'r, In. 1 M In C"; N." 'il/ Mr. N I; My 'tdl I AREA H a! itil] td r'i'Nimhrmtrmm. "a: ucdhodun: Qua-Anna if, 1. hold their ' 1 "at! new. A-...n...- --- V , - not... aunt (Undo mm q (ei,',,,.:.-..-.-..-.,. I": tth-herd ' " a (311 m1. W-rrr'. e Ft', I.-....-......,.-...-:...---. 7-. m f,). C I... " M) .-e- "f r------------' -11.. 1mm. by! iii,);,,:','!' ' Course A. Boss spam Wed- iltlit " m It. and Hrs. Dean "tr, t' of {lithium Park. " "Jud In. Prank Miller ofl IlllM?l.? h motored to Area 'ri,",u/,sa-.l Bi' " -'ti't Visit the Intter's sister, Mra. T The Parent Teacher Association gnu their'regular monthly meeting at the school house on Tuesday ev- "I. The meeting this month was 5 each! meeting with a good enter- hlament and lunch. 'II'I- Albert Mr W n Wanke- - ,itdhte an Wain-day gtfterrtoon. tl, It. and Mrs. Bury Ferry and tet: Otim, of Wheaton were 2 "Methanwd Mrs. W. um T. 'fttr' m! friends. TVV -ee ' n,ttf , f"! a": Mrs. E, W. Fen: "In! In. H. C. Meyer spun Wed. My in Fairfield. '13:" but" Stinger of Highland $iiiii - several days with her {Ki-Ir tad In. Herman lemon left m» visit with relatives in Pf F Nebraska. 'ir9ltrt and In. One". Hibltard and T a" Pepe called on Mr. and t, {fr-IR -vsrnith on Wed. _ It. "aim. a 2'." itiltiiiie In. s. L. Tripp visited ' ' _W. A. C. Richards and My of M Ridge on Wednes~ We, . _ Ming Service 31. aatr--bagthoe; 1i.tb---Areas V (fin-o- any": "The aim of "duck." _ ,7" .astv--Uttioet can!" service. 1Al..#re, m. "the we. Lune a" Sermon cow-"Tho Excel- "my? 9:", at no n. m. to 4.80 [MIL irtttit"'ion meeting " . '_sr. m . , __ k ofthbest-ia-r'toeork h -thett by Mr. Jam. tHA-gtdrmnhoeehrtrehe, .bldthdrnnul mating: in "A. " _ . y " q pan. Area You; _iriaT'iT. i'iiaaGi'a - Gi'a"iii'rttu btQ 'ttttga, night {of Are. misfortune b In "Nd by I has , , qgnuet-ativanhaeat 'lt4'fd l _ KIM-cr' Dr.C. c WILSuu Wittingigt.of6trtuldentud aBEE2EE5 gfliwmm'ummrmw'lm, Mm 'g'1'ti2fl,C',t,efd,T,t ':i'iht . . Sun ad my." nur- " "u M by Mr. Jm.' an, ert-rftom0atrhrhtut- " Atet TtHttnr1ttttt'r' 'P "by Mar ' 'tt"t.a0ehoirprretiee. m T M."When Smith Btep. "htittheerrou-irtrt, . mii-mt-rt-elt. "WWW-ugh- ,'trtetttteourtmtettnnd8nta"d" Mg_tat'tisntArtotm1trtttt my. Chandler. 1": te. and Mrs. Kelling of Wauke j. W Monday evening with Mr. tnd arm. Ed Pfannestill. ' J. C. Dorfler made a business trip 89%;» on Monday. mall Meta spent several . look it't Chicago visit- "Indiana-comm} /tle"2'r,'ta'ge,e.'r1tt" ArTi, animal. as. . ma.m,aehm _iitItAtouaqrfntteetfareeu1irt- "ball. Aaoawititteatthe V qhtrgehntT:S0totahetho" ', hanyofgoingtolm- "'Ihnu'm it In an "an; In. Inna- aux-9m several a tttmls, " Woo") 'lttltrmrrueketafrmrttNrtttht 'tetirtAr-rDutaBroshttv- dammed-nu u Wat- "Mann. Am " Ivanhoe but! Puma , C. Arthur Jame, Mtniater Ounday schools T ttt m Am; 11 n.mv---rvanhoe My a 4 pan. Ivanhoe Boy -raottudtheeastofthe at-tttere'sore-mteverrhenrhrthe by but» a... an ova ABILITY TO SERVE. - MKMlI-uuu har, OUR mumcnpss TO SERVE OUR ACCoMMODA'rmG WAY OF SERVING OUR REAL ilELPFUL MANNER or Oli? SERVING .