_ " VOL. XXXIII--NO. 46 ~~ SECTION TWO _ _ LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 };_r, --~ Glove to Be Installed on All . Suburban Trains. _ ~ TEMINSTALLED _ * ONN.WESTERN ~ _ WILL 'GIVE BETTER LiGHT ______"tatu the use of gas. We can get all ?'"'hl light needed from gas and with . . Abe no¥?f and globe we get a [ softer flmu than is found on -- _ _ aay train olectrically lighted. & C F ~--_ ALL TO BE EQUIPPED sSO0ON -- --__-- _ . "We have equipped masy of the --____ suburban' trains with the new lights Ti and will hars all equipped withia CC > *The new lights arse in the center + * of the car, above the aislie, as the * old. We alpo experimented with put-- & * ting lights over the seats, as is done en some of the rosids which light POULTRY RAISERS IN LAKE CO. SUF-- _ FER RHEAVY LOSSES --«--". Cmlcoago & Nerthwestern commu-- __._ters, who have bean wondering if the rallroad intended to improve its «ery-- _( Jee upon receipt of the 20 per cent _.. "Ancrease In fareX, effecttve in the last . Seuburban department Nov. 1, are ai-- ready fAnding, as the-- winter days _ " grow darker, their home going grows ~~*brighter, The road is instailing a . new type of lighting in all its subor-- .*~/Ban traius.~. © o en . ... "Our engineers have been working ... fof 'six months : to develop the . bost . _ car Ughting eystem," 'eaid Vice--Progl ~~ éent F. Waiters today. "The one ---- 'fuaily adopted after many experi-- alsles and give a more even glow {or ~.. the seats D4 woe ever have passen-- .___ gere standing in the alsles we would .;mu'uuu.uummmu- K . would throw, ahadows # nmmultm-'tom. -- But we provide cars enough so that no passengers have to stand." There --ure 500 cats and 115 locoms-- tives in operation in the Northwesi-- Poultry fanciers in the vicinity of umflllonllulolohmuto Ing ¢very posaible precautlion to pro-- tact therselves from the raids ot > thieves who are carrying away Chick-- * sus in wholesale quantities. Extra mum&l&newm"'-- . * Ing equipped with burglar alarms. Loaded shotguns are being kept with-- hmynui.b-th-phoof.llm 4 cautlons the thieves continue to make , Mundreds of Chickens Stolen Despite Precautions of the "'ments is & mnew torfmer ani globe for .mmmmw»-'.m *allroad.-- That .accounts for facot that : passengers seldom -- have . !o stand. To equip l.a-vuhc!oo: J. J. Barrett, a director of tha Lake County Farm Bureas, ahd who lives on _ Mitwaukee avenue halft a mile south 0f Halt Day, is the latest to sus tain a loss. One night this week the thieves visited his chicken coop and tarried -- away one hundred of his choicest chickens. * y It was only recentiy that the thieves visited the farm of J. Poaco, neat Talgahton and e€caped with two hun-- dred chickens. They carried them away on a large motor truck, and by a 3.- twist of fate Peaco saw them making their escape with his property #ithout knowing It at the time.. __, CR L c oob dhidh cap «tcms. ootdpiiinire uht HPE VA & 4+ Jm is a toerman at Leighton. On the 'might in question he was on duty when a large truck, loaded down with arates of chickens stopped.. The @river inquired about the proper road io take. Poeato accommodatingly gave him foll directions. Then when he roturned homs he learned that the truck had been carting away his own thickens. wl It was not so tong ago that the thicken tThieves paid a visit to tha home of wnu:'x. Woodin of Mundes-- lein, preaident the : lakb ans hundred of his fAnest chickens, ~pr * 6 200 ® po & *# o# "am» ® ud ol F *3 $ . y Ww¥ } East 8t. Louis, IIL. Nov. 11 ~--The marriage of Euls 8. Clark of Kast St. Louis, to William J. Smith, editor of the Waukegan Daily Sun and the Lake County Independent (Weekly) took place this afternoon at \one o'clock at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr.~and Mrs, Sam-- uel 3. Spivey, 1617 North i2nd SBt., East St. Louls, . --The wedding was just wx at-- tair, : about -- twenty re . beiog The bride is the eldect daughter of here+parents and a pleoce of . A.. T. Bpivey, editor of the East--St. Loubs, Iil Journal She was borno im south-- Rev. Daniel Breeza of the Collinay vile Presbyterian church, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Smith ot Waukegan were present, having driven down to St. Louis yesterday with their broth-- bride's parents, Mr.