Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 23 Apr 1924, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinauer and Charles Wakefield and wife of i ncy 9f Hound Lake witeprerte of |at the 1. No Ricchhoff hame: " . -- were o the L. H. Riee i "o " 'l". L uo mmt'u'n' w.uh for our bl' .pfin' "1. b.' Dinauer and family were there f0"| ginning Saturday, April 26. Lang-- zwnk end and Mr. n-'q on Sun-- | worthy's, * f k " i ~ Mrs. D. C. Grinnell leaves for Friends of _ Flary of* South : Kankakee Friday morning to attend mnfi-: io m::l learn ie the installation ofJ officers of uui: t 'WHHE i White Shrine of Jerusalem. / is still uncapi for work BE M will act as installing Chap-- Films and photo developing at Langworthy's. 30--+f Watch for our big spring sale be-- ginning Saturday, April 26. Lang-- m,'.o . % 3 s BIG SPECIAL Lake County National Bank New Highways Of Business ' i ¥ig. 28 | Melting point '!',, . a 20,%@ ] _ of ash -- -- 2800° | s & 4 smttatsec BB 1 B. T. U -- ~-- 15,100 hi g? mss WwA L High Carbon s #9 /A + o B '2 means most ef-- |€ "fi",f; ¥ i2 3. 1 ficiency, > fpr wl P t g ' t M .M % on & o $ 0: e l | 2. oL o w volatile 4&\_' ous wR ]~ means less + smoke. PHONE 5 .e ;7 - 13X 3k r]1L High Carbon e y AaiS * A1 P & means most ef-- \:."'%--' f o e e f'fl 4 *4 '.' 1'; ':' fiCiencyo i ing ng ) y t aeoi] 2. L o w -- volatile A\__. 4 .'jjfif';" gJ~ _m e ans le s s s smoke. A § 3. Low ash and sulphur and high melting point of ash means little trouble removing ashes and no clinker, If you have used Pocahontas and fired it properly, ou--are on the rl$ht track, but until you try our ;ine Ridge Smokeless, you are like Columbus be-- fore he saw land. oo .cs j fipcs. t There are two highways of business--one old and one new. The old one is long and rough, winding through the intricacies of business exchanges and strewn with wast-- ed time and effort. _ ' § The new hischway, made possible by our banking system, is straight, and smooth-- a veritable short--cut to business transac-- tions, saving time, money, atid goods. Commercial paper, checks, "drafts, etc., furnished by this bank make these short-- cuts in business open to you. It will be to your advantage to use them.whenever pOSSible- * Ne . afes. 9 This bank puts these time--saving methods always at your disposal. ' f While they last. Those Delicious --..'~~ Kenwood Chocolates * »1 POUND BOX This Week's . LOVELL CO. . Only 89¢ Mrs. D. C. Grinnell leaves for Kankakee Friday morning to attend the installation of officers of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. / Mrs. Grinnel]l will act as installing chap-- worthy's. Fine lot of northern grown es. Libertyville Lumber Co Hot fountain lumches at Volatile matter-- -- -- 16.80 Fixed Carbon 78.62 Sulphur -- -- -- 15,100 Co. 312 t Lang: 80--+f THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, ', L.eo Seiler and family. of Deerfield Y¥isited Libertyville relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schar announce #the birth of a baby bov on Friday. -- Henry Seiler--of Waukegan was t'gnest of Libertyville relatives on nday. F hdnr. éund Mis. L. D. McLain visit-- in Chicago on Wed: P ow 3 Mr. and Whé. uurfm are 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gotti. Eugene Luce is out again after an on for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell were of D. R. Manzer and family at Villa on Sunday. ' ~ Norman Burnett and family spent mm Gflbm.fl-"r] Mr. and are & eat and play next' a little son, Wednesday *evening in their club| Miss Erm; rooms. A banquet will be served at on Monday, seven o'clock and a party will follow.| Mrs. Har Something novel is promised in the meeting of t way of amusement. | at the home flr.andlu.Dr';'R.uu:'M' = ord were ¥. 're. L. H. lhtm.on Saturday, Sun-- day and 'Monday. -- Russell Daniels, of Racine, vis-- ited at the home of Mr,. and Mrs. Henry Smith on Sunday. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyte-- _ The Easter program at the \;. E. rian churech will hold a bakery sale Church Sunday evening was enjoyed at the-- Farm 'Bureau office Saturday by alt who were pregent. It was put afternoon, ° on by the Beginners, Primary and A. R. Angdrews and family mo-- Junior Departments of the Sundiav AeRePR? Li ds loct soiaheinttns 16 BM snW anabrin Al tssn dacsnenes > 5 4 yabt Aptil-- 26, at the Farm Bureau of--| ~W. !;%.Mwas arrested fiee, BR ; Monday afterncon on g charge of be-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser spent ing intoxicated and placed in the city the week end at Joliet with their jail by Marshal Limberry. A hear-- sons Harry and Oscar and their fam-- ing was given him Tuesday morning. ilies. _--.