Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 23 Apr 1924, p. 7

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FOR SALE----Modern seven room residence in good location. Ouk trimmed and in good condition. Garage.© Full--sized lot. . Lot of fruit. A 'real buy at ouly $6500. FOR SALE--Five room bungalow with sewer, e'lectric lights water bath etc., all in --and specials all paid. Two lots each 50x150, Lots of fruit and berries. Priced at FOR "SALE--Nearly: new strictly modern seven room bungalow in ~LAibertyville. It nas oak trim, fire placé, screened porch, large lot *' and the price is right,. _:" _ ._ _ FOR SALE--Nice eight room home west of Milwaukee Avenue, with ~ electric lights, gas, bath and furn-- ace. Lot 108x218. Garage. Lots of fruit and berries. Its a real home and is priced for quick sale. FOR SALE--Fine, large restricted home®sites. Convenient to trang> : portation, Now is .the time to buy, either for a home of for in-- vestmen -- thefore M go ~any higher. We will also help you build. --Come in and let us ex-- *« plain our very liberal plan for home building. -- j -- FOR SALE--100 acre farm neéar * ; Libertyville. ~Good 12 room house two° large barns, cornérib, gran-- ary, goed well, finre black soil. A realah-?dn to the --one who buys it now. :« ns ; FOR SALE--Modern six--room resi-- dence on the south side. Lot 50x 200. A nice home in a good loca-- tion, and it's priced right. FOR SALE--Fine . seven . room strictly modern home on Cook Ave, Hot : water heat. Oak trimmed. ~~Fire place. Extra large lot. Garage .-- and ° chicken house. fine shade. ----Mest convenient location in town @and the price is reasonable. -- FOR SALE--Seven room modern home on full sized lot located on -- _' south side., Hardwood -- trimmed. g::;p. Everything in fine shape. * 'mb'. + FOR SALE-Iod'n» five room home with four lots n | of Milwaukee .Ave. Barn and n house. A ' _ A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance Phone 90 _ Register Office 3 ce, sewer, water, electricity, : sized lot.= Very reasonable. FOR : SALE--Nite strict'y modern seven room home on lot 100 x 273. Garage, chicken house. Fine shade and shrubbery, Very choice loca-- tion. Priced right. > * > FOR SALE--Modérn 'seven room home west of Milwaukee Ave. Everything in fine whape. -- Lots® of Truit and berries. Letren &' Three car garage. This is an ex-- ceptional bargain and the price is oniv $3900. o FOR SALE--Sixty acre farm near town, Good seven room house with furnace. Large barn, #'lo, double _ parage, chicken house, ete. Fine bearing orchard of pears, apples, cherries and plums. Good water. "@ail black loam, -- Self supporting place which will pay for itself in short term of years. . Price low " --with easy terms. .. o FOR SALE--Seventy acre farm | near Grayslake. Black loam ufl' ~all tiled and under cultivation. 'Good --nineg. room house. Large | dairy and horse barn with nodcnf > equipment including running wat-- 5 6n Parge tie silo. A full line of| smaller -- buildings. | :Stock, tools, feod, ete can be with the farrm. Im te possession. Price of the farm only $200 per ncre, wWnichn 18 Iar pere® aWP Ti 0C value. Also a long list of other homes, farms, small country homes, acres, homesites, and tracts ready for sub-- division. , * A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance Phone 90 _ Register Office M FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronz turk-- ey . gobblers.« Seotch Collie pup» FOR SALE--One Gang plow in good condition. Phone 28--M--2, Lake FZurich, H. D. Krueger, Prairie If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, --or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. 4 > + Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 : Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. . There is no way you can reach as may people in Lake county i1 so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A frial will convince you. FOR SALE--Bred and open cows. Bred heifers, Young bulls six to sight months old,.. Bull calves, heifer calves,. -- Federal accredited t oomiinanintannt rupn ' Ravine Farm ighland Park, II1,, Phone 296. Breeders of pure bred Jerseys. pies,» six weeks old, $0.00%, -- ADAD Roguen dnckufll. Phone 278--J--2. Bergeron Farm, Lake st. $ miles weist of Libertyville. 