} Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS *• PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF CARRIE A. JUSTEN Deceased, FILE NO. 78-P-400 - Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on December 27, 1978, to McHenry State Bank, 3510 W. Elm St., Danie^ A. Justen, 3807 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney pi record is Harry C. Kinne, Jr., 3431 W. Elm St., McHenry; Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court cHouse, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said-attorney. VERNON W.KAYS, JR. Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 3, JO, & 17,1979) Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS rier ui oecuvu oo, nship 45 North, Range 8 of tne Third Principal \ . c , • • - ~ - • . : f PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1979 Illinois, acres and contains two in land area, more ( 2 ) or COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS Public notice is hereby given Ltrat on February 22,1979, being one of the return days in the Qircuit Court of McHenry County, we will file our petition said court praying for the change of our names from M U C H A E L W I L L I A M * W \ A H O S K E a n d MICHAELENE GENEVIEVE WAHOSKE to those of M I C H A E L W I L L I A M NEUMAN and MICHAELENE G E N E V I E V E N E U M A N , respectively, pursuant to the provisions of Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 96 Section 1 DA"?ED at McHenry, Illinois, the 28th day of December, 1978. -s- Michael William Wahoske -s- Michaelene Genevieve Wahoske (Pub. Jan. 3,10.17,1979) Legal Notice VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sunday, Jan. 7, 1979, 2:30 P.M., Monday, Jan. 8,1979, 7:30 P.M. Both meetings at Lakemoor Municipal Building. Purpose is Citizen Par ticipation on the "Community Development Block Grant Fuifd", application. . Richard J. Hyatt Village President Village of Lakemoor (PUD. Jan. 3,1979) Lfgal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on December 28, A.D. 1978, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as Crystal Clear Water Conditioning, located at 1260 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 28th day of December, A.D. 1978. Rosemary Azzaro ' County Clerk (Pub. Jan. 3,10,17,1979) Legal Notice NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) NORTHWEST NATIONAL ) BANK OF CHICAGO, ) As Trustee under the ) provisions of Trust Agreement) dated the 10th day of ) September. 1976 and known ) as Trust No 3524, ) and MICHAEL J. WIESER ) and DENNIS A. CONWAY, *> FOR AN AMENDMENT ) AND VARIATION OF ) THE ZONING ORDINANCE ) OF THE CITY OF ) McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AND ) SUCH ORDINANCE ) AS AMENDED. > Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of McHenry, Illinois, concerning the following described property: Part of tne Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Townshii East _ Meridian, lying on the Westerly side of the State Highway, described as follows: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of Section 35; thence Southerly on the West line o?S§aid Section 35, 744.43 • feer^or a place of begin ning? thence Easterly on a line parallel with the East and West Quarter Section line, 652.46 feet to an in tersection with the West * line of the State Highway (now known as Route 31); thence Southerly on the West line of said State Highway, 133.21 feet; thence Westerly on a line riarajlel with said East and West Quarter Section line, 655.58 feet to the West line of said Section 35; thence Northerly on said Section line, 133.22 feet to the place of beginning, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is located on the West side of State Route 31, has * a common street address of 409 North Front Street. McHenry, The property is classified ,fR-2r* Single-Family District and Petitioners are requesting an amendment of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry to effect reclassification of the premises to "B-l" Commercial Retail District, with a variation permitting the use of the premises For the purposes of conducting the following as found in tne "B-2" and ,?B-3" classifications of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance: motels; air conditioning and heating sales-and service; auction rooms; clubs, lodges or fraternal organizations; laboratories; painting and decorating shops; printing, publishing ana issuing of newspapers, periodicals, books and other reading matter; printing shop; radio broad casting station; and un dertaking establishments. The hearing will be held on the 26th day of January, 1979, at the hour of 