Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 5 Mar 1924, p. 7

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.* _ I think its leg's broken.' & ] a mumm-mh-flmj ,'\ mlmfln"hidlblm' _* _ for a long time until the leg was mend-- .c-'unm.oummm" '_'~ After he was established in the faw ~---- practice in Streator that he inherited ' from bis father, and had married the preéetty Kentucky co--ed he met at the: _ Aintiversity of Chicago, Thurlow Essing-- -- _ %on moved into the old family home on Broadway and Wasson & ': his mother gave up for the more con--' ~~ venient bungalow on Wasson satreet where she could ive near her two sods.. * Adept at Outdoor Sports,. ¢ Most of the outdoor activities that --~' centered around that . old4fashloned yard, Thurlow Essington has carried $ lnuhunvmm Not even his * continuous interest 'In politlecs has crowded them out. He rides horse f back, plays golf and hopeés some day to apply his garden lore to a farm of his ; awn,. He is a basebaill and football enthusiast, an expert duck hunter and ~-- "» charter member of the Izaak Waliton Story of Youth of Candidate for Governor Revealh a .,gfl'n_uu,w, A" -- bright--eyed, -- gray--haired -- little woman sut in the corner of her 'sitting nonbum.thtdl'm'w." érocheted while she to me about her son, whoni.she expects to see goy-- ernor-- of 1iiinoizs." > sons for optimism. "L remember. Ine day he wus six years: old, He was determined to start to school at once. It was the 'nineteenth of May, with the spring 'term well along, and so I tried to discounrage him. 'You can't slart in the svlddle of the term this way,' 1 told hiwm "all the other. children will be way abead of you.' : «'**% "Thurlow never has known defeat," is one of 'Mrs. John Exsington's rea-- *"They'll be farther abead if I wait,' he Insisted "I can catch up.' "Hé was so insistent that Anally I telephoned <the primary teacher and she --said to send him along.. If hbe couldn't keep up he could drop out, "He didn't have to drop out and hbe made the grades in seyen years instead of eight. He Anished bis 'uniyersity instead of four, and his law course at Chleago in two yenrs instead of * Studious When .a Boy. : He did this, according to Mrs. Inez Strite who lived next door to the wmammmdw high--school teachers, largely © because of a natural gift of concentration that made it unnecessary for him ever to take any school work home: --And this, Jn turn, made it possible for him to eultivate bobbles that bhe has never given up. - "He not only knew all the birds in the neighborhood by name," she told "I --remember hearing Gladys, the littte: girt who Hived on the other side of us, call to her mother in explana-- tion of her hurry: 'I have to go over me, "but he knew what to do for them when they came to grief. h -- Charles 'H. Williams, a Streator hardware merchant and lifelong friend of 'the Essingtons, told me a signif-- eunt little incldent., y as "I remember the first time I ever noticed Thurlow Ess«ington particular-- 1y," be said. "I thought he--was going to be a great statesman. He was business manager of the high--schoo! paper and all of the merchants had given him ads.. Wee--palid something like five doliars for the year, with. the privilege of changing copy every month If we wanted to. 1 didn't change mine because I didn't care anything about it. 1 gave him the copy in the fall and then just let it run. When he came in at the end of the school year with his bill I thought I'd try him out a little. ___»~ Lives Up to Contract. "*"Thurlow,' I said, 'I don't know whethor T'll pay this bill--or not. You td us we could have a change of copy every month and it hasn't been changed "He never flcked an eyelash nor hesithted "a second. -- 'All right, Mr. Williams,' he said as cheerfully as if I'd been,offering to double it." 'If we have falled in any way to meet our end of the contract, take it aut of the bill. Pay me just ~what you think you ahould.' 