Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 17 Dec 1924, p. 9

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y pay Authorities Get Confession in 'MHighwood Theft and Are Faced With Another. «. About ©$6,000 *worth of valuabl» evening gowns and other clothing was stolen in the theft of Decem-- ber 4, a bulletin sent out by the Walter S.. Devereaux * detective mgeney of Chicago stated. LaSt The fact that the two robberies were planned and carried out care-- fully and resulted in the theft of so much valuable clothing leads the po-- lice and sheriff's office to © believe that a highly organized gang is back 0' both deals. . wo was the Ordway gown that been worn by Mrs. Lucius P. Ordway when she danced five times with the Prince of Wales on his visit to Chicago It had been sent to the Ermine Cleaners establishment for cleaning and had been stolen with the rest of the goods Before confessing to the theft, Marion said that he had been asked by a stranger to take the goods wrecked into by machine Ofiflcmwfie(m: returned establishment hum'm Dcvft;u;:l-' bert Weale was in Chicago Thurs: day with Chief of Police James theft, but later admitted it, ac-- eording to Sheriff Edwin Ahistrom. Further questioning was withheld until a more intensive investigaton was made. It is believed that more persons will be arrested before many hours pass. Just as the solution of the n"'l:' of the Ermine Clean company Highwood was reum last fl the -- announcement . of robbery which was ~committed . on Robert Marion, 1918 Birchwood avenue, Rogers Park, « an overall cleaner, who was taken into custody late Wednesday, confessed Wednes-- day that he had committed the rob-- bery of the--Ermine Cleaners. He furnished the address of Mrs. E¥v-- elyn Dinsmore at 4800 Magnolia avenue, Chicago, who was arrest-- ed when a search revealed a large amount of the clothing in her The Chicago and Lake county au-- thorities are working vigorously on the case, in an effort to link the two thefts and expose a gang of cloth-- ing thieves and a ring of "fences." According to the progress | being made now, it looks as though sen-- sational happenings are due. > Bame Gang Active. for cleaning and had been stolen with the rest of the goods Before confessing to the theft, Marion said that he had been asked by a stranger to take the goods wrecked into by machine Marion made a confesion of the theft before Deputy Weale, Chief Gordon, Deputy Ambrose Beaubien, Otto Fisher and Mr. Shampay, own-- A large amount of georgette «owns, night gowns and two--piece dresses were taken in the theft from the Sports Shop last Thursday, _ the Sport made on Tuesday evening, about $4,000 was taken by thieves from the Ermine Cleaners at Highwood. . Both Marion and Mrs. : Dinsmore are being held in the county jail, pending the outcome of --the ers of the establishment, and Ger-- ald Parker late Wednesday night. At first he denied knowledge of the One of the gowns found at One of the precious gowns was of Sports Shop of Lake Forest was don of Lake Forest, checking on places that might have the When it is possible to get away from the drudgery of the Weekly Wash. Let us take away n'thck ache, your _ ah"edhandlnly--rfmflu(m f ' WET WASH 20 POUNDS FOR WHY HAVE The Reliable Laundry underers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 67R Blue Monday . Mrs. Ev.|.