-emtvenieatttoo mbtastC-teratiort . Mutt." 1heghehiastiaiieillhrak and-m an!" WHEELING. SHOULD BE YOUR BANK tee) C."r.r.CL.". .ZQLL- we. mu. m.- Window " thettrl.s- HM. (Tho In") IUSIC out» ttV-The Student Sym- 4ir,'l','tC" Director, W. G. V a Boto--Mi" Judo Drury, Accountant. Ills: Ruby Willivum October tr-The Waukenn Ban- Jo Pour. Mhm Poul Hat-chum" of Lib- ertyvillo called on home folks Wed- My evening. In. Henry Lucie] r. was an Ar- lington Heights all" Thursday af- ternoon. ._ In. Otto humour: of woman and In. Archie Stocks and daught- er of Buffalo, N. Y. spent the fom part of Inst week with Victor Saar mud dauehUra. Miss Ethel Umhdemtock was a Gilmer caller Wednesday dtemwm T Fred C. Berlin has purclmsol a new Ford touring "r. Mr. and Mrs. Rodecker and cluyl ter, Virginia and Mrs. Henry Que-um of Chicago motored' out Wornesday and called nt the Georgy durum" home. _ Some of on: young folks agenda! the dune given by the Jolly' Four " Ratt Day Saturday evening. [in Imam. Popp of Wheeling - Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Hrs. Albert Popp. m Araittt- ("or Ttee', Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meyer wire l left Thursday for their homes at Highland Park callers on Friday. l Fairmont Minnesota. 0 Mrs. John Hpns and daughter, 'rhauv Lbfolkl_- Rss. '"--. ndau spent Wednesday arftemoon with Roy Keck span: Wednesday with relative- at Liuttyviile. I home folks. T T It. and In. 2mm: entertained gammy our the week end. In. Bunnie Banana of Gilmer spun Honky "tenuous with In. Hairy Lush. Jr. w. and In. Join luau out My with Iran-duly}. jig-n Mine- Maybella and Mnrvetla I Keller spcnt Sunday with home' talk. I mum. In. Victor Batter, Christ Scheff of S. D., Albert Sheff of Minnesota an? Awhio Stoeke of New York. In» (and ttt Crystal Lake, Thursday am can} the thav Ivith W. J. Sauer an! , ' Mildred Doekn spentthe week end with her liner at Bah- [13110011. Berlin has tempted n position in Ctdeagrs. w, Jae Harth of Arlingpn Heights thelped his son Elmer tor several days. . _ Miss Mary Berlin spent Fri 3" afternoon with Ethel Umbdenst . muses Lillie and Martha " r motored to Bensonville Fridny d called on Mrs. Authrst Fry. V fa n Mar m of Ntnthte m a Wrcaillcgludny mm" . It. and In. Ralph Meyer wen 'dt"" M alien Honda)! even- Ethel Urea-natures, um u Prui- tie View an: Saturday afternoon. Mr. John Hm mod. I Maine" trip to OK" on lanky. In. Edwin Roda and m. Earl at Ann Brent Wednesday with In. Chub. Madam" " P Iamnt Rim of Libertyvilh - Woheuhy with Ethel Um- - Inui- and John Hoochol WillBroctYuAllIIu comm & 3mm WI. "" LONG GROVE ihejiay "with W. J. Bauer animal's! faiths-lubed -rutbreeatemqt," "glut-ovum -uatree-tnrtttb.uh" KLGoIsalm Laumnnn of Hinsdale iGrt '8!"th - .mh* Atiee Mere- I"? A m "mId I" out to the P. T A. mttattttq margin um! win the m mum for t a." m up Fail, and .Nettaith. V I In Ernest Mm u improv- ing tsl ly "brink. "I for 'ii,inel time. Ilia-u Milo and Kathleenl Wylie mind at.» mi itte mate Saturday Cid Md the Jolly out dagger. In the mains. l CH ord Helm of Chicago spent I, I the k end with than Bend. I _ Mr.) and Mrs. (gorge Stancliff' 'entenbinod out of wn visitors uni l Satuday and Sunday. 