Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1978, p. 11

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Legal Notice The Johnsburg CUST 12 Board of Kducalion will foe receiving foids for fous chassis and foodies. Specifications for the chassis and foodies are available at the Administration Center. 2117 W. Church St., McHenry. Illinois. R0050. Completed foids are due January 17, 1979 at 2:00 p m at the Administration Center sThe Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any and all foids found to he in the best interest of the District Bobbie Hart. Secretary December 21. 1978 (Pub Dec. 27. 1978) Legal Notice PUBLICATION NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENKY , COUNTY. ILLINOIS ' PROBATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF . i THE ESTATE OF ) CALVIN L STINEMAN ^ > Deceased > "of No. 78-P-H97 NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN that a Petition was filed in this proceeding stating that CALVIN L STINEMAN of "McHenry Township, McHenry County. Illinois, died October 24, 1978, leaving surviving as tiis only heirs, legatees, and devisees, the following: EARL WALTER ST I NEMAN, C H A R L E S C L A I R STINEMAN. EDWARD KRICH. and UNKNOWN HEIRS AT-LAW of CALVIN L STINEMAN. deceased, statin that the po EARL WALTER STINEMAN and CHARLES CLAIR STINEMAN and UNKNOWN HEIRS are not known and asking that an instrument dated the 2nd day of November. 1970. be admitted to probate as the decedent s Last Will Hearing on the Petition is set for the 1st day of February, 1979. at the hour of 9:30 a.m.. Courthouse. 2200 N Seminary Avenue. Woodstock. Illinois, 60098. <SEAL) Vernon W Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court 19th Judicial Circuit mm JOSLYN & GREEN Attorneys for Petitioner 116 N. Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 • Pub. Dec. 27,1978: Jan. 3 and 10.1979' Legal Notice / NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) >SS. COUNTY OF McHENRY > THE CITY OF I L L I N O I S . BOARD OF AP­ PEALS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF McHENRY STATE BANK. AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF A CERTAIN TRUST AGREEMENT DATED THE 30TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976. FREMONT BACKHAUS AND IRENE BRACKMANN FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY. ILLINOIS LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a continuation of the public hearing of June 16, 1978, will foe held nefore the City of McHenry. Illinois. Zoning Board of Appeals upon a Petition for Rezoning. per­ taining to certain real estate RAYMOND'S Waterfront Stage PROUDLY PRESENTS Hal Delavan's "The Brite Set" TUES. JAN 2 THRU SAT. JAN. 6 AND TUES. JAN. 9 THRU SAT. JAN. 13 SHOW TIMES: TUES-WED-THURS 9 to 1 A.M. FBI & SAT 10 to 2 A.M. (ON THE FOX RIVER) 3312 N. Chapel Hill Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS 385-1475 » 1 1 1 « « rrrm consisting of 385 acres, located on the West side of Crystal Lake Road. Northwest or the intersection of Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road, and commonly known as the "Backhaus Farm." An Amended Petition has been filed requesting an amendment to the Amended Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry change the classification of the subject premises from "R-l," Single Family District, which will De its zoning classification upon the completion of its an­ nexation to the City of McHenry. under and by virtue of the amended Zoning Or­ dinance of the City of McHenry. to "R-l". Single Family District. "R-3" Single Family District. "R-4" Multi-Fam District. "R-5'.' Condominium District and "B 1" Commercial Retail District subject to Special Use as a Planned Unit Development comprising single family attached ana detached residences, multi- family. service and retail commercial uses, recreation facilities, open spaces, and public uses and the uses per­ mitted under "R-l" Single Family district. "R-3" Single Family District, "R-4" Multi- Family District. "R-5" Con­ dominium District and "B-l" Commercial Retail District in accordance with the provisions of the Amended Zoning Or­ dinance of the City of McHenry. The said public hearing continuation will be held at 3:00 P.M. on January 12, 1979, in the City Council Chambers. 1111 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, at which time all those who may foe interested may appear and foe heard. In the event such hearing is not concluded on such date, it will be continued to 3:00 p.m on January 19. 