Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Nov 1925, p. 1

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-- _ PROBATECOURT _ ---- HOLDS 18--CASES _ DURING MONDAY .. C nephews. Letters Testamentery is rued to Howard T Ames, o( WMke Estate Pinley Barreil. Lake Yorest Proceedings: Inventory and Appraise .ment Bill approved. * VOLUME XXXIII--NUMBER 46 _ _______ . ; _ __ "vember 16th ~-- Wiliram J admitted to of from ®%84 to the balar grandkon __H Washineton ~Hamed is --£. Lewis Felter Estate Closed; ' Approve Finley Barrel Inven-- tory and. Appraisement. Townsend Smith, Round Lake. Fin-- al <report approved. administratrix euthorized to assign to . herself all notes and accounts due end owing to the estate. 3 Eighteen cases were beard Mon--| day by Judge Martin C. Pecker, in the prgbate court, including the fol-- : lowing: . & * 1 _ David <~Moore, lake Forest. laven-- tory and appraisement bill approved. Khien~ G. Ama#*,. Antioch....Will ~ad-- mitted to probate.> All property giv-- es 4o seon, --FProd--E: Ameg 4c ho #+2+ Mary C. Aruo, Waaukeran tory approved. #hip taken. _ A@ppraisers ap Kate Schad. o Wauke--can Guardtan : Appearance Gertrude, Chicago Manicur-- -- ist, Arrested as Accessory Before the Fact.. M for prnlfl" t bearin&, ~ PRETTY BLONDE IS HELD IN $20,000 : M'HENRY ROBBERY Gertrude RBennett, pretty bionde manjcewrj|«t, employed at 811 Weet 31at street. Chicago, has been arrested in connection with the $2% 000 holdup of the Wost MceHenry. I!! . State bank. which was looted Oct 24 Misa Bennett today Thursday t MeShane of the, bureau. She has accessory before bureau_ She has been charged as an accessory before the fact. They made the arrest after being given the infornration that the mant eurist had been in the bank previous to the holdup with one of the ban-- dits. This trip. they learped, was to get the "Jay of the land." The work was staged in broad day-- light. about 11: 10 o'clock in the morn-- ing. and while three men lined up the bank force and scooped up currency and gold to the amount of $20.000 a chauffeur--bandit sat at the whee! of a big Cadiilac outside, ready to serve as the getaway for his three pals. The plan worked smoothly and all the men got away without any difficulty, leay-- Charges of violating the prohib Itory law, made against *Tatt Jarc. of Bulkley road, after & raid made on his home by deputies, aré to be alred at a county court hearing Wednesday .morning. The triAl was definitely. set down for hearing by the court today. u{xrc served sirty days as a prohibi violator a year ing little clues. JARC CASE SET FOR WEDNESDAY W a G bm'!a nCcs t50 to $ Ekecutor ) V Hacon. Wau of Will A: v 360. 1925 without any difficulty, leav-- or nothing in the way of OL tA P e i6 Hal w¥ O LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT -- 6 Waukeran Oet. 34 was taken into cus v Sergte. Honan auS LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT W Antioch. ta te@hoeed 174 4 PI nor DO Detective He H Fa Vin i ® Inven-- t o oc it nores.. ; EIGHT DIVORCES -- 14 arine * Héeat Der ari: Fina Joh nt ir Im The banquet of the Libertyville Post of the American Legion, given at the Parish House on Armistise night, was the most emjoyable and successful af-- fair of its nature ever undertaken by the local organization. Under the able and efficient management of comrade Burridge, even the smallest detail in-- cident to a good dinner and well round ed out program was attended to. Un-- der the guidance of, Comrade Martin as toastmaster, the,. after--dinner pro-- gram proved most entertaining and worth while. . Comrade "Doc" knows bew, is a master medically as well as "banquetly", as he easlly proved to those assembled on this occasion. _ Ferre Watkins. Benior Vice Cofn: "*"_"" °2. 