t6 28 Y James Matousek of Libertyville spent Saturday night and Sunday at the N. B. Busch home and with his wife and baby, James, attended the dance at Half Day. Clarence Busch and Jack Jones played w_h_-ll at Prairie View Some of! our young folks, also several from Wheeling spent Sun-- day afternoon at Arlington Heights seing a ball game. ty o im _ ~Bunton Jr. took an auto load of his young friends out riding Sunday afternoon. They took in ~several eame out victorious in --the round with McQueén but second _ witk Weidner but to give Al a square deal will say to tackle two fellows without any intermission i\ rather tough and hard on your wind. Weid-- ner is well experienced in that line. Ray Busch and family who have been residing on the Hansen place near Everett through this summer will move to Lake Forest in the rear last Pfidl' night, Claude McQueen of Chicago was a visitor at the Crestmore and Ray Busch's Saturday night and Sunday. Ho attended the Dance at Half Day Saturday night. _ . 5 towns, but mostly© Libertyville. Al says that town is just alright and we know he's not kidding either as after working up there all week and coming home on Saturday night (rather late) he usually manages to get back there for a visit ere he goes back to work Monday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeGracio of Chicago .were visitors at the Ray Busch and N. --F,. Busch homes on Sunday. e i i: Several boxing bouts took place at the Crestmore farm Sunday aft-- ernoon. First bout, Bunton jr. and McQueen of Chicago, also Bunton Jr. and --Weidner Jr. Bunton Jr. Shirley Rae Busch we are glad to hear, is improving some and hope "Tis -%Mge which makes Awo, one is "a life long struggle to discover which is the one. of these dances joys attending one ::udmlly. Sunday in George's new Dodge Se-- she will now soon be well. George Link and Mr. and Mrs. John Gloden motored to Kenosha Mrs. A. Rockenbach attended the dance at Half Day Saturday night Mrs. Rockenbach says she greatly have taken rooms in La and will move there about the first of next month. Arlington Heights Cary op-- ened a three game -:32- of base-- ball, these games. will all take place at Arlington Heights, The first game on Sunday resulted in a de-- feat for Cary. Score 9--4 Tom Byrn« of Chicago and a gen-- tleman friend were callers at the Crestmore and at N. F. Busch's on Wednesday. Joe Leikam assisted Emil Geest unloading cars last week. The reg-- vular man, Clarence B. could not at-- tend to all of them as he had lots of other things to tend too. rRiy' Busch and family were vis-- itors Sunday afternoon at N. F. ~----Bert Jones and family who have been staying at the N. F. Busch and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busch of Lii-- ertyville spent Sunday at the N. F. Busch home. ---- & Some of our young people, also some from Wheeling .motored to Libertyville last Wednesday night and spent several hours at the M4X Miller place. Art Brockman and family also were there and--to say all « :;Bfi'a PAGE SIX We heard this from a fellow who has good authority for telling it he knows it to be a true fact he sayvs. At a certain undertaking establish-- ment in the city an employee there each month gets away with from r"httohnnlbm'::'dedulm of the vat wherein pickle bodie« of the dead to nreserve them | for future identification ete. This | ln-hn&u?mmb- on the ailing list for more than a year with throat trouble, now is very low. She can nn Innger nar. 1 A P ow se nicbt last week. for future identification ete. This aleohol he sells and it is used to make moonshine and poor grade cf whiskey and is relished by tho» who partake of it. Now then will you have another drink" Isit a won-- der sn many become deathly flf'md many deaths occur almost instantly after drinking the vile stuff, We pease to Honder. A-mdc*lmnmlorl twenty houtrs work in QhUM' States, 50 hours work in Great Bri-- ul nfremtat aliiinntncns.-- iss i3000 it s m '. ' m In.ltn&hlqvbohubeu..' * in the ailing list for more than a z*d':fi'c'-"m l e Bm rown, we i | mroedt Agtictont tm very low. She can no longer par-- M is het take of any food. Mrs. Schley was little % % \ taken to the Dr. Larsen hospita' Ih:-"l"""' Lake for treatment and we hope for her| _ _*!