PAGE * «.' 0. --Arthur Jevne, pastor ~~ _: Palm Sunday Services: = ~ 0+ a.m. Sunday school. 7 i 10:00 a.m.--Morning services. Ser-- . ~~ Sees, A Palm Sunday sermon, "The _ King and His Social Tasks.". . ~... ~<~47:80 P. M., evening services. Sub-- quite ill this w ter at present. Dean AV""!Y; Antioch on Iu@SGBY ANQ bPOM®« 227 mw&---'-o'-un-fincdfi' Fairfield Ladies Aid. P staying Bert Harris, Miss Lau® ID* 0 OV George Harria. spent fi" 5 '.'gm w #rom Chi-- We t sc eaks " 0 C rs. D. Cook. Mrs. Warren Snyder, of Ivanhoe, Harold Wells. Mrs: William Eddy spent Thurs-- nesday. mother, Mrs. George Yore, in Lake Forest on Monday. Mrs. George Bradley and children of Lake' Forest is spending a few days wi'h her sister Mrs. Thomas Russell. * «e ;:;,,m guests at the home of ur.sndll'fl-n-n:c"k""wed' -- Mr, and Mrs. J. E Murphy their daughter, Mrs Pond, of: .\Mrs. Frank Baumgartner attend-- ed avcard fl? atth ehome of Mrs. Houhilahan of Libertyville on Wed-- nesday afternoon. / : --<Mrs. John Carsteson, of Chicago, is visiting at the nome of her daugh-- ter, for several days this week. . ~ Mrs. H. C. Meyer attended the meeting of the Fairfield Ladies Aid Friday, April 18, the Ladies Aid Society will be entertained by Mrs. Frank Mitchell, assisted by Mrs. R. J. Lyons. The first of the mission-- ary meetings will be held. Mrs. George B. Drake, of Chicago, will give an interesting address on the work of the I!lincis Womens Home Missionary Union.-- -- f ject, the "Supremacy of Christ" _ 'Jesus, the savior of mankind, gives gin in its personal and social forms; Jesus, the risen Lord, confirms the intuitions of men that the correct answer to th equestion "If a man, ghall he live again?" is an emphatic John Jarrett made a business trip We join with the millions who honor Him "who brought life and immortality to light" :« "-- 11 '~-- -"liem;uxm ol,Stl!J'" Suiphur . for: darkening ¥; Mu&ffllflkh'r.m th-- er's recipe, and are again 4 lohecpflnithfi"lbr'.,fifl » which is quite sens as we are liv= ing in an age when a youthful appear-- '"""r-'_l, K. --L:; mw % h?l' 10:00 A. M. morning service, Ser-- mon subject, "Outr 'Threefold Life." 7:B0 P. M., evening service: An Easter story, "The Mansion."> Spe-- clal music at both services,. :. _ Nowadays, though, we don't have the ingredients, called 'W'ut' s Sage and %C«m'.' hv«ym Te npplicd. s-p'"l't' isten your mosten Ti tpugh four hak "'Qhu'""'"'d small % one Muatm:hymthen-y mm o ten ladies Wyeth's Sage and is that, besides ?filh&.fi&.f«fi it also produces that soft appearance of abundance which is 'TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA If Mixed with B8uiphur it Darkens 80 Naturally Nobody --© Can Tell ; Area ~Congregational . and Mrs. MRS. M. L. HANDLEE Local Editor Phone 313--M AREA afternoon carmue tesren | H. L. Burdick, an age when a youlnful Ib 'qf'a_m'-d'_nqh;e'- this week, is somewhat bet-- resent. Her daughter, Mrs. ynsley, of Highland Park is with her for a few days. H. A. Watson motored to D. C GRINNELL Miss Laura Harris and and 'spent the Euh c catines. Mfi »m n atacli inlly ts 6e ++ 9900 CC whith was fine. A lunch| 800 . in ation has been doing good work for| _ Quite: a the school in the past and hopes t0 | M dolltmmrwrklntbm-afi' Now, folks, don't be knockers, but | e 4 hhomn;lflr'hw""yi""wm structing the children to be Y@rYy i uianin 'obedient and everything will go. working in along smoothly. When a teacher| We hope % has so many little "tots" to look af--| so that We ter--mistakes are sure to happen, trouble . w butnunbuth'-hlhlmw"fl""t always made by the teacher so jlot Next . 81 us all get together and help her alt Don' tforge we can with her good work. The and church day, May 5. Miss Graeff, one of ence Schie our forméer teachers will give the , Saturday _ a re E body come. . Nation" at We see that Blanche is getting ko lly be quite a chauffeur. Keep it up," fipecia'> | you're doing fine, Joo devele ¢ are develo What has become of our Jolly another dance ~ We are all getting anxious and would like to know. ~ Sunday evening and meet the new ----Mrs. Mack Mason and her sister Mrs. Lusk were Libertyville callers on Tuesday afternoon, inle? OB 2C m mmUVCrIOuU vUO. RVOS® . SIERWURETTs 2.0! ellelast Saturday. ~ / > § 4s s miinaiinnltdisantiien: Phisiretemcim | -- Michigan planted 27,000,000 brook Rev. McKieth spent Saturday and ROOST REGISTER ADVERTISERS trout last year,. __. Rev. McKeith, ~of Chicago , --has been called to be {pastor of our church. Let us all go to church Miss : Blanche (Schieler> and ~Mr. HALF DAY COATS, SUITS, motored to Ros-- Ts Hbo a ks o mely _ * ood work for | . a number from Half Day and hopes to | / ded the show in Libertyville on in the future. ; ry ~evening. knockers, but : i Gleason is having electric achers by in-- lights installed in his home. ' Miss A tained col 'e ' '1 »'M' | t \Saturday THE LAKE m se ooo Un 0 'The road surveyors have been seen . working in our little town this week.