Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 2 Jul 1924, p. 3

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d# --{ -- America's Four i( > 12 Foremost _ * ~-- --Automobiles Chicago. Mre. Merner and AXhB 1¥7 j Y0R" -- "*/* _ " _0 = nnable to find a £ chxunmuimd f"lmflmmtmumblewfmd any | * / v a * ~ on nkged to play against the Colts. -- _ Phe Deerfleld Golf Club, recently| Double Header Here July Fourth = o .organized--has .purchased.92 actes of ;. _Fans will be treated t.o'n,mu'l',:m!a_ se' mnnfimmvupcw,_uawnvw'w 'acres of the Miller farm on the west | opose the locals in the opener -- | ¢ uin.dunw.utofmmd_clv.Onrw.acAasmOnaOmI oi : SA M N M T w 0c NE CA sc t 4n Saver Konlt me Hlre't Wflf*w-mwwdthifiorw' DROVE '_". ul'.h deal was handled by P.\ NEARLY CRAZY DEE"FIELD» rmd I!:.-.C'.'T Anderson en-- | boln 0:."0.1"7 days of the t:wm' C _ _% o ds : a w of their friends | P9Y® as | at eards, on Thursday evening. 'wdwvmmw ; For some unknown reason th¢ 8¢*| _ myg Elmer Clavey and Mre, Aye, {und consistent failures. There WA® count of the Gamcfl.tfl-'m were the dinner guests of! a continual wundll:"m the hibit, in last week's issue,; all Mrs. Robert Greenslade of B"M'Wl and the public, both oper-- mixed up, the first part of £60 @"~| park Friday evening. | ators and subscribers yelling at the n Apag. 1 corre hk wsge: e dafy'| _ The Herbert Johnsons who lived in ho o. o is making . | the Vant fiat have moved to Evan-- dn_y:m'y';nn a M"fh""g lb':;la-. h".": | Fodd Court. The ©Holy Cross Parish . CHTC" about $26 on their dance last Wed-- nesday evening. * Helen Thomas of Glencoe, is liv-- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Jesse R. the Sewing Club of St. Paul's Evan-- gelical churen, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Piper had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Plagge and children have moved from the Koebe. lin building to their little garage an (Crand avenue across from the on UTaAnd. RYOO0e: 70 00 _ rt_ former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- liam Plagge. An employe of Lincoin Pettis has moved into the place va-- cated by the Plagges. Mrs. Stadier, of Cnestnut Street, entertained four out--of--town guests on Friday at luncheon. Mr. ndmgamr.dekmh'h Wu:hmifl":'-""""z' vaerne C C d dn c P.ommalonWmmA" nue. Mr. Heimgartner built their other home now owned by Mr. Mor-- m i e e 0C d T a EOmE .oR Little Mary J: Kiest is visiting | jday when : attempted to storm | children, Domthytlfl'a&nafl Mi#SS| snoes, rabbit feet and Lady Ml Blancne Hall, their guest from Fo't| while the "breaks" were all reversed Wayne, Ind., motored to MAd:s0n;| ayainst the invaders. Wis., Saturday to spend the The local bunch started out strong end with Mrs. Jennie Robbins. | with the willow and threatened *o pr. and. Mrs. Eari Fritsch ""tear up the Everett defense and win two children of Highland Park ¥iS);,"cpor; order, but inefficient pitch-- ited at the Jame Fritsch home Miing and several errors by the Stars Saturday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. licht _ al erlain ~ Fict up James Fritsch had as their £4OSS| imyouch their hands by one tally. Mrs. Wesley Fritsch and two ehil-- The final score being 7 to 6. dren of Hjghland Park. _ ...._i Mixed Schedule Tdles. Colts Mrs.. Rebecca Merner speni. sEV~ eral days of last week with her friend Mrs. Heckler, of Chicago." J. A. Reichelt, Jr.. left Saturday to snend a month with his brother Huriburt Reiehelt rancu "ors Con uo . Aecent Werner Natta will be an 18 hole golf course s aunt, A Libertyville 440 . wl C Nes MAE PME C ETTE L1 uc 500 _ 36 n T SMW'ri.fmuh'vfith the fjocal nine.-- Mrs. T. Gilfillan of, Holman made an attempt Merner and the two|range for a game on th k en enc m rere\ . 7 9. d ranch near Jules-- of High-- w0 PA L lc stnex hetwesn *AMEL day | scheduled at tnat place between the| her Colts and the fliMiam. The . les--| management at Highwood had 'two| ---- + yames scheduled for the same'flay{ M*l%epmpdlcd to cancell MT Ur=. ) tusele ~the jJocal nine. --Manager | ; of, Holman made an attempt to ar--| two}nmforagixm'onthehm leon! ~nmands\ hint wak nnable to find m' ~----]JEWETT West Deerfield township has been divided into two precinets. Precinet one has its poling place at the town Hall. The Judges are P. J. Duffy, William Steffis and Woodman Todd. The Herbert Johnsons who |iv€0 i"| _ pelephone exchanges in those :'.'VNM"'" moved to EVAN--| jays were a perfect bedlam. 