Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 15 Nov 1924, p. 3

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_ he dictiona v""""MM to nnderstanding. nease, anarchy and dictatorship. ; .a"n::'"" who obtains only sec-- P° We --"M in a tool of ing symbol of the ideals and institn-- 'fl,",,'." n':" ts death, de-- means + destruction, poverty, starvation, di-- To votse is the primary the patrict. MX Help mm,,fi-_,_ and alions to become American citizens. Take an active interest in govern-- mental affairs. kmof-h?-lbkbhq- preciation of its achievements. The schools themselves have a d on oi arainiinl teach every child its as a citizen to help maintain an edu-- ate the best in the life and of the Republic. mflmhffiomrvhend::'e entire ealled upon to i« utu;?',ol universal education for democracy, to see and know the achools, to con-- «ider in a public way the big prob-- lems of education and to join in ap-- azines are working on plans for special editions, articles and editor-- fals»s Radio program managers are planning provisions for broadcast-- ing talks on education and, school features. During this week let every com-- munity evaluate its educational re-- 'sources and needs. Let parents vis-- it teachers and teachers visit par-- ents in an effort to solve the com-- mon problems of childhood. Let the: week be a time of new understand-- ing and new vision on the part of the entire American people of the part that education has played, is playing and must play in the life of our great democracy. | Visit the schools today already been made more extensively than a year ago. Newspapers, edu-- No Plans for proclamations by the President of the United States, by the governors of the various stateés, and by the mayors of cities have Preparation for American Educa-- tion week cannot be made too early. The program deals with Mfi damental things in education which are essentially universal. It can be adapted to fit into the plans of 'dif-- ferent organizations and communi-- Awenty women from Highland Park Deerfleld and Northbrook at a Five Hundred party Tuesday afternoon. The prize winners from Deerfleld were Mmes, Frank Russo and Ray-- mond Clavey and Mrs. G. Schick of Northbrook. f American Education Week The week beginning Monday, No-- vember seventeenth is Educudon' Week. --The following ~article i1 from the Educational Press Bulls-- tin issued monthly by the Depart-- 'ment of Public Instruction of the State of Minois: I The United States flag is the liv-- Stamp out revolutionary radical-- Some of the slogans of the week The nominating committee of the Garden Club of Deerfield met at the home of Mrs. William Galloway, Tueaday afternoon to select officers for the second year since its organi-- men women at the University of Til-- Incis who have passed the tests in the requirements for swimming is that of Virginia Supple. 8 Dr. poem titled God." The American graves are marked "Art American Unknown Soldier." Dr. Orsborn recited a beautiful poem of his own cemposition ei-- On the French battlefields the graves of British soldiers bear the inseripntion "A British Soldier known The saving grace of Pr. Orsborn's comments of other religions in his broad tolerance, his visits to num-- erous cathedrals of Europe, to jewel encrusted --wooden 'bambinas, "the practice f climbing stairways on knees as a method of securing cer-- tain indulgences were treated in narrative, not derogatory form. . -- The person anecdotes of the trip which interspersed the familiar con-- versational talk of one gal his ' und the fire e and %fl- post --u-,D made the re as interesting as Dr. Os-- born always makes his utterances. As v&ulnd}ll{ eonducted tours of Furope are his summer vacation voeation and avocation, those wh» are contemplating --going-- abroad next summer are invited to join Dr. Orsborn's party. * . Beginning with the picture of a passport and ending with a beauti-- ful Venetian moonlight seene on the Grand Canal, Rev. Dr. C. K. m. minister of the River Forest P [= terian church, a former pastor of the Deerfield chuzch and wd a Deerfleld girl took his listeners, members and guests of the Deer-- field Presbyterian Woman.s Club on a trip through England, Fraive, Germany and Italy, Monday evening via the sereen h " | DEERFIELD | Mrs. J. P. O'Connell entertained Miteracy by 1980. Among the names of 125 Fresh-- "A British Soldier Known to , one Union, one n week is the Mr. Frank Henkel is employed at the home of Mr. Liovd Benwell of Gurnee. end at the home of Mr. Joe Vogt. Miss Catherine Henkel imotored to Waukegan last Friday. Miss Madeline Henkel spent the week end in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. n&?'bfifn are the' proud parehts a y boy born on November 9th. ; Brick school Is planning honk A Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Missea Eath:'rw:ui Oraha gumn 'HN their at the Wesley Memorial Hospital at Chicago on last Sunday. 