% PAGE PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1979 LOREN KLAPPERICH AND SUSAN LYNN WICKENKAMP APRIL WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. James Wickenkamp, 4316 W. Clearview, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Lynn to Lor en Klapperich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred klapperich. 3812 N. Hiilcrest, McHenry. An April 29 wedding is planned by the couple, both of whom graduated from McHenry •high school in 1977. PLAN REUNION The 1969 class of McHenry Community high school is planning its 10-year reunion. Class members from out of the local community who may be informed of this notice are urged to contact Mrs. Tom (Sue) Kolenoat 385-3112or Mrs. Larry (Cindy) Smith at 385- 4308. While government is designed to serve the peo ple, it-cannot support them forever. • • • • Health is the most un appreciated blessing in the world-by those who have it. LAURA JEAN PHANNENSTILL ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill of 908 Allen avenue, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Jean, to Joseph P. Herrity. Her fiance is the son of -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Herrity of Arlington Heights. A June 16, <}979, wedding is planned in St. Mary's Catholic church. Miss Phannenstill is a 1969 graduate of McHenry Community high •* school and is employed as a paralegal secretary for a Crystal Lake - law firm. Mr. Herrity, a graduate of St. Viator's high school, is a consultant for the state of Iowa in Community Education. Both 'young people received their degrees from Southern Illinois 'university, Carbondale. a Communi ty 8 f ~ ' 8 jj Calendar ^ooeoooooosoocoecoocll JANUARY 17 Whispering Oaks Women's club-1 p.m. Family Service and Com-5 munity Mental Health Center regular monthly Board of Directors meeting: 7:30 p.m.- Woodstock residence-309 McHenry avenue-Woodstock- open to public. Girl Scout Adults First Aid Course-St. Patrick's hall-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. McHenry Pigtail League-7:30 p.m.-change of location to city hall council chambers. FoxRidge Women's club meeting-St. Paul's Episcopal church-8 p.m. Edgebrook PTO's general meeting and craft auction-7:30 p.m. at Edgebrook. JANUARY 18 McHenry Senior Citizens club"Drivers Refresher Course" -second session-10 a.m. to noorcMcHenry city hall council chambers. PiAlpha meeting-hostess, Cheryl Brock-topic: Love. U.M.W. General meeting- noon-potluck^ luncheon- installation of officers. Joyce Kilmw Court of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas-meeting 7:30 p.m.-K of C hall, McHenry. Girl Scout Adults First Aid course-St. Patrick's hall-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Newcomers Club- Tea, Talk and Sew-Heme of Mrs. Ron Bisiewicz-7:30 p.m. JANyARY 19 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-regular meeting-Oak room, St. Mary's-7:30 p.m. JANUARY 22 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria-installation of officers. McHenry Women's club board meeting-city hall-10 a.m. JANUARY 23 Auxiliary to McHenry hospital-annual meeting and election of officers-McHenry Country Club-Cocktails from 11 a.m.-brunh at noon-short business meeting. Newcomers Babysitting Cooperative meeting-home of Mrs. Phyllis Bryan, Holiday Hills-8 p.m. JANUARY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens club bus-luncheon-theater trip to Drury Lane North-bus leaves McHenry State Bank parking lot at 11 a.m. McHenry Garden club-home of Mrs. Carl Rietesel-1 p.m. JANUARY 25 McHenry Senior Citizens club "Drivers Refresher Course"- finalsession-10 a.m. to noon- chambers. city haii council Abuse Program Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting-St. Patrick's hall-9:30 rib Hit ifh rib T. fL Robin's Roost miniatures and (tollhouses 3rd annual INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE bui| it so we don't hove to count it (we're lozql EVERY ITEM IN THE SHOP REDUCED!! •» dollhouses • dollhouse furniture • wallpaper • wood • accessories absolutely all sales final! no exchanges or refunds! 