Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 31 Dec 1924, p. 2

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* Carroll Porteous motored to Wau-- ?.My. 'g . and Mrs. J. C. Dorfler and : children spent Christmas with Mr. * and Mrs. T. F. Yore, of Lake For-- t 4) --Mrs. Caroline Mitchell, of Dia-- _ _ _ mond Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ifxe. Ost and Mr. and Mrs, Leo Schultz, _' of South Dakota, called at the _ _ Henry Kane home, Friday after-- Mr. and Mrs, Bert Swan and children Roger and Laverne spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Glenn, of Michigan City. Miss Ruth Sorensort, the primary teacher, of the Area Grammar School is spending her holiday va-- eation with her parents, Dr. «and Mrs. James Sorenson, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Mrs. Frank BRauernsmith spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Bchumacher, of Druces Lake. Mrs. Pearl Hanford, of Chicago, gpent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Albright. Charles Jevne is spending several days with his aunt and uncle in Oak Park.. He expects to return Tues-- day and bring his cousin with him for a short visit. J AVUke COBDCM . PMLCDs €PC0ET * uy L Libertyville, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Damon Holmes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weiskopf, of Libertyville, called at the John Goss-- willer home Thursday afternoon. maier and sons and Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Lyons and family, of Liberty-- vill, and Mr. and Mrs. Kiest and children, of Deerfield, at dinner Christmas Day. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell en-- tertained, Mr. and Mrs. John Dollen-- Mr. Lewis Price and his sisiter Miss Hattie Price were entertained by Libertyville relatives on Christ-- mas day. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McBride and Miss Bess McBride were entertain-- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Russell, of Gurnee, on Christmas Day. -- There will be regular church ser-- vices next Sunday, Sunday school at 10 A. M. Preaching by Rev. Jevne at 11:45 A. M. _ Evening services at 7:30 P. M. i Rev. and Mrs. C. Arthur Jevne en-- tertained Miss Edith Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of Chicago, over Christmas. Roy Hecketsweiler who is teach-- ing in Indiana spent his holida vaca-- tion at home. i _ Mr. and Mrs, Will Vickery 'enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams Christmas Day. # and Mr. and: Mrs. Fred Zerzen were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zerzen, of Kenosha. T Miss Lillian Russell,> of Austin, a.m with her brother o Russel} and family. Fred Knigge, of Wauconda, spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris. Miss Genevieve Kane ate Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kane, of Diamond Lake. ¢ Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Kané and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kane, Xmas after-- Mr. and Mrs., Floyd Rittler spent Christmas with the former's par-- ents in Racine. Rev. Jevne is attending a Con-- gregational -- Conference at Knox College, Galesburg this week. Day. % Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Swan, of Libertyville, are u&h. over the birth of a little datghter last Sun-- day, . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rotler en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs, Will Roder, of Palatine, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder, Mrs. Lewis Roder, John and Edgar Roder at dinner on Christmas Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Porteous and family were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ritta on Chrismas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Myron R. Wells and Miss --«Lois Smith spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Gross, of Lake Zurich, Will Erect You A House Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zerzen aor any kindof building furnish-- ing all labor and material by eontract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before CONTRACTOR & BUmmoEr Sunnyside Park Tract Milwaukee --Ave. Choice List your property with us. We also write Auto and Fire Insurance. R. L. Gonsalves MRS. M. L. CHANDLEE Local Editor Phone 313M AREA ie 145--R t § * ud Wade OL «*~--Mr. and Mrs, Peter Sevier and children, of Aptakisic, and <Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chamberlian and child-- ren, of Ivanhoe, were entertained A number of men who were work-- ing in the basement of the green house at St. Mary's on Monday were overcome by gas from the salamanders. No very serious harm was done and all recovered when brought out into the air. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler enter-- hi_ned.tewhimdson Saturday ev-- ening., ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. War-- ren Snyder, of Ivanhoe. Mrs. Avugust Gadke who has been ill is somewhat better this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eddy spent Christmas in Chicago with the lat-- ter's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Peterson, Mr.. and Mrs. H. C. Meyer spent Sunday with their son Paul, of Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartn-- er and son Frank were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Numson, of Libertyville, on Christ-- Charles Lehkubhl who is ill with appendicitis in the Highland 'Park hospital was not quite so well on Sunday and will have to remain for some time longer. 4 Eunice and Ruth Jevne . are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of Chicago. ® Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Harris and family spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Harris, of Wauconda, 4 f Mr.and Mrs. H. C. Meyer, Miss Hulda Meyer, Henry, Waliter -- and Adoliph Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and son David, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Meyer, of Fre-- mont. 6 Miss Bernice Wheaton, of Whea-- ton is spending several days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. and with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knigge and family, of Irving Park, s Walter Stark and sons Roy and Buddy. were : entertained -- at the home of Mr.'and Mrs. John Diet? on Christmas. ~The boys will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Dietz for a time. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knigge and daughters spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and son David, of Rochelie, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. C,. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddle en-- tertained, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaddie and son, of Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. James B,. Robinson, of Elmhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bell, of Highland Park, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Gerner, of Chicago, We wish to express to our thanks for their during the past and to * HAPPY NE Englebrecht & Rittler AREA --=~-- ILLINXOTS L. A; MURRIE The Holiday Scason again affords O)M to cxtend tq All A Wish that this Coming Year will be filled with Good Health and Prosperity. AREX L ILLINOTIS to Esther Russell teaching at Spring Lake visited at her home over the week end, Sunday visitors at the Joe Voght home. were;: E. A. Turner, Misses Helen and Marella Turner, of Wau-- Mrs. Frtank Henkel and daughter Catherine motored to Waukegan Wednesday. _ Agnes Larson is spending her Christmas yacation from duties at Volo School at her home in Union Grove. . Dorothy Dillon is staying with Mrs. H. Krueger at Wauconda. Frank Wilson and family were Waukegan visitors on Saturday. Sunday at Round Lake. 14 Mrs. L. A. Huson was a Wauke-- gan shopper Friday. Miss Magdaline Henkel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hen-- kel was united in marriage with Mr. M. Deck, of Rogers Parks. -- The ceremony took place on December 20th at 7 A. M. -- Catherine and Angeline Henkel accompanied (the young couple. our customers our gencrous patronage wish for them a Miss Marie Boechm, of Liberty-- ville and Walter Parker, of Grays-- lake were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engelbrecht on Sunday. Miss Hulda Meyer and Henry Meyer took Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and son as far as Elburs Sunday where they took the buss to their home in Rochelle, Mr, Mrs. Dean Aynsley and W&NMMW FPark, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mra, George A. