Whereas, it is the desire of the President of the United States that the Sixth Agniversary of the Bat-- tle of: 8t. Mihiel, which occurs on September 12, be set apart for ob-- servance as Defense Test Day, and that such observe include public demonstrations of loyality and patriotism _ throughout the Nation and the simultaneous mobilization of defense units and elements of the military and naval forces of the United States wherever pos-- sible; and x: PAGE SIX Whereas. the President has re-- quested that the State of Tilinois join in such demonstration and ob-- servance of Defenseé Test Day; and FOR SALE--Rock Island hay loader in good condition. Bergeron stock Farm. Lake street, two miles west of Libertyville. Pnone m.:-zu' 4 FOR SALE--1 ton Ford truck with panel body, electric lights, starter and generator, A-- 1 condition. Also 1 2% H. P. Foos gas engine for pumping, etc. No reasonoble offer refused., Gagemere Country Club. Phone. Grayslake 15-- W--2 53-- 6 t pd -- Whereas, -- National State pride alike call upon us to demonstrate on this Defense Test Day that in loyalty and a proper appreciation of Appoints Chairman The governor has appointed Col-- onel Burnett M. Chiperfield of Can-- ton, judge--advocate of the Illincis National Guard, chairman of the state committee to arrange for the defense test. As chairman of the state committee, Judge Chiperfield will co--ordinate the work of the va-- PROCLAIMS DAY -- OF OBSERVANCE FOR SALE--My nome at 835 Church street.. Two car gdrage. Lot The test will mark thesixth an-- niversary of the battle of St. Mihiel and also the sixty--fourth birthday . anniversary of General John J. Pershing, (By United Press) Springfield, H1., July 21.--Follow-- ing approval by President Coolidge of the war test on September 12, which will mobilize the regular army, national. guard and reserve @c'u at--camps all over the coun-- , Governor Len Small has issued a proclamation ¢alling upon all I!-- linois to participate in the event. FOR SALE--Portable gcreen bunga-- low, canvass roof. Good material. !mhyfie._ Phone 813--R Area, n1 52t rious 'civic organizations and also the military of Illinois to insure its FOR | SALE--Gentle family cow. Mrs. Arnolid Nagel. 317 E. Park lows: 3 To the People of Illinois, Greeting: Gov. Small Sets Aside Defense Test Date As Sept. 12 Fol-- lowing Nation' Plans FOR SALE--Lots 100x150 feet on new cement road, south frontage. Fine location for refresnment stand, filling station or eating house. Electric lights and gas. Terms on any of the above lots. Fred Parkhurst, phone 283--J--2. FOR SALE--Modern six room home FOR SALE--Two used 12 passenger ?fiebfilr Busses. -- Overhauled, nted and in fine repair. Ar-- thur Stripe, 142 South Jackson St., Waukegan. Phone 1449--J. 56--8t (MG "Asd . mahageny" puiccinl also pedestal. Phone 3177--1.., 66--6t FOR SALE--Two yearling bulls. Charles Dyer, phone 625--J--2, 1i-- LOST--String of pearl beads in a _amaill purse. Valuable as a keep-- sake. . Reward. Finder . please ~phone 418--R. b5--2 100x100. Price $6000. Will con-- sider $1,500 cash and $25 per month. A. H. Jeppe, phone 188--R. The governor's proclamation. fol-- Minimum charge, 25c. --6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. avenue, Phone 165--J. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. & y ; There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county i1 so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. Atrhlwillmvhu'n'u. in Libertyville in 16t 50x150, Good condition. Price $4,250 with pay-- ment down and balance like rent. SBee A. R. Schnaehele, Register ot-- fice, Libertyville, IIl. 52+ bertyville 108ST AND FOUND Classgified Ads FOR SALE 52--6tp 54--6t 494 (b) Prayer for our National welfare. A* 4 (c) Patriotie music. (d) An address or addreses to cover appropriate subjects, such as appreciation for the assembled de-- fenders, explanation of the "to pro-- vide for the Comimon Defense" fea-- ture in the preamble to the Consti-- tution, the general principles of