5 to be ~a m SA LesSuan.: haven't changed my: mind yet." AMr. Essington's -- @eterimination. and quality of mental and physical endur, ance which makes it possible for him to go through with everything he ever has undertaken are illustrated by Paul B. Hefin, his law partner. "We were spending a vacation at my home in Colorado," Mr. Heflin told me, "und we started about seven. o'clock in the evening for an all--night moun-- tain climb. I was born and brought up in Colorado and was acclimated to the high, thin air "WM climbing. -- Thurlow wis an: boy puffed a Iiftie. up at a pretty good pace, showing off, and Thurlow took it a Mttle slower and _ "But: when we got home the. next afternoon 1 mammm wunlt{.'h"m thing ke a 1 4 ' peak "I mald to myself, ESSINGTON LIFE at his achlievements, -- I --went stateaman.' ~© Aod --T m If <he . omeday op out and he | Handbkere uenflhfl.d "14' cu'n' bis 'uniyersity | spp;, pf THURSDAY, MARCH 6 STATION--KDKA 4 6:15 p.m.--Dinner < Concert by KDKA Little: Symphony-- Orchestra, Victor Saudek, director. ;.ig p.m.--The Children's period. .e m.----Market reports , from "etph aetmen en Enpern . ¥ AAs by Victor Saudek; assisted Bhoup --King, soprano; Patti Bald-- ridge, contralto; William Wenzel, ac-- companist. Program*-- Orchestra 'selections; Overture "Poet and Peasant," Suppe; Concert Waltz "Tales from the Vi-- enna Woods," Strauss; Ballet Music, "Faust," Gounod; Popular music, "Someday Sweetheart," "Jog Along," Contralto solos; -- Negro. Spirituals, "Go Tell the Mountains," and "A Fat Little Fellow-- wid his mammy's Eyes," from Harvey B. Gaul's collet-- tion; a, "'Twilight" .b. "A. Baby's Hair Is Built of Sun," and e, "Rev-- "Memories 'Garden;" "Queen's Lace Handkercheit," Strausse. s;'nm Bo-- los: Aria, "Pleurez Mes Yeux from "Le Cid," Massenet; Chinese Cycle. "This Morn I Saw a Lotus Bud," "Peaches Vases in Blue Vases," "White Shells on Sonds of Brown," final markets furnished by the Union 'Trust Co., Chicago Journal of Com-- 9:55 p.m.--Arlington time 'signals and weather forecast. w 98. 11:80 ~ p.m.--Special 'late © evening concert. * ® 4 to 17:30 p.m.--Dinner: concert and Clyde Dooer and his orchestra 8:00 to 8:20 p.m.--"Twenty Min-- utes of Goodd Reading," by Rev C. J. m&&l'd:'mmu Loyola U s 8:20 to 9:05 pm.~--Musical pro-- itchell and James Mitchell 2, (a) Drink To Me Only........ 8. Viotin Solos. .. ... .. .. .. ~~ Franz Polesny > o 4. (a) London Bridge.... Robinson (b)Your Garden in My MVndi Merric Boyd Mitchel] and James 6. (a) Damon............. Stange (b) Pastoral........... Veracini "Over the top" is reported by Waukegan merchants in 'response to inqutries about dollar day. ~~> The streets wete lined with au-- tomobiles, --the walks ©black with ctrowds intnt on taking advantage of the dollar bargains, which were very much in evidence and the stores was one most sucéessfal ever held in Wauke-- gan and judging by the hugh parcels which were being cartied by custo-- mers the satisfaction was mutual, DOLLAR DAY AT --WAUKEGAN HUGE --8SUCCESs Kindergartens have been estab-- lished .in : 18 Towa . consolidated Mbaudhum'fln population in these districts range fnmlflutm-wnh% tricts is fewer than K & For.--the first time in the history of winter seasons in Alaska, the tide of travel on the Alaska railroad has been inbound into the interior in-- It's just fins Don't with a cold or nasty 6:50 p.m.--Children"s bedtime sto-- comes so quickly. Merric Fran Bolgany, wiolinist. ".~ * (b) When the Heart is Young Mlfiwh"x&w from Head--Colds. It's Splendid! ce is oo Ads en s STATION--KYW 0j 8.(a) Somehow 1 Know:. . .Shaffer (b) Let Me Call You Sweetheart 9, Carmena Waltz......... Wilson Merric Boyd Mitchell and James ; Mitchell 3 '-- $P:05 p.m.--Talk on "Income Tax" by H. Archibald Harris. _ _ . ~0:15 p.m.--Program furnished by radio. _ > ts . ~FRIDAY, MARCHT FR 4 STATION--KDKA -- 6:15 p.m.--Organ recital by Lucile Hale, from the Cameo Motion Picture Theater, Pittsburgh, Pa, : 7:45 pm.--'"The Beginning of the Monarchy," the Sunday School Les-- son for March 9, presented by Dr. B. L. L;Pnh'. * it --' ' 7:30 p.m.--Children's period. 7:45 p.m.--National Stockman and 8:00 p.m.--Radio Boy Scout meet-- ing. 8:30 or.