** J_mm hib A"_MIN_A lure '_'un' danchter. Suosan, (% William | Grewe) resides. We be sorty| uwm-mmml them all luck and happiness in their prand evecess., We hear that when Jokn Born-- hoten 8r. dsposes of his fa~m here which he intends doing in the near fotrys b"i'chM'fll take abods in Des PMaints near where his C Siecburg and family and Pe « good time is express-- and Litzan tain, 90 in Japan, 1 200 in Germany. ayy in Nicrmany. L115 in Ee C NC C OO NCw l A>r:r'ans maintain their past | ! viaduct on Grand Avenut od for high out put per man to |. 's five piece orchestra from euarantee prosperity which 1 lake furnished the music. The v.can steady jobs for -- all of us.| hall was so crowded there was 1%1ts off to the good old U. S. A. ulnfi room for dancing, but At a church service not long ago spite of this handicap, every one had s said the preacher hadoa serious | & wonderfal time. The: Royal ta'k on the liouor question saying : Neighbors served supper. s iail injoxicating liquor should be| Mr. and Mrg.~ John Bottger and thrown into the river; he closed the | Mrs. J. W. Gray were Kenosha vis-- morting with the song, "Shall wei itors Sunday. > Gaths» at tha River." meeti Mis. Frank Horcher, Mrs. Erben gm'nl': :hToole:e ?u:wy evmh T.eim and Mrs. Ella Kopf motored | j I f id s i -- Mr.. and Mrs. W. Bragg of Lib-- lo Arlington Heights last week. Ptyvill Sun Another close call on the hoo-doo! ;! Et.i "g:'ith m';" ,'m'" Mr. and crossing on the Soo here in townl 19 t C T e " (a~t week. Charles Weidner while| _ L@onard Welsh is enjoying a trip «a~livering his milk came near being to Canada, hit by a train.. The likes of this! _' Work started last week on the 1.--pens hore very grequently and «gonstruction of a sidewalk. from : =ain we say: "Stop, Look and Lis-- ; Grand Avenue to*"the high schooi; ic ," the town may be small but | Thowalkiqslutmu;ndonthe tl:-- trains have the same power and "west side of the street. This im-- sp:ed as in larger towns. | provement has been needeq for n N. F. Busch took his family and ; long time, especially for pedestrians s»veral others out Autoing Sunday | going to and from the school ever-- éver to Arlington Heights. _ -- ings when entertainments are giv-- We were info'ed that a new laun-- | en. . Many donations by resident: tizy has opened up for business here. | and also people out of town have e didn't see the sign in the win--| been made. D. W. Thompson, prin-- uow vet so can't tell the name of the ; cipal of the High School hu'hohe:! mm t s a B2 t in on thic We heard this one but have our doubts: A young man with a bou-- qz>t of roses in his arms went to the home of his girl, took her out i> an expensive dinner, after that to lhe theatre, dropped into a cabaret for a midnight lunch and whirled her home in a taxi. But on the front porch under the shadow of the honeysuckle he steadfastly refused to kiss her on the grounds that he had already done enough for her. uow yet firm. E. Geest was a Wheeling visito© Saturday night and agdin on Sun-- day. "What's the big attraction Emil."? We will have -- them all ready in due time. w 4 ~#exrman Tatge is again on his old job here OM the, milk m;t.m the K rular driver i#_~mow on a two week's vacation. We heard he had gone to Indiana, we presume to Crown Point but haven't got this definite. . l _ Mrs. Frank Horcher and mother, Mirs. Ella Knopf were Libertyville visitors one day last week. Great excitement at the A. J. Stahl farm one day last week while cutting corn to put into the silo, the horses ran away with the corn binder, but didn't get away from the fl.:t'yu they were brought back on -- Carl Weidner is. operating »eF | 12 GEESE . _ _ _ _ » _ 15 DUCKS man's other truck on ag Hillsid Tools & in Au. peiting route at present.. When :Mr. Tat/¢ | Deering:Corn Binds 6 ft. Deering. began his busines== here carry/ing | grain binder, 6 ft. Deerit 5 mower, milk on hi« truck he had 8°JDun hay loader, D ide rake « day and now he has 8F cans | Two orse m i-' :5. We wish to mention shat the | sp er, Prairie City seeder, sprif service given by the Tatgo/brothers | tooth harrow, two horse disc, J: I. is nhi:oh&t:ly satisfacto h here | Cas uiré and city. -- # ng plow, Mr. and" Mrs. Andrew Marring's MnL horse cul , har of Highland Park were visitors "at. mm"gymm, the George Sturm home here last pump jack, Gail checkrow corn Tuesday. planter, 8 1--4 Bain Wagon, farm Donna Mae Matousek ' who has wagon, light milk wagon, surrey, been quite ill for several weeks is bob light bob sleigh, 500 ib. getting better. Her ailment has m;"' 7 milk cans, whee!