24--tf which is far below its actual Classified Ads I1l, Libertyville old, $5.00; <also so--6tpd Pn :'.;z([ ine wurr'd FOR SALE--Three--piece oak leath-- 'er uphoistered parlor set in ex-- -- gellent condition, Phone 386--R. FOR RENT--Furnished Bed rooms. -- All modern conveniences, Sunny rooms and large closets. 188 Lin-- coln Avenue. Phone 229--M. 30--6t FOR SALE--One baill h'rh,'eu! Electric washing machine. Nearly new. E; D. Hubbard, Phone 14 WANTED-- Second maid. Exper-- WANTED--Clerk in Green Front WANTED--Cook. Apply St. Mary's Convent. Phone 412--J--2. 82--2t FOR SALE--Goad 80 acre tarm only 2'% miles from town and cement ho sold quicke Price only §Liinper sold quick. -- Price only $125 per acré; See A. R. Schnaebele, Reg-- ister office, LLibertyvilie. 30--+1 FOR RENT--One large "room. Will accommodate : four> men. -- One large enough for two. Also space in parage. Phone 132--J. -- 20--6t FOR SALE--Five room framg . on on concrets basement. Gas electri-- ' ~city, cistern, village water prom-- ised. Lot 50x141, 214 Ellis Ave. Buy from owner. Join W.SBweet-- ing, Lake Bluff, I!1, 2$0--6tpd WANTED--GifAt to do housework. Mrs. C. Hapke, 121 Lake Street. FOR 'SALE--Columbian ~raspberry plants, Phone 150--J. . = _ 82--2t FOR FOR SALE--S500 bushels of oats and 160 bushels of barlevy. Geo. FOR RENT----175-- acre farm town, School on farm, Blacl WASHING--will ~wash --and stretch curtains. at 85 cents per pair. .. Pione B61--J--1.~ * .:.' "80--6t | _ , _ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW . © | _ First National Bank Building. | Telephone ; 567 LIBERTYVILLE HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold.~. Loans. made. . Insurance. Edwin. Austin,© Phone 16, Liber-- tyville. 26--tf. WANTED--Smail farm. have cash buyer for a small farm of from 20 to 30 acres. Must have good buildings an# some timber. -- Call A. R. Schnaebele, Register office, FPhone 90, Libertyvilie. *' AM--CL, t us' _ onR . P ety My associated degletrs on milkers brick silos, barn equipment and-- wat-- er systems are: .«= >' : Fosbender and--son, Wheeling, IIl. Charles Richards, Antioch. IIJ. Dr. Giesky,; Barrington, Ill. .. Tom Hogan, Wadsworth, 1J. --~_ < Firnbach, Buffalo Grove. Il. and others. > f iC 18 Telephone 66 Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park town, School on farm, Black soil. 12 room house, two ~barns, gilo, granary and other buildings. Rea-- sonable 'rent, See A. R. SCHNAFE-- BELE, Register Office, Liberty-- ville. . BB AL. DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD or 882--J. OR SALE--Strictly fresh eggs, 80cents per dozen. Phone 1_3'5. 835. Church. st., .« 27--G6tpd Fruit.. Store. Apply : in person. Libertyville Department Store. _ Pnone 164--M. "ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR o Telephone 18 =-- _ Luce Bldg. LIBERTYVILLE ReevewPrairie View,--IH,----28--6:pd ienced. Tel. 181. ~F. H. Noble. / DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Scientific Examination of the Eyes . / CmmR fi'flg F #11 Madison 8t. W MISCELLANEOUS Professional Services A«stotant State Veterinarian VETERINARY SURGEON LYELL H. MORRIS DR. J. L. TAYLOR B, H. MILLER FOR RENT ----B,. Finstad, Libertyville, LIBERTYVILLE Phone 993 W anukegan g82--1t A fat woman is #o rare in China--that ske is curiogsly stared at in the street. Plumpness: is common,, but 'unbecom Jng stoutness is almost unknown. .' Features Underge No Change Between Qirlhood and Beginning of How old is a woman*t This question, which--is hard enough to answer in the case of American and Europeanwomen, is doubly hard to Agure out when the ladies of China are the ~ones concerned, And then some, As a matter of fact it is exceeding-- ly difficult to estimate a Chinese wom-- an's age. Sometimes a Westerner will guess twenty years too little. -- Between the end of_her girlhood and | the beginning of old age the features of a Chinese woman apparently under-- go no change. ~She is not troubled | during the high tide of her womanhood | by the mdui'l expansion of crow's| feet