Chairman Paddock appointed the Road and Bridge Committee, Mr. Obee--and Mr. Lobdel, County Sup erintensdent of 'Higkhways, as s uch The 'foll¢wing communication was presented-- and read: mitise for the Lobdell was appointed Cleork, ~«~ EK. .A WARREN, City Clerk. CTATIO?.ILLWOH}. COUNTY OF LAKE ) ° City of Highlahd Park. e':.':_A.,Wamn.C! Highland Park, in the County of Lake and State: of Iinois,.do here-- by certify that the foregoing instru-- ment is a true and correct copy of a council at a regular meeting on September 10th, 1926. ~ ° -- IN . WITNESS WHEREOF, 1' have hereby set w:flmsm:d the tand fik,._:n 1ith day of Septem:-- _ City Clerk. Supervisor Obee moved. that the petition ' and-- communication . be re-- eceived ' and referted to a Committee mittee to investigate the same. Road, and <cawarding contracts for *The -- meeting was called to order by Chairman Bairstow, and R. M. ber A. D. 1926. (SYEAL) 3 bond issue, for the purpose of--caring No. -- 42 (Sheridan -- Road), in -- the morthern. part of the" City of High-- herebyrespectfdily® requested <to , co-- opgraté with and assist the Citt ot of Highways in 'the matter of . this imiprovement within our City limits. CITY OF HICHLAND PARK.*-- 'By. SAMUEL, M.-- HASTINGS,; in its .power. to <adequately provide for the .extremely heary traffi¢c on this Route, and> with further> con-- sideration for the--fact that we now seem to chave reached-- the limit of our abllity ~to improve this Route BE IT--THEREFORE RESOLYVED by the City=--Council of the City of MHighland © Park; that <the Board of --«~The City of Highland Park has made two efforts, --one by special as The Board of Supervison O¢ Lake County, IHlinois. s July 30, 1926. ~ Meeting of the Road & Bridge Com-- Pes 2s' amn hm * ~--~_«=" > > / ~a Lake ' m of Supervisors Is. for the construction of Bary Road = and. ~Wadsworth "J- HELD IN THE COURT HoUSE : WAUKEGAXN, ILLINOIS Mayor. thence East along the South line of said Lake Shore Ave., 37 . feet 'to the place of beginning: and do hereby authorize and direct the Recorder of Deeds in said Lake County in whose office the plat of said subdivision is recorded to car cel the said plat of |-- in so far as it relates to that of Lake Shore 'Avenue immediately South of and adjoining Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 and the alley immediately North and adjoining said lots 1 anl 2, Block 1, both 'in said Goetz' Resub-- division and that portion of the part described as follows: --© Bcflpflnfi'at"M'Mot the south line of Lake ¥8., unuOuu-thm;&-; the East line of" the West half of the northwest quarter of Sec-- tion 32%, Township 46 North,'otthml'rhp' Meridian, Lake County, H-- linofs; thence South along the said East line of the West half | of the Northwest quarter of Sec-- im&£8 COUnIY, ALlIDOIlG. + 4 DBaginnms LaLl %m 'rmmmmw «mmm Lake Shore~ park in said-- subdiviaion{. Ave., in said Resubdivision utmhvoum.rmr with the East line of the 'west improved by the Town. 6f Lake half of the Northwest quarter oft Lake {County, Illinois, of . the ~said| ~Section 3%, Township 4§. NMorth,-- County.of Lake and haye never beena| Range 10, East of the 3rd Prin-- used and are not now in use as a| Ccipal Meridian, in Lake County, street, alley or public park. s Illinois;~ thence .South along the Now, Therefore, the said COSMO--| : said East line of .the West half POITAN --STATE BANK, not .@f the Northwest . quarter . of anyhfin?mboulbnx:: Bection 32. 60 feet; thence West 'and in the exercise of the| Parallel with the south line --of power and authority granted to asd| ~said Lake Shore Ave., 27 feet; _ vested in it by. the terms of said mnmmmm deed. in-- trust deltrered "to it pursu-- Kast 'line of the Wost halt ance of the trust agreement above| -- Of the Northwest quarter of Sec-- menfloned. and further, in pursuance| ' tion 34, 60 feet;. thence East of .the power and authority in it|-- @long the South line of said Lake : vmdbymmm%um SBhore Are.. 27 feet to the place Of Mlinols in such case and| -- of <beginning * ' provided, does hereby--vacate the said| and do hereby authorize and direct subdivision in-- so far as it related to| the Recorder of Decds in said Lake that ~portion ot Lake Shore Avenue| County in whose offi¢e. the plat of immediately South. of and adjoining| 4218 subdivision is :recorded to can-- Lots l--and 2 in Block 1 and the cel the said plat of record in so. far Inunediately North and adjeining anff| 48 it relntes to that poftion of Lake: ston with the East .line. of the West hall of the Northwest quat-- 5. Block 6 ot Villk Heights Sub division of tuvtt hbalt of the North Tease Tonk thercot, was the East .one --rod c'tmm one rod thereof}, of Section $2, Town-- ship 46 North,; Rauge 10, East of in and for the county and state afore-- said 'do. hereby certify that Jolin W. Doerscher, who is personally known to me to be the. same person whose name is subscribed to the=foregoing instrument, . appeared . before me this day in person and acknowledged that hesigned, sealed and delivered the said instrument as his free