_ ~MICTORY INHIS -- .. COURT MARTHAL *'the Pacific are virtually at the mercy /. _ of ozemy fleels, Major .Gerald _C. .. Brant, veteran . gviator . u_guc_hod:b E%: the' army general staff, testified "to-- E7 day at the court martial otf Col. WiH-- _' Mam Mitchels < : y * . | Brant eubstantiuted Mitchell's een-- _' 'ntional charges that the island de-- ;;v_, enses would be 'inadequate in time **~¢ war against an enemy fieet sup e ana no Perther Utunsarxe~------ > 05-- 00 2 csc ca Hahain + P yale es them.". -- .z ___,__>_ [ Mrs. Clara wm:«"u mésdoce en w mipor sns tss :\ uh NE HOS V uns w * e ; ware: _M t ,wm-:'nn-n scored a dbtllc:'v: Mr. and Mrs. LesHe U¥fen 6T A *tory at court lal today were in Round lake. Tueéday | -- '_colonel could offer testimony to prove| -- Mr. and Mro, Sumner Bauer, dar * ! the truth of his eriticiams agrinst.the|ter Rvelyp, son Charles and, .) ~~<dministration of-- aviation-- as an "sh> | jorle Cleveland mofored to Libe [' solute defense" to the charges under | ville Sunday. * f *"which he was brought to trial. Mrse. John Killey was an out t M U 0 000 466 T inewin en fhng: Sho Rrrretener . -- _ irOok. ~Bianton .Wwiim®. / "_ _ ' and concurted in by the full court. As a result_the war mwg,vm e#all ~--"86 defense witnesses from all parts '"p----"t--flt couniry to testify in Mitcbell's _---- behalf. ~ 4 The lssue was raised&.--when CoL _ .. Rbherman Moreland, trial judge advo-- (€ tate, contended the defense could cal} r witnesses only in ~ertenuation or mit-- --_ Sgation." This proposal was bitterly * aopposed by Representative Frank R. l, Reid (R) of Hilinois, Mitchell's coun-- "'brted by airplanes. He declares __ litébell had called this condition to _'he war departmegt's attention but * he Aying Colone! , recommendations _ 'were brushed ask -- a# "personal opin-- --Sons." ~ Brant w + the first witnees. ---- HMe tolu 1 a series of. recommenda-- %ions e --roving the air service in the P»--_ 1ade by Calone]l Mitchel} MILLIRAN RAY IS TO CREATE MATTER Granted~ Permission to Call -- Witnesses to Prove His GENERAL'S WIFE --FAINTS _ BUS TAKES DITICH _ IN SNOW STORM L 2 u2 Alhetandfie amex divraar rso dn es ten a nota{pp on it disapproving 1t *herause they only reprosented Ger: mwm'h:wd:: Mr tory at his court -- y w were u;m#mvr'ubfimw nlug: colone! could offer testimony to prove | _ Mr mmahhcrfllcfi.smtmt,au ter d «dministration of--aviation as an "al¥| jorle solute defense" to the charges under | ville 'uelbomhnngmutfl-l. Mr The ruling was handed down by | town Col. Blanton Winship, law member | _ Mr udeucfifvdfnbymohnwth Freu a result._the war department will eall u-u: Li C¥ en slls ® ~ When the list of witnegses was--pro-- Quced by the defense. Winsbip asked: uy l i i e e o 00 tds acces 4 "The court would like to know wheth-- er his evidence is being offered in ex-- n earlier age, ! lLnd could neither utroyed. The dis m.th latter about th« m, and it was #a Wilitkan _ TAY * Genéeral Howre ran across the court yoom and held his wife in hbhis arms while Mitche!l fanned ber. In a few minutes #be recovered and was a¥ alsted out of the room, Madilaon, Wis.,. Nor. 11.--Has the eternal problem at last been solved? Mese science dizncovered the force re wpongible for the material creation of the ecrth? The question wase o€e that startled Eclence here today as further revela-- tioma Into the Millikan rey, a power fi--m. the discovery of which as announced by Dr. R. A. KWillikan ef California before the MMtional Academy of Sclences, witre made by Yhe research professor. . Thea new discover ymay prove a to the fundamentalists of «cience and religion, frcording soted scientists who have evidence wreat interest in the MilYikan ray. A'-- though not willing to be quoted, sev-- eral of them epeculated informaily an the new ray Which is describod as one tenm--millionth the length of an wrdinary liynt ray with a frequency ,ppm-du-.ugtdmxm. According to beliei of ecientista of #%n earlier age, matte/ jusk existed Lnd could neither be created nor de stroyed. The discovery of --radium m.tn latter theory incorrect by about the destruction of mat-- & and it wes believed today that Millikan ray ~will prove conclu-- Wively that creation of matter is pose-- diteh on l ixkn c 'curve between ; and Waukegan during the terr}t l sud wink storm: ut 6:45 Bcene in "My Son" at the Majestic next week, A--great mother play presented in stock for the first time. * ROUND LAKE NEWS * of Libertyvillé motored to Wauke of Round-- Lake, Mrs. Maryella Deitz: gan Monday. _« _ . d ( Mr, Cheas. Brainard wee a Chicago business caller Friday. o Miss. Eeter Lusk spent one night last week witk Lilahp Brown. Mrs. Edoz--Smith, Mre. Margaret Smith, end Mrs. B. K. Tucker mo tored Toa, Waukegan Wednesday,, _ tored .