- --Concert by the Mones-- sen Volunteer Firemen's Band. -- 8:55 p.m.--Arlington Time Signals astfmmNfi!xCity. C Bradstreet's weekly review of Chi-- 7:00 to 7:80 p.m.--Dinner concert broadcast from the Congress Hotel. Joska DeBabary and his orchestra ciple Doerr pinying in the Pompen an room --of the Congress Hotel. 10:00 p.m. to 2 a.m.--Midnight re-- studio in the Hearst building. . Artists and program will be an-- nounced by radio. . 4 7:45@:-,:-";&'.&12«;: America," prepared by "Our World. 8:00 p.m.--Radio ldQ by M. C. Batsell, m mw-s-%:-.mmm 8:15 p.m.--Feature. _ 8:80 p.m.----Concert by the West-- inghouse-- Band, T. J. Vastine, Com-- Night." Suppe; "Morceau de Salon la Papillutte," -- Gruenwald; "Italian 6:15 pam.----Dinner Concert by the Westinghouse band, T. J. Vastine, Buit," Gruenwald; Intermezto "Al-- SBaskatchewan are preparing to em-- igrate to Russia, where they will sot-- tle in Crimea, The Soviet govern-- ,-.tpsvuntheludmdi-m ments in return for one sixth of their 6.50 p.m.--Bedtime story for the Three thousand Doukhobors from --mddddd..i....z SATURDAY, MARCH s waukee Avenue. 'The wormes of i Cleaning and Dyeing will be eliminat« STATION--KXYW Let us prove to you that our repu for service and prices cannot be duplica RUGS, DRAPERIES, ETC., A SPECL GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIV IN LIBERTYVILLE, AREA and VIC PHONE LIBERTYYILLE NO. e 4 a, Your patronage is respectfully Thé Children's Annmtmrement "Tk6. HE URBAN CLEANERS announce ~the opening of a Dry Cle * & Dyeing and Pressing establishment . Thursday, February 28th, 1984 in _ <Duddles Building, 524 North Mil-- Avenue. The worries of imperfect and Dyeing will be eliminated by us. «: evensvane BERVETTTT ISTER, and ways ka; Wn! "At Dawnin Bartlett; A erly; and weather _ 7:00 to 7:80 pm._«Dinner concert z'*m J. Joska Debab-- and his orchestra from the Louis XVI room and Clyde Doerr and his orchestra playing from the Pompeii-- . o ie e dge. .*. s rompe (b)mm '11,.-..".... 7 3. 1>omflar.rt xd his Knights of Syn-- tion, C W 4. Bass solog;i¥Friditof N. y se 5. Pm*m&*"'m"" of Syn-- 6. My H'*M' uECC 7. Popular dange selections--Sammy "'; ' #4' fridtjof N. Stueland 905 p.m.~--*"Bafety First" talk by -fino@' s SUNDAY, CH » > 11:00 &A.m.--Central Church Serv-- ice bromdeast from Onlpu- Hall, Dr. F. F. Shannon, pastor. Musical program under the-- direc-- tion of Dania! Protheroe. **e d'v:udu the direction of Chicago Church Federation. 700 .p.m.--Chicago Sunday Even-- img Club Service broadcast from Or-- Speécial musical program under the direction of Edgar Nelson. [va & FortyAive crippled children . pof school age in Grand Rapids, r who have never f be-- fore; are now enrolled in w pedic department which has been or-- ganized recently in one of the e| mi-dmlsy. J ~',~" The speaker of the evening will be Dr. AMfred E. Stearns, -- _ ~® Alma J. msoprano L TT | -...:;_1_'..,;.'1 C * bas-'- 8:00 to 8:58 pm.--Musical Pro-- $¥ T a uce un w in 9l en w t in n 74L !_*_" Btewart and his Knights Axl 4 Wns 199. & f % f M °, panist. C panist, s ns--Sammy Knights of Syn-- @0 Anderson U ..; Sans Souci. Characteristic punds," Galus-- . the Roses," Caprice "The oprano tGos, A; "A Dream," Kerry' Ben-- Your Eyes," --selected. time signa'ls ¥, MARCH %*:k BAVE YOUR EYES -- CONSUU! :jn * optometrist " eE . ®99 'tuone s * WASHINGTON, March 1.--AD ing stations ari others interested in removing obstacles to full 'and free broadcasting of music will be asked by Senator C. C. Dill of Washington to bring forth testit mony to be presented recently in-- troduced in the Senate. j To Make Efforts To Get Rid of Broadcasting Ob-- Senator Dill's bill would repro-- duce the present copyright law, ex-- ce t to insert a clause which world forbid the owner ; of a copyright from exercising his restrictive pow-- ers further than the printed sheet. The clause reads:-- . "And, provided further, that the copyright eontrol shall not extend to . public performance, whether for profit or without profit--of musica: compositions where such perform-- ante is made from printed or writ-- ten sheets or reproducing devices issued under