6.-- There were thirty two present. Refreshments were served. * The Ladies Aid of the Volo M. E; dnuellvmghq.lamronfidlg November 14. It will open at o'clock Supper will be served be-- bdlo'doek. Useful and :&d-ht-hndapr gram : evening. Fverybody-. The meeting of clo La next the Volo jme dies Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. D. V. Wait on Thurs-- day, December 4th. Dinner will be served. Gentlemen invited. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tramblee were :mpn business callers Thurs-- y. Mr. A. Paddock delivered his last shinment of coal Friday. He has sold and delivered elqyen car loads this fall _ The Ladies Aid Society was ge-- lightfully entertained by Mrs. L. A. Huson on Thursday afternoon, Nov. a Deerfield boy was taking a lezsson in fiying, another plane hit them, doing considerable damage to both planes but fortunately no one was infured. The expense for repairing the planes will be paid for by the owner of the plane which hit Mr. Sdvage as the other man was held responsible for the accident. Miss Hansen, one of the Deerfield teachers made a flight with Florian Savage in his. aeroplane on Sunday at a Chicago aviation field. Just forty minutes after Miss Hansen's air trip and while. Francis Gloden Little Jane Bowman has chicken-- pox. The Roll children have als> had it. Mrs, Alex Willman is chairman of the Red Cross Drive for Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Stangerri_on Monday. * A half holiday was given to the children of the Deerfield grammar sehool Tuesday, Armistice Day. The children of Northbrook were given a full holiday. Libertyville -- Illinois A nephew of the Robert Browns of Detroit is visiting at their home. Rev. and Mrs. C. K. Orsborn and Charles Jr., of River. Forest were t':e guests of Mrs. Orsborn's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blaine had as their week end guest, James Gro-- gan of Chicago. INSURANCE A. A. Grandy Miss Sarah Stryker was the week | end guest of her aunt, Miss Edith Stryker of Oak Park. On Saturdtyi they attended a performance of Ro--| meo and Juliet at the Garrick Thea-- | tre in Chicago.. The previous week | end she #pent with Miss Floise. Brown of Highland Park. t ~Mrs, J. A, Reichelt Jr. sttended the nintieth birthday anniversary ro-- ception for Mrs. Moses Smith of Chicave on Manday. Mrs. Smith is the wife of the first minister of the Loafltt_' Street -- Congregational Chureh. Misses Nellie and Elizabeth Ke-- ough are teaching in Tueson, Ari-- LOn® A. Simpson is teaching in her place in the Everett school. Mr. and Mrs. Olna Cooper are living in Marshall Michigan. Before her marriagée on July 15th, 1924, Mrs. Cooper was Mits -ll'? Sned-- don of Everett,. A cousin of Mr. T. Cook the Bixth Grade--Miss Hansen....... 1.70 Beventh Grade--Miss Schmidt.. 1.09 Eighth Grade--R, Lowdermilk.. 1.44 "F OUA .n+s : ccrrmececgpninininetia in t roaneeronrte d U M Mr, and Mra, C. W. Getty were pleasantly surprised Saturday even-- ing at their home on Central Ave., by a large gathering of friends. The evening was spent in playing Five Hundred after which delicious refreshments were served. Frid lowing: report on the Junior Red Croszs contributions: First Grade--Miss Jeppson........$1.97 Becond Grade--Mrs. Knaak ... 1.14 Third Grade--Mrs. Anderson... 2.12 Fourth Grade--Miss E. Titus.... 2.50 Fifth Grade--Miss M. Titus +. 270 Mr. Lowdermilk, of the Deerfield school h'mflth fol-- My Phone 217--M a yV rs. R. E. Pettis attended the ; _County Teacher's Institute at Woman's Club of Evanston on YOLO Gase pressing on heirt and other organs sometimes causes a restless, nervous feeling and prevents sleep. Adlerika ;lny case gas on the mnulq due to deep--seated causes. UICK action vfll: ~~Because Adlierika is ' an Intestinal e~ycuant it is for constipation--it often one hour and never gripes. & Neville, Druggaists, GAS OX STOMACH WON'T LET YOU SLEEP * for yourself, T fi:m'd on her she k« dering what it would feel have whiskers on her face.' "Is May the kind of girl : gives you any encouragement*" . Sunday school at 1:45 P.lg at 2:30 on November MI.naum. home of her sister Mrs. William Vandenboon 'after a summer's ab sence in Wisconsin. _ Mr.