C § 4 PAGE TEN 'Depositions of L. O. Brockway, county recorder, and 1 J. Wilmot, clerk of the Circuit court, in re-- gard to the civil suits against Gov. Len Small, who is charged with us-- ing state funds during his term as Smail.-- Attorneys for the governor have antil August to complete their evidence. They have been taking depositions in various cities in the state, such as Chicago, Springfield, and Waukegan. The announce that a number of witnesses will also be ESmaill followed the criminal trial in the Waukegan Circuit court. The governor was acquitted of using state funds at that time. Later on, another sensation was sprung when charges were made that the gov-- ernor's agents had "fixed" the jury which acquitted -- him. Edward Courtney, Eddie Kauftman and J. 3. KFields were put on trial on jury fi~-- ing charges, but were ~acquitte? "The testimony of the, local court officers had :o do with certain rec-- Depositions of Wilmot and Brock-- way were taken before Master in Chancery E. M. Runyard. Attorneys for the defense of the governor will center their efforts in Kankakee on June 30 when deposi-- tions will be taken there. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sayre visited Mr. : Sayre's 'énmta, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sayre, Sr., in Chicago over the FOR SALE AT YOUR PRICE--One milk wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 six ' pagsenger depot bus, 1 cutter, 1 : Walking plow, 1 set of side boards for lumber wagon. All in fairly good condition.~Must sell at once. .' Lloyd Ray, phone: 220--M, Liber-- FOR SALE--My nome at 335 Church FOR SALE--Celery ahbmtt:nl- to, caulifiower, cabbage egg plant and peppers (sweet, hot and pimento). Phone 2908--R2, > 47--6t FOR SALE--Lots 100x125 feet on _ new cement road, south frontage. Fine location for: refresnment #tand, filling station or eating house. Electric lights and gas. FOR SALE--One and one--half acres alfalfa, to be put up by purchaser. William Lyons, phone 124--M. . _ FOR SALE--Kimbali piano in ,f'"" wondition. Call evenings, Mary McGavic, Phone 100--M. 48--6t Records in Famous Lake County FOR SALE--Field of atanding clov-- er. Heavy. Harry Cater, Phone P66--W --1. 4 b1--1t FOR SALE--Rock Island hay loader in good condition. Four burner WPuritan kerosene stove, large oven Minimum charge, 25¢. _ 6 insertions for $1.00 ¥ . "Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. _: . columns. You will get results. 1/A There is no way you can reach as mary people in Lake . county ipu-hm-fin:mdatmvmpm"mmifm-ah 100x100.-- Price $6000. Will con-- gider $1,500 cash and $%25 per month,. A. H. Jeppe, phone 188--R. Terms on any of the above lots. ¥red Parkburst, phone 283--J--2, R IN SMAL io'odu new. Bergeron Stock 'arm. Lake street, two miles west of Libertyville. mm-z'."' )ST--Ice seales. Reward for re-- turn. Sidney Meaker, phone 4:1 108T AND FOUND If you want 40 buy anything;, or if yob have something -- to sell, oruchm,q'flmmtm.,mpuhqnwu FOR SALE Classified 4 Tells «y 49--6t SHERIFF GIVEN ANQTHER DELAY Case Goes Over Until Late in > September to Allow Time for Answer federal court. where he was. C to explain the alleged release women witnesses from the €0 jail last January. . -- This is in line with the several contipnpances already granted in the case. He has been given time in other hearings to meet the charges. Marjorie Moberly, Des Moines, and Marguerite Dorland,-- Charles _ The matter was postponed. today in the court of Judge Carpenter un-- til Sept. 22 to allow the official time City. la., were the girls in the case. They were said to have been taken 'out of,jail by the sheriff and an a booze and auto party. j A new chapter of Royal Arch Masons --will be instituted at Lib-- ertyville next -- Monday-- evening, June 30 and will go under the name of \Tyrian Chapter. The charter membership will number, about 50. Edward DuBoise, a former resident of Waukegan Chapter No. 41, will be the Libertyville _ group's first High Priest, a w4 uu'r;'ewv--u l-'--;!-t-; se EcV " vealed later when one of the girls became ill. The matter has been hanging fire since it first was heard in March. Affidavits were | taken from the girls at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gruenwald en-- tertained relatives over the week end. LIBERTYVILLE WIHHLL GET NEW FOR RENT OR SALE--Seven acre farm 2%miles east of Lake Zurich FOR RENT--Furnished rooms. Can accommodate eight men. (Phone 182--J. 48--6tpd RAVINE FARM--Breeders of Pure . Breed Jono' Cattlie. 602 St. John's Place, Highland Park, Illinois. Sheriff Edwin Ahistrom _ a is #rranted a continuance in WANTED--Man or woman to rep-- HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. Loans made. =«Insurance. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank. Building. Telephone 57 _ LIBERTYVILLE DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park Luce Bldg. elentiic Rxamination of the Eyes MASON CHAPTER lelephone 66 DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON EtE s ,n #11 Madison 8t. W. and 8 miles west of Forest Re-- serve on Rand Road. --Fred C, Ber-- lin, phone Lake Zurich 30--R--3. Prairie View, IIL 49--6t Whole or part time. ~ Write for particulars. H. Willis Binnie, El-- gin, Hlinois. 46--6t--pd Fnone 296. Edwin Austin, Phone LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNsELOR Telephone 18 _ Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS stan*+ -- State, Vaterinarian B. H. MILLER an answer to -- the [--A -- seven room house ; for four flm i '.M7 e A7--4t he LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE 16 Phone 998 Waukegan of 4A1--tf New Orleans, La --Discovery of a new anesthetic was announced by Dr, John E. Halsey, professor of pharm Can Be Administered Without Injury From Polsonous Property . of Gas, Says Savant. The anesthetic is propylene. gas, contuined in some fatural gas, and which Doctor Halsey. and his labora-- acology and therapeutics> at 'Fulane university, in a paper read before the Orleans Medical society. tory assistants, Chapman ~Reynolds and Harold B. Cook, the three of whom discovered its properties, believe can be manufactured from mineral olls. Doctor Halsey's announcement came after several months of labora-- tory work by his assistants and him-- "Propylene is similar to_ ethylene, the discovery of whose Rnesthetic properties, announced last year in Chi-- cago, was hbailed with enthusiasm by the medical profession, and resulted in Its extensive use in surgical cases," said Doctor Hailsey. Doctor Halsey said the apparent su-- periority of propylene was due to the fact that it was active even though considerably diluted with oxygen. An anesthetic depends for its usefuiness on its possible administration in suffi-- clent strength to obtain complete an-- esthesia, without injury from poison-- ous property of the gas, he pointed out. Oxygen must be administered mixed with the gas, and it therefore is essentlal that the anesthetic itself be of sufficient strength--to bring about complete unconsciousness, even when inhaled considerably diluted with oxy-- gen. CKXKXKXXKXKK *X XX¥¥¥kX*X*¥*X*X**X****) Descendant of Solomon B4 N 3 3 36 N B 3 3 N N N 30300 3 3 3 36 3 304040464 Ras Talfari, prince regent of Abys-- sinia (Ethiopta), and heircto the:tithe, "king of kings," who recently arrived in France to begin & tour of France, Italy and England. 'This dusky king of Ethiopla claims direct descent from King Solomon and the queen of Sheba. pe#~ Character Is Security f for Loans to Students | New York.--Holding that the char-- acter of self--zupporting . college stu-- dents is good security for loans, the Harmon foundation of New York has instituted aA plan by which its funds are lent to selected students with the é«pecthtion that the money will be re-- paid after graduation. * "The -- foundation ~does not . lend money directly to students," says the United States bureau of education, in describing the plan, "but makes an ar-- rangement with the presidents of cer-- tain colleges by which a stated sum is assigned for the use of students. When the plan is introduced Into a college, a faculty' committee of three is appointed by the president, and stu-- dents in the junior and #enlor classes may apply to this committee for loans up 40 the maximum of $250. _ "An (mdvisory committee is then elected. from 2'" number by the stu-- dents 'chosen. to: receive the loans, and this-- committee assists the faculty committee in choosing the beneficiaries fer the next yéear. °*~ ~ "All loans are to be pald in full with 6 per cent interest. In addition, 10 per cent more than the amount actually received by each student is included in the note which he signs on obtaining the ljoan. . This excess amount is used to make: up losses caused by nonrepayment of loans, and four--Afths of it is used to cover losses incurred by defaults within the bor-- rower's own group." Denver.