' DEERFIELD | A family reunion Chester Wessling ht (;'.. L'rr. C, C. m- We hk cAE CEmet c 220C turned last week from a nvenll weeks visit in Manhattan, accompani-- ed b&m and Mrs. William Febr, and the latter's father, Mr. Lickten-- -fl&"' d, h;h;ttan, who are q',ots at ra Fehr and es-- 3~ homes, Mr. andmnyton Fehr, of Geneseo, also attended the 'reunion. ;ln. 6Iivia Anderson spent the week end with Mrs, John Dahistedt of Chicago. The Robert Johnsons are enjoying a motor trip around Lake Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf and children and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carr are in Pine Lake, Wis. . _ _ onor Carr Aare in IINC JMMC, 17 °* ' --The William Thompson family of: Chicago, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L-- Taylor and family and Messrs. Mce-- Garvey and Lawson spent Bunday at Lake Geneva. Theodore Knaak and Chester Wolf, two of the town's amiable benedicts, are spending two weeks in northern Michigan. Miss Anita Parsons of Hager, Ida-- ho, is visiting Mr. Jordan. . rome on nes? BB ts ic cutirepeni in wet atenth Ns 29 Harold Vant spent the week end in Sandusky, Ohio, at the home of Miss Orma Johnson. > # + ~-- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Portlock. who are living at the Gordon Clouse home had as tneir cuests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Weir, of Chicago.. Miss Mabel Hammer, of Chicago Blaine. The Hutchinson, Reeds, and Gunekel families spent Sunday in Waukegan with relatives. Miss Catherine Emma Glader and Alfred© Gastfield were married Sat-- urday, Jm_zs'_ & 6. g s % :'fii'e' ;\;: So Club was entertained by* Mrs. Rudoiph Knaak, Tuesday af. terncoon. Mr. asd Mrs. Austin Plagge and baby are visiting Mrs. Plage's motn-- enri Mrs. James Boudin, of Duluth, nn-- A 6 M Raymond Meyer spent the week'i end 'with Harley Fleming, of DeKa'b. i" Rev. and Mrs. V. E. Stakemiller t; attended the funeral of Mrs. 'Stake-- miller's @randfather near Freeport t« {11.. on Monday. * :: _ John C. Weston--of Chicago was a Sunday guest at the John Stryker hnome. * l J ¥r. and Mre.. Carl FEommei and children, of. Ruffalo, N. Y., who mo-- tored here from the eas*, and Mrs, R. C. Kent, of Wauconda. 4vent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rommel. _ o s ANOEERTET: Mrs. John Stryker will attend the Woman's Missionary Society conven-- tion at Freeport on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Willen have as their ouest Mr. Willen's mother Mr. and Mrs. G as their guest Mr. of . Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ender, Mrs. B. H. Kress and Miss Mamie Karch spent Sunday at the Frank Saeman home in Cross Plains, Wis. Miss Karch took with her, her little ne-- phew, Bobbie Saeman, who has been spending a month at the Karch home and is spending several days 'at the haéme of her s'ster, Mrs, Saeman. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fehr attended the wedding of their son, Lester, in Freeport, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gamme and Mr. and Mrs. Guritz and three daughters of Evanston, spent Tuesday at the Fred Labahn home. _ _" & B" The Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul's church met Thursday at the the home of Mrs. Henry Hueh!. Mrs. Lena Kasten of Chicago spent last week end with mer niece Mrs. Fred Labahn. Mrs. Olivia Anderson will enter-- tain the Sewing Club of St. Paul's church the next meeting, Mrs. Robert Pettis and daughter Jean, visited Mrs. Perey Prior, of Hichland Park, Tuesday. _ _ Miss Annie Duffy and her brothers William and James are en route from Prekcott, Arizona, to their home in Deerfield, by automobile. The trip takes about two weeks. P Evangelical Bungalow Church The quarterly meeting was held Sunday evening with Rev. J. G. Eller of Naperville, oresiding. / uen The Woman's Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at tha church. They were hostesses ot the mothers and children of the "Little Heralds" a missionary cradle roll. _ _ iily reunion ww at the Wes:sling nome this week, in { the birthday anniversArYy C- CQ m' 'f'- r.hr re: lnst week from a several in Manhattan. accompani-- The Christian Endeavor business Wilman entertained a VROOMAN PICKEV 8t. the §. O. Goldman & Co. purchased from Mather Smith 40 acres west and south of Brier Golg Club.: This property front??n Waukegan ; Road. Murray and Terry were brok-- ers for Mr. Smith and Mark Steim-{ 'bert represented Mr. Goldman. The | consideration is $127,000. The lots: will be 100x150 feet or larger and a; minimum building requirement of $10,000 will be imposed. 