1979. Barbara E Gilpin City Clerk City of McHenry James Fouse Vice Chairman. Zoning Board of Appeals City of McHenry Attorneys for Petitioner BRADY. McQUEEN. MAR TIN, CALLAHAN & COLLINS 80 Fountain Square Plaza P.O. Box 807 Elgin. Illinois 60120 312-695-2000 (Pub Dec 27. 1978» Wearing layers of light clothing is wanner than one garment and quite fashion­ able. mx-m Big "re bui" Lowest price ever! Now save 25-33% Our finest "78" series bias-ply tire. • Full 4-ply polyester cord construction • Aggressive wide tread design for road- hugging traction, responsive handling Highway Handler 11 NO TRADE IN NEEDED Whitewallin in most H78 14 L78 15 white 30% off Glass-belted. • 2 rugged glass belts resist puncture and impact damage • 2 polyester cord plies for smooth, comfortable rides T win Guard R Runabout Radial pa Ai.r 23.10 I&5R-12 AHVB 13 28.00 30.80 32.90 34.30 E78-1 BR78-Kt r 78-14 CR7S 14 G78-14 l>K7« 14 ER78 14 H78 14 r K7H 14 25.90 33.60 35.00 39.20 sun* A78 15 G78-15 H78-15 L78-15 C.R7M 14 HK78 14 BR7A 15 GR7815 HR78-15 LR78-15 S'rt TRADE TV S.TFT>Pr> Free tire mounting. WTKAME-in needed Sale ends January 16. radial pi Tl'BELESS BI.ACKWALL SIZE REGULAR PRICK EACH SALE PRICK EACH PLUS F.E.T EACH A78-13+ $27 18.00 1.69 B78-13I $29 20.00 1.77 C78-14+ $30 21.00 1.93 D78-14 $31 23.25 2.01 E78-14 $32 23.68 2.13 F78-14 $33 24.42 2.26 G78-14 $34 24.82 2.42 G78-15 $38 28.50 • 2.45 H78-15 $40 30.00 2.65 5-rib tread design . $3 more each also sale Sale end* January 16. The affordable radial whitewall. AR78-13 tubeleis whitewall; plus $1.84 f.e.t. each. Wards electronic wheel balancing-- tires stay new longer. Sat of 4. •18 Wheel alignment | service for most US cars. Labor only. /V\( )Nl( . ( >/V\ l l \Y 9» REMAN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE AUTO SERVICE IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ^ Hon thru Fri. 10 • 9 S a t 9 3 0 9 . S u n 1 1 6 Crystal Lake 10S Northwest Highway Route 14 JMhnm 115459-6450 FREE PARKING McHenry Highlights FACTS FROM McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL PAGE 11 - PI .AINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 27.1978 THE LAW SERVES YOU by the Illinois State Bar Association TAMl Cil'MDER There are all kinds of ex­ cellence in this world./^fn3t1rs nice to know there artf rewards for all kinds Two McHenry high school seniors have done very well recently in two very different scholarship com petitions Tarni Gunder recently was notified that she has won a full scholarship to National College of Education in Evanston in a nationwide competition. The key note to her performance was her presentation of a segment of the play Anastasia, in the talent segment of the com pet ion Tami is the second member of her family to "^receive this scholarship Her JEFFFKFt M) sister. Gail, a 1976 graduate of McHenry high school, is presently a junior at National college on this scholarship .Jeff Freund. shown here with instructor. George Cina. was recently informed that^ he ^s a semi finalist in the scholarship competition in auto mechanics offered by Greer Technical institute in Milwaukee Jeff scored in the ninety-eighth percentile of those taking the test and. if he is the candidate selected, will receive a $3,000 scholarship to Greer Tech McHenry high is very proud of these two very talented, and very different students We'd like the community to share in our pride to 'It doesn't matter whether we use the old math or the new math We're broke!" ItEPtlRTIM^jl SPEC TEI) ( HJjd) ABI SF. K E Y T O P R E V E N T I O N Child abuse cases nationwide are increasing at an alarming rate Experts agree that unless abused children are identifijed and protected at the time of the initial trauma, a good number of them will be permanently injured or killed as a result of subsequent abuse In order to identify those children. Illinois state law mandates the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect by certain professionals likely to have direct contact with children under 18 years of age Ac­ cording to the Illinois State Bar association, those persons who are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect are any physician. hospital, surgeon, dentist, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist. Christian Science practitioner, coroner, school teacher, ad­ ministrator. truant officer, social worker, social services