~and Mrs, Sam-- uel 3. Spivey, 1617 North 4284 Bt., East St. Louls, s _ The wedding was Mh:"?fly at tair, : about -- twenty re . beiog present. The service was. read by Following a reception between two and four o'clock, the couple loft for Hot Springs, Ark., for a short stay after which they are to reside tem-- porarily in the Evwill apartmésts, Waukegan. _ -- f ; «= First Vice President. VALENTINE TELLS OF FALLON BOOZE -- --RAID ON STAND Wich a jury completed. the state today start*d to ~prove charges of transporting liqzor aghinst : James Fallon, state policeman, and-- two others, before Judse P. L. Persons is the .county. court . .' x a5 * The defense, through Astornsy E. Expect Case Against State Cop and Two Others to Go to the CALLS IT HL --< JACKING made the arrost. Later, Valentine said, they agroed on a split of the moonshine, but when che recosered lisa car all the boore: was -- gone. ~--*The ~«heriftt -- wl testity that 40 gallons. was found at the Tallon home. Fallon sald that be bad it to turn over to Col. 'l'nll«i. Valentine called it blJack-- &. * from him,.--instructing bim t» meet him on Creamery road, he said. Ar-- rivieg there with his ckno he was mr Fallon and Fred Eaton, whom called sergeant. Fallon told Mr. Orvie / persisted. "I don't remember." The witness was turned over again to Mr. Hall, who made it plain in @uestlons that Vabentine. was not aight, and in placing hbhim in --a chair Sherif# E4 Ablstrom got his nosge in the way of one of Persson's Mcz. Two deputies had dificulty in settinz him before the commission to hear the charge againet him. Henning Persson,; 27, Libertyyille, who attempted an assault on Mrs. Clyde Nadon, who Tives near 1iAbor-- tyville, last June, was found insane in the county court today and taken Worth Living For This brief There is scarce agy lot so low but | is from the T there is something in it to satisfy the | seem to mal mwan whom -- it bus~ befaillen. -- Provi--= | whilssome dence having so ordered things that in | more husbar PERSSON INSANE; -- HITS SHERIFF "From what man in the sheriff's In examining Valentine, Mr. Or Artorney Hall objeeted to "Where did you get protection lilinols and--tas lHved in East 8t _ST. LOUIS GRL ~ Jury Today. se A M C +.) "sle ° aemest ns AR ced o W Seee e ? % in 4t . C PAige t § A f * % m f . & " ¥ %< & < < e BR Puiscsanarotie in hesk | s be ARE UNDER $100 BONDS BURN HAY STACK _ _ AND PUT REFUSE : -- ON FRONT PORCH Three Boys are Under Arrest ~_ in Zion for Prank of Hal-- . ___Three Zilon boys, barely in their teens, have been pJaced under «rrest by the Zion police on charges of ma-- licioug mischief, Tollowing their a}> leged escapades on Hallowe'en night They have just been 'taken into cus-- today as the--result of investigation by the officers. The youngsters have been booked as follows: Pau! Andsrscon,. aged 14. 8. Anoderson, aged 13. f Doyle Write, aged 13. i On Hallowe'en night, according to the charges of the police, these three youngsters went to the Christian Ruchti place on Thirty--first street, west of the North Shorg line and set Bre to a hay stack which whs totally destroyed...:.. +.: seceuile us -- three boys were taken into custody. After being arraigned they were re-- leased in tonds of $109 each,. their _'Not content with this the young-- ster then are alleged to hare smeared the front porch with refuses matter. aamed as respondent. Ruchtt reported the matter to the Zion police and they started an in-- vestigation with the result that the case being sot for trial next Friday FOUGHT WITH MAN 'FOUND MURDERED Elizaboth, N ~J., Nov. 11. --William J. Clark, Hillside, N. J., hammer mur-- dert victim, and Joseph Cowen, held as his slayer, onm in a fAst fight two days betore was riala in hi garage, according to information in the hands of County Prosecutor David This evidence was furnished by a. neighbor of Clarks, who was led to-- divulge what ho knew following the filing of a divorce suit st Cowen, in which -- Mr®: m.&h Clark -- is Armed with th1s information the prosecutor has summoned Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Knti'{mu of Mrs, Clark, for further grilling today. is from the Tifton Gazette: "Some men seem to make money without effort, 1918 husbands then the law allows The Way of Lite lowe'én Night. mart uns e ~? + ';', 'q'» a :-';"4 xT r a te% Tss inss 22 '4' $#" _% o M #6 _LE--INDEPENDENT-- T q on [¥ r0g _ Capt Waldeo .Evans, commanpdant at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, will retire from the navy on Nor. 28. Me is 5§ years old and eligible for pension. Capt Evass war in command at the station gsome yeara ago and later became navai governor of Bamoa, He returned i1 19422. So far nary heésdquartermn hase wade no announcement coucerning his succersor CAPT. EVANS WILL _ ~RETIRE NOV. 26TH SUNFLOWER SEED _-- CROP HARVESTED _ IN ILLINOIS SHOW LARGE-- PROFITS One farmer here raised ten acres: The heads of the flowers were cut off with stee!l knives and the seeds scraped of with especially designed wooded sticks. "Clarkaburek. TL Rovt ".Jcmfi'lr' HMinots® n? crop of sanflewer "nod' has beenACultivated. 