Get more per* dollsr* with poultry from Jewel! U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" FRESH (LIMIT: 4 PER CUSTOMER, PLEASE) " LB. CUT-UP OR QUARTERED 55c LB. (SOME GIBLET PARTS MAY BE MISSING) U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" -- FROZEN -- 4-5 LBS. Ducks U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" LB. jtock Cornish Hens _ (AVG. WT. 20-22 OZ.) LB. ii • 1^ U.S.D.A GRADE "A" POPULAR BRAND -- EXCLUDING SELF- BASTING FROZEN Turkey 77c 18-22 LBS. mm m̂ LB. MF 8-10, SAT. 8-9, SUN. 9-7 Beat the rising cost of beef this week with a light, delicious alternative ...Jewel's delicious U.S.D.A. grade "A" poultry. Choose chicken, turkey, capons or duck. Take one of our tender fresh whole fryers for example. There's just no end to the great tasting ways you can serve it. Try it basted in barbecue sauce, coated in crumbs and fried, or baked in the oven till it's crispy crusted. Why even the left overs, (if there are any) .will taste terrific! And, after you've wrapped up one day with a fantastic dinner, you can begin the next with a terrific country-style break fast. You'll find all you need for a satisfying morning meal marked for savings, this week at Jewel. Stop by soon. When it comes to planning economical meals, our values can help you to be an expert! THICK, RICH Heinz Ketchup i JwdMOtM GfiPNa ffPZ/Jfffi make Jewel • the place where people like to qo ©Jewel Companies. Inc , 1979 All Rights Reserved V PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED WED . .JAN 24 THRU SAT., JAN 27, 1979 AT ALL JEWEL FOOD STORES IN ILLINOIS COUNTIES COOK. LAKE. DUPAGE AND MC HENRY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ttlCHDP CMP m WW TOMATO KETCHUP 26 OZ. BTL. REG. 93c Linger over a Jewel country breakfast and save! QUARTERED MARGARINE Chiffon, Land O' Lakes Parkay, Blue Bonnet ^ MARY DUNBAR Frozen Orange Juice c 12 OZ. CAN REG. 89c c 1 LB. PKG. REG. 64c-67c JEWEL MAID Raisin Bread 16 OZ. LOAF REG. $1.19 2 & •S\. At •Mi PHOTOSHOP Fum DEveLOPinG NATURAL HARVEST 16 OZ. LOAVES Kuchen Bread or Cinnamon Loaf JEWEL MAID 24 OZ. LOAVES DC„ White or Sandwich Bread ea REG. 73l EA U1 white O KITCHEN 21' CASH VAIUC #062 GEN: 1 GOOD THRU SAT., MDSE. J FEB. 3, 1979 Prints From Color Slidejs Only 29* EA. WITH THIS COUPON WE USE KODAK PAPER. PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 50* EA no limit M'Smm COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER P Home-cooked flavor... store- bought convenience. That's our Chef s Kitchen! THESE ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY AT JEWELS WITH CHEFS KITCHENS DELICIOUS Italian Beef or MEDIUM Roast Beef $J79 1 LB. Vz LB. REG. $3.78-*3^8 LB REG. $1.89-$1.99 LB. "FAHMrSTAMD j fttsh ftints and vrgrtablcs r Snack on the freshest treats around.. .juicy Farm Stand® oranges! CALIFORNIA CHEESE & SAUSAGE 1 3 « r-m « O 33 OZ. ri££Cl REG. *3.89 COLBY Longhorn Cheese LB REG. *2.79 ANJOU OR BOSC Pears Navel Oranges 4 L B$*|25'Green U.S. NO. 1 WISCONSIN , Russet 20 LB 49 Potatoes bag J. • ^ fl BAG" Beans HAWAIIAN Papaya