and--vol-- untary act for the uses and: purposes therein set forth. *n Given under my hand and notarial seal this 20th day of July A. D. 1926. (BEAL) * - JOHN W. DOERSCHER in . purss-- ance-- of --the power and authority in him vested by the statutes of the State of lilinois in 'such cate made and provided, does hereby vacate the ul'uulvhh-h;ohrugn- lated to that portion of Lake Sho Avenue immediately South of gnt ad-- h-t_:fi-:astud:nldetlm: ® m cctantits Phmap s hor Phcir mmnat m en 45 t l w the alley immediately North and ad--| ,, (%EADL) joining "said Lots 1 and 2, Biock 1| No, $55 both in sald 'Goots' . Resubdivision | *ATE OF ILLINO!S si se porten or te wark derert | couyry or bare [ . ;. *~ Beginning at intersection C o '4 f of the South %mm Office of County Treasurer. Ave. in said Goots Resubdivision | . ReCelTed this:14th-- day of Septeni-- with the Rast line of the west . |P8 1928 of I. O. Brockway, Re-- halt ot the Northwest Gusrter 9C . | miphty.Ong -- Dobars. . and . 29405 Range 10, Kast of the $rd Prin-- ~W"f'l"mm cipal Meridian, in Lake County, RA E. PEARSALL , said EKast line of the West hairt | _ Dubpervisor-- Stratton -- moved . tha «+ Miss. Himmerleich, *** Ib. dutler ........ 34 1--2 Ibs. butter to Lake County <_Gen. Hospital :x;:::'_ x «gli ~!~ :E i o * 6 % 8 a -"} -- Repairing plumbing ........ | 2. "'Sch'lbf'mry & 'S!pzly'Co. ® Marking (#mntom -- 0003002 €Wlsss oo o « Bervices delivering horse ... Mrs, Chas. Whitney SEHtETHT--iTim =-- P1 sompiCe»AxtEe» 10.50] ... . .. # 0 6 a a s at * % * % e 6 6. 5.67 .44 1 i ATEEnEIE, _ PeC ue c T)N C je ; tion of the importance of maintain-- 100| ing herds of such cattle free from tuberculosis and promoting the inter-- 1.00| change of --healthy cattle, propose, so far as available funds permit, to co-- 5.00| operate with the br/zders of the cat-- tle: by assisting them to eradicate 2 36| tuberculesis from their herds and to maintain-- officilally tuberculosis free . i * > 'im Illinois. should . now be . capable of 'satistac-- 4.156 © Offtice 0o County Treasurer | torily. serving traffic for the bal o . 7O' Nes w P iks es .d.fibm.m-mmm 3.00] STATE OF ILLINOTIS }. additional -- maintenance, be setisfac 6 t *6.... > w 6 -- tory for next . year. --However, 'a q 35| Receired this 1ith day of SOPL.| tion will be advisable, and perhaps §.190 | No. . ---- |BTATE OF ILLINOIS 1.00] 1 L. J, WILMOT, being duly sworn 1 4s | on on en Taat e Pnd se No, 1. The Board of Supervisors Of Lake County, Illinois, do hereby agree to pay the salary of a veter-- ingary inspector, who shall devote his entire time to the work of tubercu-- logis eradication in said County, and they further agree to pay all neces-- sary expenses incurred by said vet-- erinarian, in the discharge of his of-- ficial duties, in 'twelve monthly in-- stailments, and the automobile trans-- e e ts 4 gether with a copy of the Resolution just received from the City of High-- land Park, be forwarded to Mr. G._N. Lamb,--District Engineer, at Elgin, Bupervicor Obee-- moved ~that the Resolution be adopted and »that the Chairman and Clerk be appointed on the--Committee to whom 'this --niatter was referred. -- The Chairman appointed such addi-- tional members to the sald Commit-- BE IT RESOLYVED That the De-- partment of Public Works and Build-- ings, Division of Highways, be re-- quested to advise this County Board regarding the following--=question: Is nmmmr?.mmotnu- ways to improvre State -- Bond Route No. 42--in the City of Highland Park and, if so, what is the proper and necessary procedure for this County Board or the City of Highland Park to follow in order to secure this im-- provement with the jeast possible loss of time? BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED That the Chairman o(tlhcoqnmu be authorized to appoint a-- it-- tee to work with the Division of Highways and the City Commission of Highland Peark hv+h$ler the mhndl!uotflhupooedlm- nfiawamant " aned t & The property in question lies be-- tween the north line of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Peul Railroad and the north line Of 'Section --4, 'Township 45, North Range 9, Lake County, Iilinois;: said land in question contains about eight (8) actres more or less; and your petitioner will ever pray, etc. BEN H. WATTS, '~-- Petitioner. Supervisor Ficke moved to refer the petition to the Swamp Lands Committee for investigation and re-- port. The following| Resolution was pre-- sented and read: * RESOLUTION Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: > *gy : Your Petitioner, Ben Watts of the tonotmcontrduhnl State of hereby respectfully petitions your Honorable Body for a Swamp Land Deed to certain swamp land lying between the meandered line and Nippersink Lake in front of the property now owned and control-- led by Watts Brothers of Spring LAcense and Farmers Institute CO. 9..J. STANARD, Director. ;For the United States Bureaun of nimal Industry: * * 3. J. SMTNIC, Inspector in Charge. Dated the 16th day of August 1926. #ap on oo September 14th A. D. 1926. RESOLYVED 4