PAGE TWO se cene . Aemenienene n C000 c g evening of last week and the Good meeting beld at the Area w&wmmflnfl' 4 .Atw-unhgudw ning services on Easter Sunday the church was filled; On Thursday at 10:00 a. m. the County Institute of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the Area Congrega-- tional church, Prominent speakers from Chicago and state will parti-- cipate. Among th espeakers will be Miss Helen Hood state president, "'- Benson B.fl. mm. Li« £. 14 Mrs. A. Smith of Evanston, Child W:'l'f'are superintendent and Mrs. Peak®. . SBunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Prouty of Wauconda. : Mr.-- and Mrs.--Herman Kueblank and children and Albert Knigge mo-- tored to Salem, Wis., Sunday. Miss .Nina Smith returned--to her home in Milwaukee on Sunday after spending a few days with her grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rouse. : Aynsley Ross spent Saiturday at fy] spot that L _took. a SNOYTHEYT 21"" the home of Mrs. J. J. Rouse. more Uireet route, which proved' to Miss Cecil Bluhm is spending her, be much steeper--and --JI --made--the as-- wxacation at her home in Indiana. She\cent without one stop for rest fol-- is expected back Wednesday. .: |lowing another path around the hill> :Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and lit--| Side into a beautiful gorge.. I on-- te son, David, 'of ~Rochelle, spent deavored te--sead awhil ein the rest-- the week end at tne home of_ the| fu! atmosphere but zo secluded from lattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. all material ambition, greed a:\__c_i Meyer. C ;:a;ifie: ln:d alm:ier':it:f only ;n; 4 + auties ~and .wonders nature : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith; / 34 onty think and dream. . -- Mr. and Mrs;{'r'ank Bauernsmith motored> to Waukegan on Saturday evening and visited at the home of the lgtter's brother, Orélle Hibbard The Young People's Society. will meet at the home of Miss Mildred Porteous on Wednresday evening of this week at seven o'clock.. ~The leader for the evening is / Pearl Herschberger and the topic will be "Easter, the time of joy."" y and : family. "Eester, the time of jJoy. ' 'M.were ente&-i;lg the rivers df-l Mr,° and Mrs. Damon Holmés @8 yreet and through lakes, both large the parents of a little son--born at anq small along their whole course the Victory Memorial Hospital Wau-- :o the ocean. And as they g£0 Wa-- kegan, Friday morning. | ter is drawn off here for irrigation, Mrs. Bert Mills, of Gurnee, SpeNt ghere for power to make electricity several days last week with her niece somewhere else for power in a lum-- Mrs. William Albright. \ber' camp and sawmill and so on _ Mr. and Mrs. Orelle Hibbard,.and, jown the whole journey and. yet it son, of wm m»-WD 'sings happily on its way. not ve-- and Robert ird, of DPruces LAK®} sonting the work it is given to do Frank Bauernsmith. 2 tmmny content in carrying Mr. and Mrs. Charles--Lemkuh!:,, ;, part of God's great plan, _ spent Saturday night at the home 0f) pouowing this came. thoughts: of the former's parents in Highland~>,"~""""/ 90 0 > 0e water that is Mr.," and Mrs. Damon Holmes are the parents of a little son--born at the Victory Memorial Hospital Wau-- kegan, Friday morning, . ; _ Mr, Mrs, Albert IKoder -- PPE B caln -- * manankt "whare I m:'fihc Home of Mr. and Mrs, | failed "duringe Ayears because . George Prouty of Wauconda. . spof lack of water whi '"d'"'I Mr.-- and Mrs.~Herfinn Kucblank/ hbundance was so blbse at hand. It ; and children and Albert Knigge mo.