2 0o cwessor Commander of the Department of IIli-- Emily and Jane Currie Davies, 23, nols, and an erator of the front ranks, of Zion, and David Tudor Davies. of 'proved his right to a UOtle :(f one of Ensgland, were wedded Sept. 21, 1925, the foremost Legionaires and orators & bill filed by the wije shows. She in l!linois. *Another year will Hkely dld not know then, she recites 'that find Comrade. Watkins the Command-- Davies was a man of violent temper, er of the llinols Department. Capt.| a bypnotist. fortune ex«con-- Wade, l4th Pield Artillery U. 8. A., vict and an alied, but now, she al-- brought the greetings of the army, anpd leges, she has found ai} of this to be bis--remarks rélative to national de-- true. > tense, real mafllu- 4 as opposed--to | -- --Reverai--days after they wore mar-- Inilttariktn. and" tne "CtOone . »~--erilamr--K# *¥ : M':L_t ,',"é'wmw -- Oott!, president of Ub('vf"fllfl Unit 0@ leges, that .hr served 20 years in an the Women's Auxiliary M thZ Am"f"..lflvrmfl for house breaking," can Jegion; Raytmond Ketchum. COM-- 'morer=@teajing and forgery. She had mander of North Shore Tin? PO®t Of ihe Zion police arrest him, and they the American Legion; Carl 0_ Carts0N. syarteq deportation proceedings. At-- Commander of Libertyville Post, @Pd "rorney FRendore Forby filed the suit. Rev. M. J. Nealis, Chaplain of Liber ard a«ks that she be allowed to go tyville Post. The latter's, talk on back to ber malden name. § "Membershipy". Its importance and ben-- Aimal Keets Sues. efits, was most Térsely put and thos>~ Urs ~Aima Hants Alad a HII »han were. all most eplightening. . -- Ther® lHife, sh»r says --. . T e 2s Unpnang 2 en x AI mssA es followed short remarks by Mrs. Mary® OIn addition he Admitted, she al Watkedgan Men ut Patents present privileged i0 hear him wiX be ready and willing 10 preach the gospel of "membership" the coming year. __Nearly a hundréd were present at the banquet. and the spirit manifested throughout .the evening was positfyve proof that the affair is one of the high lights in the history of the local Post. The banquet adjourned at 9 o'clocfl in time to attend the Armistice Nigh dance at the high schoo'\ audiortum Carney, whosee home was in .('M' cagn. wee atruck by Thatchers ca:| last Friday night on the Wheeler road near the Mever camp Thatcher 'i-'uj milsh.ww car. hia lights dim | I med. en hla machine etruck Car-- | | ney at the edge of the road. crushing | | his chest l Thatcher lestiGeA &t the inguest | The dance, too, was most successful from every standpoint, du*® to the en ergy. activity and planning of Com-- rade Neville. The h#ll was filed with couples who enjoyed the evening im-- mensely.~ and put the stamp of ap--; proval on the selection of six of Husk O'Hare's men, who furnished music Comrade and Mrs. Kehoe, of Fort Sheridan, lg-d_'p'f Grapd March at 11 o'clock. at wWhich favors were distrib CORONER'S JURY CLEARS DRIVER OF DEATH BRLA ME Carnev'ia death wae not caused 4+ rectly by the inturies received when he was bit by Thatcher's car. the jury found _ Poeumonia was found to have been the immediate cause _ A coroper'a jury exonerated Har d PThatriter of 1.tbertyvritts nt btams for the death of Martfh Ca--nevr, i3 employe at the Mever Construction camr» near libertvyiile, at an inque«t (-,".", V'\"f ln.",'..'