The charming home of Mr. and Mr*. Donald Sprague, located in Whispering Oaks, is one of the six homes whose owners are graciously allowing to be featured in the May • Spring House Walk. Concentrated Design, Free Flowing Interior sponsored by the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Among the six homes which will be a part of the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital's Spring House Walk is the Donald Sprague home, tastefully situated among full-grown trees on a three quarter acre site in Whispering Oaks. Entering this compactly designed home, one is surprised by the size of the rooms. All are large, bright and free-flowing. The living room opens to its own small flagstone patio, as does the kitchen. The sunny breakfast area is placed in such a way that its owners are able to enjoy a view of the wooded grounds in the rear of their property. The Spragues have concentrated their efforts on the family room since acquiring this home. It is truly the focal point of the living area, with its large, rough stone fireplace against the rear wall making an excellent backdrop for groupings of collectible items. Mrs. Sprague often uses this room for formal dining. It can also be used as a very private guest room, because of its full bath and the folding doors which close this space off from the rest of the house. The kitchen patio will be the setting for this year's bake sale, allowing guests to walk among seasonal flowers. The hours of the House Walk are from noon to 5 p.m. on May 6. Ticket information may be obtained by writing the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital, P.O. Box 69, McHenry, 111., 60050. Tickets may also be obtained at each of the homes on display, or at the hospital Gift Shoppe on that day. American Legion Auxiliary News RECIPE MCHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper Children and Youth Scholarships, through donations to the Department Children and Youth Fund (pledge), scholarships will be awarded according to the rules listed below. This year $500 scholarship has been authorized; the number of scholarships will be deter mined by the funds that are available. Rules: 1. Applicant must be working toward a degree in Education with emphasis on the subjects required for teaching mentally retarded or physically han dicapped children. 2. Applicant must be sophomore or junior class in college when application is made. 3. Applicant must be in upper half of class scholastically. 4. Applicant must be in need of financial assistance. An essay or composition, consisting of not more than 500 words, in which the applicant states the motivation for choosing this special field of education and goals which the applicant hopes to attain after graduation. Applications will be judged on the same as the national scholarships; Character - 20 percent; Americanism - 20 percent; Leadership - 20 per cent; Scholarship - 20 percent; Basis of need - 20 percent. Units may sponsor more than one applicant. Applications must be received by the McHenry American Legion Auxiliary, 2505 N. Ringwood road, McHenry, no later than March 31, to be eligible for consideration. Not That! Joe and Jim were in a speedboat racing across the bay at top speed, narrowly missing other boats in their path. Finally, Jim confessed to Joe, who was at the wheel, that he got frightened every time they had one of their near-hits. "Why don't you do what I do then, and you won't get frightened," answered Joe. "Just close your eyes." By Sarah AM Sheridan Cheese has increased in popularity because of the way it fits into menu planning and because of the many wonder ful cheeses you can buy in your super market. Frozen Cheese Salad oz. cream cheese c grated American cheese green minted cherries, chopped c cream whipped c mayonnaise Mash cream cheese and work in American cheese. Add cherries. Combine whipped cream and mayonnaise. Fold into cheese mixture and freeze. Hat Cheese Tomato Bacon Sandwich 1 slices bread T mayonnaise T chopped onion slices American cheese slices crisp, cooked bacon tomato Johnsburg PTO Presents Play The Mouse That Roared will be presented by the PTO at Johnsburg high school on Sunday, March 25 at 2 p.m., and Saturday, March 31 at 8 p.m. Barbara Miller is directing the play, and the cast includes many parents and teachers of the district. Jan Webel, co-chairman of the committee, said,"The cast has worked really hard to get the play together and we hope that a great many people will come out to see what they have done to raise money for the school." Special rates are available for senior citizens at both performances. Spread bread with mayon naise. Place onions and a slice of cheese over mayonnaise. Slice tomato into 8 slices and place 2 slices over each sand wich. Place sandwich on a cookie sheet and brown under preheated broiler for 5 min utes. Top each sandwich with a strip of bacon. 