at the corners of her eyes and the deepening of the line between her nose and mouth.. Her ivory skin re-- maing smooth tt;mth many . years. However, though the day of reckon-- Ing may be long delayed, lg-evenualij arrives, and when it does it comes to stay. When old age finally is reached the beauty of the Oriental woman van--, ishes as if by magic, and her face "col-- Iapses Into lines like a hastily dropped eloth," to use the words of Ina "Hamp-- ton, an--authority on beauty culture in' the Far East, k ie In the matter of go?otlcfithf Chi+ nese woman was a past grand master Long before fi"eoratfi_ paved Anthony's :3 to Stygian horrors with the gplen-- dor of her--smile. 3. ts o> m Rouge, liquid powder, bauitdoline and eyebrow penci!s were known in the East before Semiramis was ever dréamed of. ©*... : s.>**.: > x*:~.* 'Incidentally, it may be mentioned that, besides her freedom from: wrin-- kles, the Chinese womgn has another great advantage oyer her sisters in cer-- tald 'other lands, The chances are nine to ten that she will remain slender all her life. s 3 T4. :/ * And 4ast, but not least, Chinese beaun-- tles were patiently plucking thelr eye brows with a loop of sllk, 'nges be fore the savages of Europe had even learnued to comb tbeit hair. A Rev. Mr. Kuba af 1lartford, Wis., ll'i !'the ownet of a book 337 years old. It A4e a book of aqmom.prmmd in Nu'n-' berg, Germany, in 1587.. The author, Johann "Nathestuin,-- was & personal frend of: Martin Luther. P The book 'la excellently preserved. "the pages are whole, the wood Niustrations ~are 'cléar and the print ~ean be rend as easlly as that in mod-- ern -- books.~ The leather bWadiog of pig's hide is partlally worn away, 'di«-- ~closing fimely out birch covers. ..---- .. 'ftev. l\r. Kubhn brought the. book with him | from -- Switzeriatul.= ; Me -- is also" the "owner of a. German . Bible frinted in 1798. 2 + $ But all things considered, according to Miss Hampton, perhaps the Clhiinese woman's most-- substantial claim (to charm is her unfailing polse. . -- -- . 'The cat population of Murfreesbore, N. C,, has just been officially deter-- mined by the freshmen of Chowan col-- lege, working under the supervision of "Her placidness is not the blankness of stupidity," our authority continues. "It is the result of a philosoplhy of life that . considers time in the light of eternity and knows the relative u: portance of much that troubles human heart." y( s Freshmen Forced to T ake Census of Cats . There are 70 felines in the city limits, but they--are not all alike. They vary in age from six months to five years; forty are gray, seven yellow, three white and two black. Ten an-- swer to the name of Tom ; twenty to Kitty, thirty to Bill and ten to Snook-- ums The census likewise included church affiliation. Twenty--eight are Baptists, twenty are < Methodists, three are Catholics, -- three.. Episcopalians, ; Aix Holy Jumpers and ten nuike no pre-- tense to religton whatever and are list ed in the poli as paguns. § -- The taking of The caut census was the last: ordent of sOpltomore week, during which the Treoshmen were under the discipline of the sophs. >~ i.3 Wisconsin Pastor Owner < "of Book 337 Y ears Old Sun--Spots Are Expected to Interfere With Radio ' Sgerious Intorference with telegraphic and -- radio communication : is predicted by Dr.~David Todd, professor emerituw bft© Amherst -- gollege= at Westchester, Pa., in a statement in which he an nounced the discovery of a new Out-- break Of "sun spots." The area affeot ed, According to Doctor Todd, is about 0,000 miles in diameter. He hbelleves the outbreak to be the beginning of a "@hnspot : perfod," . with . auroral . dis-- plays and consequent dificulty in elec-- After® a »court battle of nine years, Mrs. Louise C. Ellis of New York clty, has beean given a halt Interest in the $1,000,000 estate of hor father, George N. Chapman, who died im 1887, Mrs. Eilia proved In her sult that she was a legitimate danghter of Chapman, although other bm of the man con tended ~otherwise. Aged Woman Wins Fortune REG | U America's patriotizsm for Septen the 1 itio; ) " bilized to what its citizens would do and its militar on could the actual e ergeney arose, day will muke itself a n=ion: as it 18 "&@ in eve y ~ an L'nibedrgf";h and oufl@;w wherever . DHKE unfurled, . id to oaq,r t -- country . _ war insigad. OL 4 sudd . % 1 iday. war, It will also be his valedictory u C * -- f€ LT"' na day he auto-- matic ly retires from the office of enieft--of --staff,--wh ch--he has held mJ e b * a bfm"fl'hl'! active serv»-- ice in%'m States army, havy-- ing reached the retirin~ age of 64 iyeurs. . [v.