Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 12 Apr 1924, p. 3

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s "' m m" '". b"!,m-'.m mID, NJErCHq £ 6 month 1 o & entertained at dinner rg W'mmmummmu& do the mending guest, Miss Lillian Berefiel Home. Last Monday A ETOUP 9f 'C),rence Anderson, of Chic Reven 'mended a bushel basket full C **°0C° » C dothh'vhidmfidnnlflng..' The 'anmval m""mt' A"c- E. m is a candidate for'b'"mmbm-*' iehoo! director to succeed Wmhn'w last Friday.. William 8. Carr. The school élection takes was yeelected an elder. T lace the third Saturday evening in tees are: C, E. Piper, C. W April, the nineteenth,. --__ _: . _ <}ang W. W. Clark The vote '."n' high school election will 'be retention of the pastor was eld Saturday afternoon, April 12. in favor of Rev. M. L. Th The polls will be open from three: ~A elock thermometer has to six P. M. x stalled on the east side of th _ William M. ~Reay of Highland er building,> by the Ev: 4 is a candidate for reelection. ; president of the board, and Frank . Read, of Lake Forest is a can-- 'for reelection--as-- member--of } ie board,. ~Polling places will be the North Shore Trust Company,: d Park, City Hall of Lake: and the Deerfield Town hall. 'The Klu Klux Kian burned a fiery o Monday evening in Lidger-- od's pasture, back of the Gram--| new lot of those stylish pants for men and young r: « The ma-- | _ 1475 =' 16.50 _ iN talk at the Presbyterian Wo-- an's Club on : "Making Houses omes", next Monday evening. Mrs. ghler is with the Home Beautiful wvice of Carson, Pirie, Beott and »., and is highly recommended in r ling of work, On April 28, a concert will be ven by the pupils of the Columbia hool of Music for the Presbyter-- n Woman's Club. . The first Monday afternoon of the late James Howard Kebler DEERFIELD Ia ara axcellent cheavints. cassimeres and worsteds in pattern ill maich up with rore« of suits. Sized for mon of every size build. Three groups at f 4095 5095 6095 4 in both silk and --Knit Jus Men's Trousers e 21 -- Mrs. J. A. Riechelt, Jr. attended t * board meeting of the Tenth Dis-- triet of the Federation of Woman's "(!Iuh at Rogers Park, Wednesday. :', Mr. and "Mrs. Clarence Hyhn: en-- ""ning entertained at dinner Sunday bys evening in compliment to their house of miu Lillian Berefield. -- Mr. wt» Anderson, of Chicago,. was tees are: C. E. Piper, C. W. Getty, sky by Rest= Betty Boice and Mae | and W. W. Clark (The vote for the, Hesler. lp) Pirouette--Polla, by retention of the pastor was 58 to 23 Carol Baker; (c) Mazurka, Wieniaw-- in favor of Rev. M. L. Thomas {:ki.nby_._wvihu s | €od uB The annual spring vacation for the high school started Thursday afternoon,> 'The extra day is given because of the Lake Shore Division t The annval congregational meet-- ing of the Presbyterian church was einct committeeman . at the pri--' one of the most important of the | "'muhuqhu"&' didates were S. P. Hutchison and ation. | ~Mis Milton Frantz. The junior prom_will be 'held on keley, Mrs. Guy H. Newcomb entertain-- April 26. The seniors will be the the U ed at. bridge last Friday afternoon| guests of the juniors and will not conve for 'her mother, Mrs, Damon, of have to buy tickets, (ley. _ Fall River, Mass. Immuwmu«» girl ; have been living in Chicago since Mflcpwmbe:'hnmh KEimer Clavey was of their aunt, Mrs. Fred Hag 4o9 You may choose from splendid Fruit of the Loom, Manhattan and E. and W. shirts in a great array of handsome patterns. They are in a wide range of color effects and are specially -- lm priced for Saturday at____._--___:= -- -- * *~ > THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, '-.ffln:f-?.:lm.fthflm 4. Violin solo--Berceuse. Godard; Raymond Best. 5. Belies of the Sea, Solman: Boy:s Cilee Club. ; il L4 Mlll"l"' «s 'Tenseeg * _ SX PCM [ mt the biati e 1. (a) Army and Navy, Br@aham; visitor of the (b) Ennh? Star, from Tanh@user visited classes m: c\ . Marguerite Waltz, last Thursday Gounod; High school Orches-- lister's dutv is 2. (a) In Absence, Dudley Buek; (b) A Little Close Harmony, O'Hare The junior prom wil} be held on keley, California, April 26. The seniors will be the the University of guests of the juniors and will not convention now have to buy tickets. (ley. Dorothy f The band boys' uniforms have ar-- Eirl and a D. rived. They gave a concert Thurs.