__** l'm"' ment, ras arrest. | CO®P: dlhm as fa g in her| Do 4 5 cago | ind at the wit 'goh&lt'w,. t %"""fi E «* wthnwvl&:hkud Te m ts piig with a pork The other was with a pink llnhcndmd'lthucpurh and rhinestones on gold lace with a brown sable fur at the bottom. The fur alone is worth $1,000, it was reported. . The fact that Mrs. Dinsmore is living in an cxpensive apartment and seemingly has no means of sup-- port, the authorities are of the opinion that she is an agent for a powerful group of '. "fences" -- and robbers. Chicago ---- ~--Electrification of the Illinois Central Railroad's Chi-- cago terminals has taken a final step towards realization with the signing of an agreement by the Commonwealth Edison Company to provide 30,000 horsepower of ener-- gy--the equivalent of requirements of the usual city of 125,000 inhabi« tants--to the railroad by the early _A reward of $500 bas been an-- nounced by the Deveremux detective agency for the return of part of the goods. o ap required for the electrification of its suburban and other service, for the lighting and power used in its stations, shops, and other facilities and for the operation of its signal "The Tllinois Central Railrou'% Company -- has entered into a agreement with the Commonwealth Edison Companyfor the supply 'of electricity to the railroad's Chicago terminal district. Under the terms of . the agreement, the railroad company will obtain all the neregy "Under the terms of the agree-- ment, the electrification of <the company's right--of--way will extend as far as Matteson on the main line and also include the South Chi-- cago and Blue Island branches." With the closing of the agree-- summer of 1926. --C, H. Markham, president of the lilinois Central, in making the an-- nouncement, said: Aasfs ment, the Commonwealth Edison Company will proceed at once with the building of seven sub--stations along -- the railroad right--of--way. An unusual feature is that through the sub--stations 1,500 volt direct current energy will be supplied. 'This development is quite new. The high tensio nsupply to be de-- livered to the sub--stations will be 60--cycles, 12,000 volts. With the completion of the project, an ul-- timate of 50,000 horsepower is ex-- pected to be provided to the rail-- pany for this great project is the natural thing to happen, partitu-- larly in view of what has gone on Whflndnflopmentalhrge_ ahd concentrated generating fat-- ilities in the Chicago district. "Through the massing of produc-- tion of electricity and development of what is known as super--power --such as has gone on in this dis-- triect--it has been agree COMMONXWEALTH EDISON TO ELECTRIFY ILLINOIS CENT-- RAL; SUPER--POWER DE-- YELOPMENT in discussing the big electrification Reasonable Prices, Work Guaranteed. 'Formerly with Cadilliac Motor Car Company High Grade Automobile Painting -- 1st House Ea®t of River Rockland Road Libertyville Illinois '"The providing=of the electricity r the Commonwealth Edison Com-- Wm. Baird Bensley wealth Edison . Company, CHIEF GORDON IS TO REDIRE DECEMBER,31 He plans to sail from New York January 20 for a three months' voy-- age that will take him to Havana, Bermuda and the eastern ports of South America. _ He has arrested many notorious criminals, has beem fired at seven-- teen tim»s and hit once. T A I L O RINX 0 ----is our s e have a lar select from. Come in and see us. For the last thirty years Chief Gordon, with few leaves of absence, has been chief at Lake--»Forest. Most of the North Shore million-- aires know him by his--first name. Recently citizens of Lake Forest, gave him a gold star. . to provide this vast amount of power such as will be necessary in the electrification of the ° llingis Central, "The power will come from a common reservoir--the great gen-- erating plants of the Common-- wealth Edison Company--and the whiehhnbo:w;'"w or the 735, 000 other residential and industrial James Gordon Lake Forest's police chief, will retire Dec, 81, agccording to word which reached here Wed-- rily. He will leave behind him record of long service in the ex-- elusive town of millionaires. _ His 'mion was turned in wednesday night to Mayor Henry A. Ramseyv. Membership in the Illinois Agri-- cultural Co--operatives Association, the auditing and business advisory service organzed by the dllinois Ag-- ricultural Association, has