--{He claimed he had been to Chicago ~_Mr. and Mrs. Guy Legate and lit-- in his auto and. topped at Wheeling tle daughter spent the week end with on his way back and acknowledged Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crawford. _ he had been drinking, He was fined Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pettigrew spent: $25and costs. He works on the Lif. Easter Sunday with Mrs. Hugh Car-- sted Farm at Gurnee. : wcé.' ,wu' i + + | _ Mr. and Mrs. kme;'tnm'gn h;d rt W off is at home from their baby christened Sunday by the University of Hlinois. Father Nealis at St. Jogeph's church. Ted S[;ero was in Chicago Tuesday Relatives | Kenogha were pres-- buying for his spring trade in the ont and nt the day with hir. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser spent the week end at Joliet with their sons Harry and Oscar and their fam-- ilies. & Fréd Kunke, who underwent an Mrs. MeLain's gra er in Chi-- operation at Victory Memorial hos-- cago Sunday and visited with him. pital will be brought home Tuesday : He was on his wi Y B Streator to night. . He is convalescing nicely.| Beloit, Wis. .« [ _ . _ Ted Sgero was in Chicago Tuesday buyin@ for his spring trade in the Libertyvlle Department Sore. s Mrs. M. H. Spcor «speht the week end with Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Guyot in Milwaukee. Little Hubert Guyot has not yet recovared from the effects of the attack of pneu-- monia which he had two weeks ago. He is still in a very weak condition. '~L, H. Rieckhoff has been confined to his home for three weeks with rheumati=m. s : 'Candy sale by (the Presbyterian churcn choir Saturday -- afternoon, Aptil-- 26, at the Farm Bureau of-- Gale Grummitt of Antioch visited Libertvville friends on Sonday. ; 'Bunday with Antioch relatives, -- M¥ and Mrs. William Erwin, of gwkmn. were guests at the L. J. MWirtzler's home Sunday evening. A. R, Angrews and family mo-- tored to Round Lake and Fox Lake on Sunday. ¢ & ' Miss Anna Besch has returned to her nome in Antiotch after a three months stay in Libertyville.. Mr. and Mrs, M. Burke, of Chica-- go, visited Miss Emily Bush on Sun-- _ --Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney spent _ the week end with Wheaton friends.' Mrs. Clifford Faust is at the Lake| County hospital for a minor ope'r-l ation. us --Mrs. Edna Hubbard entertained the Ladies Bunco Club Monday eve-- ning. _ Mrs. Jonn Landis won first honors, Mrs. Disnney, second, Mrs. James Laycock third and Mrs. John Suydam, Jr., consolation. : Delicious refreshments were served. # _ Bunco, cards and dance given by the North American Union at their next regular meeting, Wednesday, April 28. Everybody welcome. n Chicago. * Miss Emily Bush is in Chicago to attend the funeral of a cousin, . Alien Waddel! attended : the ngt- mm theater in Waukegan Sunday t. f *- Charles Landis was a Waukegan visitor Sunday night. " ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Porteous and ; {family accompanied by Walter Stang ; and Rosemary Wolff visited relatives | in Harvard, 1!1., Sunday.. i B;;nie--fiiet]bom was taken to St. Lukes hospital Monday morning to have an opcration performed on his Mrs. Herman J. Mevers has re-- turned from Chicago after sperding two weeks with her son Horman and granddaughter Elnora both of whom are in the hospital. Herman was ac> sidently shot in the foot. He is get-- ting along nicely. Elnora (Mrs. Dikenga) was opcrated on for adhe-- gions at St. Ann's hospital. _ _ Mrs. E. R. Shields moved to Chi« cago 'on Friday. All the latest things in new neck-- wenr at Morse's, * 31 +f Fine lot of northern grown pota-- toes. Libertyville Lumber Co. 81--2 Snow's: Auto Li DAY mmdn nx'l'avm Libertyville, 306 _ _ R. C. Folger spert Monday | J.AST CHANCE TO WIN $20,00!, !-- The Epworth League Stewartship contest will be extended one more | week, for the sake of all interested: in Winning the $20. This is final.' The pamphlets are due Sunday May fourth and the essgay.Sunday May 11. |__ New lines ol"n&;, linens, ging-- | hams and curtain "Rcods. : Lang-- . worthy's. ; :' .. . *%@ ---- BO0--tf Ravenswood ghd St. Ann's hospitals. '"The Easter program at the \;. E. Church Sunday evening was enjoyed Ravenswood ghd St. Ann's good. Miss Cartie Char< rendered the solo 'Magdalens' by Warren very gfifiv&ly: The church was well Mrs. Brown. Junior Departments of the Sunday school. Viola Day gave a musical re-- citation and A dialogue iy Bernice Laycock and w Meyer was very entirely 'new in shirts | at 9. mrotiom & ons _ Hu: Watch for our big spring sale be-l ginning Saturday, April 26. Lang-- worthy's. _ ce | The Club House BIG DEMONSTRATION Phones 24 and 25 The Beech--Nug Company are serving samples in our store this week. Specials on all their products will be offered. The following are a few items on which you may make quite a saving wai* . f Beech--nut Spaghetti with Cheese®and Tomato Sauce, Regular price 15¢ per can, ............. 