| Class of 1919, day and had a chante to show off: | _ _ n smabn . their new Chorus--Greeting to _ Spring. Men's Spring Shirts -- _ Saturday We Feature Men's Handsome Suits Ischaikow-- Every wants to look his best on Easter Day ann:l'gere'i an omtnmtfinto get & j Suit value for $45 than you'll dany\x::: . else we know of. © They're snappy suits from thefotemoctmo&unenmdtbefireinjmtthe f swagger you young fellows are look-- ing for as well as conservative styles for the A wonderful new lot gust received and how swagger they are. They're so necessary for general wear they will hold a promin-- ent place in your Spring wardrobe too. _ In this showing for place i pring 1 o. . ving 1 Saturday &%fipafuflwwmgm% unbardines, Cheviots and m:guns in all the wanted Spring shades. They g:m perfectly and right kefon Easter the prices range $9000 ., $§5.09 from '} _ _ _ . , s9qQ8 hich is the tennis champi Of the Bbe :~ a member (% Course Its A New Suit tor Easter Mr. Man! _ _ -- AND HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ' Mh'nhflo-&md knee d match. Sises &8 to 18 yoars Vory Other Splendid Suits With 2 Pairs of Pants Are Featured avgs With 2 Pairs Pants _ Handsome New Spring Top Conts for the boys i \\__~_ _ --|from 2 to 10 years old. 'They're well made For Easter and Comfirmation Wear. They're|\ from Fancy Tweeds and Polo Cloths in the Seoctmenes : bows d o Wiias c l L. M a m es s k 0 cok # we know of. © They're snappy suits from W and tbofi re in just the pger you young fellows are look-- for as well as conservative styles for the Mr. »and "x!.vfi'w'fa".xw and daughter, Bessie, spect To day evening with --Mr. and \ Charles Gosswiller.. . _ =~~ . William Dehne and Alois Keisler were Palaiine callers Friday eve : n ~ .. Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Roder in sons, Paul and m of Area wore entertained in the Charles Ho~ch berger, Jr.. home on Sunday. Fred Popp was a . ness ca'ler Wednesd; Rev. and Mrs. arl Thursday -- eveninge _ "Miss : Cora Go@~w&wl'4ilwrt y-- ville, <spent the week end with her patents, Mr. : nd Mrs. Charles Co;s-- witier, «s oo p 5o eneage s Mr. A, M. Burn 'sp~r Puesday afternoon _v'fllt th his dauch-- ter. Mrs. Henry Laseke, Jr. Mr. »and Mi:s." Waltre & sss :. Mrs. -- Wi liam Jesse Lowe ith, ;Princ the Elm Place > at the high school sda + iha high hool 'l 'i; e in . se C 'uughch" noon NB Hol-- Ave Yist 1 n,'n. o determine the ©; ably lister's duty is hools to be on . wirk een B Do aoole AoRt on ts wl Dr. H. A. Holl visitor of the Uni Hlinois, Boys' Easter Suits | _ Boys' Top Coats Miss Supple is at Men's Swagger Top Coats LONG GROVE Dress Shirts. Bilk Stripes and PM iit----gruaranteed fast * 3.50 The _More of those famous Manhattan and Salisbury (shirts in stunning spring patterns and color ef-- fects. The fabrics are splendid quality and they're perfectly made. Don't _ 2 95 micae tham © miss them._.:: ... _._ * g' spent Mtr. and With One or Two Pairs of Pants at seb '.in 4 APRIL 12 Bpoke A surprise party was given on ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Popp Thursday ° evening. There were 18 young folks present. . Those from out--of--town \ were: Mr, and Mrs. Herman Busch-- + ing and daughters, of Lake Zurich; ' and William Meyer of Plum Grove Avenue. The evening was enioy-- ~-- ably spent in playing--cards, after ° wuich refreshments were served. { _ Miss Grace Lafrentz called on her cousin, Miss Helen Lafrent:,> Fri-- dav afternoon, t Walter Gosswiller and Fred Pano d'd some work at Everette a few y days last week, ; # 32 «k -- _ Miss ° Ethel Umbdenstock Perry Hamilton spent Tuesday eve-- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Herman _ Keisler. F mr. and Mrs, Walter Gosswillere _ Twentv of our folks attended a and Miss Bessie spent Wednesday| Bunco party at the Charles Lafrentz evening with Mr. and Mrs. Freq bome~--on Saturday evening. First Popp. ' prizes were awarded to Miss FEmmo Mn William --Gieske--epent t2%#~ 'and M¥r. Lafren'z. Can-- week in Chicago. *# lsohtion'nrim were given to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cordes and Edwin Giss and Oscar Meyer. A Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleinsmith ; delicious supper: was served. of Palatine, spent Sunday at the) Palm Sunday at 9:00 A. M., Sun-- George Umbdenstock home. ... ')day school Our first Sunday school Messers,. A. H. Blunn and nm-y}smion had an 'attendance of 43; Laseke, Jr. were in Chicago. on this promises well for a still larg-- business Wednesday. "_.