| Btemed there mu be y for all tored to Salem, Wis., Sunday. . _ _ and : it only Mmmui Miss Nina Smith returned to her| work out their problem of etontile home in Milwaukee on Sunday after it in the right way and thére mast spending a few days with her grand-- be: a way: * yal o te : Mrs. George A. Ross and son, be just another example oflg € ".";'*i + Aynsley were Chicago-- visitors on | in& --out of -- God's "divine. princif Friday. The continual flowing of the water Choir practice will be held on Fri--| 1 likened unto the truth and love of day evening of this week at the God, in fact all of the qualities of home of Mrs. John H. Rouse. which flow on around us all of Mrs. Walter Stark and Mrs. Em--| the time. ' They are here for every-- ma Smith visited the former's sis-- otie but it remains for each to ac-- ir Mi#s Frieda Schals in E¥anston on| cePt and apply them, | Sunday afternoon, It is said that "Opportunity: knocks 'Mrs. William Eddy was a Ch!ugoihu toncee" but the above metaphor visitor on Monday. *4 .. | proves tWit opportunity is ever at The Ladies Aid. Society, met <at the home of Mr#. Frank Mitchell on s k. Friday of © wes Rodée: spent -- eeahes. Miss Cora E. Barnard, plan-- i iste, hd." accompanist for the great »croir thes New First Congrega-- lgnlm»d il'ieqwly ht home * " fl.o ofr organ. has been re-rd in many 3 Chicago. Mis#* t a has sung in several of the = soloist and has been the New England cafyo e C en wC P ul C e te roal Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Well#, of Wan--| our door kegan, motor®d to Area Bunday and | > _ ( spent the evening at the home of Mr. |. «------------ and Mrs;. Wm. Albright., ¢ \Baptist «c Mra. Herman Kueblank and daugh-- ter, Charlotte,;--attended the . Easter cantata at the Iibertyville Presby-- terian church on Sunday evening. . "IF. C. Dorfler gpent Sunday in Chi-- Mrs, M. Shaw and children of Pee-- waukes, Wis., arrived<FAday at the home of her cister, Mrs. Lester Jar-- Mr. and M&Mimr and family© were -- \ visitors on Sunday. eV e n as _ Mry. and Mrs. William Zersen and Mr. and: Mrs. E. W. Fenner and daughter, Evelyn, motored to Pala-- tine Sunday and spent the day vis iting yolatives, 4ap "Mr; and Mrs, Frank Dishinger an family spent Saturday fmnu:fi Des Plaines. ' / te C Mr. and ::'h Clnfl'ora:::nl of AMsti ts k _ : + M'Qg"nr of Wheeling and fi. Wolf of Long CGrove, 'tg guests at the Herman Zersén home Monday. --© The li tle s:':{ Mr. and lrlw lie Ullrich is at the Victory Memorial nospital, Waukegan, is somewhat better and it is expected that he can soon be brought home. The concert, April 26, at 8:00 p. m. under the auspites of the Ivan:> hoe--Arcea greater parigh at the Iv-- ankhoe church promises to be Jimt succass, Th eartists are all well-- knowh for their ability and other sug-- Thursday | MOHLRLAIKLH -- NEMIK . the Good was a little. lake the Area\ first morning w e well .t-"h steep ascent. indavw tha' a rocky hillside and -- Memorial IN THE MOUNTAINS _ ..