.'v!i;,- at _'n'in'q,"v.',' * © Cc . ! LOE EC PV 0 S PRRRTC C s * * has | F # cuit court Catur« Tho®Pfay nisht at the Werre! & Pe | Prystalski Says *'No' and Jack\|©"poth nai ma terson. undertaking estalXizhment An uncle of the dead man hag been Incated in New York but it is not known if he had any nearer relatives Thatcher teatified at the inquest that Rhe did not see Carney, and other motoriets who were near bore out hi . John Panze of Hinedale war severe Iy *injured Saturday night when his truck bumped into the ralling of a bridge near IAbertyyille and threw him out. HMe suffered a fracture of the' left hip. The lights on the tryck went out Just aa it approached ~the bridec., Parmze caid. The snow made it tin-- pre«ible for him to see clearly, and the truck craghed against the e«id> TRUCK DRIVER HURT ON BRIDGE rlal hosp tyville. today. (Glen Mills, 26, of 825 North ave-- nue, had a peculiar idea of the way to defend himsélf when'he was ar-- raizned yasterday before Judge Lupe in the Court of Domestic Relations in Chicago, charged with non«up port of his |houn-'ur-old wite, f%mefly Miss Marile Mates, of 11;/ 928 Lowe avenus, Chicago. inds Meyer Construction Em-- ploye Dicd from Pneumonia Attack. _ truck the brid adding much *to was« taken fo Vittory .\Iemo-l ital by TDr. Stevena of Llhvr-+ He was reported improved | J® ety Eight romances went to smash Sat-- urday when circult court .was flooa: ed wit eight divorce petitions, that ranged from the common desertion charges to all phases of grounds uporn which divorces are granted.* es 7 Freedom Seekers Flock Into Court and Char%es are Many | s and Varted. °_ _ 7 him in the *vuh the F i.flnr getl i from on« Aima Keete Sues. _ . Mrs. c Alma-- Keefe filed a bill thru Attorney James G. Welch against her busband, Clarence L4 Keefe of Wau-- kegan. They were married March 4, -- 1225 and whe aliepes that ahe--was not -- 17 years of ('N turther stating that she was not the'®one to give an incor-- rect age * | _ Arthur Hass of Zion very narrowlr tescaped death Satutrday night dur-- | Iin@ the wind and snow s&torm at |\ about % o'clock when. as he was | making h!s, way toward Zion, a tree | fell arross the road just south o' the Hillside garage on the odtsakirts of Zion. Hass' car crashed over the fallen tree, in and out of fhe ditch and stopped with a territic frash against a telephonsa pole. Haas was ahaken unolnt not injured. His car, badly wreoked, was taken to the | Hillside garage. -- & Mrs. Mildred Glickman of Highland Park th;o'u', Attorney Rex. Bullin-- ger of Mi . Herr & Parnass. charges Lewis Glickman with desertion. They were married in Chicago March 4, 1922. charges in '& bill fAled by Attorney | Welch, that his wife -- was crue!.' threatemned his life. and slept with a gun under her pillow. Charles H. Tompkins, wedded Jan 1. 1902, to Mrs. Pearl Tompkins -- Two MReasxSAled by_ Ajtorney George Fleld -- were based -- on 'desertion With Joliet davys away. a DURAND BALKING _ ON PRISON TERM, MAY APPEAL YET : be wnuld «ar Take Wuff aldea of one q come up 0 in the Dec court. Th« Attorney John Prvera'e fended Purand .was in ca gain information He know whet would be do other ftwo men. Durand appéeal. Wae the -- in'of offered. « and Horace C. James agait TREE FALLS: AUTO _ Finsos« on wwragien _ _ _ RUNS INTO DITCH FEw FArmers aankaurt u Says Mrs. Minnic FILED HERE IN _ GURCUIT COURT Adelime r {or divorce on charges of cruelty, ax obtatned an injunction in the cult court through Attorney Wm. 'amna preventing himfrom molest-- her or disposing af pr®perty. «+ 'ran n( sentence in h Joliet penitentiary ju away. and a three to wit +Probably' as He Makes Inquirtes. n the rer LEIN 4 _ _ @reaistion Grester than other Weekiies in County Combined ------ Eutered 1t the Postoffice at Libertyrille, lllinois, as Second Class Mad Maiter, Edean Waite a m *# term nonrt in dehatin n charged Robert cce m . VIKINGS PUT IN t# caurt Tuesday rma rabbery i W twenty l Jack Di tandke n' | z baot's M Lake County's Big Weekly _ WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN l . 