Pampered feel and legs lift the spirits SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 23 -FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1978 Creative combination of fact and fantasy Holiday foot and log care produces pampered, pain- free. pretty feet and legs. The newest shoe styles --high heels, strippy sandals, see- through vinyl--emphasize the need for extra attention. Smashing feet should look good as well as feel good. Looking good means prop erly cut nails, trimmed cuti cles. smooth heels and toes. Your feet deserve special at tention at least once a week more often if you wear colored nail polish. Begin a pedicure by soak ing your feet in warm, soapy water. Gently push cuticles back, using an orange stick wrapped in cotton. Use a pumice stone on rough spots (on the soles, too). Dry care fully and apply a lavish coat ing of moisturizer all over. Nails should be cut straight across File rough edges (on the underside, also), ( lip, tough nails, then file. You can stop here, but smashing feet look especially nice with a bit of color. So twist a piece of t issue into a roll .and twine it in and around toes (to keep them from touching and smearing the polish). Wipe nails with polish re mover to get off all traces of moisturizer. Apply two coals of polish, allowing the first coat to dry for 3 minutes. Seal with a top coat And do remember to repair polish whenever it chips. Get your feet feeling as smashing as the> look with a few simple exercises. Pick up a pencil with your toes. When you're sit t ing, rotate ankles and point and unpoint feet lake 10 steps walking on the outside of your foot, another 10 walking on the inner edge. Stand barefoot on a telephone book try to lift the pages with your toes. l egs need then fair share of pampering, too. After a Buffet makes party easier Having family and friends over for a tree-trimming party' ' Or for a caroling sup per ' Why not plan a meal that can be prepared in advance and served as a bullet, so you can enjoy yourself as much as your guests ' Kven if a dish is somewhat elaborate, consider making i t , if i t can be largely or entirely prepared before hand. One good choice would be quiche (cheese. Lorraine, spinach or any of the many other varieties so popular nowadays) If you opt to m a k e y o u r c r u s t f r o m scratch, you can do it up to one month in advance and freeze it for later use; other wise, a store-bought crust provides a viable and time- saving alternative One novel dish which is perfectly suited to a buffet is ' •Pissaladiere," a French variation on pizza: pie crust fi l led with a scrumptious mixture of tomatoes, olives and herbs. Lasagna is always a good choice, as is moussaka. a Greek casserole of cheese, meat, eggplant and potatoes. Both are appetizing, fil l ing and perfectly suited to ad vance preparation and help- yourself style serving. busy day. before going out to gala festivities, try something as simple as elevating your legs. Having your legs higher than the waist improves cir culation and revs up energy. If you can. train yourself to sleep with a small pillow under your feet. You II feel great when you wake up. Another leg tip is to wear sheer support pantyhose with "Lycra." These hose are specially knit to give your legs a "cttetom fit that will make your legs feel trimmer, firmer. What 's more, they make your clothes fit better because they smooth you from waist to toe -- so your new special holiday outfits will look even prettier! Cross your legs as lit t le as possible -- it 's terrible for your circulation. But if you must, cross them at the knee, not up on the thigh Walking is also an excel lent way to exercise your legs -- just make sure your shoes are suitable for those long, swinging strides' SMOOTH SAILING AT CHRISTMAS TIME: Y oungsters 3 anil up w ill love exploring the world by land, sea, or air with the new "GRT Explorer"' by Rusan. a clever eombination of faet and fantasy in one multi-accessory toy. The colorful, durable "Global Research Team" command ship has a flight deck, navigator's bridge, removable rafts, radar antenna, wind gauge, and many other movable and remov able accessories. A "dream boat" for any sea-loving preschooler, the "GRT" in cludes a three-man explorer team equipped with removable helmets. If all the year were playing holidays, spurt would he as tedious as to work; But w hen they seldom come, they w ish d for come. -- William Shakespeare --ALSO-- BEARCAT 210 WITH THIS COUPON PROGRAMABLE SCANNER 8 CWSTAIS $109'5 S249« Bearcat III With Purchase of 'W ft/*# BEARCAT III |GetA$» Now Through Christmas •On The Bearcat 210!l ( ( ( ( ( n c . M i m ) ) ) ) ) ) ) rad looms --NOW OPEN--' Open Monday thru Thursday 8-6 Friday 8-9 P M Saturday 8-5 VISA Closed Sunday 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd , McHenry. III. FRIDAY NITE UNTIL 9:00 815-385-4224