_ ... '%he .Board of Roview e granted:« an ©xtension of time in wihich to: com-- 4) draw warrants for $3100 in pay-- * «---- --ment of expaenses of the: comnvention. is . Apy--and --Nay vorts being bat Bu: r Abe: bills for Waukegan, MA '..'.,tflh*ufl _--__ -- gmooth for-- the purpose of sconomy f and pald when 0. K'd by the Com-- ~ammittee. in charge--and that the Coun: f --Cy Clerk be. authortsed to Araw --war _ Iuttents in payment of the same--when --~_ _ --Be# i# further resoired that whem|19#. _ wiench bidse are received by them that LEW A. HENDEE, oo eale "fi: this Board of & Cle _ Rupervinoss be called for the purpose| (BEAL) uw Thoss absent and uot voting wore } as . »Buperrisors Brown,. CorF, LAKE COUNXTY J -- --Kirschnoer, Ma¥man, I, Laow A. Hendess, County Cletk in * W. J. Stratton, Thompson--4. and for sald County, in the State } Bupervisor Obes presentsd the tob|aforesaid, and keepoer of the records -- _ «Bowing Resolution and moved that the| and seal theroof, do heroby certity saame be adopted: the foregoing to be a trus, pertect Motion carried. and complete copy of the proceedings s Waukegan, IH. the Board of Auperrisots of aald §: ' the following yote: -- af the consid 1 heroby resign as Chairman & the Lake Conunty Poot Farm Commiton h. C TROMPSONX, ' Buparvizor Obes movead that the teaignation be -- _ "Those voting : "Aye" were Super-- visors Austin, Bairstow, ; * > ie 3 hk 7 e m t Lake Conunty Roard WHERKAS, in optuion a nec-- mho---zv""m ,*bcfl*dhm and that fMipes gollected for vio Intlons. of the Motor Vaehitle Aot be murned over to the Shorlft for the puarpost of paring the expenecs o a--character the payment of said motor poltcomen a certifind copy of these reaolutions be mailled to the wite of our docens mighty to remove~from our midst by eccupled a promiftent in our de Mherations since beconting a member Of the Board, maintaining at all times Desember lth, A. D. 1886 art ton o* STaTE OF by the toltowing vote: > visors Austin, Baitrstow, -- Butie, by the toltowing vote: e THUMB CUT OFF _ PUBLIC SERvIcE COMPANY || couans & poane comrany '.'_é_mll ___ Or NoRtHERN ILLmois 1 | ~---- MONUMENTS -- County <Clerk \be authorised to draw asaked to enter into a written agree E ment with the. County,, furnishing * this borrow ~uand that he and, the b Buate's Attorney ._be _ requested. . e e 'block ~any ~vacation or usurpation ~ this --rowdway until the County -- has 5 vompleted <the grading for the, pro ment with the. County, furnishing this borrow ~and :that he and, the 'block any ~vyacation or usurpation 'of ::plmd im prading tor The. prae ' 4 or the, pro-- Bupervisor Bairstow moved that the terday while in the wumlfl tho-- old road --ontaide of-- the eutlered a paintal imnjury yoo IX TESTINMONXT wWHERROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affized the seal of snlid County, at my atticse in Wan kegan, in sald County, this moved" that t 34 Please send me. complete detatis regarding ur 7o¢f tnvestment, l".' nx switch gives an even flow apy -yl | MhWdefii ._ the electrical way. There is no soot or di in the air, on the cooking utensils or on the wall __--_ He who aspires to make his--mark shoult . M . -- -- > fmaciit®s, f 60 uesn csU 0 M 0 0 an nommaromessene h .---- 'He shotld slso be cereftl 'to """z ie | ie t --*--+ s ze ------3 . .. / pessterelitment Tor his sutplus--funds sad: _ _ _ . SSE _ fecto mun cinbindeaiit des en _ _ «gtfility \Company, is of 'the highest grade:; . . . - ::'} i'n.-':w.a-g-y.-« this char-- --1%%. quarterly. y 2. Thousands of these ranges are giving the most satisfactory service. The Company has a special rate for electricity used for cooking. aded ul diose Telt en ureels are 4 10® xt agy. 1 : vak > Rest Haven Garage -- W. F. Franzen,. + IVANHOE, ILL R L. H. Deitz, Prop. ' ... Phone 632--W--1 f'r«:w. uie t ~_~ _' FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed A Modern Roman Road voiced every minute between great Cities, it serves & large terrizory both slone and as part of a national wire system that is being further extended through cables in respoanse to the people's need. on heavy poles, now offerszcommeanication facitities that are practically free from the hazards of storms and other dangers, Whh"mm& Roman Empire's militagy reads, buik that the couriers or armies of Cacear might have highways that were dependable. ~ . Thuthmlm New York to Chicago--a highway for the voice has z:-ublundnmia.hwinfi'dn dependalsility to its travellers, This is the the streets of crowded cities, and cise DOWN BY THE ELECTRIC STATIDODN ~---- _ We are Agents for the Sales and Service Station cable which, buried beneach X Je W ¢ -