-- about al} cleared up with the excep-- Larrow, three horte evener, gravel tion of her glands which are yet in bex, i team harness, i single har-- bad shape, _« _ . _ _ ness, 1 buggy pole, 1 keroszene tank. Some time ago, folks here heard a | thud up north and thought it wasl the sound of a distant quake but discovered it was only the editor of' a local newspaper who :lid off a house top and landed on & sidewalk. ::O'l'l have our sympathy, Mr. Edi-- Donna Mae Matousek ' who has been quite ill for several weeks is getting better. Her ailment has about al} cleared up with the excep-- tion of her glands which are yet in bad shape, A movinge nicture, "The Silent Command" and a comedy reel were shown at the High School Avditor-- ium last Wednesday evening. The entertainment was well attended. J. W. Gray and T. E. Gray of Waukegan left 'Thursday morning for a motor trip th Omaha, Neb raska where they will visit their brother, John Gray whom they have not seen in 15 years. Another bro-- ther, Len, of Sparta, Illinois, joined them at Sterling, 1. According to word received from them they wore hv:"':dlukmdnonhum. A Mc Clure, Virden Lamb Miss Josephin®e MeClure spent several days of this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Me and James Logie started Thursday on a tour south, The boys will "'im out. Their stay will be inde-- nite. h P The Original Circle met with Mrs. Gladys Ames on day. The Warren Associa-- tion will hold its 'film at the home of Mrs. mm in Waukegan on Wednesday. This will be the last meeting before the ba-- zaar. A large attendance is desired. A free danee was wgiven at th» W Mr. and Mrs Georges Reid> an-- Rarry P !! kinds of Auto Kepair ~«Iiman in Japan, 100 in Fxancg. zomm Business men, Germany. This shows I eompletion of the new Cg ins maintain their past ree--| and viaduct on Grand -- Avenue. * e ce out nut ner man to'! Jigg's five piece orchestra from THE STAR Garage Hall Friday evening Work * Heart Treatmen! ]' has been used with marked success for all Work started last week on the «gonstruction of a sidewalk: from Grand Avenue to*®"the high schooi. The walk is 5 feet across and on the 'west side of the street. This im-- provement has been needeq for n long time, especially for pedestrians going to and from the school even-- ings when entertainments are giv-- en, _ Many donations by resident: and also people out of town have been made. D. W. Thompson, prin-- cipal of the High School hu'bele'n a wonderfnl time. The: Royal Neighbors served supper. j Mr. and Mrg.~ John Bottger and Mrs. J. W. Gray were Kenosha vis-- Spécial credit.should be given the high school boys who so willing!y offered their help in laying the walk. Mr. Thompson has annount-- ed that donations may be sent to him anytime now as the walk has been completed to the bridge, _ .. T;r:'bf_t!;'cl;ié'i promoters of this move and has worked very hard in the realization of the plans. The w'inning side in the Country Gentleman _ Subscription _ Contest were entertained by the losers at a party at the high school Friday ev-- i;. Steer of Libertyville was a Gurnee caller Friday. s AUCTION SALE Having decided to quit farming J will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the old Fincutter Farm, 3 miles northeast of Liberty-- ville, 5 mies west of North Chicago, on the Bulklsy Road, on Tuesday, October 21 at 12 :30 o'clock. . _ 11 Head of Cattle Grade Holstcins--2 Fresh --cows, 1 with calf by side, 4 heavy springers, balance heavy milkers. This herd passed a--clean T. B, Test in Ju'l'y. Chickens 'nni l uets 3 & . » W m Rouent Pure Brg® 8 Guinea Hens. aeanee P ied CE CC L T O D aerges ol ies 1 Gas tank, green bone grinder, Brooder house, 500 chick capacity, Coal burning brooder stove, 9 brood-- er coops, dry mash hopper, 240 ege Cyphers Incubator, 120 ~egg O|d Trusty incubator, 2 20 gallon jars, wire stretcher, water tank, wooden, crowbar, wagon jack, Harpoon hay fork. 140 ft. rope, 2 log chains, lad-- Danger'l Do You Want to Buy, Bel) or Hire? Give Our Want Ads the Onee Over breath and dizzy, when you have smothering spells and faint spells, look out for your heart! flutters, and palpitates, when you're short of troubles since 1884. Your druggist sells it at ng.Cam Minderh® To Béiting ':i';d.blnr' &fimfls' 32. es mm .. THT : LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ SATURDAY, --OCTOBER h e a r t Charter No. 6670 10. Cash in vault and amount due from national der, gleigh * shove'ls, '":.nd mmmm too numerous to mention, -- f 3 Head of Horses 1 Brown Horse, 7 m'".m 1600 lbs; 1 Bay Horse, 15 years old, 138. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as r?orting T EATE.....00 e nenieeriemnmntioon Frogsss m 2 Total of items 10 and 13..........._... 15. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and f due from U. 8. Treasurer . ..__..__.__ $ Feed and Grain 17. Ton of clover h" hm 9 ton Alfalfa hay in barn, 6 ton clover hay in stack, second cutting, 11 ton tame hay in barn, 80 ton tame 3 in stack, 65 bu. :oodlu:: oats, 1 , 50 bu. barley, erop, %Rus OF SALE--All sums of 24. weight 1500 |bs; 1 Blz years old, weight 1400 $20.00 and usn der, cash; on greater sums a credit of 6 months will be given at 6 p--r cent jnterest on good bankable notes-- 17. 18. C / T LIBT VIL} ILLINOIS -- ; 5 AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON OCTOBER 10, 1924 «RESOURCES: ~ 1. a Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other banks, and fondfn ' bills of uehng uflu sold with in-- dorsement ~of t (except those shown in D BMAE ) --wm--.+-- +c oc rmmmicheiondiinceys tgnens \'--/ $441,8 2.--QOverdrafts, unsecured ..:..................~..........--... ' 4. U. S. Government mflfiz owned : a Deposited to secure circulation (U. 8. bonds abov 7 wri'}ie:a'(incloding premiums, if any)... 0 xn amediviftiafeqncthintsturer tveer ied raiatomiins e csecies tnvaticewacs ons 5. Other bonds, stocks, m&m-mw 6. Banking House, $57,000.00; ture an fixtures. $7,009000 ... .16--40000.--qninniniertie sn o d.; 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. Lake County National Bank BAY Valu®) ... o omuicenmereatnninmnncetiierintmer b All other United. States Government Capital st&k PQME $N--.~..........10m=--mesmeirmed roregremmcam _ _ $50,000.00 suptugd f:u i2 _ _ im 50,000.00 b!lduqi%%? Taxes @;}fi;' 10,823.78 _ 43;&?' is C Less rent expenses MM_ 43,01 Cireulating notes outstanding.........._._.....__ 50,000.00 Certified cecks outstanding nbgto Reserve (deposits payable within 80 days) : EV CAND EOO ) BR V y PWP cnnvmmntnesnrmemenmemenecercnreneeteementtentimessmmnmcnsmarene Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable af-- ter 30 4 subject to 30 Uays or more Wmnflu-) ;' Demand d--posits (other than bank deposits) Certificates of deposit (other than for money h i~g" id L ks in id 2 sedariniva 'l':utli-d.h deposits subject to Reserve, subject to Itemg »Z and J4.....:..............: .. _ L JOE FINCUTTER, Prop. Fred Grabbe, Auctioneer, John Rouse, Clerk, Itemg 26, 27, 30 Lindsay hwituodeh,'gu will find a strong motor capable of driving both the washer and the wringer at the "&QW each other, as de-- sired." S in the motor can easily be taken up by a handy thumb screw adjustment. Cvpress=--"the wood eternal" is used for the Total Tota tub. -- Fikted with brass drain cock, threaded for hose connection. Varnished over a beautiful natural finish and bound with three steel hoops. ~All tub parts com-- ing in contact with the clothes are either wood, alum-- inum or galvanized. » TVhe full swinging wringer locks in any desired position.© m a turn of the handle. Equip-- ped with 11--inch rolls and a quick positive safety re-- $ CH ANC K Hardware Company F. J, WRIGHT, $45.00 For Power $75.00 With Motor Reserve District No. 7 OF THE CONDITION OF THE Cashier LIABILITIES: FRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMa 20 head of choice cattle consisting of milkers, close up springers and some little calves by side, 1 Holstein stock bull, these cattle are mostly all home raised. 