> Charles Wait of Palmyra, Wisconsin, visited at the home --of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Mr. D. V. Wait attended the fun-- eral of Mr. L. C. Tewes in Wauke-- gan on Monday. x * Mr. Jameson of Urbana was a via-- itor at the home of Mr. Dillon on Monday. ga * ; 44 Mre. Mary Monahan died the morning of November 11th after a long iliness. 4 Dunnill are M the Town Side Farm Mr. and Mr«. Leo Brewer of Wau-- kegan spent Sunday at the home of Urfi Pr'.';nk Henkel. r. Harry ¥. Dodnit| are dnchink aild Aiung i Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wright of Waukegan °visited at the home of Mr. Frank Hironimus on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait, Mrs. Lusk and daughter attended a re-- ception given for the new pastor, Rev,. Landon at Round Lake on Sat-- urday night. Mr. Fred Converse returned home Friday from Wisconsin were he has been buying cattle for the past three Mrs. Fred Converse spent part of last week with Chicago relatives. Miss Johnson spent Sunday with friends from Chicago at their sum-- mer home at Round Lake. Messrs -- Bén Walkington, Bill Wagner, George Thomson and Ray-- mond Lusk attended a woodman meeting at Zion City on Thursday night. Mr. Raymond Lusk spent Sunda with friends in Chicago. Miss Raether spent Sunday wit friends in Waterville. Miss Johnson, teacher o Hill school has purchased Ford Coupe. Miss Ida Dobe has returned to the Misgsa ~Raether, teacher of Brick school spent Saturday in kepan at a teacher's meetinge. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington vis ited the home of Mr. G. A. Vasey Sunday. " hoi ngvies . . amirits Ridelnginiaiay Nngrersys | > 'KP Mr. Peter Wegener who was op-- | Mrs. Frank Carr Sunday erated on last Wednesday is getting Mrs. : Fd. Dunn spent on nicely, his many friends hope for | end with her jster, Mrs.. a speedy recovery. | and Mrs. Viota Carr of C . Mr. and Mrs. William Dusine and i Miss Lyddia Clark. a you family spent Sunday at Williams _ Myp J..F, Glvne '?how Bay, Wisconsin. [0, .. u_ ravedk is improving. |_. The Rev. Frank B~James bas re-- y Flmer Grove of F turned home from a rural minister'" | angq Mrs. Walt fi" ak of conference at Co!umbm_.fiOhio._ < U T onitr K¥ "" l BUSINESS COUNSEL Mrs. Peter Wegener, Mr. Ear Townsend and Mr. Peter Stadfield spent Thursday in Waukegan. COME TO US FOR Mr. Joe Weiser and daughter, Rosemary gpent last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hillery. Mrs. Frank Rosing ®pent Monda in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbu) an, children of Wauconda visited theil parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Paddock or Sunday. A :;a and Mrs, Will Sunday in Waukegan. . Mr. and Mrs, Owen Paddock -- ehildren spent Sunday with t! parents, Mr, A. Paddoi inpomn ditoctcin't Aitxsirtaitiiiceccacicth is d Sa u'. w. Q\ # Bmlfiy 0' * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock vis-- Union and Mr. & |_ d¥ Richard ited relatives in McHenry. | Baseley, son Holly and daurhter, Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Townsend| Alice of Grayslake passed Dunday spent Wednesday with Mr. Wili afternoon at the Bome o( (n~;, Thomas at McHenry. ' mother, Mrs, A ice Base} . Mr. Arthur L. Stanford and sis-- | Mrs. T. B.. Riechard: Belvif ter were Wauké@an visitors on Mon -- deere and Mr. and Mrs.--CG=----rm0g B ue Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Townsend spent Wednesday with Mr. Wili Thomas at MceHenry. day Mrs, Del Townsend and children spent Sunday in Grayslake with her The Wheeling State Bank Few women know, and they cannot be ex-- pected to know, the ways of the business world. Their time and attention has been spent in keeping their home. If occasion arises that you must make a business de-- eihlhd'o not t¢y to handle it alone. Come to us for counsel.