'The November meeting of the Par-- ent Teachers' Association will, be held 'at the High S¢hool on Friday, Nov. 13, at 3:00 p. m. A business meeting will be followed by a program | whiali 'should be of interest to all parents in ,;'thls distri¢t since it concern the health and therefore the happiness of |our boys and girls. a ~« ~The program is as follows: 1 1 Music. 2 An outline and an outline for ~ three model meals and . Ciscussion on °_ the properdiet fro sclhyo! chiidren, by |Miss vallace cf the Domestte Ssienc ' Department of the high school. .. '| 3 Dr. E. H: Smith will give--a short talk on the effect of di@t on the teeth. +' 4~ A reading by Lfcinda Miller. [ Everyone interested in the children . of Libertyville is cordially inv(ed to ' attend. * * t *¥ o e ie it mt Cims He uonl i ~TO A NUMBER OF PARENT--TEACHERS' ASSN." _ TO MEET, FRINDAY, NOV. 13 'For' beat t reeords of the ; inceton. Iarce have been i=sue Joseph ~lomer, Waukegan, new type--at --ca--penter's--ptane~ ooo Carl. Pfanetiebl and \W. O, Bell, Highland Park--erid leas«. condeneer to be used in --radio apparatus. Mr Pfanstiehl has perfe ted tmany radio devices. * C _ Charie® (, MAlKG, type of stool. John D. Jones. Hi ter motor. Grace G. Rutherfo; confetti gun. . ~ esome instarcea | Inventore plan to s but in other instan .A K € ~mill pleas coms; press Bernard Smith and Raiph Mc-- Kee Face Court on Conspir-- . _ acy to Rob Charge. C( ern railway, almost two years a@o when they appeared with their at tormney,. James (G-- Welch, in the cir the tmdr@tments were over. ruled R. W. Love of Mundelein and Lib ertyville, is in the county jail. after being arrested in Mundelein Sunday by Marshal John Metz. and Special (Mticer Clarton Tifany on a charge of transporting liduor. The officers because RBRernbardt M men serving in Jo get the door of the ward ~mith. the brai Is the other Joliet | -- Both McKee and I've in Chiiazo. McK =m _ In 1924 a total of 58 farmers de-- clared themselves unable to meet ob-- Mzations. . ; MUNDELEIN MAN PUT IN BASTILE charge that he had a pint of bo his possession. Love was una make a $100 bond set before J Porteous of Mundeleir. . Chirago, 1sOY. among the farmere 0 nofe is en the down compiled by the Unite: clerk for 1925, showe The fiscal year 1925. ending July 1. shows %9 farmers in 19 norhern coun-- lee of he satm had4--szought relief from overburdening debte through -- bank ruptey proveedings. _ _ _ _ _ on Carpenter's Plane and New Type of Stool. _ m The las NOT GUILTY PLEA : IN SECQOND TRIAL :: c ul n mp.0vyeé IN NORTHERN ILL. NOW Or not g#u €aturdas Ma:ke D nts, of W« Th'is ie «) guilty to charges 0o rob (the Vikinz EX hicago and Norfthwest le motions to quash . but the _ motions ph McK uilt¥ to »a t McKee I= the --ral ) local reeldent«e tches:!rom Wash that natentée have \ Aankera Berna «hown ov the fice at Wash Libertyville graile. Reures} y rd Smith n a Tor road an€ 1 that th rogevicd W iR Bernar d tles T in | She etipulated that Ames must fe |p, p fp turn within one year after her death' In the to bepefit, otherwise the + money | was eor would go to nieces . and _nephews.| pibertyy] Thére--is $6,000 in rea) ~eétate Avd | Hewever [about 8250 in persona propeity. | the Hirst --sAmes, one of the most popular pOlU-- | seored a ticians éver elected to office in the | yigor ge, county, Hved on Lake Katherine, t6at|{ware bat rfi,";i'a "Fears* ago,. s dfd" 'x_m"mfie«?]