> * ns -- _ ie ww Hrrom dhe t ar en ues sn i. ) se ter t cat feas t the raant Tan| uols cs . --. BE pRIED DP .-- 0 _ c Sous .5 . | egargee ho 5 . ho on tenr erunctey whot yomy Hpu mny. the wrinie ty "Ioatiog bver, this young man who has been in so many escapades g GS, and he certainly established a new record in _ _ Libertyville Independent 'bi'tffin > through a sentencé in Cireuit Court. Hé picks J« .. _ after a careful _ comparison of the two prisons. Im --r > ~Arst place'it--is, <---- se a --slang expression, **going some *' f Mrucouvictedmantomakeatourofthaprigonsm& decide which one he prefers to spend his time in. How-- byer, this young man who has been in so many escapades . _ because of his excellent services at Washington, because of his will-- Ingness to remember and look after the need of his constituents whenever the occasion presents itself, his re--election is a foregone konclusion. From the standpoint of service, he has always been ~ right on the job--a man of force, a man of initiative and aggressive-- 'ness, an 'orator of more than average ability, he stands out con-- «_ ~__ MAIN GARAGK arrests can and are made hut that doesn't mean that prohibition is being enforéed, that the country is drying Henry R. Rathbone has announced his candidacy for re--election to the important position as Congressman--at--Large in Illinois and bors, the country isn't going to be much drier, The thirst seems to be prevalent and folks just WILL quench that thirst. -- 4 "A.l _: + es . The very folks who'helped bring about the 18th amend-- ment are just the ories who are breaking its provisions; judges who send weak--brained foreigners to prison for violating the dry law; legislators who vote dry and Congressmen who helped put it over these sort of dis-- pensers of the law are 'dispensing booze to themselves and their friends far more than they did when the na-- tion was wet. The whole dry law is a travesty on justice and personal liberty because the very ones whom we ex-- pect to observe it, violate it incessantly. | state and fedérat police--forces can do no more than keep on arresting folks who violate this law. You can't force people to stop drinking; they seem to want the poisonous stuff and they--feem able not only to get it now and then but to get all they want when they want it. ~©---- Until folks who talk dry continue being wet are con-- rerted to be honest with themselves as well as their neigh-- In his address to the--anti--saloon league in Chicago state's attorney Smith of Lake County last week said. that the prohibition law CAN be enforced.. It has not been proved so by conditions all over--the land; it is true that THINGS, and he certainly established a new record .in this particular respect. Perhaps he didn't think the inmates at Pontiac were hard--boiled enough as compan-- ions therefore he picked the place where there would be more hardened characters about him. Ordinarily it seems a man would rather go to a boy's reformatory rather than to a prison which contains murderers, ex-- perienced thieves, etc., as is the case in Joliet. o Quality Gave This Volume _ Volume Gave These Prices .--_ THE COUNTRY CAN BE DRIED UP? _ FACTS DO NOT PROVE IT . HU D S O N HUDSON--ESSEX WORLD'S LARGEST-- SELLING "$$XES 2 2 es as e e n onl e ag _ _--, Members of Commission are The government and the state haye centered their| Asked to Approve Unifica-- RATHBONE FOR CONGRESSMAN--AT--LARGE. 4 The Brougham 1450 The 7--Pass. Sedan 1650 :'" for thqo'o wh.:, d;:i:. these cars may rmrdn-ed or a low yment. The-- re-- maining payments copv,c-cndy arranged. The COACH _ '1165 , Propri Freight and Tax Extra ! ces we % ----"".-._..N a _ _ |] "Washtugton, Nor: 11.1--Th portionate to their prospsbtive needs. *"The unification will make possible the fullest utilizsation of terminals in the national welfare, resulting in more raplid, satisftactory and frequent sarvice," the briet said. more than $8,000,000 annually, it was claimed. . Regarding terminal points,; notably Chicago and Buffalo, certain of the roads involved either occupy leased4 served by the mergci lines, it will tesult in operating @onomies and slon's supeérvision." The courts have uniformly held that this legielation is :-flutuu_l.unlll.umcw- While the proposed unification plan will presérve and tnacrease effectiveo competition in the territory to be ' Washlugton, Novr: 11.--The Van 'Svoflnan "billion do:l:rx'mmu merger" came before t nteratate '%fi'mm again ~today --whehn--counsel for 'the -- two {ormer Cleveland newsboys presented a brief uklngo:o commission to "encouraze the ~ tructive .-- undertakings" -- of the Van Qvofllc'u and thus carry out "the modern federal policy which Crystailized in the Tranaportation Act of 1920." o f . By the --proposed | unification they seek to create out of the Chosapeake & Ohle, Krie, Pore Marquette, Hock-- one system having approximately 9100 miles of road im , the. United States and 337 miles in Canada. To finance this gigantic scheme they propose to issue $345,000,000° of Capital 'stock, consisting of $155.050, 000 .preferred and $1%9,050,000 of . The brief asserted that the "plain intent, purpose and eGect,." of the transportation machine, largely en couraging the grouping of 'the anumer-- ous separate railway properties of the country into a limited aumber of by eliminating "lame duck" members; and a "rider" to the Naval mMfl%mm : Mr.