the National Defense Act and Mobiliza-- tion, plans; and reference to the de-- tailed plans of moboliziation in each community, including shelter, sup-- ply, training and sanitary arrange-- ments. (e) Organized _ recreation amusement. * Whereas, It is desirable that the State of Ilinois co--operate with the ;'other states of the Union in such {putriotic manifestations, with the realization that a loyal! and patriotie l}pit.it towgrd our General Govern-- 'ment and rally to its defense when-- ever its safety and integrity may be attacked, -- constitute the best me«-- thod of continuing an honerable peace, so much desired by the po& of the United States and of State; fls > o When you see a girl that has tried to improve on the compleyoin that God gave her with a lot of gawdy calsomining, you can make up your mind that she is looking for srouble and is going to find it.--Pun«sntaw-- ney Spirit. -- the need for National Defenu.r"g people are worthy de,i('enml"{ \i'h"l'm who made the glorious history of this State, the memory of which is a sacred heritage; and WANTED --Clean cotton rags at Register office, i Defense Test Day : and I urge upon the civie authori-- ties of the various political sub-- divisions of the State, and upon the citizens thereof, earnestly and ac-- tively to make plans and provisions for a proper and fitting celebra-- tion of the day, employing as near-- ty as possible a program as here-- inafter set forth. (a) Assembly -- and parades : of military organizations in such man-- ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE of Illinois as ner as to depict the actual condi-- tions of the Army and Navy of the United States, 5 RAVINE FARM--Breeders of Pure Breed Jersey Cattle,. 602 St. John's Place, Highland Park, Illinois. Phone 296. 41--tf Sclentife Examination of the Eyes Now, therefore, I, Len Small, Govérnor of Illinois, do hereby de-- signate and proclaim the 12th day of September, of the present year, to be observed throughout the State FOR DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON| HOUSES AND LOTS--BougKkt and Aelephone 66 Luce Bidg. C GLASSES fl'l'l'lbu 211 Madison St. W Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park DWIGHT EDRUS COOK OR RENT--Room for one car in double garage. Phone 316--R. 331 Wright Court. t 5b5--2t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 sold. Loans made. Insurance. Edwin . Austin, Phone 16, Liber-- tyville. 26--t4. Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS VETERINARY SURGEON LYELL H. MORRIS TEACHER OF YOCAL _ Telephone 432--R DR. J. L TAYLOR 539 B. H. MILLER FOR RENT LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE Avenue Phone 993 Waukegan Bpringfield, -- 1!1.----Approximately 100,0000 people in THlinois suffer from hay fever annually during the spring, summer and fall months, ac-- cording (to figures based on an estimation made by the American Hay Fever Association Many of these people do not know that they are subject to hay fever but rather regard their t;rou!fi_ as "summer golds." "reccurent .' "rhini-- tis," etc., declared Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health wt, in commenting on the situatic MANY IN STATE FEVER VICTIMS '"When properly selected and ad-- ministered. vaccines may prove ef-- fective in both the prevention and Health Department Tells Prevalence of Ruffering 'Illinois THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, JULY nHome _ Our New Gigantic Building Purchase Builders" _ _ toiy 5.8 0e on en it tareanr aoees." Lns COpportunity 3.A FANtRE * to of The cost of maintaining a profes-- sional baseball team has trebled in 20 years, we learn from the sport page.: Yes, and . who remembers when 'one could sit in the bleachers for a dime*--Centerville Towegian. treatment of" hay fever. Unfor-- tunately different people are affect-- ed by different kinds of polien so that it is imposible to prepare a given kind of vaccine, as is the case of smallpox, suitable for everyone. Special tests should be made on