Lanti* @1 ho. --. prot Joe Cal s we fiéfim. T. "M'"" m" .mm o breezy press u\dm'['m $ WHITE WAY" AT AUDITORIUNM "The Great White Way," Cosmo-- mb-lmdu"piotmwomin mnd around life on Broadway, will have it premiere in this city next Theatre. %' i %fim § new film, from H. C. Witwer's : story, ;"fidludlnhd,'hfioflr'fiino- curately draws a graphic illustra-- tion of the world's most famous bask in its artificial ks osih.. .t j !gkmtofiomt!fl!'rd' 'mmtyolaphmo!ch' ork life, the Cosmopolitan Corporation has assembled a brilliant all--tar cast to in . the characters cre-- | by Witwer, The cast includes f Stewart, as Mabel Vander-- grift fi.mmandhutof Broadway; Oscar Shaw in the role m'-'-v--"--'--'_'___"_ ts' FOR SALE -- 2 Hampshire bucks ~ and 20 ~Duroc shoats. Parker P Bros., Grayslake, I!1L. Phone 121M1 ++R 69--2tpd. FOR SALE--A new Ford coupe d--,bfi-"*'fll consider Ford sedan in exchange. J. C. Dorfler, Areu, Phone A18--J FOR RENT--200 Acre dairy farm on to $12,000. Bartlett Realty Ser-- wige. Phone 442 M. 68--3t. k . a}'..'f?ifilmu"pto buy anything, or if you have something ® to --sall, ""uwcflmmu'.uhuhmwm tolumns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county hu&na-fin-od&um-abhnemuyoomuyouub your wants known here. A trial will convince you. OR SBALE--Ford touring car im 'w&w of Henry Tet wick atle., Inouin o fiean IPROVED BUILDING LOTS -- POR RENT--Furnished bed roeoms. Men only. Inquire at 228 First i \Iv Ww 4 A ';tfl'j'hfi;'fl;.'fi "Jasition --Avely at the Orphanar: ciepliene 482.R -- M Lake Buff. ; ~©70--1t. 589 ikeo A POR HRENT -- Beautito!l modern home in Tibertyville, west MH-- '--W Lot 80 x 184. Bart-- lett Service P:a-_[@! M. Lake Villa 1856 R--1. whflmm'" wet of amall buildings. Lnd:fi Hled, and fenced with woven wire. buil from Rock River Farm herd. Minimum charge, 25¢. faurm of 190 acres, located be-- tween Long Grove and Quentin's Corners. $5 per acre. Inquire for Farm, phone 672--W--1. SBoil in high state of fertility. Rea-- apace, berriecs of all kinds, three ear garage. Posmession Nov. 14. m' Parm, Praitie View, 11 -- 10--6tpd SALE--One acre of standing 10 ACRE ESTATE ---- Sites ner acre. Bartliett ~Realty Phone 442 M. Classified Ads Ancdoa e, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 ;&wummimerfion. LOT--#For o hat _ ay of ore Da Harry Watson, Olin fand Pete Harti¢y, and ' Gould. f is is saic Scorest of New York celebrities that has whose fame in sports, theatricals, |for ailm. The pi arts, literature and other lines. of | 2 rO@UIat musica! endeavor has become world--wide al-- | ti0n ) the fam so appear in the cast of "The Great Nes" beauties as . White Way." Included among these | the most thrilling are | Arthur Brisbane, Tex Ricard, famous fight promotér; Irvin S. % Witwer, author of "Cain and -- " --and --numerous -- other ::thu Arthur "Bugs" Bw.,::mm ; D Runyon, © [ celebra BWmS Nel) Brinkley, George McManus and Fay King, Winsor Mc Cay,: Hal % J. W, . McGark field, creator of "Abie the Agent"; Billy De Beck, creator. of "Spark Plug"; Earle W s premier jockey; Jolmn;--" Atoeo ;efer; of the ) fight; Joe Hum-- phmu announcer; the ir-- repressible "Kid" Broad, Ned Way-- and the entire Ziegfeld "Fol-- lies" chorus. . ; "The Great White Way" is a fast moving picture with its action carry-- ing swiftly from the offices of Tex Ricard in the Madison Square Gar-- den, through the midnight gleam of Broadway to Futurity Day at Bel-- mont Park, and a world's champion-- ship fight at which 75,000 persons appear. . This fight in Oscar Shaw WANTED--Willing, ou high school education for all around WANTED TO BUY--20 to 80 acres _ improved or _ un--improved farm land preferably near Prairie View 4 for pasture -- purposes «for our herd of Jerseys. Ravine Farm, Highland Park, phone 206. 61--2p WANTED--Scrub woman. Perman-- WANTED--Electrical wiring and re-- m of all kinds, Phone Li}b'e;; E. )lof&l"& 4 x'"-" WANTED TO BUY--15 to 20 *ons of oat or wheat (blower) stra . {(baled). Revine !(*vn. Park, I!!., Phone 206. -- _ _ LET US PLACE you in a new home "Sareed Serzey Cartih, 608 BC Jobn's Aisco 'Sighishd 'Patky Hlleois Thane 206 4141 HOUSES AND LOTB--Bought and aold, Loans made. Insurance. Kdwin Austin, Phone 16, Liber Aislephone 66 LO8T--Smail black bull dog.© White under neck. Red sty on each eve. LOST----A pair of light shell rim ginsses on fair grounds. Finder please return to Electric Station or eall T6 " _ _..~ _ §ihitpd. DR. O. E. BUTTERFTELD at the right price. . Bartiett Realty Service. Phone 442 M. 68--8t o-.