Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1979, p. 19

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SECTION 2-PACE2-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1979 Johnsbu r£ Mary L. Gunderson 385-305; AV Equipment Label Deadline ST. JOHN S SCHOOL Deadline is today, Wed­ nesday, Feb. 28, for the labels being collected to secure audiovisual equipment for the school, and we hope to make our goal. - If you have labels and have been unable to get them to school in time, please continue io save them, and send them as you can. Other projects will be requiring them. HOME AND HOSPITAL Keep in your prayers Mamie Dahms, Georgena Beck, Ed­ ward V. Schneider, George Mecko. Andy Eichorn and Dorothy Brown. SYMPATHY '...and our prayers for, the family of John Jagodka, a parishioner of St. John's, and father of Terri Wajs. Also, for Bruno Klein, uncle of Jerry Klein, who died last week. CONGRATULATIONS the group of boys and girls of Johnsburg high school, and director H. Thompson, in the McHenry County Honors Band, who played a public Concert in Januiry, 1979, at the Harry D. Jacob high school, Algonquin, and toured schools of the county. ,' DISTRICT 12 PTO of District 12 will present "The Mouse that Roared", a satire, which should * bfc enjoyable entertainment for each and everyone. There will be a matinee. Sunday, March 25, 2 p.m., and Saturday, March 31, 8 p.m., in the Johnsburg high school auditorium. Try-outs have been completed and casting finished. For tickets call Mrs. Steve tJanet) Webel. P.T.O. MEETING Tuesday, March 6, 7:30 p.m., there will be a meeting of the District 12 P.T.O., Bush School Learning Center. An invitation is extended to all parents and teachers. JOHNSBURG WEEKLY "..published weekly by Johnsburg high school, had a comment under "From My Viewpoint", in a recent issue, of the necessity for lights at the road entrances to the school. Seemed to be a very practical suggestion. Better lighting appears important in view of the many practice sessions, eVening Serformances of different inds. and the fact that the majority of the folks who attend the regular events are senior citizens and those who pick-up the high schoolers. This is also true of the area at the entrances to the schools in the evenings and early mor­ nings. where the danger is increased due to the great amount of ice and snow. It seems common sense to believe that the turn-outs for the various events would be in­ creased with the elimination of this situation. Spring and Summer will bring relief with the longer daylight hours, but the subject would seem to bear consideration. JOHNSBURG H.S. "Warning to the World", a variety show directed by Clyde Fazenbaker, Robert Zawacki. and student assistant director Lynn Lupo, was presented Saturday evening, Feb. 17 at the high school audit'orium. It was well received, and we can say that those who were able to attend, in spite of the weather found it entirely enjoyable. These performances are well presented, and the casts ably depict the characters. VOCATIONAL CLASSES The Johnsburg school boad is considering plans to build an additon to the west wing of the high school, approximately 80 x 125', including four classrooms and three vocational education shops. This addition will be completed with money from present site construction fund, it does not involve another tax referendum. SPRING Take heart better days come closer, days with sunshine and no winter weather, and everyone can once more get out and about at will. We may still have other problems, but it can't be too much longer. Today, February 28th, is Ash Wednesay. Let's give some consideration during this period of Lent to be more thoughtful and kind to those in our household and family, it pays Vich great rewards. Ask His help; it makes it