reached the 100 mark. -- The--DeWitt County Farmers' Fire Insurance Company was the 95th farm co--op to apply for the audit service and the first farmers' mutual insurance company to upfiy. Forty six examinations have completed. Many of the audits show the dire need of a; su-- perior auditing forcee. Business ad-- visory service plus assistance in eollecting old accounts are other Cichy's Tailoring Shop North Milwaukes Avenue ol::n of the eom:?tl;:; This accomplished ut any upon the facilities of the Com-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ _ WEDNESDAY »Pripcy] _# -- E/ ." B TheBest=-- O > V¥ _ The Wholé Best-- K -- and Nothing But the Best!! EARL H. CORLETT Company." G,Fhrifim;afi% Wwocerics [# That is our aim and ~we ask the oppor B tunity to make yours A Merrier Christmas by supplying the right sort of foods for that day of days and for the days before | The "shop early" slogan applies especially to this part of the Xmas dinner as it gives you the pick of the finest. Our Poultry is all carefully selected to real-- ize the same aim. Put your order in now. The llinois i Al Commis-- sion, a body car %o be sppointed by the last G A=--mbly to make ta obtain-- ing more money for :< ~~)s, has called together represe <ives of THE TELEPHONE EQUIP-- MENT manufactured by a single American company @ath year re-- quires silk obtained from 100,000,000 silk worm coccons This silk is ent an cord which connects & (ok phone :'(: th:'be:t:ox. h"( the c(;lver- e "' t# phone anfi bell--box lfi: 'r.t,\"-four spools of silk,. / ) _ * LIBERTYVILLE We are especi; pared to make wonderful gift in Sigu. or m: facilities are such can make deliver city, or in any 0t in the country. Flowers {ov Christmas Forever blessei is he * that gives -- flowe:s. Tur .CHRISPNM that lives and 1 divine _ sentime gift of flowers. TELEPHONE 174J TUIBERTYVILLE, We deliver to all parts of the U. S. by wire. Kohout Flower Growers, Inc. * *# *# we c ts * # s IAS GIFT ye t'hes a ent (s the pre-- this v de-- l our it we i this N@#s %<G * P CS (#2 2 %' PCA Y est -- :-"",p CJWL : the Best!! _ | z* ask the oppor ¥ h > rier Christmas rt of foods for ' he days before | city and the k phone e cover-- # phone nty--four annen44408 DECEMBER 17. 1924 civic, profesion and trade tions for the purpose of om the problems of revenue and taxa-- tion with particular reference to g: proposal of an amendment to Illinois constitution, John C, Watson, director of the department of taxation and statist-- ies of the Illinois Agricultural As-- sociation, has been made a member of a subcommittee of eight which . will make specific recommendations. An experimental station, called "Camp Andree," is maintained at Briarcliff Manor, N. Y., and there many of the camp directors and eouncillors are trained., L For Sale: 20 fall shoats and fif-- teen tons timothy hay. Andrew Huizenga © Prairie View, lil 95 2t FOR SALE--Household goods. En-- tire furnishings of a 9 room house, will sacrifice at private sale. . Includes Parlor Sets, Bed-- room sets, grand piano. -- All in good condition. E. Hertle, phone 673 W1 Half Day, HL FARM FOR SALE--Splendid. farm of 118 acres about 1 mile from Gilmer. Big basement barn, other good bufl&t Big house. Near-- ly all corn a:d alfalfa plow land. Price only $1380 per acre. Best buy in Lake County. Other good farms for sale, 40 to 160 acres, priced i'ght. Sellers & Petersen 651 Milwaukee Avenue, Liberty-- ville, DL +~93--tf. FOR RENT--House and uilding on about 1 acre of land, corner Pe terszon Road and Milwaukee Ave. $25.00 pe rmonth. See Sellers and Peterson, 551 Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, II1. Phone 451. 89--tf. wfl--smsima:;m between the Soda and the Parish House Thursday after-- noon. Finder please return to the Boda Shop. 06--2t FOR SALE--Eight foot solid oak dining table, 1 laundry stove with water front. 