-- We will gladly give you the benefit of our business experience. SBuaperfinous Hair THE LAKE COUNTY RECGISTER, Dillan a new , ILLINOIS pe hepme at t ) of he eveine e end o m on the sick list m week are: Mrs. Jane Neville, ahe is better at thiewjritfl"z e rt '7i--.v&n entcrtained the Girl's Club Tuesday ~vening at the home _ The members of | th -- No. 142 Mystic Workers officers at their hall W ening} November 19. ~A pie supper will be served. As'"g are cordially invited to ~present and bring a cuct with them. Re-- member the Jate, Wednesday, Nov. a good atten:anc» and an enjoyable was spent. a» wnnnm <troker and Miss Ed-- . The third tainments ¢ «uym was h The O. E. S. of&" enter-- tained about one h and forty members of the O. E. 8. of different towns near here, W Ony-A lake, Crystal Lake Line lunch was served by the ladies Of this chapter and & time was enjoyed by "rfi-. The member: of Mizpath Lodge, E&. place. Mr. an will for the preser where he attended school . host of frinds who will wi " in life as &# benedict., Mr. and Mrs. BI'OM eago came out Saturday & their summer cottage for tree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crab« tree of Elgin to Miss Lillian Peter-- son, also of Elgin. The young cou ple: went to Waukegan where they spent a tew 'days of their honey-- moon with their , Mrs. Harry Winkler who was rly summer bride. They se rest of tl'fi -- Saturday, November 1st the marriage of Mr, Wayn ' Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carr of Bar-- rington called on the former's par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Carr on Wednesday for * s Dahms and resided here Mrs., K. | Edna were Thursday. Mr. Carl of the Woman's: Afixil Federated church here day. Nee it _ Mr. and Mrs, H. L. .Gr tertained a number of re friends over Sunday at t Mr® Lee Huson and M Dillon of Volo attended | Mr. an dMre, Charles Tibertvvilte® called--on 1: receentiv. e ol , Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Goldinc. s Alvin and Mr. and Mrs. Wi\; Van Horz and som, Vinton, a}! . A es tA in t 2 : Chicago were Bunday gues: of M and Mrs. Henry Golding. . Mr. " :':':f«fi J(y: son an sOon, 60"'":" "%6'1'-%» M l.."rm ealle on Mrs. Jane Neville ans \Ir. ~» Saturday _ and _ Sun mother, _ Mrai % 6. East Side Hotel. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Clyd Elgin were ' " Frank C.l"jj e . NHET " ' n Wl Mrs., w o. l of A Mrs. n:im,(,w nc h. week end guests at Payne's brother . .,,,_F;;}_d"' and Emily B ee-- :.; .. iChic Mrs. Ira Fisher of Chic &tbi home 6 r. and Mrs. wWAUCONDA s aeoty af n The and a8 ;;. f SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. B A Y th _A. R.SCHNAEBELE ganization. jously il1, at his home. He is ser-- Residence 510 when wit)h ive in their ife, Amelia away just BU The country's largest fortunes were made out of real estate investments. YOU TOO can fatten your bank roll by purchasing one or more of these desirable homesites, NOW. Do You Want to Buy, Sel} or Hire ? Give Our Want Ads the Once Over Are you going to let a big opportunity this slip by? . THINK OF IT. HOMESITES 85 x 205 AS LOW AS $500.00 . Onter-cfflalhandtbe.hhmattbe rate of $5.00 monthly. . Convenient to good transportation. Located right in the path of progress, and adjoining the biggest develop-- ment project in the history of our town. It's the best buy in this community. s Funeral services were held Wed-- nesday. Interment in the family lot in Wauconda cemetery.> Thus pass-- es the third one of Lake County's old citizens in one week. Surely "Wa are gathering homeward, One hy one dren, six of whom survive and Mr. ,:m"h%'wy of seven & marria ly | one of whom is now living. My. | Monaghan passed from this life a beloved by a¥ who knew her. Fo: the last two or three years she had been in poor health and has been at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. Converse., where she passed peace-- fully away Monday evening > sur-- rounded by her chiliren who will grieve the loss of a goeid mother. Her many neighbors and old friends will ever remember her as a staunch friend in time of need as she was ever ready to help and to give sym-- pathy to those around her. number of years--<ago, since wh time, m'r&n has made | home with Ber children where . always found a welcome and kind care, ?he was ever of a sunny : cheerful disposition hd was dea life a which 441 TRY QOUR CLASSIFIED CO'.UMN 1t,. elevation from which Lhasa looks down. It is to be erected nnfim who have watched and con-- struction of the plant in its factory. No foreign engineer will be permit-- ted to assist in the assembling of the plant. The "Sacred City'" of Lhasa, in Thibet, were lamas hold sway and from which foreigners m% excluded is about to install its st electric ~plant, a hydro--generator. According to the Electrical Times of London all of the apparatu®#is to be carried on mule back up the 11,800 ft, elevation from which Lhasa looks down. It is to be erected hy nutivaa Plastering and ._ Libertyville, nlimjbh Telephone 48 f Anywhere on the North Shore Lathing NORMAN L. MADOLE LHASA WAKES UP like PAGE THREE

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