PAGE 4 - PLAIN DEALER • WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1978 That Big World Outside The Classroom No one has ever said that school provide* all the learnmg a person-. *eeds to succeed in the world There are some things That a school car teacf very well, and other things that it can't The tnck for the schools is knowing the ^ difference Employers are presently training over 1 McHenry high school students, giving them that on-the-job training that the school rseif df»es not. or cannot, provide These work ex perience programs are cooperative ventures between the high school and many local businesses and industries Essentially the school provides basic information and skills the student needs for his-her field of work, and the employer provides the opportunity to practice those skills in a job situation The student earns rnonev and school personnel supervise his learning According to Beth Marcello work program coordinator, careful at tention is given to the selection of students for the program The student's grades and attendance, completed applicktion and a persona] interview are all considered If the prospective student has the previous course work, ability aptitude and in terest he is then placed in the specific program which most nearly matches his career choice The present categories of work program placement are -- Home Economics Occupations 1 Students work in such areas as food production child care, and cosmetology. -- Industrial t)riented Occupations Students work in construction, automotive services. machine shops. and manufaturmg trades -Health Occupations Students train in such positions as dental or medical assistant, dietary or nurses aide -Agriculture Oc cupations Students work in landscaping agricultural p r o d u c t i o n . a n d agricultural services. --Business. Marketing, and Management Oc cupations' Students will train in such positions as clerk typist, stenographer, sales, and marketing Registration for next year's program has already started Students or parents can gam more information and ap plication forms by con tacting the school the deadline for making ap plication is Jan 4 . Students earn two credits per year for successfully- completing the program/ But they gain far more than credit and money. Their employers provide a valuable experience for students considering technical, professional or skilled post-high school employment Employers also offer a credibility for something schools can only preach about the need for development of attitudes and character for suc ceeding in the world of work m AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS-SELLING d ! HOME ECONOMICS OCCUP ATIONS INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS--OEFICE ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOP BOQOOOQQOOQQQQOOOQOOQQOQQQOQQQOQOOOOQQQQOOOQQOQOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOi i Keepin' Healthy For many, many years, s leds have been popular Christmas gif ts for children If you re thinking of giving a sled to a < h i ld this <"hris?mas the Il l inois Department of Public Health has some suggestions \ou rnav want to follow when >eiecting that sled ! Make sure the sled is (( instructed well I t should not • a \e spli t or splintered wood, or metal parts that are bent out f shape J The sled should not have dr;> sharp jagged edges or protruding r ivets It should have a protective uard bumper over t he metal front bar to prevent cuts and other injuries in case of a collision 4 The sled should steer easily without jamming r> I t should have secure handholds and a place to t ie on a rope And here are some suggestions for sledding safetv that should be followed when the child is out enjoying the Christmas sled 1 Walk over the sl iding area before using it l>>ok for bumps tree stumps boulders ice and bare spots If these hazards cannot be removed or repaired do not use thuLpar of the slope 2 Supervise children who are inexperienced in using a sled Make ^ur*- their f irst s l iding is done on short gradual slopes that are not clut tered with debris or bumps , ^ .arr , children not to push. shove or otherwise roughhouse while r iding sleds 4 Figure out ahead of t ime how to stop the sled or get off safely in an emergency Learn how to roll s ideway s off