956tpd FOR SALE -- FOR SALE--A six griddle Kalama-- zoo cook stove in first class condi-- tion. 1 black walnut dresser, 1 commode, 1 bed to match. Prices are reasonable. Phone 613 R 2. FOR SALE--Just received car of Wisconsin white potatoes in bulk,. Price 75 cents per bushel. Fifty bushel or more special price. Ex: tra charge for delivery, Phone 232 R. W. E. Volkman, Area, %Illtl.. FOR SALE -- Base Burner, LOST--Angora kitten about half grown white with a few dark spots. Finder please fone 116--W 96 itpd, FOR RENT--2 furnished rooms and bath suitable ':or Atwo ladies or married coup! ddress "CT" Register. & '>~* * YOKEH K OR SALE -- Home grown buck-- _ wheat flour 6 c a Itt. Will deliver. VC. W. Hutchings, Diamond Lake. _*"Phone 664 J 1. 02--6tpd. FOR RENT--7 room flat over jew-- elry store on Milwaukee Ave. Stove eat. Gas, electric lights, h&.m&m&ms'? 93--t(. FOR SALE--Barred Rock cockerels _ Price $1.75 each. Phone 605--M--2. W. P. Hecketsweiler, Area. 92-- FOR SALE -- Pure Bred Jersey Bulls ready for service. Reasona-- ble prices, Ravine Farm, . High-- land Park, !!!. Phone 296. 82--tf. FOR SALE--Two 36 inch sycamore meat blocks and o.l: m grocery ter. Area, Ilfmm ©2--4t. FOR RENT--Modern, steam heated #ix room fiat, Newly decorated. Very reasonable. Immediate pos-- session. See A. R. Schnacbele, Libertyville, IIl. 92--6t. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, mitke it known through these columans. You will get results. o' * " Phone 330--M. Blanche Mitchell. 91--6t. ridge~ Rock and White Leghorn cockerells. Also white Pekin ducks and drakes. <-- J. J. Rouse. Phone 618--R--2. * 91--6t. DR SALE -- Registered Duroe #pring boars. Popular blood lines. Reasonable prices. Duffield Farms Waukegan RR No. 2. Phone Waukegan 958 Y 1. 90--6tpd Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. JR RENT--House, building and few acres of land one mile west of Long Grove. $15.00 per month. Apply F. Graff, 01 44. Dr. C. L. Arnold M(')'P-NM-E-TIIS'I' ation of the :'M th:' hhit J atramen glasses fAitted when nodor Phone WS'W %% N. G 8T. W aukegan, IhML, LAO8T AND FOUND FOR SALE | _ MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Classified Ads 952t | FORD. CARS REPAINTED--REA-- | SONABLE, WILLIAM B. BEXS-- LEY. isT HOUSE EAST Or RIVER, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL ON ROCKLAND RQAD -- 83--6t. WANTED --Elderly gentleman to DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD 7 VETERINARY SURGEONX ¢ HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and* Telephone 57 LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND (?.ml Luce Bldg. LIBERTYVILL] WANTED TO BUY ---- A farm of about 40'acres. . Charles Linden, Phone 601 J. 2. Area, I!L. 94 6 tpd. DRESSMAKING -- Mrs. Charles Brown, 632 N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 125--R. 92--6t. Lelephone 66 DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Scientific Exramination of the EKyes GLASSES FITTED WANTED-- Clean cotton Register office. Office in First National Bank Bldg, Hours: 1 to 8:80. and 7 to 8 p. m. 4 Residence, Broadway," opposite park > 211 Madison St. DWIGHT EDRUS COOK take care of furnace. John A. Stryker. Phone Deerfield 249--R. Edwin Austin, Phone 16, Liber-- sold. Plastering and Anywhere on the North Shore Sunnyside Park Tract Office 469, WN List your property with us. We also write Auto and Choice Milwaukes Avoe. at North Professional Services Money to Loan ment privileges. R. B. DIXON DR. J. L. TAYLOR TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 589 Milwaukee Avenue We have furds in any amount over $3,000 to farms. Interest 5 per cent per annum. Rea-- soma bI e -- commission ATTORNEY--AT--LAW NORMAN L. MADOLE B. H. MILLER ° GURNEE, ILL. Fire Insurance. . Lathing PAGE up zs at 87--tf. r €/

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