-- Rathbone has spoken in Waukegan several--times and:--each 3mcnml_s i , time his earnestness in his subject, his pronounced patriotism and ALW VA sys love for his country, his hope for a better America, his 'desire to f mumm{ assist in legislation at Washington that will--react tothe berefivat|--=----=--AV-- CA¥AIFV the people, has always appcaled to his hearers; his masterful con-- +. h » Semetmrmnttomis P * hi * ception of' American ideals and needs of the' United. States--all um"ur"ps-m % these thifigs have made him an outstanding figure not only in If;--| riSTI®® w1 b¢ slevated i0 the cantl nois but at the National Capital. Woudmflhflmymmhzh:': pmber 14, bone at Washington. His re--election is almost a nécessity; we The three to be madé Catdinals should be ASKING and URGING him to go back to Washington are: Papal Nuncld at Paris _ Coretii rather than have him asking for support. Wcuomwcouw::'m" mv E ty will give him the support he deserves, the same kind he has ..:nm'fih Muishep O Donheil "m"w""" beengivenintheput.for,hcilmdthommvmh:ml wwlf'n-bwryfh, on wbohucomebdonthcvot'eno!'thb'cbnmylnflngthdrml P 5. , 5 S dsn Sigreneatoienane ul nrrectmngs manships of several important committees and, has been sub--| ho. untication has been approved chairman of other important oneg, ~ _' h -%«M-@tfimh New York ' *X> ong numerous important measures introduced by Congress-- "'j'"'- %M mmm the --Joint reatlution dealing--with the price of| emmibhion' ow the railrosd sof | RAILROAD MERGER -- --IS BEFOREL C. C. STOPK ~r ks l J tss Saese receeation ground neat by. _ o Station site is at Old enmerns Obelatims J etoriaem . ortierieataies arkble hmg::a arrangements: at Milwaukee, itowoe and Koewanee with Northwostern lHnes, will for --the lw time be conpected by--a cingle eystem with: most of the important gities in central freight aszsociation and sastern trunk line territortes,> It was also claimed .that the uni-- Red erstem--"will afford 'to" producera and consamers on the Erie's--lines dt f N = for naming the stations on the new Skokie _ ------=----Valley Route of the North Shore Line .__. _ R : the year, and bhaving tar-- :nh and lh-'od 'l 70-1 l:hd.-hh' a ~ Cbetion sciteis it Willew ---- WtesPte section on the g::umott:-':'uue- mawfl'n.lu given hss Ar | ERE is to earn $100 to $1000 ~-- Line, now under --construction, will be completed -- -- > early next spring. There will be nine new stations on this 4 route, and we want your help in naming these stations. The Skokie Valley Route will serve one of the most attractive suburban territories anywhere about Chicago, . _-- as well as giving direct service to Libertyville and Mun-- + mmu.mmh&bflmm"g natural advantages. We are seeking station names in keeg-- ing with the beauties and advantages of this select territory. In all cases, the right--of--way is cither within or adjoining the boundaries of the following well--known North Shore suburbs: Evanston, Winnetks, Glencoe, Highland Park _ f -- and Lake Forest. We want other names to use in con-- ; .. .junction with these names in order that the stations on the Skokie Valley Route will not be confused with those on our Skore Line Route. + W, L. Bailey, Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University; Frederick Municipal Reference Librarian; D. H. Burnham, President Chicago Regional Plan Commission. * A visit to the Skokie V 'Lho(-ltcum-)' may I wn:umd'-'hmm. F leading PX C 'Pemara! stant oC $10) o B the best of all those rec 3 &nflmmo'uf a cas Each name submitted must appiy. r' ot the p 5:..-".'?:';'" be awarded : *_-- ~Contest closes Dec. 1, 1925. Winners announced Dec. 15, 1925. Mail your suggestions NOW to $1,000.00 Reward Department b win of t Chicago North Shore and ; SA Milwaukee Railroad Company I', +iz hall & ow# T088 Ream +o which the gang, 160 by. "Dego Jona® Buskevick, how indicted for the slaying of Kdmund Hansen, Chicago furniture =dealer, terrérized the pa loot -- divided,> slowly. motor back to mmmn&m»nm nc *A ~ hours ot-- constant grilling and--iden-- miner" to let them use his home three miles from thorlt.y as" & ren-- duu::mby'thr:::uflt to : k11 g three children, bandit gang months successfully eltded pursult \Springfield, ~'IlL, 'Nov. 11 -- The Z-WQ)I{FBBEM Two HELb For muroer| PINCHOT COMPLETES field -- Police. Break Up|fessionals". for whom cmd West?.Bénaite Atter " | weey asons . ig S omkubse 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago, IIL. 'Conditions of Contest: e contestant making the entry judged to be o sored. Amadrnill be madk If the t 'hmm 44 Hdoen Mn hi ho n :."&":h.. the entry ju e P * d N _ B ent of the children's home of the Long hha'm.'. tion, un» coumt in Brodkiyn todkr and Mosko son ~Johnson, <{formeriy mummua Governor m'hl he settled the 19 coal ' cwmmuum e what occurred during the Philadelphia, Nov, 11.----In an .effort en chot of Penusylvania completed a se« bere today with John L. Lewis, presg-- ident of the United Mine Workers of America and loft in excelient spirits for Harrizsburg when he will hold &# g_m'-chmwm the slaying of Hausen,. ADMITS --ATTACKING ~GIRL "*. tfor whom : polite '*'and --"Frenchy' the