the sled to lessen injury in case of a coll ision ") I )o not s l ide through traffic- intersect ions or across streets , ever, if there are no cars in sight They can appear sud denlv out of nowhere <) Hold or t ie the ropes on the top of the sled to keep them from sl ipping underneath and causing an abrupt >top 7 I>in t s l ide unti l the slope is clear of nearbv sledders v, Move off busv slopes quickly when vou reach the bottom to prevent coll is ion w i th other sledders it a 1 k back up the slope along a side path out of the wa> of those coming down lo \»-ver t ie a sled to the back of a car When the automobile stops the moving ed can easi ly sl ide under the car causing serious injury to the person riding the sled If you want more information about sleds toboggans or snow disks, contact your local health department or write to Illinois Department of Public Health Product Safety Program. 53", West Jefferson. Springfield 111 . 62761 Veteran's Headstone Cost Is Shared By VA THOUGHT FOR FOOD By GOULD CROOK (JO Awa>, Please One tra ie l agent has r opria te s ign in h is t id ing "<ioAuay an a o f fu Who Would" " Wh\ dun t y ou play gol f u i t •John any mure ' "Would \<>u p lay u i th a chn a ho put<• dou n the u^rong sc , and motes h is hal l u hen \ou not looking ' ' 'So ." Wel l , ne i ther u i l l John CHILD CARE WE HAVE OPENINGS NOW FOR FULL TIME OR HALF DAY CHILD CARE...CALL... FANTASY FARM 385-2499 PROFESSIONAL Small Off ice & Household CLEANING CLEANING SERVICE INC STATE LICENSED CONTRACT SPECIALS •New Homu •Model Homes •Apartments •Light Housekeeping ^Carpet Cleaning •Inside Windows •Weekly Bi monthly "COUPONS FOR Monthly XMAS GIFTS CALL 385-0283 TODAY e n r \ t»»cbliih*d )875 1 «'2 Elm sPhone 385 0170 MrM»nry lllinon 60050 Pubii»h»<3 E»*r/ «Vedneidoy t Frdoy at Mthtnry Illinois S*cond Clo»* Poitog® Paid o« MfH»nry lllman By MrHENR 1 PUBLISHING COMPANY «WI »'• .M'M to »»,. 6* •»»»-.•« -J, rong, at to 'r* Lund Publ isher F roehlieh-Editor N A T I O N A L N E W S P A P E R i' . tOCi» TT»« flilltl 1 MS NNA SUSTAINING 2 MEMBER --1978 • f *SP*r(» SUBSCRIPTION -^A TES The Veterans administration is now permitted to reimburse a veteran's survivors for part of the money they spend for an eligible veteran's headstone or marker in any private cemetery This is one of the provisions of the Veterans' Housing Benefits act of 1978 recently- passed by Congress and signed into law by President Carter Survivors now have a choice of getting a VA supplied headstone or marker or one they choose from a commercial supplier The VA reim bursement. however, cannot exceed the average amount VA pays for the headstones or markers it supplies Currently this amount is estimated at about S4'l. far below the average cost of headstones or markers on the open market For those who choose to have a headstone or marker provided by VA the agency now has the flexibility to provide headstones or markers of any material marble granite bronze, slate or other > aesthetically compatible with the cemetery in which it is to be located Assistance in filing ap plications for reimbursement or for headstones or markers can be obtained at any VA office Applications for reimbursement must be for warded to the nearest regional office Applications for headstones or markers must be forwarded to Director. Headstone Service. National Cemetery System Veterans Administration, Washington. I) C 20420 Max Cleland. administrator of Veterans Affairs, reminds survivors that VA may reim burse them also for part of the burial expense for an eligible veteran The new amounts are $i l(>o if the death is service- connected and S300 if it is not These amounts are in addition to SI50 plot allowance if the veteran is not buried in a national cemetery S C H O O L S K H \ l ( K S <» R \ N T S - - St a t e s c h o o I Superintendent Joseph M Cronm last week announced the state is now accepting ap plications for grants to improve services to students and to foster solutions to educational problems A total of $15 5 million is available to schools for the grants Application deadline is March I. 1979 SOFT WATER RENTAL MO. AND MO. • NO Installation Charge •NEW, Fully Automatic Water Softeners •2 YEAR Option to Buy •FULL Rental Fee Deducted 312-259-3393 »i j In ond I ok* C o u n t , Out»id« McHenry