>x .: 8 m »; _'_"- the nation-- m' ' ~"§§" lian -- maneuver shall _ be an anmigal even:. For this vear, its inaugural, i will be a "', phn J. Pershing, comaim ',,},.:'; ef of the Ameri-- can expeditionary forces Juring the the anniversary of the battle of St. Mihiel, mr 12, 1918, the first operation of.the Amecrican army in Mobilization _ Test of Defen--e Act "Mobilization day wil! be the first practical te ;&f the peace--time working C ' nationa! defense act, a test in which every man, woman lflwgflted States will be -- d. 'The date selected is The success of this day--a demon-- stration of the Organization of a na-- tion of 110,000,000; organ'zing which has been accomplig quietly, effi-- ciently, 'peacefu'lly, almost -- unob-- served and unknown, withont inter-- ruption. of their productive pursuits and depending only upon the ability and voluntgry patriotism of its men and women--will in the opinion of Gen. Pershing, be Through the operations and train-- ing section of the general staff un-- der --Brig. Gen. Hugh "A. Drum has been working on the plans for sev-- eral months, and will have them completed to the minutest detail be-- fore the date agreed upon; every-- thing has been surrounded with the utrictest secrecy in army circles, Re-- cent developements have made it impossible . to vent discussion in the capital and ranks., _ _ On Mobilization day itself, how-- ever,. Washington: or the War De-- partment, will not direct, but me're-- ly observe. The m communities thing: which he accomplished in will work out the problem with the 'mnichi:::z whfl.k_.;, their-- home | cities towns today. Except for recruiting officer, a graduate of an officers' tn:;r camp of a re--|-- serve officer, e with a definite duty in a vast .fltm organization | flfl:i: machinery was not there when| '!tstwarmm, ired. ' Each Community to Act -- Mobilization day will educate ant| teat ~the ~American public in . the meaning and «pet_lafi of the na-- tional 'defonse act, the bulwark of the : constitution -- Of : the United States and of the Mation's defense. Each community wil have an op-- portunity to.: show M it can do. The wen and women who 'alread,v& have pledged then? veserve } officers,© members 0 «#1 nation&l | guard -- or dtherwig show how efficently they can direot the W*l hy d lization day in , 8 '"fill}uiu-.i stataml M": m '.'fion whicn can \be 1 :/ basis~ of @ real citizens' a ty ; 1 n' économi-- 'l and democratic d@ 86 'h métion. The public w -& its Headquarters will be established. national guard comp £ 'fill up to full strength, volu for other units will be enrofl dand. de-- tailed according. te_their individual qualifications, motae® transport corps Will\ be o'rmmizad' Scouts and Camp Fire CGirls ?H' i out, Wel-- fare. organizations Wil plan their 'activities and evem factories . and other industric: will be mobilized to' 'do their part in th@ imaginary war work. This is only & sketchy out-- line of the vas* detal® fo the day in | cevery village and. O § .#A )' . se «The or; the war fense act Wm ON Will Frect You. (By J or . an furni«s mater vou n startit j:';h' entire cost befo E I n self, hy +d greater than any-- \n",« m from 1 'iu:l&,ufion'n de-- ham hi onstration in tdness is set ilization Day On that day imlet of 'the _and factory possessions, 1 Stripes are culled upon es to their April 11 onstration & Staff Cor-- , 1924 by the Ameri-- T during the E ' valedietorv Sho w RMS ER 12th l<. / & h "' AZ EL & 4 -- _ actual eve war, All the s of the to show ind what al hol-- What when if §Shows Number of Cases ' _Cared for During Month _ of March . ----Of patients 68 were male, 91 fe-- male.. There were 37 medical cases, 88 