1 team horses, C and 7 years old, weight 2400; set hatness, dump wagon, 20 dise pul-- ::rher and other articles. Usual rmg#,. SBaturday, October 18, 1924 at 1 o'clock on the Thomas Geary farm 2 miles east of Wauconda, 24 miles north of Lake Zurich on the On account of the of all Mbvfl)'.lwm'l:;uyom-x Correct--Attest: = . F. Wllg F. P. DYM " GEO. A. WRL William A. Weber, Prop. Aug. Froelich, Auct. $50,000.00 134,258.62 620,087.83 $1,730.00 $1,253,542.98 $1,253,542.93 $441,899.11 11.44 81,730.00 479,835.50 64,095.10 49,2138.16 133,378.91 439,218.26 26 164,324.72 32 456,663.11 24 2,500.00 879.71 10 13 10 19 17 18 FOR SALE--Improved north side lots, $1500 to $2,000. One thind cash. -- Bartlett Realty (Service, 531, Milwaukee Avenue, Phones 442 -- M and 455 -- M. 10--2t. FOR SALE--100 x 200 ft. south front lot on McKinley Ave. $1600. . $3850 cash, balance on time. Bart-- lett Realty Co., 531 Wilwaukee Avenue, Phones 442 -- M and 455 M 19--2t. FOR SALE--Grapes and Pears. C. 1. Casey, Phone 604--W--1 79--61. FOR SALE--Minnesota U. 8. No. 1 grade White potatoes on track at Area about Saturday, October 18. Price 90 cents per bushel deliv-- ered. Place your order with W. E. Volkman, Area. Phone 282--R. (0--2t. FOR SALE--Invalid's wheel chair. Mary Mason, Phone 480--M. 79--21. FOR SALE -- Dandy little chicken farm -- just outside Libertyville 'll-iu.fiu-hbndfnitm FOR SALE ---- A Universal cook stove, reservoir, 6 griddles, burns FOR SALE -- Crib and mattress, FOR SALE -- Crib and mattress, play pen, porch gate and go--cart. Price $10 for all. Call 107--#. FOR SALE ---- Four acre chicken farm inside village limits. Good FOR SALE--Folding baby buggy dnd a high chair. -- Mrs. Russel Rouse. Phone 624--J--1 Area, N FJP ZSALE--1 tear: horses, 1 dou bie hurness cheap. Phone Liber-- 'tyvite 676--m--1. --A. X. DeVaut. FOR SALE -- 1923 FORD TOUR-- ing body. Fine shape. Good top and side curtains. or will trade for roadster body. Inquire Regis-- ter office. Phone 90. © 76--4t. FOR SALE-- Hocking Valley silo fillere in first class condition. Pure bred SeotchCollie pups, Ber-- geron Stock Farm, Lake Street. 2 milés west of Libertyville. Phone 67B--]J 2. 114 FOR SALE--Cook book of the favy= ; orite réeeipts Of Libertyville W-- j man's Club, Price $1.00, Lovell Drug Company or Mrs. Mitchell. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something mmoroxchnuc.uflmmthdp.uhnh-nfih:u: olumns. -- You will get results, all fuels. T. C. Zersen, Area, Il. Phone 351J 79--tt. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make vour wants known here. A trial will convince you. play pen, porch gate, and M'w'w. Minimum charge, 25¢, 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. six room dwelling. Large chicken house. Lots of young fruit trees. Gas and electricity. Will sacrifice for quick gale. See A. R. Schnae-- bele, Libertyville. : Telephones: Residence 166--J . Works 415 Libertyville Cement Block Works A snap if taken quick. FOR SALE The Best in Laundry Work Dry Cleaning and Classified Ads 123 EAST COOK AVENUE ;. Next to Franzen Lumber Yard CEMENT BLOCKS OF ANY KIND SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON The Reliable Laundry Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers PHONE LIBERTYYVILLE 61--R Pressing 78 --t(. FOR RENT--Modern 8 room house for the winter, furnished, $60 per month, Bartliett Realty Service, 531. Milwaykee Avenue. Phones, 442 -- M and 455 -- Im To--2t. ! DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON FOR RENT--Nice modern six room -- DWIGHT EDRUS COOK FOR RENT--Seven room house at Area. Inquire Will Ray. 79--6t. WANTED TO BUY-- Old fashioned walinut table and chest of drawers, Mrs. L. W. Beman, 171 Lincoln HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. . Loans made. --Insorance, Edwin Austin, Phone 16, Liber-- LEARN TO PLAY THE PLIANO or drums under the instruction of 1 capable teacher at reasonable cost. Both classied! and popular musie taught. --C..W. Parks, Diamond FOR RENT--80 acre farm % mile P B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LAW -- First National Bank BuilWing. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. MHoutrs: 1. tm 300 and 7 to 8 p. m Welephone 66 LIBERTYYVILLE 6 DR, 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGBONX LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 Luce Blag. LUIBERTYYVILLE o e ns srethky" * ** #11 flat in Area. Hesat [..usmed. See A. R. Schnaebele, Libertyville. Avenue south of Gilmer. Phone 613--R--2. A. W. Hall. 18--tf. MISCELLANEOUS TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 8t, #