y. The banks will not be open for bu iness on that day. to" The undersigred banks of Libertyville, 11., will obs erve he appeared _ to Change | nHmouls oi 2 u2 Armistice Day Lake County National Bank Libertyville Trust & Sayings Bank First National Bank of Libettyville N O TICE _ The practice of other hunters was to shove their boat upon the ice and' if the ice cracked they took to the boat; if the. ice held, they ven-- tured out upon it. * The <~Nelson brothers tried this test, and the ice geemed stroug enough (to hold them. -- in <the ex-- "cltusenl..OL.--Aids, **~*+*. AdRXs rd" MMM&&':&J w Mexeh EVWP PMRHTe ETT S Emt P CE ing in the same . spot. Apparently one ~brother-- went down first, -- the other drowning in an afttempt to rescue h'm. Lk A" passimg hunter who saw.-- their boat ran to a hotel' and . several péepple-- started-- a --search._ for. the brothers. Their bodies were disca? ered togetter, floating on the water Their. rubber coats kept them from sinking. * Hts Q=--ntnesse. "Uncfe Johntwir\y is a migh s neer #18 man' museo the gaurns C' ~~ou-- rlan _ "Why, aetunily, he do~+~pear to care ay all when some other «d rip comes: around and outbrags him about _his fheyivatts!"~--Kansas> City they abandoned it in the beliet that the--:ice was strong enough to hold them. It was--an ich thick. _ The expression "tickled to death," says the Literary Digest, is a Britt cism, for away back in 1634, when characterizing the vices of the time® Bishop Hall wrete: -- "The fiatterer®« art is nething but a delizntful cozep age, whose rutiés yre smoothing, and guarded with perjure; whose scuope is to mauke men faoles, in teuching them to overyvniue themselves. und to. ti¢kis bis frietus to death."' [ Star Double breasted. warm, winter overcoats in light, medium and dark solid colors and plaids. Wili keep you warm, but will not be a burden on your pock . t--book. Overcoats J.®B. Morse & Company EVERYTIIHIKHING FOR MEN Indiv.dua!s Nevertheless Good advice "Tickled to Death" > iz | : . Yss p L m} -- Shoes which lose their shape quickly or readily admit dampness _ ~} "" U/ M p*= ""'\'; :.'f' are dangerous to health and wasteful of your dollars. But Kinder--__= J# _ _ & & TS Gamnoboulnldflwirbtn.mymhruhhnhdheddfidla\nd 4t\ l eeremen sb aaks + . chets .. \gin_cetbcylutgwiecuhngtmo:fiwypdr.thq cut your shoe ) ./ -- i . +4 ""'mh l Wt' " Ms" Y m m "m' ' r6bGpepe~ «. --> . *& w'.' t M ce Neipage® 04. * U grickbex -- 7 '.'._- _ a ax '" m &0 oo in sa . Y o % &:'S 4:""- Duddles Bldg. NP 2 \_ 9 *AE s ,'-b & C# 2 # = V (x!nDIEJR--GAR For that Young Athlete, Mother No. 2 1--2 Can Aurora Brand Peaches in Heavy Syrup, at | 1 Can 35C3 Cans | ,00'60:113' .90 SPECIALS FOR CANNED --CO0DS WEEK-- No. 2 1--2 Can Telmo Brand Apricots in Heavy Syru:, at _ 20 1 Can33G 3 Cans 1.00 6 C»»s 1,90 No. 2 Can Holland Brand Sweet Peas, at 1 Can I8C 3 Cans 50C 6 Cans 95C 3 Cans of Peaches 3 Cans of Pineapple 3 Cans of Apricots Telephones: 339 340 R AY N. SMITH An Assornment Of 18 Cans ----shoes that last and protect! These Shoes on Sale at the Store Of * _ _' / Honésds made for over ewents years by -- . _ _ FARGO--HALLOWELL SHOE CO., Chicago Earl H. Corlett HE isn't old enough to know the importance of safeguarding his growing body. But you realize how vital it is that his feet be com!o{ubh.hhamhelquppatet_l.hhnkleohptfirm. 3 Cans of Peas 3 Cans of Green Beans 3 Cans of Pumpkin d 394 apple, 8 slices to can, at 1 Can 35G3 Cns 1.00 6 ca»s1.90 No. 2 1--2 Can Good Kind Brand Hawaiian _ Pine-- No. 3 Can Telmo CGolden Pumpkin, at . 1 caa 18¢ 3 cans 50¢ 6 Ca»s95¢ "Telmo" Brand Green Stringless Beans, at 1 Can 24" 3 Cans 65C6 Cans l .25 um $4.30 No aitige sb c .. LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE or wrike us lor nearest msld un w wed Te

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