PAGE 2* • PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 23, lt7t CARPET & VINYL REMNANTS FINAL CLOSEOUT SALE , * • ' ' 4 - • ' . * A * MARCH 24 & 25 - 2 DAYS ONLY FINAL PRICE REDUCTIONS ON OVER 750 CARPET & NO-WAX VINYL REMNANTS VINYL NO-WAX REMNANTS STARTING AS LOW AS $1.99 Sq.yd. CARPET REMNANTS STARTING AS LOW AS $2.99 Sq.yd. SAVE UP TO 50% OFF ALREADY LOW WAREHOUSE REMNANT PRICES LARGEST SELECTION OF CARPET REMNANTS IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS IN THREE STORES YOU MUST COME TO BELIEVE THESE ONCE IN SEVERAL YEARS CLOSEOUT PRICES - WE WANT TO SELL OVER 500 REMNANTS THIS WEEKEND! OVER 2000 CARPET REMNANTS IN 3 LOCATIONS! Truckload of Lees Carpet Remnants over 700 to choose from. Regular Cut Order Retails •8.99 to *21.00 NOW ONLY $ 099 tQ $ C99 A SQUARE YAITO 3 X12 *16.00 6 ' x 1 2 ' -*32.00 SS 9' x 12' - *48.00 Commercial and Retail Vans, Station Wagons, Cars - Tidy now has one of the largest selections of 6' wide carpet remnants it has had in 2 years • over 1000 to choose from in 3 locations. Prices as low as $ 0 9 9 a sq.yd. ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING" 12' x 14'9" Milliken Cold Plush T revP^a Srot- chgarded (No 36680) Reg $197 12' * 11'6" Customweave Corporate Suite Rust. 70 oz Antron III Plush (No 1M92) Reg $ 18 1 12' x 11' Customweave Saxony Plush Ivory Bisque Nylon (No 36441) Reg $280 11 '10" x 12' Customweave Saxony Plush An tron III Pastel Cold (No 36190) Reg $ 394 12' x 19'3" Karastan Suede Manor Summer S a n d s A n t r o n ( N o 3 6 3 1 6 ) R e g . $ 5 / 4 t1 12' x 19' Customweave Antron III Velvet Spr ing Green, Beautiful (No 36368) Reg $607 12' x 11' Philadelphia Sculptured Shag Gold and Brown Nylon (No 35326) Reg $170 12' x 16'9" Karastan Bronze Glaze Saxony Nylon Cabled (No 36314) Reg $414 12' x 14' Karastan Devotion Golden Amber Velvet Antron (No 33826) Reg $440 12' x 21'2" Customweave Nylon Saxony Forest Creen, Thick & Soft (No 36373) Reg $706 12' x 15'6" Customweave Nylon Shag White and Ivory 2" long (No 36444) Reg $517 12' x 14' Evans & Black Saxony Nylon Moss Green (No 34646) Reg $228 12' x 19'6" Lincoln Shag Gold Tweed (No 37293) Reg $267 8'6" x 12' Cabin Craft Shag Saxony, Sandlewood Tones (No 5369-1) Reg $78 12' x 18' Karastan Eloquence Bronze Saxony nylon (No 36330) Reg $430 12' x 16'3" Evans & Black Sculptured Shaj; A m b e r R u s t A n s o N y l o n ( N o 3 5 8 5 1) Reg $280 12 x12' Super Foam Rem Nylon Shag Royal Blue Tweed (No 36848) Reg $140 7' x 12' Cabin Craft Saxony Sandlewood nylon (No 34795) Reg $80 8' x 12' Super Foam Backing, brown, rust, red squares (No 36818) Reg $118 12' x 19' Super foam backing. Sculptured Shag, red & brown (No 35833) Reg $276 12' x 19 6" Milliken Royal Blue Commercial Level Loop (No 36682) Reg $ 199 12' x 12'10" Customweave Rust and (?old Commercial Antron (No 16J69j Reg $320 12' x 21' Milliken Rust and Brick Random Sheared Commercial (No 16749) Reg $44 i 12' x 18'3" Black, Grey, Barber Stripe Ideal for Country Club (No )6726) Reg $449 12' x 171' Cabin Cratt Antron III Rust & Brown Cut & Loop Commercial (Nq 35223) Reg $2 iO 120 144 150 140 260 250 90 120 150 250 200 12$ 100 48 150 120 64 40 55 130 130 100 200 240 80 12' x 22' Contract Print Grey, Brown & Rust, Ffea-vy Jjaffic (No 16670) Reg. $909 12' x 23'6" Milliken Rustic Browns Commer cial finish Heavy Traffic (No 16675) Reg $525 12 x 20 4 Customweave Natural Wood look Natural Barber (No !Mb7) Reg $600 12 x 19'8 C ustomweave ( hocolate Brown and Tans Saxony nylon (No !M()8)Reg $656 6 x12' Customweave llrovsn Taupe Antron III Commercial (No 16187) Reg $207 9 x12 Lees Paradise Island Ivory Sculptures Shag, flounci (No $(>654) Reg 5240 12' x 16' Lees Unibond Commen ial Carpet, Red, Burgandy (No 15477) Reg $223 12' x 20'6 lees Unibond Commercial Carpet Red, Burgandy (No 15539) Reg $299 12' x 19'7" Customweave Antron III Saxony Pastel Ivory Mist (No 36450) Reg $548 12' x 114 Customweave String Shag Straws Gold Nylon (No 36410) Reg ${78 12 x 12 3' Customweave String Shag Cold and Bronze Tweed (No 16415) Reg $408 12 x 8 10" Super Toam Backing, Sculptured Shag, Brown & White(No 16818) Reg $120 12' x 20' Cabin Craft Mint Green Shag Nylon (No 14825) Reg $200 12 x 116" Cabin Craft ( aress Soft and Silky Golden Mist Splush (No 14784) Reg $252 79" x 12' Super Toam Backing, Sculptured Shag, White (No 14219) Reg $110 6'8" x 12' Cabin Craft Spring Mint Shag Nylon (No 14102) Reg $77 10 6 x 12' Cabin ( raft Peac h Saxony Nylon (No 35243) Reg $789 64 x 12' Cabin Cratt Blue and White Com mercial (No 501 16) Reg $85 12 x 20 6 Foam Bac k Kitchen Print, Green Anso (No 51198) Reg $161 7 6 x 12 Cabin ( raft Stark White Saxony Nylon (No 12192) Reg $110 9 4 x 12 Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl - Blue& Brown (No 14410) Reg $98 7 7 x12 Armstrong No-Wax Vinyl - Sundial Harvest Gold (No 15671) Reg $85 12' x 12 6 Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl - Rust Brick (No 14585) Reg $1 it 12x11 Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl White & Green All Over (No 14591) Reg $160 12 x 7 10 Armstrong No-Wax Vinyl Premier Sundial(No 15714) Reg $1 i5 12 x 13 6 Congoleum \o-Wax Vinyl Gold and Orange (No 14408) Reg. $14 i 12' x 1 5 Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl Brown & Rust (No 351 15) Reg $700 318 200 200 200 40 72 60 80 162 100 120 48 100 120 55- 8 8 36 108 55 36 36 64 64 44 72 40 12' x 15 Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl Blue, Blac k. Silver (No 15719) Reg $100 12' x 12'9" Congoleum No-Wax Vinyl Betge, Tan, White (No 3621 3) Reg $85 7'11" x 12' Armstrong No-Wax Vinyl Premier S u n d i a l ( N o 1 5 6 9 2 ) R e g $ 1 1 5 6' x 105' Armstrong Designer Solarian Goldstone Square Yard 6 x 20' Armstrong Designer Solarian Brownstone Square Yard 6' x 10' Armstrong Designer Solarian Green