ond I oh* County I in the Fox Valley Area Copyright 1978 1 cup vanilla wafer crumb* (you know, vanilla wafers rolled fine) 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup chopped pecans 1/4 cup bourbon 11/2 tablespoons white corn syrup 1 cup powdered sugar Add chopped pecans to vanilla wafer crumbs Sift cocoa and powdered sugar together Combine bourbon and syrup, stir in cocoa sugar mixture, pecans and vanilla wafer crumbs Roll into one inch balls and roll in powdered sugar No Baking For variety, some can be dipped in beaten egg white and sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles We like them both ways, but if you want the sprinkles, do not roll in pow dered sugar -- just the beaten egg white P2 "SHAMROCK CLEANERS "The Gentle Touch of Elegance McHENRY MARKET LACE, McHENR r. LETTERS TO SANTA ' i E S I i . >s Bourbon Bails Some people call these Chocolate Balls, but when I first made them a long time ago they were BOURBON BALLS and still are They keep well in a covered container and also freeze very well. Delightful for after dinner or at any time, par ticularly during the holidays Letters to Santa are printed just as received. Only signed letters will be published from "Billy Marinangel" "Sterling drive "McHenry •\bhjkg72'z JMWOILJSY^ONBJYA ? + OL. - BNJKBK 4 O 3 4 B K S ' 4 * 4 % - &? + QWERTYUUIOP '2';lkjhgfdsazxcvbnm.. koy756qy utrt wasdrf jhukki lio8oppimhykhgnh78inkibn jkee34t5y7uuii8uyeryrt5w ggafgdnmujkimnkillioopmi IkouimljoiuO1 .oup Dear Santa "I like you very much "Do you like me0 please bring me 1 hungrie. hungrie hippos 2 speed beners 3 tparty magic 4 Pay Day 5 camping set "from Todd Doheryt "PS Please bring my sistetard some toys to and my Dad some cigars and my mom some pefume we will leave you some cookies and some milk "Dear Santa Clause "My name is Keith Robison I would like Mr Quarteback and highway construction and police Dept set And triple astion machine gun texaco station and highway patrol and Hungry Hungry hippo Tell Mrs claus I said Hi Please bring by Grandpa something nice because he is very sick and I would like him to get better I would also like sho gun warriors My abbress is 37.8 north Hamlin McHenry 111. "Dear Santa. "I have been a Good Girl I am 5 years old "Would you please bring me these toys for Christmas I would like Hoppity Hop. a microwave oven, a sewing macnine. Barbie's stage show Lite Brite. Play doh Beauty Set and Mickey Mouse Drawing Set I will leave you cookies and hot chocolate on Christmas Eve "I love you santa. "Love, "Gina Marie Damiam My Name is Tricia Mc Donough "Dear Santa Clause "Please could I have Whoopsie and please could 1 have a stove and a refrigerator and please could I have a wondr women doll and Please could 1 have Barbie star traveling and please could I have hugrv hugrv hippos and please could I have good Puppy and Please could I have Mickey Mouse turnover cho cho and Please could I have fat chance and please could I have don't upset me and please could I have winy the pooh tunnel and please could I have pegs and please could I have u drive it and please could I have baby burps and please could I have twister and please could 1 have a summr buggy and please could I have Barbie swiming pool set "Dear Santa. "I Would like some toys for X-mas "This is my List 1 Doll " 1 Air Pump "4 Doll Clothes "1 easy large put together Doll House Thank you very much "Sincerely "Ramond "Dear Santa Clals 1 bin a go< d girl good as a girl can IK* I wnat a ten speed bike for kids the little ten. speed bike for kids and for Chistmas I wnat perfection and a barbys campr and a barbys sports car and a play house "Thack You Santa Clals "Jenny Freres Hurricanes Since 1971. just five hurricanes have touched the shores of the continentaUJnited States Two of them, Agnes (1972) anu Eloise (1975) have resulted in substan tial losses Until this year, hurricanes have always had feminine names In the future hurricanes will have alternating feminine and masc uline names OVER 75' SAVINGS 3 DONUTS FREE! WHEN YOU PURCHASE A DOZEN DONUTS AT THE REGULAR PRICE Bring this coupon to any par ticipating Dunk in' Donut* shop in »h« continental U.S DUNKIN' DONUTS j 4504 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IL It's Worth th« Trip OH«i expire* Joowary 31, 1979 P