1e re-- -- o & qulrodfromtvotodxboylwh'dle' West Deerfield township has been| each call They stood before the divided into two precinets. Precinet| switchboard which was like a black-- -- mmmmwnmw"mmnumm.uwm. Hall 'l'h.ludmml' 3. Dnfly.,b,um".,n.nm,m-.d, William Steffis and Woodman T°dd-lconm¢timfortl\cmw- The Edward Steimeh] store is the! standing they seemed to find time to polling place of Precinet two and whittlethMMvth' &oludgumhmO'Conwr,John with the wires and add generally to Weber and Raymond Clavey. 'Ithe troubles of the business. The first informal dance of Brier--| Under such cireumstances it is no gate Golf. Club was held Saturday , small wonder that the telephone evening. A dinner preceded the people soon replaced the boys with dance. 'fid:.andl!mn&o:uhdvo- 'Nn.A.R.WuMueeindltalo"-wmmw"fldw&, m-fmherp'muhmky.!bh.-inluflfwmmw.dflfl Ohio, stating that they were all telephone exchanges were superee"e" right and that news paper accounts, by girls. Their quiet voices, deft of the Ohio tornado were greatly finllflndpflflteonm'mohs- exaggerated. ;flmfludthomindum. Franken Brothers Peony fields are: T""-mi ml""m" in and an Invi wm'm&dflWmM%t:!? it them is extended to all, during. " "a 0 y melude the army of tele-- --Mrs. A. R. Warner received a tele-- gram from her parents in Sandusky, Ohio, stating that they were all w..'umoppermountn of the Ohio tornado were greatly w 4 Franken Brothers Peony fields are in blossom and an invitation to vis-- ln" is extended to all, during the blooming season. CHRYSLER ALL--STARS LOSE CLOSE {a«te compames aNd EMCME C J yA o EFERET! CREY | sonooL SsAVINGS SUCCESSFUL Holman's lb-;yvllh Colts Idie Dus INV SMALL COMMUNITY to Mixup in Schedule--Good That the school savings system Games for Glorious Fourth works as well in small communities ' N oet . . as in tre cities is demonstrated by ~Playint@ their first game for f0U) ns schools of Gilbert, Minn. Within ©GIEY mmE PTCC E through their hands by one tally. flnefinal-epnboing'?tos. : Mixed Schedule Idles. Colts A long distance call from High-- wood, Saturday cancelled the game scheduled at tnat place between the Colts and the Highwoodoniians, The management @at Highwood had 'two yamies scheduled for the sam'c' "d:): . yoTr . Lne . BATHE «08 R. J. Lyons Live Onrf Want Ads the Once Over Do You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire? PACKARD PAIGE AR E A d -- k THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, Detail work of the system wi.h n 1627 . the schools in in charge of W. A. not Pike, head of the commercial d< detr partment. Within two months more, spri he expects that every child will ha\'c'} ¥4 4 a bank account. Weekly and month--, day 1w renorts showing the per emtam'ibm standings of all the mm!'u. sent wor to every room in the district. They: --~ are also published in the local p'z-] pers.. It has teen p'mvid&_that a% soon as every pupil in the scho ol anens an account the entire scho -11 " Malignant smalipox is reported | in. Moline and Rock Island countie=. | This malady caused thmpo'rfiu at {M point within the mont i. . Wholesale vaccination nas. been in "order since the fatal character of 'the disease became known. 215 Madison St., Waukegan, Il DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER ~_ Area 191--W holiday. w# 3 t FARM BUREAU IDENTIFIES BENEFICIAL WORM AMWhile we read of army worms in Hay &n sS00h tb uUUSU! * / lnd the hordes attacking crops in central ence of the worms, and found tho' and northern lllinois, Lake county same insect in large numbers work-- is being visited y millions of worms ing on thistles and weéds. In over | that benefit instead cf narm. Num--| a week's careful inspection we have s--of farmers have called at the failed to discover one army worm m Buresu or phoned in concern-- in Lake county, n this worm which is rapidly de--| * .. --------------m--mm= > Cznada' thistle, burdock, PLANS FOR BIG L A. A. artain cock!eburrs and other weeds. PICNIC NEARLY COMPLETE Farm after farm visited by the ad-- wonmmmemmes . ./ viser shows tnousands of these, Plans for the annual Illinois Agri-- mioyfiug their fill P:fdthi;'t:cs. culture Association state pieni¢c, to were sent to * nt. S¥ata Entomologist zt Urbana and he lnld':t Linceln, bt:: sounty, the following is his reply: August 26, are rapidly taking shape _.*®From your description the worm ing to information M"' mmurm.nmmq;*h?*-hmdhhmg' thistle is the Painted Lady, an insect G. E. Metzger, omlh.fioal director which is common in this state every of the I. A. A., has been in Lincoln the LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU ;Vf)éingvommn with Sundays paper statin EDITED BY J. J. DOERSCHUK County Farm Adviser. 4} WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, TPM' that the Public Service Company of awarded the Charles A. Cof-- An Medal for 1923,is a trib= ute to the territory in which this Company operates as well as to the service it power companies of the United States "for distin-- gaished contribution to the development of electric light and power for the conven-- jence of the public and the benefit of the industry". uom'u-o*hluo Company in competition with the electric light and stating that BOOST REGISTER ADVERTISERS Lighting the Streets of _ 137 Communities PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ioh > ~+*. $*---mafi..l towns--with Gas or Electricity car traffic on the Lake Bluff to Area line was blocked with army worm. We visited the exact spot on Satud-- day as soon as advised of the pres-- ence of the worms, and found the same insect in large numbers work-- ing on thistles and weeds. In over a week's careful inspection we have failed to discover one army worm in Lake county. HE electric business of the Public Service Com-- pany of Northern lilinois, in addition to supplying 4* electric light and power to 160,000 homies, stores, doffices and factories, includes electric street lighting in' the following cities and towns: Pogead o) o THEO. BLECH, District Manager These cities and towns served by the Public Service Company **{' have at their command the greatest pool of electricity of any .. territory in the world. 'This --electricity supply comes not only.. _ from the Company's great, generating plants, but also from . other interconnected super--power systems, including that of the . Commonwealth Edison Company whose vast plants M And in keeping with these activities the gas business of the Com» 38 pany is constantly increasing. Last year this Company pro-- & duced for customer use, 3,535,537,000 cubic feet of gas, an in= ._ crease of 448,195,000 cubic feet over the preceding year. s 'CORN CROPS 1O | PROGRESS SLOW > Because of unfavorable growing conditions, thirty farm crops in-- cluding grain, forage, . vegetables, and fruits, show a decrease of 7.3 per cent below the average condi-- tion reported for June during any year of the past decade. Shou'd weather conditions return to nor-- No. 1 in a series of statements about this Company's business. Eimburst Eimwood Park mal, the yields will only be mod-- mmmnhobflnm start which important .. crops have Frequent rains have been respon-- sible for the lowest condition _ of spring wheat crop in thirty years. The condition of the oat crop is the lowest on record with the exception of 1907 while barley is making the noorest showing for any June with that indications at present point to a poor prospect for the new corn crop. The soggy condition of the ground has greatly stunted the growth of the corn which this time is only a few inches in height, show-- ing an abnormal condition to that A P ; * An «appeal from Malaga, Spain, PROGRESS SLOW _2 sr ie mma'ne | reau of Education through Harold mays |L sm.Amhfi ifavorable Conditions _ Are full infomadoahto g' in , ing trade schoo authorities, Mu&uyMth.\'i'{hM"m:.H' Ground hool for training to become of le':rlmte::. .mnr-_"_t. Telephones: Residence 165J . _ Works 413 Libertyville Cement Block Works 123 EAST COOK AVENUE Next to Franzen Lumber Yard CEMENT BLOCKS OF ANY KIND SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE La Grange La Grange Park: Lake Bloff Lake Villa Lake Zurich NWiles Center Morton Grove Mt. Greenwood Mount Prospec North Chicago No. Chillicothe Osk Park Palatitne Park Ridge Phoenix Plainfield Pontiac Ransom Riverdale River Forest Rive® Grove Romeoville Roselie . Round Lake Rutland | SPANISH DESIRE AMI | EQUIPMENT FOR railway trainmen, plumbers, brick-- layers, road builders and contractors. Certain classes will also be given for girls. It is proposed to model the Malaga nhoolafhrtudouhu thoUlludStamudum with American products. pub-- lications and catalogues from manu-- }f.d.nre'n dnittblom= building plans are especially of other years. The report for the state of lowa, which is the largest crop is the poorest since 1908, Old orp New Work -- 601 West Park Avenue * # SATISFACTION GIVEN FLOOR SURFACING _ $ Schiller Park Senece Heights Sparland Streator Thornton 'Tinley Park Toluca Toulon Varna Verona Washbutn Waunconda Worth w PAGE THREE . &n horas 4C 7+

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