_@i i h Dr. Edmund &Aines s ~ / ftacularcr FRED AMES FALLS _ | HEIR TO $6,350 _ _ UNDER ODD WILL: Fred Ames, once treasurer of the county, who skippci i« ving a shor-- age of something iikeo ©30.000. ts the so'e he'r unde a $6,300 wi:l. admitt r;d to wruabate Mondey y Jucge Mar-- tin C. Decker in the: probate court The will is thet of his step--mother, Mre Fllen . Am*s, of Antioch, who ed to rabate M onde tin C. Decker in the The will is thet of Elien G.--Ames, His Stepmother Leaves on Condition that -- He Return in Year. The trair knocked him fA'teen feet. fracturing Bis ekull and Lreaking lile right leg. sgorlgg was found as Ne an aumt Amea insisted t wae a mistake anmd that an» wouid be inade _ £0G@.. T night before he was to have rested he disappeared eud eisted him .n makinz his e@c From time l0j1me there -- potts that Ame#w had been vatious parts of the country thowsh all tbese tips were t coyld pot be lecated., | =._ Walking in front of a North Shore in Waukegan, Lee Raker, a negro, was «truck and instantly killed late Friday afternoon. -- gi0n The negro. a; the danger. wal train, south--Nound limited He was killed at »:12l . he stepped around the ga ®r no.iced him and shout NEGRO HURLED TO DEATH AT GRAND AVENUE CROSSING Lee Baker of City Is Struck and Instantly Killed by Lim-- ited Train. front of the on--rwshing train, deapite warnings and the gates. Their ver sion was borne out at the inquest this morning. which placed no blame again«t the North Shore line. The Inquest wae held at the Wetzel & Peterson undertaking eetabliehment, where the body was taken in an am-- bulance éhortly after the accident Efforts to identify the negro prov-- ed futile until shortly before noon today, following the inquest. . His wife missed him when he failed to arrive at their home, 310 South avenue, Friday nizhl' and this morn-- ing she immediately called both ho« pitals and the police, She was told by fhe police of the ¢rossing death and ahe went to the nnfdortakting ®-- tablishment ang idenmtified the body. Baker was 26 gyears old. an em-- nmnove at the Bartlett subdivision. Ho was on his way home when kill-- ed He 'eft one child ed to North Chicago police Sunday night while he wee calling on friends in North Chicago. The car is a Ford enupe with the license numbeér 1--001-- 907. 'The car wae parked h. front <f the Priend's house in North Chicago when Cole left it. * avente, Friday ing. she immed pitals and the by fhe police and <he went m and hurled hi« neces®ar m i that [ Abe «i ¢r iddenl rth ecCca pe a'clock. As te, paescere Then ain struek death. rd en c the gate it $ the ar It re In it 4 ------ on e | _ School_closed early after a twepnly:, minute lunch period, and practlcal:yi 1'm'ory student in L. T. H. S. accompa--| | nied the Maroon and White and were, on hand to the last cheering them on 'to a glorious victory. 'The winning of| 'this game determined the winner ,ofi |the North West Conference in foot ball. | LIBERTYVILLE FOOT BALL 'TEAM WINS CHAMPTIONSHIP Friday,. Nov. 6. L. T; H. N the last game of the --season ay home. The gsame was with High at Gurnee. It was also ond game the local team ha on # dry field. -- % to a glorious victory. 