1 Miss Susie Easton is visiting Mrs.! F. Christensen at ner summer home jn Michigan. ' BY McADOO FOR ¥. P. NOMINATION Mrs. George MeCombs and daugh-- ter Ellabeth, of Marquette, Mich., Mrs. William-- Hart and children, Pegey and Billy of Wakefield, Mich., were week end guests at the J. A. Reichelt, Jr., and R. E. Pettis homes Saturday guests at the Reichelt Jr. home were Mrs. J. W. Elliott and he? mother, Mrs. C.CW. Ward, of Oak Park, with whom the McCombs and Hart families had been visiting before coming to Deerfield. They are motoring from Marquette to Cleveland, Ohio. ; '_Mrs. Ralph Knickerbocker -- and daugnter, Miss Mildred of Chicago, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Anderson. Miss Eleanor Meyer returned Sat-- urday from Fayette, Mich., to spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer. Miss Amelia Petersen is teaching in the Daily Vacation Bible school in North Chicago and preached in the Presbyterian church of that town on Sunday. Miss Petersen spoke at the Lightbearers meeting at Fthe Municipal Sanitariam on Thurs-- dav evening. The telephone company has install-- ed a direct line between Deerfield and Highland Park so that it is only necessary to give the number and mold the receiver until number is ob-- tained. Hithertofore calls to High-- land Park had to go into Chicago and then out to Highland Park MrPand Mrs. Robbins and family motored to Waukegan and Zion City Friday. s' Mrs. Goldon and Udaughter are spending a few days on their farm. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and daughter motored to Elgin Monday. William Lohman is building a new hog house and tool shed. t v-flrsv-é;o;e; 'and family from Chi-- cago, moved on the C. P. Thomas place for the summer months. _ Miss Ella Dowell spent a few days last week with her sister Miss Goldie ----Phe hail storm did considerable damage in this community Mon(-lay. Mrs. Wright of Elgins is spending) My, and Mrs. Henry Beckms a few days at the home of ner ©0"| Wheaton, spent the Fourth of Clyde Wright. s 'vith 'relatives here. Arthur Hafer motored to Chicago! 1i:tie Udell Grantham, the Sunday. | year--old son of Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Cora Dowell and son E!!--| Grantham Jr., had the misfo wood spent Sunday at William Loh-l to fall on the cement sidewall C 54 6 MEV ENKE Kmucs ~--Mrs, Cora Dowell and son Ell-- wood spent Sunday at William Loh-- man's. . M# 2t f _ Mr. and Mrs. Oberlin spent Sun-- dav at the Albert Hafer home. Mr. and Mrs, George Scheid and1 danughtee LAWMian, visited at Ernest Mevers Sunday evening. 6 Mrs. Robbin« made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday, d EA Bauman's silo was torn down by the wind storm & few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sage and family visited at Will Lohman's Monday, Joe Scheid has purchased a new Ford Roadster. j Charles Nordmeyer has a new 'ra-- dlqwh on 't'fial. ph Meyer is sper eation at the E. N. Meyer l (k )* Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright mo-- tored to Round Loake Thursda Mr. and Mrs. William Lohma WEST FREMONT be Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baseley, Mr.: Lewis Kunkee and W. C. Baseley of Union spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alice Baseley. | _ Miss Mary Baseley, of Park Ridge ate Sunday dinner at the home of |her niece Mrs. Mary Daley. | _ Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones entertained their daughter and her nusband of