___------_-->-- ler--attnedarce when the weather and lers Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs, Wal and Miss Bessig spe evening with Mr a Edward Krueger was i one day last week. -- ; Messes. Herman Kru Ralph Mever were Waul lefrs Fridary aftarnmaam - Men's Smartest Shirts Misses Helen Lafrentz and Mabel Hans were callers at Rev. and Mrs. Stradler's home Wednesday evenirg. Whiigg town callers Thursday morn-- ng. h Miss Neetie Bunn spent Wednes-- day with her sister, Mrs. Henry Laseke, Jr. 4 Wednesday in Chicago full |Saturday at .~=---------------- 845.00 Ray and Fred Busch, of Aptakisic styles in fancy trimmed and plain colors. Mrs, Walter Gosswiller ous "Kaynee" and "Jack Tar" Brands. sed fast colors. They're in newest in Oliver Twist, Balkan and Middy 1,.29 " 3.98 ' Wash Suits w annepteidtis ie M on on amm ut ons < anammcans Miss Elizabeth Gocotz. of Liber-- | tyville, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Goetz. | _ Herman Kreuger drove Vietor Savuer and daughter, Lillie, to Elgin | on Tuesday. j Miss Emma Kalkbrenner, cf Pi-- _atine, spent Sunday at the A. Saver home. " Mrs, Albert Sauer called on Mrs. Charles Gosswiller Wednesday at-- ternoon. Mrs. Charleés Gosswiller and Miss Cora were callers at the Walter Gosswiller and A.-- Sauer homes Saturday evening. § Victor Sauer and douchter, LilWlic were Elgin callers Tuesday . morning Mr. and Mrs. George Dobbins and sons, Mr. A. M. Bunn and Misses Bunn were entertained at supper at the H. Laseke, Jr. home Wedsesday evening. Herman Krueger was a Liberty ville caller Tuesday afternoon. Palm Sunday at 9:00 A. M.. Sun-- day school-- Our first Sunday school session had an 'attendance of 43; this promises well for a still larg-- er--attzedarce when the weather and . Albert Saver attended the Bank meeting at Libertyville Tuesday day afternoon. «Miss Mathilda l'z spent Sun-- day afternoon with Mabel Hars Work was started Monday morn ing on the Albert Popp bungalow. William Umbdenstock® and Alois Keisler were Forest Park callers Wednesday morning. With 2 Pairs Pants Handsome Spring made aplendid . r:uuc-m"t:-.u:an §o'r Q.fin@:".'fll- 'They're in d':"h,n'llh". m'"m' fotivee wad "Catemes To "'3°i':."aud.1°' 1k o'w{ hey're lun{datome i:;i'ts in sizes o men, men, fat men, lean | of regular build. If you are bm?: of regular build. If you are lookn' "something'" that dutmfxisbu ¢ the Sztmfrol::a_n common place one you it in these Suits. Men's Smart Spring Hats _ #@@@ ) . $998 to $ 1 250 Prior to 1921 the death rat ein Chicago, so far as the records show, wers always greater than that cf the ~down--state. Since that time the rate in Chicago has consistently been lower than that for the dow~ state and the difference is apparent. ly growing more and more faver-- able to the city. In this convect'~=> th estate dirtctor of public health [poinu, out that Chicago maintains Good Friday at 10:00 A. M. the last lenten service will be held., Sub-- ject of the sermon "The Sixth and seventh words of Jesus upon the cross." The Lord's supper will be celebrated. This service will also be conducted in English. Let us unite at the Lord's table in christian fel-- lowship, bear witness of the faith that lives in us, and the richest blessings of God will be ours. an adeauate And efficient public "nealth service, At 10:00 A. M. special service in the English language; all mer*>~« and friends are cordially invited to come and worship. 'The newly or-- ganized Young People's League and choir will render roads are i rdoont better than at present. FRED GRABBF Addreas: . 928 North Ave _ Waukegan 1. _ Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Waukegan 2588 PAGE THREE P 3 y

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