~ OF MONTANA "YVACATION 1923" By Nina Jan eRouse (C-Ldtn-lutm) We had been told that up in the mountains back of the hotel there _ ~I thought of that little stream running ino the lake, on down the 'moqn:ain side to join others and en-- 'ter the Yellowstone river, thence 'to join the Missouri and Mississippi 'and flow on into the ocean only to be.drawn back into the clouds again ' and continue its.round of servitude. i Then the thought--came to my mind | that millions of: just such -litgl.e on its part of God's great plan. _ . | ' joyg. Lewig Mills visited with Hr.i Following this came thoughts: 0f|and Mrs, Ray and small daughter on. waufimnlz" hd":', drawn Mm& Mrs. Nellie Bartlett l';tflmd hhl!w' sources there seems to be\daughter, Mrs. Frank en, Sun-- \m"' for all -'d*w" *L'day, after spending wfim in thought .of. many: ranchers who had | rockford. She attended--the Easter failed ~during recent years because} services in Elgin, where she spent i of lack of water . w. such an | Saturday and Sunday. ___ . Baptist churches of Chicago, and the] First : Presbytcrian -- chureh of Oak Park. She is a member of the Ci--| céro Consemtorz of Music and Dra« matic Art. <She has a voice of great beauty ard rare quality. ' Misa Flor-- ence E. Boydston, contralto, fas been a. member of, the quartatie of the MOwn South ¢ Congre g':tiovnl of Chicago, for years and has sung in o'nbw;'fiqn,v' Chicago '¢hnurches. ~She has c!'éh} meHlow voite of fine timber and range. 'Mrg. F/ M. Harding, réader has delighted 'her' audientes "In sev-- eral states for many yéars with he? sympathetic, artistic presentation of ome of the rWU; | miss. this rars> opportunity? Tickets are 35 conts for adults and 20 cents for caildren STOP RHEUMATISM WITH RED PEPPER (To be continued) ne@ur1"5 |eago iére must ' this must the work-- he water d love of |--i * RMHELL m wift !~ Mr. and "Mrs. M. : Moore, of Chica=1 go, and Mrs. H. Gleason, of Half 1Dgy, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mills and family. | . Mr. and Mrs. N. Frazer, of Chica-- go, spen tche week end: at their cot-- | tage at Diamond Lake. Mrs. Frazer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson \spent Sunday with them.. . . _ _ THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, ~The Texaco Oil Company bave in-- stalled a gasoline pumpin front of of Frank Johnson's store. Miss Priscilia Thatcher spent Sun-- My. and Mrs. Earl kane and TAM* ily visited at the Henry Kane home Sunday. gA%, --~'Mr..and Mrs.--Park Allanson en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allan-- son at dinner on Sunday. .. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills and danghteyr, Sherley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. 0. Rockenbach, o eg. uh ts «> O notswinbtuetst ninp i E7 . * Mrs. Einsman's friends surprised her Saturday evehing at the home of Mrs. Sophie Towner. Mrs. Eing-- man plans to return to her parents in Towa socn. . 'ye Tss "&: and Mrs. Lewis Mills andl . Mrs. "Jos. Dowell Morimer Base daughteyr, Sherley, spent Sunday with :ll. of ago&,l)o'w;\lhu;mm' Har-- Mr. and Mrs, A. 0. Rockenbach, ' ;r_ny a wlm:fueley of Union; sts. ahd Mrc. Clayton Hutchings F.s haun Norlh of Herbster, Wis.; entertained Mr.. and Mrs. Uh1, of Ri':&rdMy o: Gr:y slake: Fred Evanston at Sunday dinner, +*:| Baseley, of Beach: Tracy Base-- The children gave a "e'?,l'm 'Jley, of 'Hlm'flt, I"a.; and Miss Toiere ts fnsnraced Tery Profiil | apood nee piene? in tenderiy cnring After the program the children were | ; 16 father 5 ring "his 'y f l'l'l'- permi.ted to hunt for the Easter noc:-,flzkid; in bore with #reet for-- ;Td? ylneli the 'Bunny' kad so kindly |gzudje and uncomplaining patience, ~mIG. > wevin W ... ce ioi n n ic 90000 40 Deceased ecame to this vflhge"eg Mr. ¢7d Mrs. Frank Johnson en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Park Bart-- lett agd daughter, Lillian, of Chi-- cago, at dinner Sunday. Garden Woeek is here. -- Are you going to make your place look bet-- ter this year than it did last? ~Are you going to lineup with the Gar-- den weék idea and help make your town~look better? Are you going to plant some Bridal Wreath and help make Liberityville famous for 'its beautiful Bridal Wreath? ~ _/ ----Mere are a few things you can Mn ts Page Taire: pant a few \Jong t & ' seeds .of ornamental gourds." 