easier. D 4TES TO REMEMBER Tues., March 6 - P.T.O. meeting - Bush School - 7:30 p.m. Sun., March 25 - 2 p.m. Matinee "The Mouse that Roared". Sat., March 31-8 p.m. Johnsburg high school Johnsburg District 12 P.T.O. Turkey Time Domestic turkeys are smaller than the Wild species. Mature males weigh about 30 or 40 pounds. A breeding flock consists of one male and 12 hens. They mate in January and egg-laying begins in March, each hen then producing between 30 and 40 eggs. Marian Is Third In Academic Meet •W At County College Marian Central Catholic high school recently entered the Teams Invitational competition at McHenry County college. Marian's team finished third in class AA competition which covered six areas: mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, graphics, and pocket calculators. The members of the team were: Bill Berner, Patricia Foresman, Tim Hart, Ben Johnston, Marie Leslie, Eric Malaker, Mark Mass, Tom McDonough, Theresa Nuelle, Ginger Peshke, Mike Smith, and Sue Wilcoski. The coach of the team was Mr. Ludwig Asfeld. U.S. NO. 1 FINEST BAKING RUSSET A SUPERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 O'CLOCK Savvijd?*: coupon COUPON SHORTENING A&P SMALL or LARGE CURD 3 LBS. ICOTTAGB CHEESE KM CRISCO 24 OZ. CTN CASH CHECKS WITH AAP CHEK-X-PRES WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY DELICIOU Apples More reasons you'll do better at AP ? I JJ POLICY: Each of those advertised items is re­ quired to to readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each AAP Store, except as specifically noted in this ad. WE ACCEPT USDA FOOD STAMPS CHARGE GROCERIES WITH: • MASTER CHARGE • VISA Join the big MEDIUM SIZE FROM SUNNY FLORIDA SEEDLESS RBI GREEN PEPPERS JUMBO 56 SIZE CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES U.S. NO. 1 FANCY ,DEAL FOR SA. ahq Kiln Dried Yams 29° Alfalfa Sprouts j°| 4& NATURALLY SWEET S1)N| Awn Apple Cider s1" Apricots |°f s119 ORVILLE REDENBACHER DATY RRAun 1 . Popcorn »AR°Z wild Bird Seed 20^s3®9 Jade Plant *7" Mums S390 LB. BAG FOR I r ANN PAGE DINNER MACARONI & CHEESE LENTEN SPECIALS STARKIST OIL OR WATER PACKED CHUNK TUNA RED CROSS REG. or THIN MACARONI SPAGHETTI Security; American Family's Special Homeowners Package Policy Complete security for that special place you call home It's the most comprehensive, home­ owners coverage we've ever offered Call me today I'll provide you with all the information CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI Corner of Crystal Lake Blacktop & Rt 120 McHenry CALL US FOR DETAILS 385-2304 AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E MUTO HEALTH UR American Family Mutual Insurance Co Madison Wis 4 J1 69C 411 ANN PAGE ASSORTED FLAVORS ICE CREAM JEM'S PIZZAI $ HALF GAL. • • • REG. OR THICK CRUST SAUSAGE FROZEN I29 13-17 OZ. SIZE • • • • • 89 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN or SLCD. or FRENCH GREEN BEANS VEGETABLES 23 OZ. BOTTLE 12-16 OZ. CAN c WIDE AND/OR MEDIUM aa n~ \a iTi's .. EXTRA THICK PLAIN. MEAT OR MUSHROOM Muellers Noodles 59^ Ragu Spaghetti Sauce .. 51°z S139 You'll do better with A&P's Health and Beauty Aids a i m m • v • «"»V» wvauiy niU3 / REG. OR MINT SIGNAL PEPSODENT CLOSE-UP MOUTHWASH TOOTHBRUSH TOOTHPASTE MOTOR OIL Arco "Graphite" QT ..99* A&P MEDIUM TWIN PACK Sponges 2 FOR 69° TUBE FUNK & WAGNALL VOLUME 9 Encyclopedia. each *2" LONG LIFE' WHITE 60. 75 & 100 WATT Lite Bulbs 1» SAVE WITH THIS WEEICS® BONUS SPECIALS W ™ ONE FILLED SAH BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIQ 10 STAMPS) THICK A RICH HEINZ KETCHUP WITH ONE FILLED SI.. BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIQ 10 STAMPS) WITH WESSONALITY WESSON OIL Yours For Just One Filled S&H •Bonus Specials Booklet (30 Big 10 S&H Green Stamps). WATER a oX8u'!'