{a, Waukegan Wodn'dsé e Mr. and Mro. Pn_,l;'])hmn'é hnd' Mr. and Mre. L. A. Fitz spent Friday eve at the C. G, McCandlecs. uie -- M» and Mrs. Jim I »b»v.and daugh ter Eilnore and Durley Curran . of te.* Lake and Lditn Gelet of Aren Mr. and Mrs. Leslic U¥ies"of Area were in Round m\'ruupy erve mlug: sds > Mr. and Mro., Sumner Bauer, daugh-- ter Rvelyn, son Charles and, . Mar-- jorle Cleveland mofored to Liberty-- ville Sunday. j j Mre. John Killey was an out of town caller. Saturday. s _| Mr. W Batzner and «Henry Freund "of Waukegan opent Sunday at the Frank Amena home. Mr. and Mre. Hamg Deits and Joe NDavic spent Sunday evening at the wa be ed friends in Graysliake Mre. Jim Curras and son VuN¢€Z motored to Waukegan Seturday. Mr. Wiliam Schulz of -- Chicago spent the weekend at the Milford Fits motored to Grayslake, y. Mre. Rachel Rose is *# & tow days at Woodstock this k. Buster Mathews of Chicago Am Round Lake Saturday evening. , > Mr. and Mre. Russell Medde and children and Helen Wiléion of W& kegan called aAt the Floyd Renehbap home Sunday. > David Kile Xander of Long Lake was a Round Lake busineses caller aone day ijast week. Mr. John Thies of MceHeory was a Round Lake business caller Monday. Cecil Hook of w"!".'_' __h_ the Round Lake Thomas and Darby ons ccaiihe. t aary o. a9F home of the lattérs slkter Mre. __Mr. and Mre. Edward Brown and dadghter Lilah aftebded the show at the Majeetic Theatre at Waukegan Allien home. Miess Ruth McKey of apending a weék et the Mr. and Mrek. Maxwell of stock were in Round Lake . Mr. and Mre. J. J. Barn® Lake Villa epent Sunday at Merile White, Evelyn Bauer and Marjorie Cleveland metored to Gray» lake Sunday evening. Mr. and Mre. Her#s, Deitz and chi+> Aean anekt Sunday at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Her>, Deilz a®d Cuir dren epeht Sunday at LAberty ville. Mre. Jim Curran and Mrs. Lou LAsk spent one day last week at the Jack Macon home in 14bertyvillé. Mr. and Mrs. Robert -- Bracher spent SBunday at the home of the for-- mers parents Mr. and Mrs. Bracher of near Grayslake. Mrs. Jane Vasey attended a birth-- day party at Maywood Sunday. Little Norman Geary of ma!-h_ke sypont a frew dajts wilul i wRene 0C Milford Smith. Mr. Joe lenzey of YVolo was a Round Lake busingss caller Tuesday. _ Mre. C. G. McCnadlees was a Volo bustness caller Monday. Mr Hy ~© Mr. autt"'ma " ues 36 family moved -..'Q q-w CRA YBLAKE r. and Mre. 1. Johnson spent over the woek Pearl Allen and children of e spent Thursday at the John mk®e 1 GCsuap -- and daughter vae * motored to the r of Chicago i the John Daley well of Wood-- | Lake Tuesday. J. Barnstable of inday at the E4. isn Bauer Aand chi«ss||| ~~--INQUIRIES TO BUY OR SELL SOLICITED t Way-- at the Celng@ returned here to reside and are 0¢-- cupylng the W.~ Pester house north of jown. Wm. Witham of Waukegan is a ~ Charles *Snyder has severed his connections with the E.°C, Hook gro-- cery and-- is now employed at the Druce and Sheldon garage. Mrs. Harzy Wallace is now employed at the Hook grocery, Several from here are planning to attend thé picture éentitled _"The Lost World," at the Auditorium the-- atre in IAbertyyHMle Thursday and Friday night for the benefit of the Junlor --class | high school. : SBeveral members of the local East ern-- Star chaptér were royally en-- tertained by the Libertyville chapter last Thureday might; 0 0+ ~_. __ Mrs, Wi Wagoer;. [,po»h'* mvm_f wtegp * Batatéeul, + and "'u-_:'w\%._ * serse n4bw € stunusa Tood s taken ::3 xhe -:;l- W-lslmn attended the f'::(hnfll.'"" roria, it i n I".v. tarcn. t OWhrmengted" Anturéddx. +.; '?L"m".?.fl'_ .""; "ACROSS THE STREET" --CLARKE AND SISTARE PRODUCTIONS! s:30 MAJESTIC "=.s 2:30 Phone 154--M CHICAGO BRICK EXCHANGE ~133 West Washington Street + _ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Brick Homes Raise Property Values Chas. D. Proctor _ Next Week "My Son" 541--PHONES--S542 "M"M"I"WM Values fump and sales are easier, just as soon as the building of a brick As--automobile value is based on re-- sale value--so is the value of the home,. Build 100% Brick homes--only.They will pay you back many fold--satisfy Insurance of all kinds of© bis sister, NOW .PLAYING «. JIAMES ROY ALLBNM, oArchitet -- assure resale value. days of last week in Chicago. 