--A large doll, presented to her in Lebanon, O., and which she has cherighed for 77 years, was burled here with Mre. Matilda D. Needies, eighty-- two, who died recently. The aged woman had requested that the doll be placed in the coffin with her body. moved a penny from the throat of Mildred, three--year--old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Windham Winkle. The coln had been lodged in the child's throat for nearly Ave days. ANESTHETIC DISCOVERED Penny in Her Throat Bury Doll With Her Pays Visit to Europe LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1924 5 LATEST LEAVES FORTUNE FOR AGED HOME against the lonliness of old age. the will of Mrs. Clara A. Bowron, 75 leaves a fortune of $200,000 to es-- tablish a home for old people in Aurora, t Widow of the late Freeman Bow-- ron, prominent local resident, and without children, she lived a soli-- tary life after the death of her hus-- band. The will was a surprise to the community as it was not gener-- ally known her holdings were so ex-- Like --Protest from Tomb Comes News of Strange Be-- quest of Woman . The will written shortly before death, told of her lonély and neg-- lected life. It pictured the mental anquish of living alone . without consideration from.. relatives. It was her desire that what she 'had suffered might be spared to others similarly situated and living . the same kind of lonely life. A brother, Charles -- Earle, who was left $5,000, has filed suit, to have the will set . aside on . the ;rhoaitmwflp-. GURNEE HIGH SCHOOL _ . =< = JUDGING TEAM !lNB Competing with 77 other Illinois teams, the cattle judging team of the Gurnee high school won first prize at the state jndging contest held at Urbana last week. This team con-- sisted of Avery Vose, Emil Martens and Kenneth Clark. This is quite an honor for Lake county and speaks well for the work at the Gurnee high school. It "places the team in line for national competition at the Na-- tional Dairy Show to be 'held at Mil-- AURORA;, I!1., June 27--Like a ' You Cant 'Afford | protest --The Reliable Laundry WET WASH--20 Ibs. for 9%6--and 5¢ per ____ Ib, for each additional 1b. DRY msmp fiatwork imnedl. dt;?etg <towe f ig appare. | fl:g; witbom. 18 lbs. for $1.80 and 10¢ per Ib. for each addi-- § tional lb. . .' These are TWO big time and money f savers * To Do Your Own _um%work When You C,szet»gfi ne at the Prices We Offer-- TELEPHONE 174J Call Libertyville 67--R today and tell: us * when to call 'Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dye;s LIBERTYYILLE AND HIGHLAND PARK PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 67--R HONE i7144 _ > AIABERTYVILLE, ILL We deiver in all parts of the U. 8. by wire. TRY THEM!! Not long ago a fine bed of marl_ was found by C. V. Winter of Wads--! worth, on his farm. &n.h-m' sent to the University of lilinois for testing which showed a test of 91.5 per cent pure lime. <This is a very fine test and considering the . fact that this marl is ready to be' applied to the fields without grind-- ing makes it a valuable find. Al-- tnough Lake county soils as a 'rule: alfalfa and sweet clover suctessfully, yet we have tested fields that 'are in need of limestone over much of the county . This is <~particularily truo ei Ela Township around Lake Zurich and north towards Wauconda. It has been there. Wfl: tons two or more ground limestone or marl per acre will pay in such cases. f waukee next October. : It will be re-- Wflfifi boyshummfluehn- pionship and a trip to Europe this summer as a result. ~"With 16 boys in calf club work in Lake county this summer we should be able to develope some more very good judging teams by fall. There is opportunity at both the Aurord and Springfield fairs for this sort of FRED GRABBE Address: 928 North Ave : Waukegan,. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Durand enter-- ined Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Miller at Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales MARL "TESTS 91.5% PURE Telephone Waukegan 2588 FLOWERS THAT _ IN BLOOM Verbinas I WILL COME OUT TO YOUR FARMAND PROVE IT TO MM'tm-fi;':hanEb. Hend me a OR NE 59 Red Sailvia Blue Sailvia Heliotrope Bostén Fern -- Asparagus Fern Deering a»x< McC rmick -- Mowers _ ---- Hardy Phiox Hard Chry: BERT FINSTAD -- Libertyvi le, Pink Seduni Dwarf Seduni Delphjnium Holly' Trocks Shasta Daisy Fort Atkinson Milker 5U¥X"%IfEE STEV ENS 0 N Hanging Baskets----Window Boxes----Vegetable Plants] Stanchions and Equipment I dare anybody to show me as wood stanchion in the world. Libertyville-- Area Cement Road Farmers' Best Equipment FAIRHOLM GARDENS You Will Soon Need Have Them In Stock Long termas. Growers of Fine Nursery Stock -- Forks -- Pulleys H. C. BURRIDGE & SONS Vinca Vinus Snow of, the Mountain Floss Flower China Pinks Plant some of these Perennials and have flowers that grow year after vear. They are only $2 per dozen. Clb CHRISTENSEN 14X36 A. -- $475 --Built except sand and water We pay freight and founda-- ACME Doh't store water when you can get fresh water by open-- _hcah_uuqn'lw.&- farm. Long terms, dware Co. ---- ILLINOIS Greenhouse Phone Libertyville 396--] Drommond Phlox Annual Larkspur 10 Year WhiG th