.do better with A&P s Household Goods WHITE CLOUD ASST. COLORS BATH TISSUE 891 MARDI GRAS PAPER Towas CCE JUMBO ROLL LARGE SIZE Glad Garbage Bags . 30 CT PKG 64 02 BTL $-|99 S-J49 25« OFF FABRIC SOFTENER Sta-Puf WORKS TERRIFIC! Linco Bleach l'loz 69° WITH ONE FILLED SAH BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIG 10 STAMPS) REGULAR . TIDE 7 ^Detergent WITH ONE FILLED SAH BONUS SPECIALS BOOKLET (30 BIG 10 STAMPS) AAP LIGHT J You'll do better with A&P's Frozen Foods A&P ROUND WAFFLES 12 OZ. PKGS. A&P REG. or CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES 691 A&P Strawberries 2 £2s s1°° BANQUET ASSORTED Man Pleaser Dinners p'kgoozS1 19 ASSORTED FLAVORS Sara Lee Rings.... lifoz 89° CET UP TO 350 EIA IT" i\ FREE! ! FREE! 50 S&H STAMPS 50 S&H STAMPS Willi the purchase of On* 1 With the purchase of Any 5 Lb. Bag , Hart* Mountain S&H GREEN STAMPS WITH THESE COUPONS. f\ SEEDLESS i PET 1 GRAPEFRUIT^ SUPPLY - • Tk.. Uaaak •% 4a . .. i Thro March 1. «»7S. j f!27A| I Thru Match J, 1»7» 631 A 1 FREE! 50 S&H STAMPS With the purchase of Any 4-Pak LIGHT BULB PURCHASE Thn, March J. tin 632-A Johnsburg Announces Second Quarter Honors Johnsburg high school an­ nounces its second "Honor Roll" for academic work completed in the second quarter, first semester. The 629 Johnsburg high school students were eligible for three levels of honor recognitions - straight A work, 3.5 GPA and 3.0 GPA. A grade of D or F eliminated a student from any honor considerations. Seniors A-Robert Baker, Debra Berry, Rose Jakuicek, Theresa KalBch. Steohanie Karwacki. Jim Smith, Janice Stetter, Judy Vyduna, Lauryn Wernquist, and Jacqueline Wolf. 3.5- Richard Backs, John Bush, Theresa Dal ton, Scott Dixon, Gretchen Heidler, Terri Kanter, Gerri Kocher, Kathy Kost, Jean Kouba, Steve Lingeman, Ruth Ann Madsen, Glenn Moehling, Laura Myers, Vicki Ponte, Nancy Preston, Elizabeth Raupp, Kristi Stanell. Karen Szumlas. Shelly Von Bruenchenhein and Jill Welter. Juniors A-Dawn Bentz, John Moehling, Rebecca Schaller, Rick Szumlas and Pam Wroblewski. 3.5-Wayne Besserud, Chris Dixon, Douglas Free, Daniel Heldt, Eleanor Hughes, Jen­ nifer Lozynski, Margo Lund, David Meckley, Deborah Pieper, Nancy Popovich, Tom Schoenig and Tammy Shastal. Sophomores A-Brent Brikhoff, Inge Dschida, Warren Hannula and Barbara Schmitt. 3.5-Karen Alvord, John Armon, Todd Hatch, Constance Johnson, Phillip Kalsch, Kathryn Kling, Tina Leisner, Thomas Liston, Susan Moulis, Beth Oeffling, Jean Pierce, Rita Schaller, Susan Sroka, Lori Stetter and Cheryl Wor- zala. SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 Freshmen A-Kathy Szumlas. 3.5-Clay Ames, Kelly Beitz, Jody Buetel, Terrance Boyer, Diane Chyllo, Susan Dehn, Larry Dix, Louis Koenigseder, Mark Leslie, Linda Lyons, Kristie Price, Janice Schmitt, Gary Selof, Paul Smith, Debbie Sobiesk, Susan Tripp, Pamela Ullrich and Laura Wharton. Schedule '79 Set-Aside Program Sign-Up Period Most reformers are satisfied with themselves. BOX-O-CHICKEN (15 ASST. PCS.) or FRESH Sign-up period for the 1979 feed grain, wheat set-aside programs continue through April 30, according to Ray Fitzgerald, administrator of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation JANE PARKER A&P FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 3?l CANS • 16 OZ LOAVES 11 Buttormjii, BISCU/fs A&P 2% TUBES Service (ASCS). The sign-ups will be held in ASCS county offices. This year producers may certify their fall-seeded crops - barley and winter wheat -- during sign-up and not have to make a separate visit to the county ASCS office," Fit­ zgerald said. "The sign-up period which had been tentatively set to end in mid-April, is being lengthened" two weeks to give county ASCS empl6yees suf­ ficient time to handle the added workload of simultaneous certification", he said. Fit­ zgerald also said, "Farmers should consider taking ad­ vantage of pre-measurement service before planting to guarantee the size of their fields. County ASCS offices have details of the pre^ measurement service. QUARTERED IMPERIAL MARGARINE 1 LB. PKG FULLY COOKED I r THIS IS A FULL SHANK HALF HAM 1 -1 WITH NO CENTER SLICES REMOVED- DON'T CONFUSE THIS HAM WITH A 1 L SHANK PORTION OR "ROAST." ^ LIMIT 4 WHOLE FRYERS PLEASE. 