Mrs. William Fendick, Mrs, Iha Carlson, Mrs. Gerred, Mrs. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Franzen, Mrs. A. Lovell and Mrs. J. Nelson at-- tended a meeting of the O. E. 8. at Des Plaines Monday evening. It waa accociate Matron's night Mrs. Fendick filled oao_pl_fl,q_g& @B. _©-- gate, a son on at Leeton, Mo., 'l'hn!: been named Guy E. Jr. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Le« sulphur and high melting point of ash means little trouble removing ashes and no clinker. If you have used Pocahontas and fired it properly, ou are on the rlfht track, but until you try our ;ino Ridge Smokeless, you are like Columbus be-- fore he saw land. < Libertyville, IIL How About Your Account? The Only Way __LAKE i CcoOUNTY NATIONAL BANK There is one gift that seldom fails to be wel-- comed with open joy. -- A Whitman's Box of Candyisb,rimfullofcmms,mutynnuaad it's casy to see why it is such a welcome gift. It is only appropriate that you take a box of Whitman's Candy home to the folks. . B. LOVELL CO. Drugs -- Prescription Specialists To succeed permanently is through working and saving ------ there is no sub-- stitute. f "The Bank of Service" Cordially yours, A number of Libertyville 0. E. 8. members are planning to visit Sor-- osis chapter at Grayslake October. Florence Lowell grand lecturer is guest of honor on that evening. Kennedy Brothers have moved the McGregor house which they re-- cently purchased, back on the large lot and will remodel it. It now faces Broadway. On the front of the lot they will erect a large bus-- iness block. Melting point of as%\ «_ B. T. U -- >-- 15,100 1. High Carbon means most ef-- ficiency. 2. Low volatile means less smoke. | 3. Low ash and Fixed Carbon 78.62 Volatile matter-- --»~ 16.80 Sulphur -- -- 0.68 | C time and good eats is assured. AN members urgentlyv invited to attend. E Mrs. Belie Corbin of Elgin is vise ltflnEWanm Pete Hanson, C. J. Cariton and Fred: Weathers attended the foot ball game in Chicago on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carroll saw "Abie's Irish Rose" at the Stude-- baker on Tuesday evening. 8. A. Pettigrew was called to Pittsburg on account of thewiliness of his grandmother. t William Lightbody and Norman Shepherd spent Saturday evening in Waukegan. h a Mrs. Charles Scott spent Satur-- dey in Waukegan. _ s Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carliton motored to Waukegan and Fox Lake Sunday. Thomas Langworthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Langworthy is ill Mrs. Charles Trenner is on the sick list. 4 J. J. Bennett is quite ill.-- It is reported that he is threatened with typhoid fever. ) 9 mond Lake will meet with Mrs. J. Hutehings on Thursday October 16. The Modern Woodmen of Amer-- fca will hold a special -- meeting Up hills n Powe_r C. J. Kierl of Waukegan made a business and pleasure trip to Liber-- tyville Tuesday. -- _ y £ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse «AHyatt re-- turned Sunday from a trip to Atlan. tic City and Washington. They had a most delightful trip. Lyell ~Morris and Jack Bradford played golf at Round Lake on Mon. day. § uk spent the week end with her sister, On Sunday, October 26 the M. E. Church choir will render a con-- eert.. A fine program is planned. details of which will be made knowh and a sweet solo by Mrs. Katherine Gridley completed the program. At the business meeting it was decided to continue the distribution of milk in the school.. The general interest shown by those present and the good attendance must be yvery grat-- ifying to the new president, Mr». E. T. Langworthy and augurs well for a year. m, of the firm of C Gotti and Co., is ill. He was taken to Chicago Tuesday to con-- Thursday, October 16 in the Kirst National Bank Building. A good Mthl'.'l'.A.moefin'hddfi' day afternoon at the G: school an excellent talk on "Thrift" was given by Dale Collins, cashier of the First National Bank' . He gave some figures on the deposits by the school children in the savings bank which are of interest. Deposite from April up to the present time are $2200. The grade school 142 making rapid progress, 80 per cent of the pupils are depositors. n& school enrollment is practically per cent. Other facts as given by Mr. Collins were very interesting and very instructive. Three excel. lent readings by Mrs. E. W. Colby _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Chicago were Libertyville visitors on Monday. $ Miss Ada Meyer visited relatives | in Chicago on Tuesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Segert md' Mr. and Mrs, B. H. Moore picnicked | at Lake Geneva Sunday. -- _ | Telephone 456 ¥Abertyville, HM. Mr. and Mrs. Noll Durand will move to Chicago Wednesday. They will spend the winter--in the city. W. E. Volkman has just returned from a trip to Minnesota where he purchased several carloads of po-- tatoes. The first carload will be in Area, Saturday, October 18. The bunco party given by th» Knights of ~the ~St. Lawrence last Friday evening was a pleasant at-- fair. The hall was prettily decora-- ted in autumn leaves. There was a nice crowd thc'?.dmd at bunco, prizes were awa Mrs. Joseph Kohout and Mrs. S. P. Majors. Re-- freshments and dancing followed the game. TA Aa s R. C. Folger and family motored to Fox Lake Sunday. T sult a specialist. Manket#, sheets curtains, outing flannel ete at Langwort) y's. THE LAKE COUNTY MAIN GARAGE Personal and m.a of Particular Interest to Our Libertyville Readers I ,/ Lengthy litigatior | vhich may reach the United States Supreme