Batavia over the week end. | ~Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hill of Chi-- | eago, are passing a eouple of weeks 'here in their "old home town." daughter motored to Waukegan I2°°} _ ppare will be an old--fashi« week Friday. s | dance in 'Oak Grove, Lake Zurich, Miss Dorothy Peck, daug®ler °f3 Friday evening, July 11. Nick's or-- Mrs. Edith Peck of this place is now | .. of Des Plainés will f f employed in the Marshall® Field | theen. ': C. Come and heve .'" md"id" store in Chicago. She makea-heritim._ A & e io. o ie i ; irs. Fred Doolittle and daughter, Mrs. W. V. Jonns is entertaining | nf'g:"k"m, oo yisting Mrs. Hens her niece, Mrs. J. M. 'Powen nd'" Seip. p 1 Pm dfa u(wfi"'s.ucz?'dme ase LO-l | Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer and ine of C r, Mont. [ _ Mrs. l-al):. L. E. Golding and fami'y spent sor:.kblf' dl:cnadgofi ;wx;:mwr; 'Sv:lea:d e:f Sunday calling on relatives ?"'_'_'1--4' PW M ons or * Channei s RoREROWimat . Cc 0 9P Ey Mrs. Loretta Seymour who passed several days in Chicaco, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Harrison, returned to the home of her son, Mr. Ray Seymour rec_en'.ly; lock. Mr. and «Mrs. Erle Prouty and young son of Chicago, passed last week at the home of Mrs. Prouty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whee-- Mrs. Clarence Dakey and children are passing the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Plut-- tie Houghton, of North Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and children and Mrs. Albert Maether motored to Waukegan last week Fri-- day. hotet" Abd _ Mrs. Jack Ringer and little daugh-- ter, who have been at the home of Mrs. Ringer's parents the last two months, returned to her home at Akron, Ohio Sunday. A. M. Sowers has anew --Reo taxi to carry passengers to and from Willow Bend, which is situated on the shore of Bangs Lake. James Carr was an Area visitor Wednesday afternoon. | Mrs. Russell and little son of Wau-- kesha, Wis.. spent the past week here. Mr. Russell is ow employed by Mr. Wilson who is now owner of the old Wm. Brooks farm on Slo-- eums Lake, and which he is now 'tuming into a summer resort. Those on the sick list this week are [Jos. Haas, who is &lowly conval-- 'encing: Mrs. Lavina Duers, who suf-- fered a second paralytic stroke on i Sunday. She is under the care of a trained nurse; Mrs. Eliza Gainor, mother of Mrs. M. S. Clark who also suffered a paralytic stroke; and Miss Marriet Johns who was i1 with chicken --pox is around, though not as vet out of quarantine. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker wel-- comed a baby daughter to their home Sunday afternoon, June 29. All are m'.." te _T¥ Ihoucins hk CERBEATEe . EACCICC Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lincoln h:ve' a baby daughter born Sunday. Mrs. TLincoln and ?flldren are at their old home in Antigo, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirk and little daughter Geraldine, Raymond Daley and James Carr motored to Batavia, Aurora and Elgin Tuesday and re-- Turned to their homes in the early evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckman of XWhanutim. sbent the Fourth of July year--old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr., had the misfortune to fall on the cement gidewalk and fracture his left collar bone. The accident happened last week. Lucille Tomiskey of Crystal Lake, spent several days this week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pratt, -- Mrs. John Murphy and aaugnu'?~ are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pratt,. _ -- -- --Mrs. Henry Staadfield spent a few days this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Milodor of Round Lake. and family motore Wednesday evening Joe and Arthur Hafer seraped our roads. 