surgical, 16 obstetrical, 17 new-- born and 12 children. Dressing room only--19. ' » g.:!l"at-lbn;her' treated--178. umbe»r ' ting room--124. N Tajor operations--fs. _ _ _ gould not rush to Newspapers and the radio broad--| cast will be used to acquaint .the public with the part which it can play in the day's event. None of ; the army appropriation will be used to detail officers through the coun--| try to make arrangements or toi participate in the mobilization. The civilians 'who will be in charge of : the thousands of communities have their instructions and it will 'devolve upon them to show whether they ean carry it through successfully. ' Each community--whether it is a country cross--roads or a metropolis of. millions--will do its: part alone. Each will 'report the results of its day's efforts to the general h:fad quarters in Washington. Then after the local parades and the celebra-- tions and the last reports have com» in, Gen. Pershing will tell the na-- tion over the radio what the day has brought forth--Chicago Daily News, The report ~of the Victory ,Me-- morial hogpital for the month of March has been announced. The re-- port follows: Nygnber of patients in hospital Feb. 20--64, -- . _ "Patients admitted last month-- 159. Obstetrical --21. _ By death--4. Cured--51. Improved--87. . Unimproved--6. Nan;i'ber cays of service rendered --1 t t * .. w ks Number patients March 31--50. . FRED GRABBE Address: 928 North Ave. Waukegan, Ill. Minor Obmfihi:m--n. Number: 168. Medical--34. * Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales The DeLaval milks as cows should be milked )SPITAL GIVES OUT ITS REPORT Telephone Waukegan 2588 SCHANCK HARDWARE CO. Look at the above illustrations show-- ing how the De Laval Milker is made to suit the temperament of the cow. Everything is just right for the greatest production of milk in the shortest time, 'The master pulsator on the Pulso-- Pump assures an absolutely uniform pulsation speed year in and year out; TELEPHONE 39 ~LIBERTYVILLE SUPREME COURT FAILS 1O RULE | ON 'UMBRELLA MIKE THE BTIG 4 I WILL COME OUT TO YOUR FARM AND PROVE IT TO YOU. Please don't buy until you have seen these goods. Send me a card BERT FINSTAD -- Libertyville, Illinois S TEV ENS 0 N Stanchions and Equipment I dare anybody to show me as good stanchion in the world. See model,. Long ternmis. ~--.' Drop me a card or phone and I will call on you im-- mediately. C s <igs * Do You Want Some STARK TREES? --------THEY SATISFY!. : Best Grown In United States for 107 Years R ~rybod' likes Apples. Wh t get the best to start vithg"l'ry no';ne of "s'i'*illfx DElflé'IoOlf;" and be convinced of their superiority. ~Also "STARK GOLDEN DELICIOUS," the Yellow Winter Apple that cannot be duplicated by other Stark Bros. grow everything for you. ~They Garde Seeds, all kinds of Omamm and trees mryalrting and variety that will grow fruit. 'Try them once, then you'll want some more. i 4 s STARK BRO'S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 203--R LIBE Farmers' Best Equipment q E. H. Brown, Sr. OR PHONE LIBERTYYVILLE 59 REG. U. S. PATENT OFFICE self--adjusting teat--cups fit comfortably over any size of teat ; pulsator is close to the udder to assure vigorous milking, and the alternating action is such 'as the cows have become accustomed to du.u hand milkirig tm : We will gladly tell you more about Better Way of Milking." and mack d.""'"t" ky w sn e mue m as to what opinion would When it was learned that the court had not passed on the New-- mark--Boyle case interested: attor-- reys began a search for opinions in other cases which might indicate the probable attitude of. the court in this class of cases. The matter has hung fire _ for some time now, the sentence having been entered almost a year ago. be-- fore Judge Welsh's retirement fro; the Circuit court bench Seszions the Supreme court have gone into records without any action being g:n to definitely settle the ques-- ACME Don't store water when you can get fresh water by open-- ing a faucet any, place on the farm. Long terms, LIBERTYYVILLE just > FRESH WATER FROM the WELL t# . ty Wy

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