'The winning of| _ The Rev. Dr. John Henry Hop this 'game determined the winner .of| kins, pastor of the Church of the the North West Conference in foot| Redeemer in Chicago. speaking be ball. { fore the 186 attendants at the am» The Warren team was much lighter Dual Parish House supper given by than their opponents, but were a people of Christ Episcopal church i@ plucky bunch and fought hard. How-- Waukegan last Thursday night pre-- ever, they were not able to-- stop the dicted a complete annihilation of the rushes of the opposition back field, or, United States within-- the next sixty to withstand the terrific assaults of Years unless there is a radiéal change L. T. H. 8. line. C C |in the morals of its people. . _ _ However, Warren came back strong--in the first part of the third pertod and scored against Libértyvilie, but their vigor seemed to die_down and they wore barelw able to hold Libertyville In the first half the Warren team was completely overwhelmed, when Libertyville built up a score of 26 to 0. -- As usual, Ed ward Trua inidfe a sper; tacular run, gaining much ground: --~Gene. Hendee--showed how.te# K24i@ ten yards or so with a plunge over the line. Charleg Landis and Nibs Hendes played their 'usual brilliant game, along with some exceptional tackles. . We must not fosget the Fne and their importance to the team, for with-- out a capable, well--balanced, hard-- hitting-- line the team wouldn't amount to muct. -- Last Friday the Maroon and White 'proved that L T. H. 8. has a line that stands up to the qualifica-- tions. The game with Maine Hizh (Des Plaines) next Thursday, Nov &'9. will positively prove the quality of the Libertyyille team. < _ -- Ts see the game. Saturday afternoon of this week the| McHenry eleven will be here, and it' is hoped a big crowd will! be out w% BOOZE LAWS CAN _ BE ENFORCED, IS SMITH'$ BELIEF prohibition law _can be enforced in this countr. which is the toughest rumrunning@g zone in the middle weet," «aid Mr. Smith. "it can be en-- forced in aeny county: 'C8BAittons a+4 versed to its enforcement are more strongly intrenched in Lake County than in most places." Fire years of vigorous law enforce-- ment ha«e aImost euppressed open selling of liquor. Mr. Smith added, in sddition to collecting $227.568 in fines and sendinrg 184} violatore to jail Col. A. V. Smith in Talk Before Nat'onalComventior of Drys® in Chicano Last Weaek,. ° Fichtcen yvoune women and men. writing examinatione to qualifty ae county teachers last Friday completed the tests given by Supt. T. A Simpson Those who took the ewamination : EAith E. Teeple, Ztom: * Ijllie H. Parry, Zion. Marion Winters. Roaecransa. ° Ne«sie Patten RBarrington Clrace John#on. BRarrington 1X The special town election Weanes-- day to vote on the question of leasing the town hall to the American Legion re«aked in the prayer of the petition-- ers being rranted. There were 300 votes cast, the normal being about one thousand. The result by districts fol-- lows: No. 1----Yes, 74; No, 36. No. 32-- thousand. The result by districts fot lows: No. 1----Yes, 74; No, 36. No. 2 Yes, $$:; No, 33; No. 3--Yes, 69; No, 10 18 TAKE EXAMS TO BF TEACHERS Lucte Greer. Zion. Imlle Roehmk*A. Zion Genevie Quint. Zion. Dorothy (r MaAbe! Flun Margaret R Lanisa She Ioi@a Smith. Z Ruth M. Hack £OT rdore Otterba thy CGrive. Zi Smith finlshed his argument Miletech murder case bere at clock, hopped right on a train. paving bacie. ¥ firm belief that if the Tward Trie _ + ;**_ Irars culT, Chirago imvard. Antioch «UCf Zion cher. Zion H. S. T m aw ay with W also th ction Wednes Waukegan Iv Wart the s lll laved t 15 f¢ », Noted Chicago Pastor Predicts x\ Dire Results from Immoral . Conditions. § r "The 18th amendment to 4he Con-- stitution of the United States," said Dr. Hopkins, "is a farce. It was passed by the biggest majority that thvored any o% the 18 amendmeénts | yet it is flagrantly and intentionally '_lxnored 'by prictically . the entire country."