131 Center Street, Grayslake (312) 223-4455 Open Tuesday thru Friday, 10 to 3, and Saturday, 10 to 5 am JANUARY 27 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-card night for members- Oak room, St. Mary's-7:30 p.m. JANUARY 28 NAIM Council dinner-Cloven Hoof, Marengo-2 p.m. JANUARY 31 PiAlpha' anniversary FEBRUARY 1 McHenry Barracks 1315 Veterans of World War I- meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Postw 4<k Home-2505 N. Ring wood road. J ^PiAlpha meeting-hostess, porothy Haddick-topic: Art. McHenry high school Boosters' club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West campus-room 210. FEBRUARY 2 Church Women United-Lake Regibn -annual meeting-noon luncheon at St. Patrick's church, McHenry-Speaker: Miss Socorro Vasques de Valasco-"Who Is My Child?" FEBRUARY 4 "Wholly Tollers" talent project-Soup, Salad and Dessert luncheon-First United Methodist church-12:30 p.m.- followed by bell choir demonstration. FEBRUARY 5 V U. M. W. Mission team, executive committee meeting-9 a.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Senior Citizens club executive meeting-3:30 p.m.- Landmark school. FEBRUARY 6 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop-leaves Com munity center at 8:45 a.m.- rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385- 8518 by Feb. 2. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Grandmothers' club meeting-City hall-1 p.m.- luncheon at McHenry Inn, 4512 W. Route 120-11:30 a.m. FEBRUARY 10 PiAlpha Valentine dance. . FEBRUARY 15 PiAlpha meeting-hostess, Sandy Etten-topic: Home. J> Young As You Feel It has been observed that women live longer than men. Possibly be cause they remain girls for so many years. -Courier, Craig, Col. How Come? Small fry to father- How come soda pop will spoil my dinner and mar tinis give you an appetite? -Newsletter, Evensville. Shown To Birthright Ms. Peg Petersen, director of Parental Assistance services, was guest speaker at Birthright of McHenry county's regular December meeting .Petersen showed a film^on child abuse and explained the philosophy and work of her organization. "We provide at a grass roots level emotional support to parents," said Petersen, emphasizing the twenty-four hour a day hotline at 344-3944, which can be reached seven lays a week. Birthright's director, Barb Svoboda, gave members an overview of 1978, listing per tinent statistics from the case load and financial data to date provided by treasurer Bette O'Brien. Members discussed plans for a pancake breakfast to be held soon. For further information about Birthright, an in ternational organization of fering emergency services for pregnant women, call Barb Svoboda at 344-1078. ) % Frozen Foods 1 Make Vour Own "Fast Foods' 17; MR. AND MRS. KENT THOMAS AT HOME IN MC HENRY - Mr. and Mrs. Kent Thomas are making their home in McHenry after their Dec. 2 wedding in St. Paul's Lutheran church, Waukegan. The bride, the former Julie Ann Kutzler, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kutzler, 2824 Osage circl^ Waukegan. Mrs. Ella Thomas. 2610 S. Thomas court, McHenry, and the late Paul Thomas, are the parents of the groom. A reception was held after the 2 p.m. wedding for 134 guests at Ai Kaya's Hong Chow. The couple took their wedding trip to Chestnut Mountain Lodge, Galena, 111. The bride is employed as a ward clerk at St. Therese hospital. The groom is self-employed as the owner of Kent Thomas Trucking. Many frozen foods are ideally suited to microwave cooking, especially those in plastic cooking pouches. Since aluminum foil containers are not recommended for some brands of microwave ovens, the foods they contain-- entrees, prepared vegetables, baked goods--where neces sary, can be "popped" out and cooked in a microwave- safe serving dish made of glass, ceramic, hard plastic or even paper. Several frozen food producers are turning to new paperboard containers that can be used in both mi crowave and conventional ovens. Many frozen food pack ages include microwave cooking instructions, usually written for high power-type ovens. These instructions should be followed carefully. Many frozen foods need not be thawed before cooking in a microwave. Cakes, breads, breakfast rolls, cookies and other prebaked foods can be taken quickly from the frozen to the ready- to-eat state. Large items require al ternating heating and "rest ing" periods to equalize the heat through the food. This prevents the food from being cooked on the surface or edges while some of the in side is still frozen. A defrost cycle on a microwave oven al ternates heating and "resting" automatically. A number of factors in fluence microwave cooking times: • Volume--The more you put in the oven, the longer the cooking time, because the con centration of micro waves in each piece n! COMING JANUARY ««n 25th 26th 27th DOLLAR