2 Some «ay hair should only be cut when the moon is on the wane. Wonder Loke Inn & Lounge Featuring Chinese & American Cuisine NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH-TUES. THRU FRI. 11:30 TO 2 SPECIALS! •TUES. & WED. ALL DAY-SENIOR CITIZENS 10% OFF •THURS. ALL DAY-FRIED CHICKEN $2.85 •FRI. NITE-FISHERMAN'S WHARF $2.95 ^Cullo itrrw McHenry CARRY OUT ORDERS I 5506 E. WONDER LAKE RD. WONDER LAKE. ill. PHONE IIS-72S-0411 OPEN FOR DINNERS: TUES.- THURS. 4 to 9, FRI. 4 to 10 SAT. 1 to 10 SUN. 1 to 9 BANQUET 4 HALL FACILITIES 20-120 GUESTS $3.50 • $7.00 PER PERSON FAMILY STYLE vou can BanM on it: l'rt*M<*nl(*<l b\ STATE BANK OF RICHMOND iiii'iiiImt K.!).!.<.. u c j n n o o o o 0 B 0 0 0 ? ? • ••00 HAS FULL SERVICE ON ALL TYPEWRITERS, CALCULATORS, ADDING MACHINES AND COPIERS . . . IN OUR SHOP, OR IN YOUR OFFICE! We're Your Headquarters For: • OFFICE SUPPLIES • OFFICE FURNITURE • BUSINESS MACHINES 803 N. FRONT ST. (RTE. 31) McHENRY (815) 385-5890 America runs on credit. - Without credit, most of us couldn't live where we live, drive what we drive, dress the way we dress. The trick of using credit is to use it wisely. Here are some tips to help you keep your credit rating good and the most out of every credit transaction. To keep finance charges low and your credit rating high, pay all bills promptly. Budget a limited amount of money for charge purchases at the beginning of each month and stick to your limit. Almost no credit pur chase is worth it if you have to sacrifice the fixed amount you save each month just to make the payments. Establish credit, then use it wisely. If you don't, you'll become a slave to credit instead of making credit work for you . . . you can BANK on it! DIVORCES Arnie and Nancy Stolte, 5421 Sherman drive, McHenry, had their third daughter, Amanda Joy, March 14, at McHenry hospital. Andrea and Heather are the big sisters who awaited the birth of 8 lb. 13 oz. Amanda. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Stoub, Palos Park, 111. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Stolte, Bently, Alberta, Canada, are the paternal grandparents. Among the two sets of twins born last week at McHenry hospital are the two daughters of Dr. and Mrs. William (Jane) Busch, Jr., 3614 W. John, McHenry. Jillian Leigh, 6 lbs. 7 oz., and Bethany Lane, 5 lbs. 9 oz., made their debut March 14. Jessica, 4*, and Christopher, 4, have awaited their sisters. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James. F. Walters, McLean, Va. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Busch, Arlington Heights, are the paternal grandparents. Great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Arlington Heights, 111. The second set of twins, born March 16, are, appropriately, from Twin Lakes, and are the son and daughter of Lafry and Linda Smith. First children born to the couple, Joshua Page weighed 4 lbs. 6'^ oz., and Jamie Leigh, 4 lbs. 6 oz. Lyle and Thelma Skinner, maternal grandparents, and Leon and Virginia Smith, paternal grandparents, are from Twin Lakes, Wise. At Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock, March 20, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mazan, Wonder Lake, became the parents of a girl. Judgments of dissolution of marriage were granted recently by the 19th Judicial Circuit Court in Woodstock to: Cynthia Anne Bierchen and Ted William Bierchen; Colleen Barbour and Elmer William Barbour; Mary Ellen Ettner and Thomas F. Ettner. Suzanne E. McDonough and Vincent M. McDonough; Roger Wayne Reuter and Lupe Reuter; Kathryn L. Brittain and Thomas E. Brittain. Marcia N. Payne and Richard A. Payne; Cindy S. Young and William K. Young; Olga M. Stock and Kurt R. Stock. Edward J, Liljekvist and Sheila A. Liljekvist; Barbara Jean VanHooser and John R. VanHooser; George J. Voska and Candace L. Voska. Barbara A. Townley and William F. Townley; Lynn Marie Bradley and William E. Bradley. PAGE 3 - P1.A1NUKAI.UK -KKIDAY. MAKLH 23,1979 - ------------ -- ministration and Engineering. In the college of Pharmacy the criteria are the same except that the grade-point average for inclusion on the dean's list is 3.25 (based on a 4. scale). ^ I EDUCATIONAL ollege Honors J M.J. Tollifson Business student Pledges Ripon Richard F. Short Makes NIU Honors When Northern Ill inois university announced its 1978 Fall honor Richard F. Short wis among those honored. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Richard J. Short, 3411 Coun tryside, McHenry, and is a sophomore in the college of business, majoring in ac counting. In order to be considered for the honor roll at Northern Illinois, a person must main tain a 3.25 grade point average while completing thirty semester hours. BIBLE VERSE Honors At Iowa "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 1. Who made the above statement? 2. To whom was it made? 3. What was this man's standing in the commu nity? 4. Where may this state ment be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Jesus, as recorded by John. 2. Nicodemus. 