3650 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois Full Shank Half Ham! WATER ADDED rade of happy A P savers! NEW AT YOUR A&P ... INTRODUCING THE Singles Section DINNER FOR ONE OR TWO We now have a section in each meat department where you can select small portions for your convenience and dining pleasure. We have Steaks, Chops, Stewing Meat, Ground Meats, Chicken, Sausage and small Roasts. These packages are great for one or two people. Come on down to your friendly A&P and see what we are doing for yon. ? Frozen Fish Values For Lent FANCY TURBOT FILLETS A&P BATTER DIPPED A Fish Portions . . PKG7 GORTONS Crunchy Portions.. S1 $139 I LB. NEW' BOOTH BEER BATTER French Fried Fish. S1M VAN DE KAMP BATTERED Ocean Perch pk°z s179 You'll do better at A&P's Poultry Shop 3V« LB. AVG. FRESH R0ASTEI COUNTRY STYLE FRESH . Fryer Legs .. LB 69c FOUR LEGGED OR \ Double Breasted Fryers^ 75° U S GOVT INSPECTED TURKEY WINGS OR I Turkey Drumsticks . .W 59c You'll do better at A&P's Sausage Shop USDA GRADE "A" YOUNG TOM TURKEYS SHORT CUT STEAK LENTEN SPECIALS NOON HOUR CREAM HERRING OR Herring Fillets... lb s269 DELICIOUS Ci-|7Q Fin Tail Ocean Perch LB *2 y LARGE SMOKED COHQ Select Chubs lb b3BS SMOKED , «sOQQ Sable Fish lb $3w y ^ <r c I LB. 18 LBS & UP A&P GLASS BOTTLE TOMATO JUICE.... „ 32 OZ AGAR LONGAC^ES BOILED CHICKEN HAM ROLL $1?5 .$11? 19 • POUND S2.38 • POUND A&P PARTY ASST (VARIETY PACK) A Sliced Beef &§z $169 A&P SLICED Party Assortment .PKG 1 ̂ OSCAR MAYER SANDWICH SPREAD OR Braunschweiger • • • • • TUBE ARCO FRESH PORK LINKS OR HOT OR MILD Italian Sausage .. lb s189 FARMLAND AND/OR ANN PAGE Sliced Bacon ^ s159 CHEESE FESTIVAL SALE! MOUNTAIN DEW OR REGULAR, DIET AND LITE PEPSI FOR 75< A&P CHUNK OR BAR SWISS CHEESE A&P ASSORTED ISUCEDI CHEESE *2*? 89?- A4P CHUNK OR OBLONG COLBY CHEESE *1" 16 OZ. 12 OZ. PACKAGE CHEDO-BIT $419 SINGLES ?A1 HALF SH25 LB. • HALF LB $2.49 • POUND $2.38 PLAIN OR RAISIN 13 OZ PKG Lender's Bagels 6 LONGHORN COLBY (LB. $2 49) Dorman's Colby . . . .POUND LB $2 49 Provolone Cheese. .poundM25 ZIGGY S HOMEMADE Cheese Pizza ORVAL KENT Macaroni Salad 69° LEON'S LEON'S WILSON'S SLICING BEER HARD PRASKY SAUSAGE SALAMI M10 LB $139 $2.78 I You'll do better with A&P's Country Farm Pork $ 17 OZ , SIZE $-|59 • LB. $1.98 QQChaif POUND LBA _PO"UND $2.19 _ |^ND $2*78 % z>ggysz>ggysztggysz)9gysz>ggysz»9gysz>ggysi HALF POUND 2 Sirloin, 6 Center and . _ 2 Shoulder LB. Chops 159 ASSORTED PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT • CENTER RIB * m Pork Chops s1" BUTTERFLY OR Boneless Pork Chops . lb s25 FOR CHOP SUEY Boneless Pork Cubes... lb S1 9 MEATY ^ _ Pork Back Ribs LBs239 BONELESS RIB PORTION _ *.**** Pork Loin Roast lb s219 Plus Deposit 16 OZ. BTLS. REFRESHING 67.6 OZ. BTL. R.C., DIET RITE NEHI FLAVORSea 59° A P Prices effective Thurs., Mar. 1 thru Sat., Mar. 3. FREE! 50 S&H STAMPS With the purebate ol One Package Any Size A & P CHEESE Tfcni March 1, 1»7t. 623A FREE! [ FREE! 50 S&H j 50 S&H STAMPS ! STAMPS I With the purchaae ol One • 8 Or, 12 Oz.. or 16 Oz. Pkg. I A4P SLICED With the purchaae ol One •v5 Oz. Can LUNCHEON | STARKIST MEAT Thru March 1. itTt 628-A TUNA RadaaiwaMa Thru March 3. H7» T" I I I I With the purchaae ol Any i Fresh or Frozen ' SEAFOOD S PURCHASE Radavmabta Thru March 3. UTt FREE! 50 S&H STAMPS 624A 629-Aj it starts here! s&H Lifestyles '79 at A&P. We ve got it. the most exciting