3:00 p.m., at the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, 1111 T^prth Green Street, at which time and place all those interested may attend. \ James Fouse, • Vice-Chairman, City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals. A T T O R N E Y F O R PETITIONER: Samuel J. Diamond 3431 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 (815 ) 385-6840 (Pub. Jan. 3,1979) Betty Messe sunnyside Area Smoke Detectors Promote Safety g 344-2494 Legal Notice PUBLICATION NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF ) THE ESTATE OF > CALVIN L STINEMAN. > Deceased > No 78-P-397 NOTICE • NOTICE IS 'GIVEN that a Petition was filed in this, p r o c e e d i n g s t a t i n g t h a t , CALVIN L • STINEMAN of McHenry Td.wnship. McHenry County. Illinois, died October 24. 1978, leaving surviving as his only heirs, legatees, and devisees, the following: EARL W A L T E R S T I N E M A N . C H A R L E S C L A I R S T I N E M A N . E D W A R D K R I C H . a n d U N K N O W N HEIRS AT-LAW of CALVIN L Village Happy With Rqad Care -The second meeting of the month for the village of Sun nyside was held on Dec. 19. Trustee Nowak commented on the excellent manner in^which Clarence Regner of McHenry township is maintaining- the main roads in the village /(Wilmot and Ringwood). Paul May who does the village pkiwihg is also doing an ex cellent job, and is right on top of the situation. New uniforms 'have been ordered for our new members of the police force. Patches are being made for their uniforms which will carry the village .emblem. I IT'S A GfiRL It's a girl for Linda and Bill Sandell of 1511 Grandview, Sunnyside. Linda and Bill became proud parents on Dec. 20. Jacqueline Christine weighed 5 lbs., 14'2 oz.,on.arrival. She is the first child for the Sandell's and got home just in time for Christmas. Bill is one of the village trustees. J a c q u e l i n e ' s m a t e r n a l grandmother is Ann Kaminski of Chicago • and paternal grandparents are Evelyn and Bill Sandell of Mineral Springs road, McHenry. JOHNSBURG HIGH DEDICATION Officials of the village of Sunnyside have been invited to the formal dedication program of the new Johnsburg high school located at 2002 W. Ringwood road. The dedication starts at 2 p.m. and following the program there will be a tour of the building. "o? STINEMAN. deceased, statin; that the post office addre EARL WALTER STINEMAN and CHARLES CLAIR STINEMAN and UNKNOWN HEIRS* are not known and asking that an instrument dated the 2nd day of November. 1970. be admitted to probate as the decedent's Last Will. Hearing on the Petition is set for the 1st day of February. 1979, at the hour of 9:30 a.m., Courthouse. 2200 N. Seminary Avenue; Woodstock, Illinois, 60098. (SEAL) • Vernon W. Kays. Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court 19th Judicial Circuit JOSLYN & GREEN Attorneys for Petitioner 116 N. Benton Street Woodstock. Illinois 60098 (Pub. Dec. 27.1978: Jan. 3and 10.1979r All In One One sage described a com munity fund as an organization which puts all of its begs into one askit. Low priced dryer! Serving the McHenry area over 50 years | CARtY APPLIANCE - 1241 N. Green St McHenry | . 385 5500 Sales Service and vans. Violators wifl be fined. For more information call village clerk Betty Messer. BIRTHDAYS Belated birthday greetings to Doris Rupp, who had her day Dec. 23: George Colomer's day was Dec. 24, and my husband. Rich Messer, had his day Dec. 26. Johanna Hehn has her day Dec. 29. Don Gaylord does his celebrating Jan. 1; Jan. 3 is Bob Kelso's day. and Val Patterson does her celebrating Jan. 4. Best wishes to you all for a happy day and many more to come. -N ' * ANNIVERSARY Best wishes for a happy anniversary go to Kathleen and Phillip Flemming of 4121 Wilmot road. Their special day is Jan. 3. Congratulations, and may you have many more happy years together. HOLIDAY THOUGHTS Now that the hectic pace of Christmas is past and the New year has arrived all will return to normal. Sorry I missed last, week's column, but with the preparing for Christmas, one daughter down with a severe strep throat, and grandchild number nine due any day. I got a little behind. That grandchild still hasn't arrived, either Is your home equipped with smoke detectors? They're a s m a l l i n v e s t m e n t , t h e I n surance Information institute points out. but they can save y o u r l i f e ! * • " The principle is simple: a fire breaks out somewhere in the house...the £moke or the heat quickly activates the smoke detector...and the device responds with an ear-piercing alarm. You and your family will have precious minutes to escape. Smoke