court is expected. The company as-- serts tis right to operate over the elevated --lines' tracks without . a grant or franchise ? the council, through certificates of convenience anc necessity issued by the state commerce commission. An injnndlon temporari|y re-- straining Chicago from carrving out its threat to bloek l.bhe Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee clectric line trains at the Howard.street city limits of Chicago next Monday was issued : late 'm b) Superior Judge Denis E. Sullivan in that city. Hearings of the company's appli-- ceation for a permanent order was set for Monday morning. Information charging Alfred Born, formerly of Fox Lake, but now of Chicago, with violating the liquor laws, was filed in the County court today by State's Attorney A. V. ISTER A ruling against the city will be appealed, Corporation Counsel F. X. Busch d«clared last night. [ Busch d«clared last it. f .Ouurofthod'xlinewu or-- dered by the corncil loca\ transpor-- tation committee last Wednesday. ~On May 4, 1922, Born's place was raided and liquor found, with the m-tht on Oct. 4, 1922, he was by the grand jury, The utate's attorney is out to make Born face the old charge which has not been pressed up to this time. NORTH SHORE 1Ss || GRANTED RIGHT | TO HALT ORDFER ve Our Want Ads the Onee Over INFORMATION FILED TODAY ~The document stat»s that on Nov. 18, 1921, Born was convieted of vio-- lating the booze--Jlaw and that on h 19, 1921, he was sentenced Judge Perry L. Persons of the Mr. and Mrs. August Reichhof(f were guests of rela at Franks-- ville, Wisconsin over the week end. Miss Evelyn Lindstedt has ac-- cepted a position in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. | Vil am A. Miller of Chicago visited & the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Lapgworthy Sun. day. CA : Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nutt vis-- ited friends in ago Sunday. L. J. Wertzler abd family and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitehe!! motored to Lake Geneva on Sunday. Misses Jennette and Myrtle Win-- ters of W an| Visited Miss Alice Meade on Sunday. Mr. Ari . t Aybourn en-- renaner M moteiiah of Wauke| _ COMING EVENTS gan and Mr, Harding 0 Lake For-- Thursday, October 16 f est on | _ M. E. church bazaar, Watch for Mr. and_ ~P, G. Bockelmann |further announcements. FRED GRABBE The Club House Phones 24 and 25 Farm and Livestock Sales Call At Our Store Auctioneer bury Pancake Flour and Aluminum Griddle. This Griddle is a real bargain. Don't fail to get one. § And we also have our Fall shipment of Log Cabin Maple Syrup. Small table gize, per can ........_..... 35¢ Medium size, per can .. _ 65¢ Large size,Ber can ... $1.25 and we will explain the deal on Pills-- A Specialty Waukegan 2588 928 Nortkh Ave Waukegan, DL Bockelmann, mann fam--| Tuesday, October 14 * f[» | _ Dance by Mystic Workers follow-- th and Mr. : ing lodge meeting. Everybody wel-- ¥. OCTOBER 15, 1924 } Monday, October 20 |\ -- Musical 'by Libertyville Musical | Society at M. E. church. Fine cho-- | rus singing under Prof. Herman | Walker. "Old Favorites" subject. OCT. 14th --15th Benefit Woman's Auxiliary Tuesday November 11 Military Ball given under the aus-- pices of Libertyville Post, No. 329. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Ne_vflle at-- t=:led the foot ball game in Wan k»~an on Sunday. -- . The classes in classical dancing are getting along fine and are meet-- ing every Friday afternoon at the Parish House. Mrs, Earle T. Adams will soon start lessons in ball room dancing. Anyone desiring informa-- tion in regard to either can see Mr=a. Acams at the Parish House on Fri-- dav. Those entering the school at th'« time will be in the spring exhi-- Sunday October 26 Sacred Concert by West Subur-- ban quartet at St. Matthews Ev. Lutheran Church, Fairfield, IHl. TUES. & WED. LIBERTYVILLE, Icurnors UDITORIU M _ THFATRE THEATRE Quality Store LIBERTYVILLA 'uth-dAnl.ll. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mordhouse and | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herrington motored to Crystal Lake on Sunday. Miss Grace Mordhouse spent Sun-- day in Chicageo. * Children's sweaters, brushed wool sets, mittens, caps, ete at Lang-- worthy's. / & um o# Franks-- ville, Wis., called on Libertyville J. 3. Doerschuk, Lake County Farm Adviser is spending his va-- HOME NEEDS INSUI:;:.NCE is PROTECTION FNVESTMENT ? There is no obligation in asking information or _advice. I am always glad to be of service. FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 233--W the Old Depot 20 years. W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Are putting in their lllD_R!' of Coal, Coke and Wood Now While Price is Low. WE ARE SURE YOU WILL LIKE OUR HARD COAL THE KIND WE ARE now distributing is more free from im-- purities than it has been for years. OUR POCOHANTAS LUMP AND EGG Low in Ash, High in Heat "GLENDORA" Furnace and Nut is mfllfil' um Don't Let Your Roof Go Too Long When You Can Protect It Now Cheaper Storm Sash Should Be Ordered Early. Bring in the Sizes Let us Quote You WISE CONSUMERS Libertyville Lumber Co. _ Good quality of nine--quarter Sheet-- ing. A $ P Part linen roller Toweling. Rag Rugs in good colors. Nice Line of Towles, with colored: borders, both in linen and part Provident Mutual Life --opportunity knocks --a bank account --opens the door The First National Bank o "PLEASANT BANKING" Resources More Than a Half LIBERTYVILLE °-- ILLINOIS Phone 47 LIBERTYVILLE, WLL.$ US YXOU ONE AT REAL HOME 4*