1 The product is sold for the oil con-- tent and as a ftood Tor Hvoatock. | It is said the proft from sunfiower seeds is greater taan that from corn and there is no lapor in the cultiva-- tion. Producers say the crop is yet in the experimental stake and that it may be several years before the full value and variods uses are realized. Chemists are #sald to be conducting tests .to discover new uses for sun-- APPLIES MATCH . TO DRES, DIES 'Washingtobn, Nov. 11.--Standing in the center of her room in a local san-- itartum, Miss Nellie B. Mackley, 34, applied a match to her clothing and died. without a murmur. A mania for self--Aestruction, traced to an unhap py love affair, was offered today as an erxplanation of her sulcide. The thought of cremation had been In ber mind for some time, it was sald. More than onte abhe pleaded with attendants to throw her into the hose-- pital furnace. -- Onca she alipped away entral Part of the Stai Grows Record Crop in New Cattle Food. _ -- -- Memories ---- : 'Sig @0 in % window Iy tm B { ! Emapiting from the Ext with the 0lS Big Green today are rumora relative to the inability of esme o( Jeease Hawley's best man besause of injur-- . les and eren thess reports fail to re-- 'swe' a the tension about @thgg feli Aaw thg. Maroors drill hard and lont NeW "|on the tundamentais, tricks and Imnno-- -- . _ |vatiows 6t defonzsive play. ' Hasover, N. H.. Nov.--11.--Follow-- ing a brief ~Urill this morning, the *Iartmouth varaity Taotball aqued wilt leave here this afternoon for Chicago where 'on Saturday it will meet Alon-- zo Stagg'a big Maroon team in a game that will afftord another com-- parison of Eastern and Middla West-- ern football Dertmouth will go Into the zame a* the recognized Rastern champton®, --having > escapeddefeat to date, while Chicago claims one of the Wbat defonmcive teams in the country. | *2 . -- CHICAGO FEARS .. DARTMOUTH TILT Chicage, _ Nov. 11.----Dartmouth's highiy: touted offence, particularty the overbead part of f. is the cause f no little concern on the midway Where Chicago is --prepar'ng for its first bomecoming. ' Stagg's hope-- of beating-- the etai~ wart aadterners apparent'y dependsa upon Nts ability to hait their offen-- sive. The scoarinz power of the Ma-- roms being _credited. with enough strength fo overpower the bulky Dartmouth forwarcs. . ter I:s full etrongath McCarty's in juries will not keep him out of Sat urady's game. M'CARTY _ WILL-- _ PLAY With the erception of "fAvye yards" McCarty, fullback, the Chicago team is in goo4 condition and able to mus-- The trip was erpected to place an unusual burden upon the condition of the team since two night must be spent upon the train. A stop over at Flint, Mich., will be made. tomot-- trow for a short workout and another one will be held on Friday, follow-- Ing the team's artival at its destina-- Washingtorm,: Nov. 11. --The crit!-- cal point was reached today in the mexotiations over , the funding of Italy's $2,138,000,000 war debt. 'At 11 o'clock, the hour that hoatit-- ies cenased in thea war coven yoars aro, the American fegotiators went CRITICAL POINT REACHED IN DEBT Celebration Brings inter-- * sectional Battle. AT MIDWAY GRID ted that This offer will bo " t3 1 #64 '(,:' S Can a s * a iea: 2sX hok o p uy P .+**x% #*~4u 422 "as o "reet Homecoming 7 JACK DURAND WILE @' GO TO PRISON MON. ~*Fivht Russell youths, arraigned be-- €HARGES Jack Durand, adopted son of the Scott Durands,-- will go to Joliet Monday to serve his sentence of three© to twenty years for robbary. John Prystaiski, hbis attorney, an-- mnounced yesterday. He said the case would not be appealed. Jack was convicted of burglarizing the home of-- F.. Edson White, president of Armour & Co. The time for perfect-- ing an apped} is up Monday. ~~ Pittabargh, Pa. Novr. 11. --Jewel Euns, utility infelder of the Pittaburga Natlonala, was roleased _ uncondi-- tionally as a player today and then aigned s Pirte coach for next year. It was explained that the action will result in little chacge in Ens' doties. but will provide room for an addition« al player. EIGHT YOUTHS PAY Arraigned Before Justice Here en Charge of Defacing Rus-- sell Man's Barn. _ -- -- The costs. howerer. amount to $19 each, making <the