authority of the owner of the oopm.or by use of the rad.o or te e or both." A hearing will be asked within two weeks of the patents commit-- tee to which the bill was referred Senator 'Dill said. "Development--of the radio is the biggest thing in the United States r'ght now," said Senator Dill, "and I do not propose to see it shackled through the efforts of music publish-- ers, who get one royalty from the publication of their music. As it stands now, they get a royalty from the sale of the sheet, a royalty from the sale of the phonograph record, and now they demand a roy-- alty from the radio broadcasting station for using either of the sheets or the record. "When : the patents committee sets a date for a hearing I am go-- ing to ask all agencies interested in radio to come to my aid in changing a condition that is obvi-- ously an unfair handicap." -- |_ Senator Dill's bill has been in-- troduced in--the House by Repre-- sentative Newton of Minnesota. Mtfldtfiomfflm given in the schools of Latvia, a new law 'requires instruction on the dan-- gers of alcohol. The Ministry of pub-- lic instruction must revise the school . The use of Sage and Sulphur for re-- :::'-J:w.h s time. an'-uu::-pguw-ny' 1e c mt ts that dail, faded or ture: was applied with wonderful ef-- But home is and '.:'""'%'!?Mi Eurs Compound," will :"E fambous, oid preparation, im-- lephope 67 _ -- LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 57 RADIO STATIONS stacles . _ WETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 66 _ _ LIBERTYVILLE Office in First National Bank Bldg. --MHours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park DR. 0. F. BEUTTERFIELD LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 Luce Bldg. © LIBERTYVILLE WAUKBGAN Will Know ; Assistant State Veterinarian DR. J. L. TAYLOR ATTORNEY--AT-- t ~Nutional Bank B. H. MILLER on | _ Ave. Barn coy" | -- bargain. * | Aijovara dA . Painete. s ttee | * was," Chich FOR SALE--Seven room house, strictly modern. Oak trimmed. FOR Lot 50%190. Lots of fruit. Good lecation. this is a real bargain and if yougare. in the market for a : home you cannot afford to pass this one by. FOR SALE--Modern six room resi-- dence on the south side, Lot 50X m.Anieehomob'madlou- tion, and it's priced righ and chicken house. fine shade. * Mest convenient location in town and the price is reasonable. » . . home on full sized lot located on south side. Hardwood trimmed. Garage. Everything in fine shape. Price 'reasonable. FOR SALE--Modern five room home with four lots West of Milwaukee Ave. Barn and chicken house. A FOR SALE--Fine seven room bun-- mm Hardwood trimmed. ; 'sewer, water, electricity, gas, Chicken house and garage. Full sized lot. Very reasonable. FOR SALE--Nice: strictly modern seven room home on lot 100x 275. Real Bsta n cpprons.) Hates Doll naaRe hone 90 C | tb Moet 17--6tpd Garage, chicken house. Fine shade and shrubbery. Very choice loca-- tion. Priced right. : FOR SALE--Modern seven room home west of Milwaukee Ave. 'up"m' for q income property. FOR SALE--Modery ~*block on prominen heat. --Everything zomuuhau shape. Lots "bf fruit and berries. Large !}t Three car garage. This is an ex-- septional bargain and the price is fim : SALE--Six room house near stores, etc. with water, electric tv, FORSALE--Two story brick blocki on *Milwaukee Ave. h*l"' ' deep. Priced for quick sals. Good ! 'u" w--m ';". "t" "',m_g_ : FOR SALE--FINE HOME SITES The only way to get the home you want is to build it.. We will sell mfi.lfilfllfimwm' h\g':uponfionl. Come in and let pogum--lxtymmw town. Good seven room house with garage, M"m bearing orchard of pears, apples, Jad viatk ham w-wc place which will pay for itself in rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns.-- You will get results. * w There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake ceunty in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. _ ~ homesit division strictly modern home on Cook Ave, Hot water heat. Oak trimmed. Fire place. Extra large lot. Garaze FOR SALE--Seventy acre farm néar Grayslake.