1t made a great improve-- ment and everyone speaks of it as a tine job. THE LAKE COUNTY WAUCONDA motored to Libertyville Murphy and daughters ' Mmyn brought m=«ay to our | village. The American | egion and: | the | r of Commerca had an 10"&' celebration in Oak r l", Grove. There was a good attend-- wey'of ance at all times. The man who had it the | / rge of the fire works had a -r:d bad luck when a bomb he Ridge : was ghooting exploded before reach ne of ing any height and set ta other | fire works on fire. A £500,00 dis-- ained| play soon went up in «moke. The nd of . races. were enjoyed ~by al!, honors | going to local people of Rarrington £ gfi.' ;-n«m Zurich. 'The bal\ game on weeks Friday was Lake County All--Stars «ix-- Friday was Lake County All--Stars v=. Lake Zurich, the seore was 8 to 6 in favor of the All--S'ar=, (Sunday'« game was with the Elgin Red Sox, score 15 to 11 in favor of Lake 7u-- rich, Last but not least were the eats and thev were plentiful and good. Dancing was held each aft-- ernoon and evening. The bakery sale of the Women's Aid Society of the Baptist church was & decided success. The commit. tee wishes to thank all who donated ' so generously. _ Mr. and Mrs. Merle Garbisch of Barrington, and Harrison . Norton visited with Mr. and Mrs.: B. R. Si-- mons over the week end. \ Rev. McGinnis of Joliet, was in ]tow'u_. one day last week calling on \ friends. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Landwer re-- turned from their trip last Thurs-- day.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diehl, Mr. Henty Kasten and Miss Emma Kas-- ten attended the funeral of a rela-- tive Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hallet Crawford of lowi are visiting Mrs. Flora Clark. Mr. --and Mrs. Fred Buesching en-- joved a days outing visiting rela-- tives at Huntley and Hampshire one day last week. } Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and children \of Milwaukee are visiting Mrs. | Thomas' father, Mr. Aug. Meyer. -- | Mrs. Mildred Hoffman held her an« nual musical recital Tuesday eve-- Ining in the Evangelical church. Miss Blanche Berghorn 'received the ?ld The truck driver of Chappell's ice eream truck was painfully burn-- ed when the gas tank exploded while filling the tank Friday morning. He was removed to his home in Chi-- cago after first aid had been given by Dr. Ross of Wauconda. _ _ _ REGISHR. WEDNESDAY medal and Irene Ernst 'he suver medal for the best work during the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gossgwiller and son of Long Grove visited Sun-- day evering with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper. |-- -'_ T22 Mrs, Meine and son of California and Mrss Jas. Rynas and daughter of Stockport, Towa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Payton last week. LAKE ZURICH Dr. C. H. Arnold Examination of the eyes with the lute§' scientific instruments. glasses fitted when needefl. Phone 3445 for tment %4 N. G!N'&Ehs'r. Will Erect You CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Phone Winnetka 425 or Libertyville 120--R or any kind of building; tunxhg'ull labor and material by contract, so you may know --just what entire cost will be before starting. R. L. Gonsalves OoPTOoOMETRIST W aukegan, Ernst the silver JULY 9, 1924 THE RATES ARE VERY LOW FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY-- YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO TAKE THE RISK YOURSELYES E. W. PARKHURST, Agent he damage is done America's Four The windstorm has done its damage and now we are hearing the old questions about tornado insurance; asking what it is, what it can do and how much it costs. The time to find out is NOW--before the next storm. Remember that a policy carried year after year is an investment in security. When allowed to lapse and re-- newed "now and then" it is little different than gambling. The rates are reasonable; the pro-- tection sure. Call today -- let this agency prove the value of its service and a policy in the Hartford Fire In-- surance Company. s Foremost -- Automobiles es: lle 440 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS CHRYSLER R. J. Lyons first PACKARD JEWETT with live news®and only $2.00 per year. PAIGE LIBERTYVILLE and A RE A Area 191-- PAGE THREE At £ 3 o P