|SECTIO^^iiSUPPLEMENTTOMcHENRYPLAINDEAl£^ 5§j Geo. P. Freund, Inc. 4120 W. Crystal Lak* Rd. McHanry, III. Rnwpinn prida... it shows in thi baauty your lawn and qardan... Wa can maka your work ao much aaaiar with our Complafca lina of LFIWN-and GARDEN EQUIPMENT When it comes to performance Cast umkm the pace The Right Power for Your Job Satoh Tractors Thii year col your lawn care chores down to size, and have fan doing it with a Case Compact Tractor. There are ten fast mowin', hard tillln' models to choose from and they are available with a variety of power-attachments for all seasons. And remember, Case Compacts feature the Case exclusive hydraulic drive for single level control of speed and direction. Come on in! Take a test drive. And you'd better hurry. These might be the best tractor values you'll find anywhere. The 27 H.P. Satoh Bison with gasoline engine, the 25 H.P. Bull, the 18.5 H P. Buck, and the 15 H.P. Beaver all with diesel engines. All packed with features. And all at tractively priced right now. For Spring-fchrough-Fall lawn can, gat a Rear Bagger from Toro 4 thf (> r i i s \ t i i ( i \U - r !•>» »-* U >r • < • j- I Bags clippings Str'.ri-j i /' i .».«•! VI " a ' i IS in irisU'.i'l ' ,\ of M'U* /. , if. nr.'1 ',iit < ti'jf.t 2 Mulches J i ,f [mil hnflv ' )»M#f 3 Vacuums leaves ' / I •rtis :• j»*, >»>• f 2 (H ,<4 ( ) K r , l r > tn viir U Quality.. . another good reason to buy I.H... selecting the right tractor to work your land is just the first step to total lawn and garden maintenance. You also need the right at tachments to handle a variety of Jobs... spring, summer, fall, and winter... all y$jrr-round. m makes the basic attachments, like mowers, leaf sweepers, etc. and special duty equip ment to be used with IH Cub Cadet and Cadet Riding Mowers. Talk to us poout all your special oefeds. Haven't you done without a Toro long enough? Ceo. P. Freund, inc 4102 W. CRYSTAL LRKE RD. "THE HOUSE THRT SERVICE BUILT" McHENRY ILL. 385-0420