-.:-'ulu. l;l. "\. 0--1% ATTORNEY--AT LA W First National Bank Building 1048T AND FOUNDV Professional Services TEACHER OF YOCAL B. H. MILLER 61 lies" beauties as a background the most thrilling fire that has been shown on the screen. _ e n on LCs too, scen Great White Way" from the scen-- ario by Luther Reed. Joseph Urban designed the settings. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis have . moved into the house vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rosing when they moved into their new home, * .. -- Pr. Vaupell of Chicago visited at his farm one--day last week. -- ¢ Mrs. 1. Capella of Chicago visited relatives here last week. ---- . ~Mr.--G. A. Vasey and; at-- tended the Elikhorn fair last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R I ~and children attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Roy Davis and Miss Alice Junge at the Junge home at Round Lake last Thursday, _( _ _' Mrs. James Kirwan and Mrs. Jen-- nie Cassman spent Thursday in Wau Lloyd Fisher, Matt Rossdeutscher and Arthur Kaiser motored to Silver Lake, Wisconsin, Wednesday wen---- ing. : > : rage. * _ Mrs. William Duesi M T daugh-- ter Katherine ipentn'\nfi); f Ringwood. _ C i se . . -- Sunday school opens at 1:45 and chureh service at 2:80 at the M. E. church September 14. _ -- _ _ _ _ Mrs. G. Wegner and sons, John and Len of Grayslake spent Sunday at the home of the former's daugh-- ter, Mrs. F. Rosing. s o Mrs. Kate Townsend returned to her home at Grand Rapids, Wiscon-- sin, Tuesday after visiting for some ti!'u with many ald friends and rel-- atives. td 4 Rev. James of Gravslake was a galler in this community Monday. Miss Larson spent the w with her parents at Union Grove. -- Messrs Ben | Walkington, L. V. Lusk and Clifford Benwell are at Barron County, Wisconsin this week buving dairy cows. t ----Miss Reefer of Wisconsin t« teach-- ing the Brick School and making her home with Mrs. Levi Wait. . / -- _' Miss Dorothy® Dillon spent the nast week with relatives in Wauke-- _ Edward Lusk, Davis and Frank Walkington are attending school at ----Those attehding Wauconda Town-- ship High School from the North =.d are Ver;v\::tuy, Dom(hv Dil-- Emma o (b:r; ase Grace Duesing, Cliff: 'Wiloco'. Arthur. Martin, Mauriceq Earl and Miss Russell began teach-- ing in »?fi'- District Monday. Mrs. Ann Vasey mr 4 away at il;'il-' londay mo Aol1 at the Tolo churth nomfay Mr. and Mrs. J. Sarena . and mrmawmu.. and Mr. and Mrs. C Usborne and daughter, Eleanor of Morgan Park were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dillon. The Ladies enjoyed a very sooke! time at the home of Mrs. 8. J. Rus-- sell Thursday Afternoon. Mrs, Kate Townsend gave several recitations ! tor, teacher which were wfih '.-fi'"allh .-g-n be st Mrs» L. V. |this day to Lusk's, er 2. assist in the THE L The DeLaval milks as cows should be milked Look at the above illustrations show-- ing how the De Laval Milker is made to suit the temperament of the cow. Everything is just right for the greatest production of milk in the shortest time. --* The master pulsator on the Pulso-- pulsation speed year in and year out; YOLO iC F OW SChanchlfi"Hal'g ware ll'(30. ever NY® D. V. _ Wait and Esther Russell will Program ::':h:.l : church Eg:l'!_w_!dno oo Ladie thig wikl Hurnish fundle aze mmeoiaaine in This community see hwmflm%Mm{ ld"deth. able gssistance of their club eaders. y visited with Mrs. Charles Sauer M'Wn:m- * '\_ _ Mr..and Mrs. Freeman of Chicago *were callers at the Henry Stelling y aane . "Mr. > Albert Saver p w_.-vuwmu. ~Rev. and "Mrs. Carl Stadler were ATrlington Heights callers Friday William Sauer and son Victor of Crystal Lake, spent Sunday after-- noon with Victor Sauer and daugh-- ters Lillie and Martha. _ ____ °___-- -- Miss Florence Stadler called on Mabel Hans Thursiay afternoon. Mrs, Albert Sauer and Helen La Frentz spent Tuesday afterncoon with Mrs. Henry Krueger at Libertyville, Miss Evelyn Barber returned to her home at Highland Park Thurs-- day evening, after spending the sum-- Pearl Herschberger m byrvi spent the week.adwiflso' M ee paret 'x, and --Mrs. mek M_ i z' 52 Charles Nictor Sauer\was a called at his farm several days ago. f _ Rev. and Mrs. Adolph Ka'lkbren-- ner' and family of Hudson, Kansas, arrived here Saturday morning and are spending several days with rel-- atives and friends. They made the fi%&m Kansas by au{o. Mrs. Edwin Roder and son, Earl of Area spent Thursday with her 'parents, Mr. and M:s. Henry Tonne. . Miss Florence Stadler spent