detector^ are especially important at night. Smoke and poisonous gases can overcome .and kill members of a sleeping family befbre they become aware of a fire. (Most home fires start at night.) Authorities recommend that every home have at least one smoke detector of a type ap p r o v e d b y U n d e r w r i t e r s ' Laboratories or some other recognized testing laboratory It's best to have fit least one on each house level If you limit yourself to one. your best bet is to install it on a hallway ceiling in the bedroom area. SERVICE NEWS Lynn Jolin Named To MCO Officer Status SPECIAL PRESENTATION D r . , G a r y O b e r g , M D . pediatrician, will talk about medical problems which can be helped or how they may relate to hyperactivity and learning disabilities. It will be held Thursday, Jan. 11, at 8 p.m. at the James C. Bush school, and is sponsored by the Johnsburg school District 12. and learning disability teachers. All parents and teachers are invited /to attend. . EMERGENCY Billy Brown was staying witl his grandmother. Mabe* Zawislak, 1413 Bayview. while his mother Shirley Caley was in McHenry hospital recovering from gastritis. On Sunday. Dec. 17. Billy was taken to McHenry hospital with an appendicitis attack, and was operated on in the wee hours of the morning. So mother and son were both in the hospital. But both recovered nicely and went home in time for Christmas. REMINDER Don't forget village stickers for all vehicles in your possession. All residents of the v i l l a g e o f S u n n y s i d e a r e required to display a village sticker on their cars, trucks Porcelain •Enamel •Finish •Drum Regular Premanent Press Cycle Now only 3 Drying Selections White Only £ ..... Lynn R Jolin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G Moffett of 3809 E. Wonder Lake road. Wonder Lake, has been ap pointed to noncommissioned officer (NCO> status in the U.S. Air Force • The newly selected sergeant completed inquired training in management. leadership, human relations and NCO responsibilities, before being considered for this new rank. Sergeant Jolin is an ad ministrative specialist at Minot AFB.Isi D T h e s e r g e a n t i s a 1 9 7 3 graduate school. of McHenry high agood education down. FUNK & WAGNALLS NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA t Vance Roth Is Promoted »,Vance A. Roth, son of Mr and Mrs< Franklin Roth of 1112 Quincy. MCHenry, has been promoted to airman first class in the U.S. Air Force. Airman Roth, a jet engine mechanic, is assigned at Williams AFB. Ariz., with a unit of the Air Training com mand. T h e a i r m a n " ^ i s % a 1 9 7 5 graduate of McHenry high school/^ FUNNYSIDE m if 'I'm sorry, Horace, but I just don't (ike poor people." With $5 food p u r c h a s e . ( <n.lu«* A M <« * > <*»" «""" Tir"""*"101 < lu.«l IMU"'*1 rwMJ% w rx IO* ' It" ; J only , I** ih*n muao 7.» douW* ih* ' ""**1 H.. w«i* h*nisi< ih. "on «• <»t Ihr •*r Sh -r ' Sh**H '» ">» •" v-v, VH*VStl ft , at #•*<"" ~ ,K. r *buu' HJ ^ r v " 1 ** lh- Ufa <1 P"< » /y «'um,,y ( 7 0 , h j ° u " • Zw»"*• rL om, *boo« 10 ... '* m"" "lo n,~ >"'* "" S"? I""**' l"M' ,h"Jlorm-h-Kfo" bee-n B««kh try |ll«M WO) I Ihr ' AHh,, v.--- -CC Wl""« „ ' • -- -- •e«»v» AT ">•.«») ih, " ««-w„ ' «>iul '«» "<». nu, ..lot. ' .en. , i I llo.)llvh " »-- --' s,tr <1 V, „ * If you've been wanting a K()()d encyclopedia, but figured you'd have to lay out hundreds of dollars for it, we've got a sunrise for you. The Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. This week, we're offering Volume 1 for the incredibly low- price of 9C. \^bich is our way of introducing you to an encyclopedia that covers 193,000 subjects (more^ than some encyclopedias costing hundreds of dollars). And fea tures over 10,000 maps, photos Ih» >ur«K, Wis 41 " • wum, 'm ,rr>i 'VW si o. ,pop >471) rvl ana illustrations, many of them in full color. * When you and your family have examined Volume 1 at your leisure (without some high-pressure salesman trying to sell you the whole set), we think vou'll want Volumes 2 through 27. You can complete your set as you shop each week for $2.89 a volume. In no time at all, you'll have what you've always wanted: a home reference library that - contains a wealth/of information. But hasn't cost a fortune. \ FREE DICTIONARY Get Funk & Wagnalls 2-volume Standard Desk Dictionary fee when you purchase Vols. 2 and 3 of the Encyclopedia. 1 ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of thM« advertised items is required to be readily available for sate at or below the advertised price in each AftP Store, except aa specifically noted in this ed. . 3750 W. Elm St., McHenry J>p,