3. A ruler of the Jews. 4. John 3:5. For Area Pair The University of Iowa, Iowa City [has named to the Dean's Lisitor the fall semester of the 1 $78-79 academic year Jerry John Pepping, from the college of Business Administration, and Charlene Marie Weingart from the college of Pharmacy. All students named to the deans' lists carried twelve graded semester hours or more during the semester. A minimum grade-point average of 3.5 (based on a 4. scale) on current work is required for inclusion on the dean's lists in the colleges of Liberal Arts, Nursing, Business Ad- MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Name- HOSPITAL Address- Phone- Members of the cast of Johnsburg PTO's play, The Mouse That Roared, are enjoying their rehearsal. Preparing for the performances Sunday, March 25, and Saturday, March 31, are, from the left, Dick Seaborn, Gloria Stewart, Phil Sliwiak and Allan Cook. MCHENRY A d m i s s i o n s : M i l t Malinowski, Gary E. Disney, and Joseph O'Malley, all of McHenry; Judy Pfeiffer of Cary, and Margaret Wilkerson of Round Lake Beach. WOODSTOCK MEMORIAL Admissions: Evan Lewis, Arthur Harris, and Miss Pamela Oeffling, all of McHenry, and Mrs. Sophie Lacourse of Wonder Lake. Really Is! Undertaker-Are you one of the mourners? Scotchman--I am, sir. The corpse owed me ten dollars. Parents' Names- I I { Birth Date- I I I I I Hobbies- School Attended- Delta Upsflon Ripon college has announced the names of students who have pledged membership in a sorority or fraternity on campus. Eighty-five men and forty- one women students pledged membership in chapters of the eight fraternities and three sororities that are currently active at Ripon. Among them was Michael J. Tollifson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tollifson, 4800 W. Shore, McHenry, who pledged Delta Upsilon fraternity. The rush period for mem bership is conducted throughout the first semester of the . academic year and culminates in pledging during the first week of the second semester. Deaths LOUISE STEELE Louise Steele, 64, of 716 W. S e v e n t e e n t h s t r e e t , Bloomington, Ind., mother of Mrs. Joseph (Pat Merkel) Ello, McHenry, died Tuesday, March 20, in Bloomington hospital. She was born Nov. 20,1914, in Dugger, Ind., the daughter of Floyd and Edith Clines. Sept. 9, 1930, she married Ralph Steele in Indiana, and he survives. Other survivors include her daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Pat) Ello, McHenry; two sons, Richard and Dr. Larry Steele of Bloomington, Ind.; twelve grandchildren, including Tom and Rick Merkel of McHenry and Peter Merkel of Waukegan; and one great grandchild. Visitation was Thursday at the Greene and Harrell funeral home in Bloomington. Services and burial are scheduled for Friday. Memorials in the name of the deceased may be made to the Americal Diabetes association. School Activities- I I | Please include picture, preferably black and white. | Parents' Signature- Candidate or parent must bring this coupon to Plaindealer office, 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, in person. Population Acc ording to recent estimates, the world's population increases by approximately 75 million peo ple each year This increase re quires a four per cent increase in the world's food supply -- just to provide the same amount of food per person as at present. fB w --\_> IHi: IMA ILVWGSS ANOTHER CItKAT ININ I'OK YOIIK AtONEY. New, improved service for your McHenry Buses. Changes include new Saturday service to Wonder Lake on RTAs route 809. Less than a year has passed since the inauguration of your McHenry Buses, and now service has been expanded Route 809 now transports Crystal Lake and Woodstock residents to Wonder Lake every Saturday Wonder Lake residents should also find this new service convenient for getting to points in McHenry and Crystal Lake This map shows the new service available on the 809. As you can see, you can still use the 809 on Saturday to travel from McHenry to Crystal Lake and Woodstock. Other new changes include revisions on RTAs route 807, the Woodstock/Mc Henry bus and route 808, the Crystal Lake/Harvard bus The cost of travel on all of these revised routes remains the usual low RTA fare For a free schedule, write RTA, P.O. Box 2938, Chicago, IL 60690 Or call RTA Travel Information toll-free , 800/972-7000 For best service, call in the evenings. Inexpensive transfer good for most connecting routes. For a small additional charge, riders may purchase^nJTA Universal Transfer, which is good for travel on most RTA bus routes throughout the six counties of Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kane, McHenry and Will. The New809Saturday Route. 9 ̂ 3*" McHonry County Court Houm white Oa* s Wonder mere * WonMi lake Poat Otftc. McHonry Mark at Ptaca • Hf !?0 McHonry City Mat! X H < \ Ware McHanry Station Rusjei .. Library Cantral M.» Woodstock Iquara WooOatock City Halt Wootfatock i a H.». \ 9 i South Manorial , Terra Co tie Cryetel Lake Station Cryetai Lake City HaH Cryetai Lake - ri <4 Senior We*-In Center I get around. McHonry Hoapttal McHonry H S(Caat) I Cryatal Point MaH