1& make a gpod cover and look wdl.'.ol" use the "AMoon. vine . or. : morning gloties or tall nasturtiums. In the tall use sw flowers, spider plant or roiden plow..., > .. Cymy:--. *~ 4=1.'. * --'The folowing annuals : will bloom until frost from seed in s!x weeks; and do well in dry places, Sunflower Petunia, Nasturtium, Marigold, tulaca, Corrolnulus, (dwarf) ~ ;Calli-- opsis, Phlox, Drummondii Nicotana. -- The following annuals 'will bloom in partial shade. -- Torenta, Fournie-- ti. ~Nicotiyna, Saivia.: ig 1| t uw N DIAMOND LAKE --EDITH DAY .. "WILDFLOWER Opening Easter Sunday Gardefit Philosopher HU. WOODS' APOLLO BL mm CPReEtyT i | Toy , set Are® | céived Afrom . th C Health relative to ""'"' They trust that :'ml M Will eo--op! "~"uu"" .est extent "to the m'n "'mtory witnin 'f.M""'nkipalit:es i upon city and village aut m tatu which also "fi the 'rules of 1 ment and confer upon t M t authori.y ty perform their duties. | . [ 4en Emm d 'Lake,' Tliinois, i t¥ha' aldaint cof. + 38 2 Pemeae mt 2001000 "'K.-m,{ the warning of the mw Public Health Service and the malignant form of smallpox Wp%m Missouri and the relatively .l number of cases of Lake, Illinois, June 1, 1851. and was the eldest ofseven children born to Richard and Sarah Case Baseley of whom but two survive, John Baseley-- of this place.and Miss Mary Baseley Wm. Baséley was united in mar-- riage with Miss Alice West at the age of 22 years. To Mr. and Mrs. Baséley were--born 12 children, all of whom, but one, Orlin Baseley who died in 1911 aged 29 years. survive with the mother to mourn the loss of the departed. x Amy B'"by',"f this place who @8s--| -- Pr. John: L. Taylor of Liberty-- sisted her mo.her in tenderly caring}yille was kept busy on Easter Sun-- for the father, during his long ill--| day caring for fractures. Yesterday ness, which he bore with great £0!*| morning Isadore De Méyer's . son, titude and uncomplaining patienC®. |jiying on the Plank.--road,. just out-- Deceased came to this village t0j sige of Libertyville suffered a brok-- live at the age of ten years, ABd BAd]s,, wrist. while attempting to crank resided _ almost continually Be#|a machine, He was taken--to Dr. during his : life. time. A. carpenter Taylar's office. and mason by trade he had F""'m" Sunday afternoon Charles Ben-- ed his share in the labor of the com--| nort, Libertyville, sustained a dou-- ,mw'{é°f over half a century. B")bh f#acture of the right arm, when sides 'his immediate famijly he leaves'p,> fell, while leaping over a porch '80° grandchildren -- and -- two ""tlraning, Dr. Taylor was-- called, The funeral was held at the F::& * erated church Friday afternoon 4 j was largely attended. i CATTLE TESTED Numerous and beautiful floral of--. for Tnmlosis ferings graced the bietr. 