1 "Land Mrs. Ben Small and fam- ily tored to Des Plumes Sunday night Ev ybody enjoyed the Rally Day pr m at the church Sunday "an. ing. (There was special music by the choir and also a quartet. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Gleason en terminal company {rpmthe city: My. Mantor ttnd Min Gerbert nt- tendod the teacher's meeting at Lib- ertyville on Saturday. Miss Luell. Gleason of kae- an spent the week and at the Schuler home. "iiiii"Gi,iiii iind Bill Gerbert mo tored to Wisconsin on Monday, -_--v _ Mis. Manta} aid daughter enur- tained company from' Waukegan on Sunday evening. "ma; staneliH and Ttill liner pttended the show " Highland Park Sunday night: _ . 1_ ' V Miss" Manila and Lillie Sauer, Mrs. Otto Lnuxmm of Hinsdale and Mrs. Archie Stinks 'of Buffalo N. Y. etttled on friends It Palat'ne Wed. needy "temoon. _ _ -- m. Albert Sauer- ind Mrs. Seheff of Minnesota aee6mpanied Albert and Christ Scheff to the depot at Palatine on Friday. _ ' I Mr. Math Umhihnstock called a his son, George at Gilmer one day Mr. 'spd In. him Hans ll Punt!" alien on Wednesday Int weak. Mr. all In. Adolph Kalkbrenner of Pilot!" «an alien at the Ralph layer home Saturday even- it. Atbert Sam, In. Senna and - Martha and Lillie Sane! "on: Wodnudly with relative. in [Inlay lug-u. V V Mr. and Mrs. rtoeeeiisaett, and HALF DAY F A Progressive Transportation System "-'hhe committee finds that On this railroad there have been carried to fruition most of the things that have been talked about for years as the remedies for various troubles. On this railroadthe remedies have not onlrbeen talked about; they have been executed." sosaiatheAmedcrrrE)ettritRaihirq Associationwhen ltawardedth-ed'CofinMd'ed'algofi-aeellmccto the North Shoreth Indeed. atiilitrtotdoptimprpvetyets WMmdebateuponthemlscharactefisticofthe NotthShore Une, undone "df-iii-Gi-ui-thold-onthe publlc'e aoedidenee. "? Fun in m of Milwaukee 'oanddmnahChiatgo's t 'iGri,5as3uuitmitu--aNsmhshtrreamt'm'nit' ity North Shore merchandise Despatch Service Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company cu-Nu" tthore and Milwaukee Railroad Company 'ttgTstt.hTSpl'e"i,'s'eei,t new Ingmar" whiten the i 1t'ggtratt 'gc,2',','g,',','lL2'isl'l.; (t the to 0. f In on. tter8m"t I and). "nuke: NorrheiitR t'rl','rf."iGl11'.Tt'. we. write or telephone local N rth Shore mt. a ilfiiiii office, 72 Wart Ad mm Street, 'rhuna d ml N8th Ilwaukee otiice, 403 Security Building, " 9" and Grand 2762. LiBER'rYWLLE nan-5r OFFICE, Tm " , l {may not Inky w" M [awe In. mu nuns. l Little "do: M. daughter " _ser".dliiidk.riarrttuhuquit"e* i at the pro-om writing. I Mr. 3nd Mn. Lee Human and ,rfnmilv attended a surprise party at ithe Cv-oker home in LibertrvNe ; Thursday even'ng in honor of Mrs. E Ctoker's