Cobblestone Square Yard 6 x 50' Armstrong Designer Solarian Cold Field Square Yard 6 x 50 Armstrong Designer Solarian Gold Provincial Square Yard 6'4" x 12' lees Design Six Woven Antron III Rust & Brown (No 50425) Reg $121) 5'2 x 12' Customweave Softique Satin Ivorv Saxony Plush (No 35948) Reg $154 6'6 x 12 Super Foam Backing Nylon Plush Lilac (No 36525) Reg $64 6 x 12 Outdoor Grass Carpet Aqua Blue (No 41979) Reg $40 6 x 9 Outdoor Grass Carpet Golden Yellow (No 21850) Reg $30 18 x 12' Customweave Azure Blue Mist Nylon Plush (No 16183) Reg $130 5 x 9 Machine Washable Bathroom Carpet White Plush (No 507506) Reg $35 6 x 9' No-Wax Vinyl Rust. Brick, Black (No 37423) Reg $90 6 x12 Lees Grand Tradition Antron Ml lime Mist (No 5061 11 Reg $168 6 9"x12 Lees Unibond Commerc ial Heather Barber (No 50565) Reg $1)0 5 6" x 12' Lees Grand Tradition Silver Blue Antron III Velvet (No 50614) Reg $158 4'9"x12' Super Foam Backing Yellow Plush nylon (No 36588) Reg $51 3 1 x 12.' Lees Level Loop Commercial Brown Tweed (No 50556) Reg $12 2 b' x 12' Lees Level Loop Commerc ial Woven Antron III (No 50485) Reg $50 3 4 x 12' Lees Sculptured Shag Rust & Brown (No 50636) Reg $60 3'11" x 12' Armstrong Premier Sundial Brown Gold(No 35619) Reg $60 7' x 12' Carsons Nylon Plush Print Gold and Brown (No 50131) Reg $94 3 x 12' Customweave Kahala Sandpiper Sax ony (No 15995) Reg $94 311 x 12' Customweave Kahola Peach Brandy Saxony (No 36074) Reg $7 30 9' x 12' Kitchen Print Browns and Greens Nylon (No 50842) Reg $72 *40 *48 *48 J8" *8" *8" *8" *8" *40 *42 *32 *15 *10 *32 *15 *18 *48 *48 *40 *28 *12 *8 *16 *16 *40 124 *30 *40 •ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING Vinyl Remnants 6' Widths *300 and$4oo a square yard including ARMSTRONGS DESIGNERS SOLARIAN ALL NO-WAX - SPECIAL CLOSEOUT PRICES 6' x 6' - $1 2 to *1 6 : 6' 9' - *18 to $24 6' x 12'- $28 to $32 ASK ABOUT OUR 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH PLAN DROP SAMPLES CLOSEOUT 27' x 18" Sample ^*1.00 27' x 48" Sample *2.00 Anything Smaller than 27' x 18"ONLY 10< each Stock Up Now - Ideal for Car Matts and Entrance Feet Matts. Lees, Cabin Crafts Mohawk, Milliken Philadelphia Evans & Black Karastan, Horizon Customweave, Coronet -- ALL TOP M A N U F A C T U R E R S - ALL EPRSENTED BY 100's OF EMNANTS - Nowhere can you s^e these top name mills in this large of a selection. Quali ty Carpet at Unbelievably low, low pricing for 2 DAYS ONLY! CARPETS & AREA RUGS 200 Washington (^.nun»Woodstock, Illinois (815)338-1000 M0N., THURS., FRI. 8-9; TUES., WED., SAT. 8-5; SUN. 12-5 MASTER CHARGE & VISA WELCOME , 100's to Choose From Accumulated Over Three Years ALL 9' x 12' DISPLAY RUGS PRICED $72°°.. All bound with complementary col ors Karastan, Lees, Mohawk and more Regular prices from $117 00 to $225 00 Tremendous Values -Ideal Area Rugs - Sculptured Shags, S a x o n y , V e l v e t s , S h a g s a n d Sculptures •w