DAYS to 1245 N. Green St. 385-0047 of food is less when more is present. • Density -- Compact foods take longer to heat than porous ones. A slice of meat may take 2 to 3 minutes to heat up, a slice of bread the same size--30 seconds. • Shapes -- Evenly shaped foods cook better; uneven corners tend to overcook. • Ingredients--Liquid, fat and sugar attract microwaves, so foods containing these in gredients heat up extra fast. • * • * It is easy to get the idea that no one should interfere with your busi ness. PLAN AUCTION - Kathy Cichonski and Rose Merkle are looking over a hand-made afghan, an example of the many fine craft items that will be offered at the Edgebrook P.T.O.'s meeting and craft auction. The auction will be held immediately following the general meeting, Jan. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Edgebrook school. Compete For State Queen Title Fifty-five county fair queens will be competing in the Miss Illinois County Fair pageant during the sixty-ninth annual convention of the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs to be held Jan. 20, 21 and 22,1979, at the Holiday Inn East in Springfield. Suzette Rezob of Algonquin will represent McHenry county. First day activities on Saturday, Jan. 20, will include the Big Ten Colt association meeting, Illinois Standard Bred Breeders association meeting, various activities of the U.S.T.A., and the Horseman's banquet at 6:30 p.m. Events scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 21, consist of the talent contest at 10 a.m. and the semi finals of the queen pageant at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. The general session starts at 9:30 a.m., Monday, Jan. 22, continuing throughout the day with speakers covering various aspects of profitable county fair operation. At 2:30 p.m., the annual business meeting will convene with the secretary's report, financial report, and election of officers for 1979. Highlight of the annual convention will be the selection of the 1979 Miss Illinois County Fair Queen who will be crowned by Governor James R. Thompson during the banquet Monday evening, Jan. 22. Miss Illinois County Fair 1979 will be the recipient of a $1,000 college scholarship, a diamond ring, a $250 wardrobe, a three- piece luggage set, and a $250 cash prize. PWP Discusses New Friendship "Meeting New Friends" will be the theme of the Jan. 19 general meeting of Parents Without Partners 189, which meets at 8:30 p.m. at the American Legion hall, Oak and Woodstock streets, Crystal Lake. Events which are scheduled in the near future for the group are family ice-skating, bowling and cross-country skiing. All first time guests are urged to attend the orientation meeting which begins at 8 p.m. refreshments, conversation and dancing follow each meeting. Persons single by reason of death, divorce or separation, or unmarried, and the parent of one or more living children, are eligible for membership in P.W.P. Child custody is not a requirement for membership. For more information, call 459-5262 or 579-7543. One may also write to Parents Without Partners, P.O. Box 165, Crystal Lake, 111. 60014. Those perfectly con tent with themselves are blinded by self-satisfac tion. Something New! CRESCENT BAY LANDING "Friday Night Fever" January 26tn at 9:00 pm INTER6ALACTIC ADULT DISCO!!!! FEATURING FREE LESSONS BY NATIONALLY KNOWN INSTRUCTORS About Your Wedding... In 6*der to serve McHenry a iea br ides the Pla indealer sends wedding forms to a l l those whose engagements have been announced and carry a def in i te date We ask that these com pleted forms be returned thfee days pr ior to the wed d ing Complete deta i ls wi l l op pear on ly dur ing the v/eek fo l lowing the wedding except m the case of out of s ta te weddings where an ad d i t ional week is a l lowed Photographs wi l l be pr in ted any t ime la ter or wi l l be in e luded wi th the wedding in format ion i f they accompany the story I f your engagement an nouncement has no ' publ ished or i f the date of the wedding was not known at that t ime p lease ca l l our of • ice and reguest that a marr iage form be sent ALSO FEATURING . .. CRESCENT BAY LANDING'S FAMOUS "New England Seafood Buffet" FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 3S5-SS99 GR£ SCENT cBAV* JLAf(piN(i 3309 N. Chapel Hill Rd., McHenry 1 385-8899 THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP IWT REPAIRING t REGLUING Larry & Jim Seymour 815/459-0653