administrator, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, director or staff assistant of a nursery school or a child day care center, law enforcement officer, or field personnel of the Illinois Department of Public- Aid The duty to report arises when such persons Have reasonable cause, based on direct observation of the child, to believe abuse or neglect has occurred Failure to perform that duty together with a subsequent injury to the child could give rise to a cause of action in court for negligence While the law specifically requires these professionals to report suspected cases of child abuse, the Illinois State Bar association points out that any person, whether or not they are required to by law. can report a case of suspected child abuse Moreover, the act specifically provides immunity from criminal or civil liability to any person, agency, or institution who participates in good faith in the making of a report Procedures for making and acting on suspected abuse reports are also established by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting act Reports of suspected abuse cases should be made immediately by telephone or in person to the nearest office of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. < Each county has a reporting telephone number.) A written repori .must also be made within 2£ hours after having reasonable cause to believe abuse or neglect has occurred Aftei receiving a report, oral or written, the Department < Children and Family Service must initiate an investigatioi The Illinois State Bat association urges anyone wh< has questions regarding chik." abuse or reporting requirements to contact) th<. nearest office of the Depart ment of Children and Fanul ' Services EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are representative questions answered daily by VA < our selors Full information is available at any VA office Q - What is the current amount of compensat ion payable for a 10 percent sei vice-connected disability" A Effective Oct. 1 1 '*Th. compensation rates were n creased by 7.3 percent The l 1' percent rate was increased from $41 to $44 per month Q Did the Veterans Housing Benefits act of 1^78 increase the amount of loan guaranty" A the Veterans Housing Benef i ts act of 1978 inc reas tH Uje amount of loan guaranty f rom $17,500 to $25, (KM) The law provides for a guaranty not to e x c e e d f i t ) p e r c e n t o f t h e amount of the loan, or $25,000. whichever is less Q - I have maintained my ordinary life NSLI policy since WWII How can I obtain a loan agaipst th is pol icy and how much can I borrow"' A -- A veteran may borrow against the cash value of Ins permanent insurance pol icy The loan amount cannot exree" 9 4 percen t o f the cash v a l u e o f the pol icy at the t ime >f the loan Veterans should submit VA form 29-1547. Insurance Loan Request, to the VA in­ surance center which main­ tains their policy Usually Conscie n c e , i s t h a t s t i l l , s m a l l v o i c e t h a t warns us--but doesn't stop us. -Enquirer, Cincinnati JEWEl CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET $;« J I W I L MMCHMNNSt Cumahk Center k. P A DIVISION OF JEWEL Men Tues 9 am 5 pm DIRECT MARKETING wed. Thun, Fr, 301W. Virginia St. 9 am 8 pm, CRYSTAL LAKE 815-455-0333 Sat 9 am 5 pm, Sun 10 am - 3 pm M New Year's Savings Sale Days- Wed., Dec. 27 thru Tue., Jan. 2 --While Quantities Last-- 0 1978 DRESS UP RIGHT FOR THE HOLIDAYS! ALL MENS ' SPORT COATS and LEISURE .- JACKETS ALL LADIES DRESSES, PANTSUITS, and LOUNGEWEAR 60% OOFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE Christmas Decorations I a Q / OUR DISCOUNT PRICE / Q OFF includes -6'/a' Tree *29.99 S1500 -100' Gold Garland *2.99 S1 50 -14 Dough Ornaments *3.59 -20 Shrink Ornaments *2.99 Clearance in our Trim-A-Tree dept. YOUR CHOICE VALUES to s23.99 $5»5 ALL TOYS 50 % We 'Mil have m a n y , m a n y toys. We receiv- •d many lata arrivals. Great for birthdays or o t h e r s p e c i a l occasions. OUR DISCOUNT PRICE Special Sale on Holiday Goodies CANDY BOWL Filled with goodies. When it's done, eat the bowl too- it'« candy al.o. MC(- R<g ASSORTED NUT TIN lib. of tasty treats. Perfect for New Year's Eve I Reg *2.98 Christmas TREE CANDY JAR Delicious decorations on the inside. Reg *4.47 Sale *2" All Other Holiday Cookies, Candy, and Cheeses 40%OFF CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE • JEWEL CATALOG OUTLET STORE"

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