total sum paid $80. payment --of costs, the chafges being dismissed. -- ; * The youths came with money to pay fines, but were erepcting dismissal ot the cases without costs. Caster-- Ton, however, wanted the boys 'Aned, but demurred at the suggestion of The youths were Walter Smoger, Ted Benneit, Bill Bennoti, Frank Densmore, Herbert Larsen, Arnold Westerman, Norman Lindahl and Wil-- bur Macelroy. State, that they be held to the grand jury. n Their offense was the painting of obscene poems shd pictures on his barn. After discovering the pictures, Casterton succeeded in rounding up the ofenders by offering a $15 re ward. & PIRATES FIRE ENS -- NOW HE IS COACH Two of the offenders, he told the eourt, came to him this week and asked that he drop the charges, offer-- ing to pay the damages to his barvn. which was slight. : $80 IN COSTS FOR _ HALLOWE'EN PRANK WRECEKEING Glazed sash suitable for storm sash glazing in porches, in a--1 shape, 95¢ and up. _ 0 00 _ _ 0 _ _ __ ~ Ou::r;m;i cash purchases recently made from the gor-- ernment enable us to offer you government inspected lumber at immense savings to you. 1x6--8% boards, ':' M _ o szs«oo Heavy Joists, 2x4s--6s, up 'lsm iss 1090118 szs." to T ft. 'per M. ... Nimbers, 4X4s Per M and up 1x4 clear yellow szs M to 1211%s pinte flooring, per * ® r s 2x4s--68, up 'to T ft péer M. . Lx4 clear yellow pite flooring, p« Come to the Camps LUMBER! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! THE GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAINING STATION ABRE DISMISSED YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Heary _ 3 _ pPIf black Rubberotd mofing paper, 85 to io ns $1.25 14 or more Per Complete ghrage materials, includ-- ing roofing paper, 3 garage sash & service door with frames, as fol!-- lows Standard 'sizes, 4x% to 1% fr.,. Per 109 " ¥@:-- -- Bti----sss:s 18x1 rolt of 108 ft.. in lots of $1.12 $1.50 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE THE GREATEST VAL-- UES EVER OFFERED aATt 50 CENXTS OX THE Write for Special FREE Farmers® +Bulletin and Jeneral Cutalog DJ.5 00 | 12118 .00 ! 18120 EXPECT JURY IN --*~<*~ HARCQ CASE BY _ --THIS AFTERNOON _ ', A. J, Cermack, of Newport town«-- navad Fesltdey 'becaune 'be hh U ; Y use be ~Rdued wa -- «Uubpgoena, was located iate yestarday.. He--was 'Tound servingc on & m'!"h the county court, so ao act was taken against him. .. Armistice day was recoguized-- by the adjournment of court at 11 o'clock, when 4 short talk was made by the judge, in which he recalled the war that was concluded seven years Opening atitement todiy, but tomor. row, in case the jury is obtained t» day. It is believed that court will adjourn as soon as the jury is eworn. ~ The cbompletion of the jury to h::I charges of murder against Mrs. CT Harcqy and Arthur Holt. indicted. for the murder .of Mrs. LUMC ... in rvk Lake Sept. 20, is expectof C015 Altef X. V. Smith had tender« .,:é_%.. o hour men 3t 10 scigck tho 4 snz but ome of that number remained at _ nvon as having been tendered <-- by - both sidess This~ leavos,; at ~thw~~~ lemst, three more jurors to get. _ F* MWitneases ftor the atate were in court, but it was generally believed that none of them would be used. Col. Smith will probably not make his Second Panel is Sworn: Arm«: istice Day Honored as Law-- yers Face the East. WITNESSES ARE -- READY The second pane! sworn last night included Robert Grice, Waukegn Charlies Beckman, Waukegan, A. h Stevens, Waukegan, and A. Hott man, Lake Bluff. The first panel Included Waliter English, :nunn-. E4 Wabb, Waukegan, rt Mo Pherson, Zion, and Charles Hersch» One of the Targesw animals that evet Hvred has left a record of bis size in mwnm.wmmc«o Hna in the form of large teeth. The swharks which possessed these teeth, must have been $ or 80 feet in length If we may judge by comparison' with present d:y sharks and their teeth. . berger, Vernon townslilp Guaranteod qual-- ity, _ certainteed paint as good as the best. Cheap-- er than the rest. canoa $2.10 Vitreous China@ Lowdown . tank with latest ft-- tings. Complete 31' Attings. P Re Closet Outfts Phe second panel wes eworn adjourned until-- tomorrew mormn-- Ing, when the state will. 'make Iits opening statement to the. jury. The last pane! included Henry ~Hitiman of Lake Zurich, Robert Pawson 'of Mundelein, Guy Thomas of . Grayslake, and Homer Reddin_g'_yf North Chi-- cago. The~ jury in the Holt murder trial was compicted <--and sworn in this afternoon. and --court Well to Let Him Swim By ©* _ complete of plumb-- pipe _ ant _ 30290 EVLLL--TIN