'The display roomsopened by the North Shore (Gas company in the Longabaugh building" are attracting many people who contemplate the Cedar Rapfds, Ia., Nov. 11.1--Both of '"them past the traditional® span of life, three score and ten years, Edwin T. Heald, I4,and Marla B. Hogin, of Whitter, were married cause they kill' insects, says ~Natyre Magazine. 'The crow is no_ w to this rule. --About a Afin «c We addit |~-- here Crow Ects Insects ~ A Birds are chicfy valuable to us be AGED COUPLE WED --VOTE! VOTE! T "' ® s i.'n l. x8 k eeption J o is "4" m'uu t rin. nc n secstcs --| --FATAL TO MAN _' 1 ~ . AT LAKE FOREST Injuries sustained when -- be was struck by an automobile during the evening, proved T&lil~ 1(0 Alphonse Verwee of Lake Foreat at tim Alice Home bospit®1 last night. Verwee was strutk by a machine which eped on after knockisng him SEEK ~DRIVER® OF ® can honse Verwef, Run Down uring Snow Storm, Dies at o U A L I T Y 4 aprper, rear nb NT s S t lamp, starter, demountable 580 Color: Channel Green. U&- holstery to harmonize, All: .*v--- F.V 7-7 "' k '-.' C Telephone 202 To drive in comfort this winter you should have complete protec-- tion against rain, sleet, snow and uction can give you that. down. Lake Forest police ate eegk-- Ing the driver of the car, Verwee, who was 46 years old and &A _ka.itor for. tke O'Neil Hardware company at Lake Forest, was walk-- ing in the side of the road on the Mc-- Kinley road just north of Noble ave., where there is no aldewalk. He lived on Woodland road. e * *3 When che was 'knocked to the ground, Max Coah passed by and picked him up, taking bim to the Alice Home hospital He seuffereqa severe injuries to the back, which eaused his death. Te nguest was to ~e scid--at Lake Foreet this afternoon by Coroner T.fiOl'. ¥2 _ as & As yet the Lake Forest police have not been able to obtain any good clue to the --identity of the man who drove the veampiré car but they are hopeiut that now 'thet the vietim is dead someone will etep forward and sup-- ply a tip that will reeult in an ar-- _ Libertyville Garage for Economical Trensportation LUCE & EARL, Props. Lowest in Price--Yet Built to Sedan Standards Characterized by low, trim body lines, with well--molded panels mc:}naful front pillars, the Tudor is a Sedan-- sturdy, all--steel con-- struction. --It has plate glass windows, deep, comfortable seats--durable, high --quality Substantially built and attractive looking, it is a closed car of which you may well be proud-- available at a price far below what you would expect to pay for Sdlfl qtlllk,. Any Authorized Ford Dealer will be glad to show you this desirable car. 60-- _elliptic fi'm baltoon tires take the out of frozen roads. Addwbodflymfdnth_c-m of semireversible steering. ance of a motor that Always starts easily, and you can reaite wh annoletupelhwinzetcombtl Yet you get all this in the world's lowest--priced Fisher Body Coach. Let us show the quality fea-- fures of this ine closed car and explain how easy it is for you to own one this wintér. the actor's car. olic members of the Dutch cabinet resigned today, after the lower cham ber passed a bill abolishing-- the Dutch embassy ~at the Vati¢as. | Cedar Rapids, Ta:;, Nov, 10. --MiIs8 . . _ Auna Wilson,-- 58, accidentally 108t . 6 her life at the home of a friemg . : : near Coggon, la;, when she slipped -- .. into an open cistern. Friends found= _ _ . feet of water. * -- > 2i% -- tay n tetel Tilton, II!., Nov. 11.--Alleging slin :~ der and various defamatory remark® C y which are said to have ~"been % i€ sham has filed suit against her neigh bor, Mrs. Gidcomb, demanding $197 000 damages. & s 4 OF CABINET REBIGNE The Hague," Nov'11.Pour DROWNE IN CISTERN LIBERTYVILLE +695 Touring Car 022; X4¥ + t At