the individual sufferer in order to suc-- cessfully treat and prevent hay fever by the vaccination method. "When seeking relief from hay fever it is very important to se-- eure the 'advice of a local physician familiar with the various pollens that -- cause hay fever. Otherwise the one who takes a long trip. might readily find oneself in the disagree-- able predicament of going from bad to worse, as many hay fever victims have, so far as the presence of the offending polien is concern-- ed. Indeed it cccasionally happens that the dust. from coffee grinders and flour mills cause hay fever in some people so that their problem would be simple enough compared with the fellow who must dodgeé a dozen varieties of grass and weed pollens to which he is susceptible in order to avoid hay fever." Already the army has adopted it and, with the taking of electricity to the farmers, agriculturiss may be expected to substitute vacuum clean-- ers for the old--fashioned curry combs. Army tests proved the sub-- stitution so workable that he gncient "seratchers" nave been abandoned. Libertyville Township Russ, Mrs., Libertyville ... . Vernon Township Anderson, Mrs. Charles ... : Fremont Township Untz, Mrs. John, Ivanhoe . PAUPER LIST FOR QUARTER ENDING JUNE 1, 1924 z, Mrs. John, Ivanhoe . $ 20.00 GOOD--BYE CURRY COMB PHONE] 1882 Specialist in Weatherstrip Installation RAY B. HOFFMAN $ 57.08 $ 71.47 Letters testamentary in the estate of William Blume of Lake Zurich were issued to William J. Blume: Bond was fixed at $20,000. The inventory in the estate of Candace L. Scofield of Waukegan ¥as approved. The amended and supplemental proof of heirship in the estate of Clifford Pearce was made. Petition for the probate of the will of Ella N. Doolittle was filed and set for hearing August 11. Petition for the probate of the foreign will of Richard W. Stafford, Gresham, Oregon, was filed and set for hearing on August 11. The will of George Merryweather o' Highland Park was admitted to probate in the court of _ Judge Martin C. Decker yesterday after-- noon. The personal property was valued at $60,000 and the real estate at $5,000. The estate was be-- queathed to his three children. Letters of administration in the estate of Daniel H. Rogers of Wau-- kegan were issued to Louise .E ~Letters testamentary were issued to George H. Merryweather. ADMITS WILL TO : COURT RECORDS Other Affairs Taken up in Probate. Letters Issued in Several Estates _ Address: 928 North Ave. Waukegan,. Il. FRED GRABBE Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Waukegan 2588 6 so. COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS THE BIG 4 BERT FINSTAD -- Libertyville, Hlinois I WILL '&OM'E' OU'I"';I'O Y(').UB F'AR?. '.:.ND PROVE IT TO YOoU, Please "t buy un ¥ve seen goods. ° Send me a card OR P&:)'Nl LIBERTYVILLE 59 FLOWERS THAT ARE IN BLOOM Geraniums Verbinas Asters Coleus Red Salvia $ T EV ENS 0 N Stanchions and Equipment EKverybody knows this ma-- chine. ~Long terms, Hardy Phlox Hard -- Chrysanthi-- mums Pink-- Seduni Dwarf Seduni Bottonia Veronica Delphinium Holly Trocks Shasta Daisy Fort Atkinson Blue Salvia Heliotrope Boston Fern Asparagus Fern Milk FORMERLY THE CT BULL MILKER Haying Machinery Hanging Baskets----Window Boxes----Vegetable Plants Deering «»« McCormick _ Mowers Schanck Hardware Co. Rope -- Forks -- Pulleys H. C. BURRIDGE & SONS Libertyville--Area Greenhouse Phone Cement Road Libertyville 396--] Growers of Fine Nursery Stock Farmers' Best Equipment FAIRHOLM GARDENS LIBERTYVILLE ---- ILLINOIS Have Them In Stock You Will Soon Need Draconias Cannas Vinca Vinus Snow of the Mountain Floss Flower China Pinks Plant some of these Perennials and have flowers that grow year after year. They are only $2 per dozen. CHRISTENSEN We n{':tdcit and founda-- tion. Long terms. _ _ ACME Don't satore vntc':'w.i'-yci can get fresh wa open-- ing a fancet place on the f.gn. u..?a'-.. Drummond Phlox Annual Larkspur Ivy Geraniums Straw Flowers Corn Flowers Sweet Alyssium k FRESH WATER FROM the WELL