S&H Ideabook ever Come get your copy and start living it up S&H style It's packed with top quality gifts, brand name merchandise hundreds of beautiful gifts to add to the fun whatever your life style' Gourmet-style. Here s the whole world of good food and good cooking from Cuisinarts to cookie cutters Sportstyle. If you swim. fish. sail, run hik£ or just relax and watch, the gear is here, ready to go! Decorstyle. Famous make* furniture rugs, curtains, drapes, lamps clocks mirrors pic tures Beautiful things for your b^auti'ui ideas Creativestyle. You can make everything from your own fashions to your own movies with the great do-it-yourself stuff m Ideabook 79' Giltstyle. Handsome things big small lux urious. simple, for special people special oc a'asions (or for no reason at all') IDEABOOK 79 S&H REDEMPTION CENTERS WAUKEGAN 2921 SUNSET AVE i y. a v p •/ PALATINE 56 W WILSON HOU»S 9 V. * V ELMWOOD PARK 7216 W GflAND AVE HGU»S 1 Y. » V i '/: P •/ I ji'j 3*' HILLSIDE 5901 BUTTEBFlELD RD •.OU»S 9 OC A V 4 X P M WON f Hi CHICAGO STONY ISLAND 9133 STONY ISLAND AVE MOoHS 9J0AM S0CPV TUES SAT CHICAGO SOUTH 11047 S WESTERN AVE "OU«S 9 Vj » V "> 00 P M Tuls GARY --RANBURN SHOPPING CENTER 4157 S CLEVELAND AVE. 9 W A M 'y 00 P'M Tuf'i 1 *9 Internationa! Year of the Child 1979 UNICEF has set 1979 as the International Year of the Child. The purpose is for each nation in the world to review its own programs related to services for children and its policies regarding in­ ternational assistance for children in the developing countries. The I.Y.C. is extended to more than a one-time twelve month effort. It can become America's open-ended framework for strong," far- reaching actions directed toward permanently improving the status of all children - not only those in this country but also the millions in others, less fortunate parts of the shrinking world. The "child" has rights, And the United Nations delcare these rights for all children: The Right: to affection, love, un­ derstanding. to adequate nutrition and medical care. to free education. to full opportunity for play and recreation. to a name and nationality, to be among the first to receive relief in times of disaster. to learn to be a useful member of society and to develop individual abilities. to be brought up in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood. to enjoy these rights, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national or social origin. All children, without any exception whatsoever, will be entitled to these rights, without distinction or discrimination, for, "Every Child is 'my' child". i VA NEWS ] EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are representative questions answered daily by VA coun­ selors. Full information is available at any VA office. Q--Are there any national cemeteries with space available in South Florida? A-The only national cemetery in Florida with remaining burial space is Barrancas National cemetery in Pensacola. Q--What must I do to get my disability compensation in­ creased? A-In order to get a re- evaluation you must submit a request along with evidence to support the claim, preferably medical. If treatment has been at a VA facility, indicate where and when. The necessary treatment reports may be obtained by VA Q-What flight schools outside the United States are approved for VA benefits? A--None. A veteran may collect VA education benefits outside the United States only at an approved institution of higher learning Q -Does CHAMPVA pay for °o puncture treatment for an eligible CHAMPVA recipient0 A -Only if it is medically authorized with prior written approval from CHAMPVA ATTENTION Whispering Oaks Residents To Serve You Better See Page 3 Section 1 McHENRY STATE BANK

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