Fri-- day evening and Saturday visiting Rev. Kalkbrenner :;{nd family P::'k! w . were w callers mv *Mr. and Mrs. Eowin-- Roder anmdi sons of Area and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- liam Tonne and daughters of Fair-- field were entertained at the Charles ; r Jr. home on Sunday. Hans and daughter, . and Mrs. H. D. Wehrenberg at TLibertyvilie -- Mrs. Al. Bunton ind Miss Alice of Aptakisie were town callers Satur-- mfldmmw j and Ethel Umbdenstock were callers at the Jac. Barber home at Highland Park Thursday evening. Rev. Stadier and Miss Florence were Barrington callers on Monday. Confirmation and Lord's Suppet will be celebrated on September 14th at 10 a.m. after Sunday School. This ,hzhnmflomhthlifeof our children. We parents, pas-- lb.h-chm.---bulldfd"l |M¢ al! be present in church on this day to prayerfully attend and asaist in the service that the Lord's ~--Mrs. Aibert Popp and daughter, Edna spent Friday afternoon with Mrs, John Tredup and daughters Miss Lillie Sauer motored to Ar LONG GROVE E4. Sagabredt of Chicago Sunday. at the Rev. Stadler William Club Mr. SA self--adjusting teat--cups ht comfortably "qiucffl:p'*_t'ld'.b the udder to assure vigorous milking, and the alternating action is such as the cows have become accustomed to during WCwI"yhnyn-neM "The Better Way of Milking." 12+ 6. choicest blessings may descend upon our dear confirmants and our entire 'congregation. -- All who desire are cordially invited to take part at Holy Communion. The musical program on Septem-- ber 7th at 8 p.m. was well attended and the different selections played by.members of the Y. P. League and 8. 8. were enjoyed by all. Likewise the vocal solos, duets, quartelte and the 2 violin solos and other numbers of the program were splendidly ren-- dered.> Rev. A. Kalkbrenner the for-- mer pastor of this church who is at &ummt visiting with his daughter, Ralph Meyer and his sons, Ro-- bert and Justus, both students for the ministry, read Pr. 150. The of-- fering of the evening amounted to 21.15 which leaves but $19.97 on the price of the new piano which is a of the society assembled in the par-- games and stunts. Ice cream and cake were served and it was mid-- GROM IS FINED BY SHURTLEFF Andrew J. Grom who was first to make complaint against Ira Black-- well, Waukegan man in McHenry Co. and Jerry Hemec, beer runners :1e-- Man Who Was First to Com-- real beauty in workmanship and cently <indicted by the grand jury, aspeared in the McHenry county cirecuit court Wednesday morning and entered pleas of guilty to trans-- porting intoxicating liquer through Judge E. D. Shurtleff sentenced each to pay a fine of $500 and costs. 'The case of Jerry Stefek, another runner, was continued to the Sept-- ember term of court, which opens on the 22nd. FREGSINCG and CL E A NING is done right at Cichy's Tailoring Ay The jury was excused and ordered to report again for duty on Friday morning at 10 o'clock, at which time the cases of "Jerry Morrison, Flor-- ence Syr and Mr. Foster will be call-- he Morison woman is under in-- dictment en a charge of conducting a house of ill fame, the Syr woman with being an inmate and the Foster After the program the members Pleads Guilty. J. CICHY, Proprietor Dr. C. H. Arnold K3 with -- th e m-: scientifie Atted when --ar Fhone 3445 for Appointment when the party came to an Waukegan, thm. o the Blackwell Your Declaration of Independence Will be open.every Tuesday and Saturday after =~ September 5th. New and second hand barrels and kegs for sale. A A Complete Municipal Service . -- --Telephone Lake Forest 89 The Wheeling State Bank . THE JAMES ANDERSON COMPANY. Inc. . Architects -- ENGINEERS -- Surveyors Libertyville Cement Block Works LONG GROVE CIDER MILL Dynamite For ~Sale j Special blasting done. 28 years experience. Rsr Rove ww Follow your country's example. Declare your in-- dependence--independence of the tyranny of finan-- cial worries. --Banish fear for the future. . Win your complete freedom--and hold it. You do all these by starting to save and keeping at it. ______--. Your signature to your initial savingsdeposit slip is your declaration of independence,. . Everv daily or weekly deposit will be a celebration--safe and The Best in Laundry Work Dry Cleaning and The Reliable Laundry umnryaanq&bn;l PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 66--R 129 EAST COOK AVENUE Next to Franzen Lumber Yard +% + Residence 1656--J Works 415 Eatablished 1891 Water Bupply P a v e m e n t s o7 We ts OF ANY KIND l it ts +E t