2 CANS FOR 25¢ Beech--nut Pork and Beans, regular price l%fl CT ) vs¥vdx.1+},'2 CANS POR #5¢ Beech--nut ('lt";' size............. PER BOTTLE 32%¢ We will also have : us on Friday and Saturday of this week, the Crystal White Soap Salesman, . He is going to give Soap away,. . of it. Something for ._".:'..M"' He wee® CCC 00 es BPR ETT PC IP will give one bar of COre Oil Toilet Soap free, with a pur-- chase of 10 I h White Soap for 58¢. + 1 Large Package 'é;'vg al White Soap Chips for 25¢ and 1 Bar o( Creme OM Toil Soap Free. & Bars of Hard 1 'at ~Castile Soap for 45e and 1 Bar Creme Oi! Toil® SHoap Free. Libertyville-- Area Cement Road Growers a nursery stock.. Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Hardy t{zn.m Trees, Cherry, Grapes, Fite. poN'T m' GET TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE FxCEPTHIE 4 Rs THIS WEEK ONLY Larkspur, Phlox, Columbine, Shasta Daisy,fy_qronica, Pinks, Stone Crop, Coreopsis, Lamp Flower. Should be planted now. FAIRHOLM GARDENS Hardy Garden > 'Flowers H. C. BURRIDGE & SONS AY, APRIL 28, 1924 | ~Grand Consert at Ivanhce Con-- | gregational chureh by Chicago Ar-- |tists, assisted by Mrs. F.. M. Hard-- | ing. Mrs. Nellie Davissand Mr. and bi:s. John Davis of (w were guests at the W. W. C home Sunday. Mrs, Marguerite Kelpsch Ullman, who was one of the artists on the Monday evening program of the Lib-- ertyville Musical Society was enter-- tained by Miss Marjorie Taylor. Look for information in regard--to the Garden Competition in another column of this issue. Several prizes are offered by the committoe. A number of people from Deer-- field Presbyterian church aitended the Song Service at the local Pres-- byterian church Easter Sunday even-- ing. ~Among them was Rev. M. L. Thomas, pastor of the Deerfleld chuarch. Lt --------------Saturday, April 26 ------------ Bakery sale by Presbyterian La-- dies 'Aid-- Society at Farm Bureau Office. Mrs. Montgomery LeGoff am ba-- by daugnter are vigiting at the Chas. Kiepper home. Tam * Banquet at Liberiyyille Club for| members and friends. { "ENEMIES of WOMEN" Don't Miss This Tre-- mendous ~Thrilling Photo Play Amditerum TONIGH] $5000 REWARD Theatre, Tuesday and Wed-- * nesday, April 29th -- 30th. \ Virginian" at The Auditorium For further details see "The COMING EVENTS Lionel Barrymore FOR THE CAPTURE OF Greenhouse Phone Libertyville 396--) Saturday, April 26 *\ Quality Store TRAMPAS LIRERTYVILLE Miss Carrie Cnard sang at the fu-] neral services for Mrs. James May at Grayslake Monday. i Clarence Flagg and family mo-- tored from Pewaukee, Wis., Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lew Flagg and family in this city.: Watch for our big spring sale be-- ginning Saturday, April 26. Lang-- worthy's. Ni as Jennie Kerm had as her guest 'uring the past week a cousin from 'Milwaukee. Jersessirensenesnseenisenssnnt INSURANCE is PROTECTION . _ plus FNVESTMENT There is no obligation in asking information or advice. I am always glad to be of service. Pillow Tubing-- : ind . Androscoggin, per y Linen finish, 42 and 45 inch, per yd . Sheeting Values for Cleaning Time Daisy Muslin, per yard .........s.... Towels, large bath size, pr.........!... Home Builders Get Busy Don't delay starting, your house this Spring. If you are gcoing to build get OUR PLAN SER-- VICE and start now before all the mechanics and laborers are taken up by the other fellow. FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 233--W 20 years: W. W: Carroll & Sons Co. HOMES ARE IN DEMAND --The First National Bank Prepoetel, YJ4........;........¢.« Libertyville Lumber Co. Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company Snap Judgment Is Often Costly By investing first gnd invest-- igating afterwards, thousands of people have made others richer and themselves poorer. You will sell or rent as soon as you start. No chance to lose. Come to us, We can assist you greatly at no cost to you. TRY IT. Others have. f There is one sure way to know a safe investment from an un-- safe speculation. That is to actually 'have years of invest-- ment experience back of you by consulting the officers of this bank. f LIBERTYVILLE -- ILLINOIS Resources More Than a Half Million Dollars LIBERTYVILLE, L. Jw Phone 47 "| FOR SALE--One Swiss stock bull; '| -- weighing 800 pounds; three Hol-- n w es mamene m -- & wo Tses y| and 1100. Call 1208 Milwaukee g] avenue, Libertyville, Phone 124--R. # 32--6tpd. Too Late to Classify -- ALLINOIS eennmmenrancen Fau PFIVF 2t E&I

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