4 i C Cor on wa us w m« . |FREE OF CHARGE Andflowmtow_ithotattheflorth"'n&l tVd' Wind's breath; And stars to set--But thou Thou hast all seasons for thine own, oh, Death! -- (Contributed) Mrs. Fred Homeyer visited friends in Cnicago the past "'k'"d' ho Mr. Baseley was born at Diamond Tha children WED ~-- H. P. SUHLING Phone 131--M Lib WILLYS-- KNIGHT 5 Passen are Mrs. Fred Dow-- ities is conferred ige uuthoritielifi also require them es of this depart-- upon them ample hori.y to proper: Now you can afford to make that dream a reality! To own and drive this luxurious sedan, powered: by the same type of engine used in 's finest cars. Silently glid-- ing valves instead of ham-- mering cams and clicking poppet wyalves.: An engine that improves with use! -- An all--season car you'll want to drive season. after season. For no W illys--Knight engine has ever been known to wear out. Nee o 9e on nsen thet have| Walpols; _Mid W m':;'n&dmnudn& .P.i:at?u to ;:udu. lln;rl@ ] hild be to take the--child Mind in the. M -..n*....m..' to the m;m 'to be v&' Smaill ~House, 'm--l. ~Wander-- id-hd:n(&fl a emdd Wmizmw.omn'cug w' 'm M gecond # McElro $ @ in --your city or vmm."&wcunnn to Youth, Sterns; Theo-- {bmd of health should immediately , dore; Reosevelt, Charnwood. issue an order. excluding unvacein--| Juvenile: _ '% Bowen | ated children _ from. :sehool" when| Jeanne, 'Colver; The Trail, smallpox exists in the eommnnuy'Gtrhnd; Legends of King Arthur, '(m will find a copy-- of this order|-------------"--"'--"""--""""""""'" *or molutlorl\b:n plg'e" 1)8 c:dt)lu t;:;l wWEDN & closed smallpox rules); | ESDAY > | your local board of health should; e (buy a 'reasonable :upp!;.of vu:inol SATURDAY "to be distributed among doctors so | P \they that they can vaccinate children . $ . | in your bealth jurisdiction. _ Only| Geo A _ by active vaccination campaign can * $ | you hope to prevent asmallpox dur--| & ° * DEN' . iohkD Or EDUCATION . | [ - #| B s _ School District No. 70. _ --| 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. ;\ _ Libertyville Townsnip high school 4 ----> 1:00 -- 6:00 P.--M. increasing each week, it is our opin-- ; ion that a physician or nurse should be employed by you to (&) ""5'_'*! 1695 . Mrs. Wiemann and Erwin Lange-- mann, of Kenosha, were Sunday guests at the Fred Clausing home. . Earl Schwerman and Herbert Eg-- gers, who attend Concordia College, at Fort Wayne, Indiand, spent the Kaster vacation with her parents _ Mrs. A. N. Bunn, of Park Ridge, | and Mr. and Mrs. H. Laseke, of Long Grove, were Sunday visitors at thcg H. Baumann home. _ [ _ | _ Miss Alma Albrecht visited her parents at Rodenbury, IIL., the past week. | _ Sunday afternoon Charles Ben-- nett, Libertyville, sustained a dou-- 1bh fracture of the right arm, when he : fell, while leaping over a porch l_nmng,. Dr. Taylor was -- called, _ The Misses Helen and-- Emma Peters of Chicago, IIl., spent Easter with her parents here, WRIST BROKEN °BY AUTO CRANK By VU. 8. Government Veterinarian fo.b.'Toledo BERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Office with Farm Bureau Inspector In Charge Phone Libertyville 829 GILMER The Lyom:mnfi-muot 1922--23 have given the Book fund a substantial sum. Wih it we have purchased the following books: NEW BOOKS AT COOK e p MEMORIAL LIBRARY The end of the House of Allard, Walpole; Midwest Poriss nu. > $ w & N+ sen; 'The D.nuo(w::l_'l:h'm ~ -- 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. F 1:00 -- 6:00 P.M. ---- --=--AREA, ILL. WEDNESDAY ~ -- Citizens Bank SATURDAY Building Geo. A. Jones DENTIST Greene; The Torch Beayer, Marshall; The Filipino Twins, Perkins; 'The Wreek of the Grosvenor, Russell. FRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMA *..'"_ AREA, ILL, All ~kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service : Competent Mechanies Weldiag -- Day and Night Service Phone 817 i Blanche A. Mitchell, Harry Pfannenstill, Prop: THE STAR Garage Fi