~ .. begnehons o e ie o DRY LAW A FARCE _ SAYS REV. J. K. -- <_ ---- --g#OPXINS IN TALK ~ disrespeft for whe --law and that at Rresent {aw * vidlation --afe --reaching grmrater points than ever before' in the history of the country. & "We ars the poorest patriots in theworld." he said, -- "because . O8r laws mean pothing to us. -- Philos® phy is degenerating. Fiction reeks with rottennes~ and the new novels are not fit to 'be taken into one's home. Tre stage is unspeskable. There are., three plays running to large audiences in Chicago right now and the plays reek with rottenness." _ The fact that laws hbhave failed to produce the des!r-_ueq.efcht.x t.h} gturgg.%mgx_rxggg literature, e# pecially the new noveis, are with filth, leads the country, Dr. Hopkins says, back to religion &8 the only papacea (or the moral ills. "One half of the children of this _ country are being brought up With= > out any religion at alil," he said. . "There_ are 25,000000 people bere --' who have no ~onception of God and -- onehalf of all the college profe® sors profess no religlous~ belief. The . hme life ts appailtine. The freedom : of divorce is ,rampant as in the --~ time of Marcas Aurelis, and uniGss ~~ this> country improves within 108 --< years, |t will be wiped off the map. °_ "We are bated by Japan and &H . the countries of Europe. It i# A . very seriqu« state of affairs. We are . plotted against by Russia and unless _-- we-- improve, m . coalition betKeen. _ Russia and Japan, or all_the xqflo'l R of Europe wIthn their & d"fl their chemical warfare, wil drive _' us out as we drove out the Indians and the rountry will be repopulated _ hy foreigners. -- If this, country lsn't .. «aved withiw_the next 60 yeard, the (-- next 30 years (will decide it. * 3 "The iatellectual life Aalone C&BM--_ not make a man moral. Hse must= . have relizon to . gwide and control the intellect just as music, to keePp from deztbperatinz mpst hbave relt -- gion to make it great." f « +«' l D)r. Hopkins !tsted the real reason® and results of. college life in the following order which he .deciared is the order of their importance to the students: 1. -- Athletics. clal (fraternities and oorww 3. Préstige. 4. Study and the= de sire to learn _Clarence Crosby. a I.nldnl.-fi Zion for many years, wias arraigned In Zlon police court Friday afternoon on charges preferred by Amands Champ, also of Zion. At the time she caused his arrest a week ago Mrs. Champ charged Crosby had broken into a small house where LION RESIDENT _ FREED OF CHARGE ~$1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE turse and stole ~4 bank book, some bonds, insurance polictes and valy« able papers. At the. hearing Friday afternoon Mrs Champ admitted that the alleged offense took place more than a year ago. She was unable to produce any evidence of the man's gulilt and he was discharge4& NDeputy A.A. MceMiHNan,: of Graye lake. is $25 better off today for & bit of sleuthing that reéturned & misainc. Ford coupe to its ownet. A. J. Richardson, of Spring Greove, traded his Ford a short. time Ag® to E. M. Stewart of Spring Grove, Stewart had the var two days and it was stolen at MceHenry, II1. Ocz Campbelt, of, Oraysiake. found-- ¥ car Acserfed von the hishway near Grayslake. Ho advertised for the owner. and Deputy McMillan, seeing the ad. started to check up with the secretary of state, resuiting in the location of the ownet. a Reomedica for trafic congestion 'g be soucht hy the Associattaon atf merce through a $100.000 «urvey, eriug the tepritaory from. Park, 1!!.. on the north to QE on the south, and west as far RECOVERS CAR, GIVEN REW ARD speaking --of -- the fatlute, of the .. 4

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