| We hope that they mean n""'"'l so that we will not »ave -- the same, -- Specially trained Red Cross in-- , caller Monday. e' 1 structors in hygiene ai::l ":tfifimt', | I:. Dufluinhrtlh?dA her sis-- .. 'are developing a service of great ter Mrs. Phannensteil, of Area over.. 'lvalue in t?xe rural sections of the Sunday. --= | _ i country, according to School Life, a|. 'Mrs. Raasch was a business caller: |Bériodical published by the United in Libertyyilies Tueedas; | | States board of education. --The re--| 'The roads between Ivanhce and, 'port of the Red Cross Public Nurs--| Area are getting fine owing to the: ing Service for 1922 records more faithful efforts of Richard Dietz,| ,mn'm,ooo school visits made by who has been working on them the , |its more Abhan 1000 nurses, and ap-- past week. . _ & f } proximately . zoo;&oo .sch:;le ;l:!ud-;! Do. notmdmrch services> at ~dren' inspected. ~~Following --the--tead=. Ivanhoe-- ay --at--11:00 g'clock.| ~ership of ,the American Red Cross,| Sunday school at 10:00. afim \similiar organizations have been es-- is welcome. Come and bring. a ta!ghhod since the 'war in 35 other friend. s nations. 6c C100 Depmenttmeninnmmninmmenmmmm mm 00 . | trouble . with . muddy . roads NOXE spring that we have had this c:pr}ng. _ Next. Sunday is Palm Sunday, Don* tforget to atteing Sunday school and church services. c o 0 __-- Miss Anna Gerbert and --Miss Flor-- ence Schicler were in Chicago last Saturday and saw "The Birth of a Nation" at the Orpheum. at th eC. J. HWérschberger To ~ o Wi 8 's newest Suits, tailored An endless variety in style, for afternoon &"'fmwammmn and dinner wear, fashloned of rich silks fabrics. Materials mentioned below are in ~ _ anq uttractively trimmed. both groups, but of course " of CI:mn: ",'b are sma ts phices are femarkable."" * ®® Tany ctes and White ?;"mm ---- The Suits In T wo Younger Set. All are crepe mfiu hnm on and many other in-- touches are seen. cOUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY Mannish Suit C flnm" g: Two Very Specially ~ Priced Groups At _ 75 _ anm.I5 and W ' # )uny ---&,- a I'w lu, a P 'Q uc w" s I: h'.ly' 'xi:l':tivu ~and #c:':ouwghhn visitors # | friends in ftor a few days. . nesday. | | / William _ Was has sold Mr. and Mrs. Charles | property w = Ivanhce and be a andqndm:mdum luw dry a';'pudnnt of Area, las tFriday where they spent a few §u.-. w...&n. whbui:«'t.'an"hjp days with the later's parents. property we; i# --Ivanho C &A _-- Gerhardt h." ; farmer. . Bue % to you, William. -- Fof Chicago :::ntm their _ _ The school children®are rejoicing parents here. $ w | over a fine new. giant. stride which ionr a fine new. giant, stride whith .. Sunday, April 18, there will be 'has, been installed on the #chool Géerman services at St. Mathews La-- Igrounds. Mwmoapu" theran church: At this service a | through the of our efficient --class cf--three will be confirmed. At ; teacher, Mrs, Trant. ~--__, |8:00 P. M. there will b« eEnglish _ _ 'Albert Snyder is now mail carrier Services at which a class of two will | on 'route 2. as Dunn has n-;ln confirmed. | signed the ~and: taken up| . The Misses w..uumw- carpentery. . Man Schwerman spent the end \*Mrs. Elia Smith who has been in Fort Wayr Indiana, where thes 'in Libertyville all winter, returned /attended the nth Annual Mil-- home for a few days but has gone itary Tournament of the Concordia to stay with Miss Hattie Price of College cadets, 4 |\ Area, who is quite poorly at present. | 30 o memimrenimemnrecmmmsicusmmins | .( . at IVANHOE was a Waukegan © Beaded, Embroidered, ~Tucks, SHelf Pleatings, Buttons, Laoss.. Tan, Cocon, Moss Green, s Grey, Copper, Brown, Blicknfi Canton Crepe, Satin Crepe, Fig-- APRIL 12,; 1924 _ Mbor Rone tw Rrauts Hence systematic saving hdn not only you but your neighbor.> Looked squarely in the face, then, it is the duty of everyone to save stematically. When the thought grips you that saving helps your neigh-- bor you cxum A new sensation--it is re increased con and assurance. Your deposits are secured and your i compoundodumi-m%enyoubnnk at The Wheeling State Bank AN ENDLESS CHAIN OF GOOD Geo. A. !oncs . _ DEN 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. L 1:00 --~6:00 P. M. AREA, ILL mwmwu FIVE LINKS IN THE FENDLESS CHAIN OF GOOP" 1st link--You earn. Znd link--You save. 8rd link--You deposit. 43 fl:x:r Tank lokes to lndustrics. 5th link--Industries employ people. WHEELING, ILLINOIS AY it is reflected in interest is i