-- Black loam soil Phone 90 FOR sau:i-'r':o horses; .:"H' hartness; single harness; 1 bug-- gy; one pure bred Holstein cow; Also a long list of FOR SALE--100 acre Want ~to hear from owner FOR SALE--Two pute bred Guern« :y hdhndu'-ath.; old. Grand-- and from A. R. 0. cows, _lfl_a'fl_'._ _ A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance block on prominent corner. Steam heat. Everything in fine shape. Tao stores with fiats above. Ren-- tals bring very good return on in-- with furnace. HMorse barn, Gauiry barn, corn crib, milk house, gran-- A bargain to the man who buys it Menene Eents N00 Speree s ue c s er.. Large tile silo. A full line of smaller buildings. Stock, tools, feed, ete can be purchased with the farm. Immediate possession. Price of the farm only $200 per| all Good --nine room house,. .. L.AFRE® dairy and horse barn with modern mmh.._d";i". uen Wh_ L oi value., 145 chickens; 200 bu oats; some barley; good hard ear corm. Must sell before March 1. Fred Cars-- ton, 1% miles south of Wilson station, farm known as the Lam-- brecht Farm. 11--6t. farm fo -'.To*rdl'-'fl 1:":'.;&13 . Black, Chip« pewa Falls, Wisconsin. The Grove Farm, If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to aell, long list of other homes, mneoutfyhflzm. es, and tracts ready for sub-- FOR SALE which is Tar below its actual Classified Ads for . Price only heat. 16 tpd. s IH. » 18 ----4t FOR SALE--Three old Toulouse geese.. Your epportunity to get FOR SALE--Fresh eggs, standard weight, 40 cents per dozen. None delivered. William Lyons, 1023 N. FOR SALE----Pure bred Bronz tur-- FOR SALE--Eighty acres improved FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronz tur-- key -- gobblers, some Roan ducks and drakes, Toulouse geese and ganders. Phone 278--J--2, Bergeron Stock Farm, Lake Street, 2 miles FOR SALE--1200 Egg Candée In-- FOR SALE--Goad 80 acre farm only 2% miles ln;:vn and cement be sold quick. m.uba'fln acre, See A. R. Schnaebele, Reg-- FOR SALE--Nearly # . oce ao iss S20G sor 108 cage 10, price $4.00 mcsbaters and Aateders for pale Phone 283--3--2 Fred Parkhurst. Stf. years old with heifer calf. Average Milwaukee Ave. 50 pounds milk per day. Phone 460 R. 17--2tpd. key gobblers, some Roan ducks and drakes, . Toulouse ganders. Scotch Collie puppies, 6 weeks old. Phone 278--J--2, . Bergeron . Stock farm, Lake Street, 2 miles west of Terms reasonable. F. G. Merrill, 29 READ THIS--Threée times in six month= used Buh milking ma-- chines have brought way over *% of its costs at farm sales. Buy a Bull, it is the best nmm.d-':: -- operate and will sell for more than any other milker when resold. => Housekeeper Wanted in-- widower's home, one little girl eight years old. Good home, must be able to take care of home. Address Box 543, Libertyville, Phone 49. fes 3 PAG R SALE--30 acres of standing corn. Phone 260--W--1. 12--tf. W ANTEI»--Smail farm. have cash buyer for a amail farm of from 20 to 30 acres. : Must have good brooder; 1 cook stove; 1 pair ozail-- lator sleds; 1 light sleigh; Rhode Island " Red, -- pullets, 3. J. Rouse, Grayslake 11. 208--R--2. 12--6t FOR RENT--Farm of 9 acres 2% miles from Libertyville on cement road, Inquire Horace Kick. Phone 412--M--1, 17--8tpd west of Libertyville. _ 10--46, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Applications for 1924 license are here. -- Apply for yours early so as to FOR RENT--5 room flat on second ~floor on First street. Phone 108--J "'flfilfickbulu% i;ci"'ic by the first of the NAEBELE, Notary FOR -- RENT--175 acte farm near town. School on farm. Black soil. 12 room house, two barns, silo, granary and other buildings. Rea-- sonable rent, See A. R. SCHNAE-- m. M"f o'fi"v M' OR SALE:>----85 Acres adjoining town with railroad station, stores blacksmith shop, lumber yard, feed and flour mill ete. Good house with furnace and 'running water, good barns. Fine young orchard. Black soil. ~All tiled and under are all paid in full bLg Schnaebele, Register office, Liber-- A. R. Schnachelo, Register office, MISCELLANEOUS 16--5tpd 15--tf. oi 2 oo

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