SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 26 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24,1979 Don't miss the kick-off ... TV band radio lets you hear your favorite show on the go! ' Everyone has known the frustration of missing an im portant or interesting televi sion program because they had to be some place where a TV set was just not available. That doesn't have to be the case anymore. Now you can listen to your favorite television shows vir tually anywhere with a IV Band portable radio. These convenient units permit you to take the sound of VHP television channel* 2-13 wherever you go. If you have to work late on Monday night, you don't have to worry about missing the kick-off of Monday Night Football. With a portable TV Band radio, the game goes with you. Maybe you want to know what's happening in your fa vorite soap opera but having a television at work is a bit awkward; no problem with portable TV Band radios. Take one to work, and stay tuned in to the latest devel opments. General Electric has sev eral portable radios with the TV Band that bring the audio action of channels 2-13 to you virtually anywhere, anytime. One of these. Model 7-2927, is a compact FM/AM radio with TV Band that is the size of the standard portable radio. You can count the many benefit^ of doing business i McHenry, Lr Doing business in McHenry is very much like doing business with yourself...because your job, your business, your community services, and your social environment are favorably affected every time you - or anybody else - spends a dollar in the business area where you live. Support Your McHenry Merchants during Dollary Days, Jan. 25th - 27th SERVING THE BANKING NEEDS h OF THE McHENRY AREA NaTIONaL BaiMK OF McHei\IRV 3814 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 385-5400 THE TV SOUND of VHF stations is featured by General Elcctric's FM/AM compart portable radio, Model 7-2927. With this convenient portable, which operates on a 9-volt battery or on house current using an op tional AC converter, you can receive the sound from your favorite TV stations whenever it's not convenient to have a TV set. The manufacturer's suggested retail value of Model 7-2927 is $29.95. Like all of GE's TV Band portable radios, this unit fea tures vernier tuning, can op erate on batteries or AC with an optional convenor, and has an earphone jack. Now you don't have to miss your favorite morning news program because there is no television in the kitchen. Turn on your TV Band table radio. Model 7-4125. at the breakfast table and listen to the news with your breakfast. If you have to work around the yard, simply take a port able TV Band radio and carry the sound of television with you. General Electric TV Band radios are designed to meet all listening needs. All port able models feature FM AM listening along with VHF TV channels 2-13 and have two built-in antennas (a ferrite rod for AM and a telescopic whip for clear reception on the FM & TV Bands). Manu facturer's suggested retail values for these products start at $29.95. The "Super Seven'" from GE brings you the sound of FM and AM radio. CB. pub lic service, aircraft and weather from local NOAA stations as well as VHF tele vision stations. It has a man ufacturer's suggested retail value of SHI .95. There is also a General Electric radio cassette re corder. Model 3-5223. which is a full-feature cassette player recorder with FM/AM radio and television sound so you can tape TV audio right off the air. The manufactur er 's suggested retail value of this radio cassette recorder is $94.95. GE's line also in cludes Model 3-5515, a port able 8-track player with FM/AM/VHF TV Band with a 5 inch speaker and tone control. For the bedroom, GE makes a full-feature digital clock radio which will wake you to music, alarm or the audio of your favorite VHF TV channel. All of this in GE's Model 7-4680 which has a manufacturer's suggest ed retail value of $64.95. When radio drama is on the air, the listener uses imagina tion to paint a picture of the action and it is the same with TV audio. If you can't get a TV. think TV Band radio. BRIGHT NEW USE FOR OLD DENIMS! Pockets snip ped off used overalls and glued on a denim-covered board with Elmer's Glue-All create a snappy-looking bulletin board that holds all those teen collectibles.