birthday. Th. - Association Will I!" . tS"ll,tN,,ee', W, and um d Hank'- HI". M ay Matt. Odour u. Everybody is volcanic. - from 0 to tt p.m. Supp» tick". are 25 to. MM. Be In" to wit you! old clothes PI Ta}; Gii iUuar.d to than who do not. Don't forget the date, Oct. 14 " Horth'n Park. Come to my School at 10-30 and owning "who at 8200 Part. Everybody Welcome. The Volo Ladies Aid Society met I". the home of Mrs. L. V. 1.qu in Thursday, 9rtot" 2. About "on 7 Miles we're prose?" and a ,+, on- ioyable afternoon m Sm in piecing quilts. A etrmrnitttfltrt sisting of Mrs. L. v. Lusk. an. W. Dil'on and Mrs. H. Convene ap- pointed to make plum for the an. meal but" which in to he held at the church November 14th. Mrs. L. V. Lugk. aeeompcnied by Hts. D. V. Wait, Esther Lute, Hel- en Fussy, Florence' Banana and Blurb. Converse of ts the: "Jolly Bunch Club" went to Liba'tyvme My 3min; to attend the. Achin- VOLO III-rd V d Bitt Home" 2',"lfgu%tl'1d"Nllt'll. M local in driving a new Nahum. Gummmtnudbdubobo uabtpugttinhuttoarse. In" M. d". tr In. Do. "I Girls ol a" which by - the picture. "Wham u Inn'l s In." at the Auditorium qNL.v.taukmmitr-tttMv. day " an Arthur Powers how in WM _, Mr. and In. C. J. Jeppoon and childnn of NW spent Bundly a the Loo Hum Home. Mr. ind In. Ed "dues and daughter, Ruth, spent the week and " the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Boudoutchor. Mr. and In. Ray Howard of Me- Henry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lush. of Wauconda. Mr. and In. W. L. Dillon were Sunday visitor: ate Hebrou. Jay Vuey and "mm; spent Sun- day with the Bert Dowel! family Dr. ll. Ill. Arnold Examination of the eyes Tlt, 2,t, but? "ttet lumen . use: fitted when modes. Phone 8445 for Appointment " N, GENES" ST. Wuhan. m. OPTOMETRIST '0' 1" C:, " "dues and "Inbound - - iraTaG"driia.ttrfeto" iaiiirii'iaittow". Mr. N In. Walter Sykes and myumwm-m for . 2 nut-nub MptoChotock. WW' Gui. method by 'eetyt I" tttit had. of Juno. Cum, Special Notice DR. M. ARONSTAM EXPERT orr,roME'rftttm AND EYE an?!" SPECIALIST FROM WAUKEG_M. mu. BE IN LIBERTYVILLE AT 't'HE iid/r'" irkur Pm to ATM. to 9 P. M. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED and GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED ONLY WHEN NEEDED tr WAUKEGAN 5 NORTH GF, Everyone likes QUR candy. Probably be cause of its superfine.quality. It's the purest, most delicious candy that money can buy. And it is ALWAYS perfectly fresh. . Quality Supreme Whether you mi rich, nut-filled or lusc- ious creamy chocolate" soft and smooth that they just melt in yiaur mouth-or old-tash- ioaed hard candy, THIS is the place to come. We carry ONLY the BEshu-Moaer priced. New Castle Hotel a"-.. Frhhv From 10 A. M. to 9 P. M The Soda Shop 515 North Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. OFFICE ENESEE STREET -"' "' " *' "Kn-k w m: ili2iiiiiii "a. Dr. M. Mr. the lath spent Way In Wuhan. Mr. In its. Monday In cm. W . In. M Guam la pending the val: h Chin... . q PHONE 218 , M