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ritzenthaler are planning on leaving the first part of this week for Arizonia where they will spend the winter. Miss Nina Rouse 'und Calvin Aynsley, of Highland Park, la'nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler. i es " at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. All kinds of Auto Kepair Work L. M. Russell and family spent ish for YEAR Complete battery Service Competenm Mechanicsa THE STAR . Garage Day and Night Service Phone ~817 ® THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, YOLO Miss Norma Racther teacher at the Brick School is spending the holidays at her home in Wisconsin. The New Yea's Chicken Dinnér of the Volo M:; ©. Chuf:)hwmbe held at the L, V. Lusk home. Ey-- eryone welcome, Miss M. Stanford attended -- the funeral of Charles Harmon a bother in law at Evanston. * \» Mr. Leslie --Molzahn, cow tester of Volo Association is spending Christ-- mas in Wisconsin. < Carl Lordah] spent last week end in the Wim. Dillon home. Reverend Carl Lordahl is spend-- ing his vacation in Halland, Wiscon-- Miss Norma Rather is spending the holidays at her home in Wiscon-- Clifford ell and wife accom-- panied by Jay Vasey motored®' to Waukegan Wednesday. ; Joe Voght was a Wauconda caller Wm. Duesing and family spent Sunday 'at Ringwood. 22nd with an afternoon program. Miss Ruby Peterson is teacher, Mr, and Mrs. A. Paddock attended the funeral of~Miss Hazel Sello of Waukegan. Mrg. Fred Converse visited in Waukegan last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson .and daughters visited in Ringwood on Vasey School will close on Dec. Announcing Ch of Hours 9:00 -- 12 :00 A;NE 1 :00 -- 6 :00 P. M. P DNESDAY S aPukp .. " N aogl t 3 F4 °k {(t > ",} ,/'/--r-'»_ '?«):'A;f"s e --a TA s - Adlebert WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1924 Geo. A. Jones DENTIST The Christmas program given at the Baptist church Monday evening was enjoved by a large number. The playlet Bringing gifts to the King and severalnumbers: by the choir were well done. A box of fruit, vege-- tables and a small sum of money was donated for a mission in Chica-- in the recent contest on Proper Lighting. Mrs. Rose Sigwalt and Mrs. John Him were Barrington callers Mon-- day afternoon. Messrs Deschauer, Loomis, Hart-- man and Harkness were Chicago visitors Monday, ---- Miss Grasie Branding and Tra Ernest received the 1st prize a foun-- tain pen each for writing the essay Loomis have been on lgne: %m"w"#é m'.l'tnn-'" e has all of County; 'l'luaxdstuupnmfmby the pupils of the Lake Zuich school Friday afternoon to a large number of mothers and friends two short phnhuzimoubym':Zj School pupils and the upper | whlie the primary room entertained> with songs and. recitations. »'The pretty tree laden with gifts was given out and all enjoyed.the after-- entertained a house full of company at Christmas dinner. _ Little Jimmie Dymond and Marion Mr, and Mrs. James Snetsinger wil} C CITIZENS BANK BUTLDING Phone 492--W y AREA, ILLINOIS -- You can always be sure that we are on the job and ready no matter how the storm howls around your house or how cold the night. wl ' called and left a PuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 24--Hour Telephone Service While we cannot outguess na-- ture's forces completely, we take every precaution taught us by previous winter experiences and, if interruptions do occur, the or-- ganization is equipped and anx-- ious to re--establish service in the quickest possible time. » This 24--hour telephone service is especially important at this time of year for during the winter, snow, sleet and other causes be-- yond 'our control may interrupt Public Service Company Offices Have _ for Your Night or Day Convenience Thousands of tourist and visitors are drawn to this state by its great game preserve. In the Wichita Na-- tional" Forest and Game Preserve near Lawton, Oklahoma, there is a natural park of more than 60,000 acres of granit hills, mountains, Miss Hazel Koh!l who teaches at Quentin's Corners had the Christ-- mas program and tree Mond&y af-- A number of former pupils of m-m visited -- the Bennett hool Wednesday, _ _ r| Weaver --visited i _Miss Charlotte Ats ind m.y, Tuesday. \«~Mre, Gertrude Laun is able to be out after three weeks illness, eandy cane and apple for each one Mrs. E. Landwer and Mrs, Willis Landwer were in Highland Park 'hn-;nyvldth( Mrs. Jack -- Me-- GREAT OKLAHOMA GAME _ RESERVE 3¥ P the territoty this Company as well as to t it renders. _ to the 1 Conpl.' The award of the Charl#® A. Coffin Medat for 1923 in 1907 22 j C " "" ThA Government In 1907 and was stocked with ani-- fenced for a pas Thirty miles of i lead through all serve. thrive all kinds of wild life, herds of».;"';"....:.' :.':"Mljudmnhmd-fln The forest was made a game .?'!'_.""PMM Calling Carda Dr. C. H. Arnold E, fitted when uodor Phone 3445 for Apt ublie s + of N to the service 8445 1. ' 26 N. cenesf$ 3P OoP--TOM--E--TRI8ST * ination of-- the the-- latest -duz in Waukegan, im. Service n»m- e io pasture for the bison. improved Foads now of the pre.

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