t means that dish- at least, doesn't keep you in the Secret ingredient for less work... Put an end to dishwashing drudgery with handy helper Anyone who memorized Parkinson's Law back in school may recall that "work expands to fit the amount of time available to it." Parkinson might well have had household duties in mind, for it's been found that the average amount of time spent on household tasks by today's employed woman ranges from 4 to 8 hours daily -- while the average for the nonemployed home- maker ranges from 5 to 12 hours daily. Whether this means that employed women are more efficient because of time pressures or, perhaps, freer of standards held important in the past is anyone's guess. Wipe out extra nork! But whether a woman's out in the work force or at home, she's likely to agree that one job she could well do without is dishwashing. And thanks to modern science, it's one job that is, indeed, almost wiped out. And the term is used advisedly -- for the new non-stick skillets, such as the French import, T-Fal, need only a touch of a soapy cloth or sponge to clean them. World's slipperiest The secret ingredient that makes this miracle possible is PTFE--the slipperiest sub stance known to man. And when 100 percent pure PTFE is applied to the metal surface SUPPLEMENT TOM£HENBTPKAINDBALER - PAGE I*-FRIDAY,'MARCH23/»t» v ' * V' * "' 1' > « * • * Never underestimate your own ability; others will do it for you. by means of T-Fal's mechan ical bonding process, it's vir tually "locked in." This means that food never sticks to the super-$lick, dur able surface. And when food doesn't stick, there's no rea son for soaking, or scouring, or scrubbing. And that need to keep you kitchen to help prove Parkin son was right! WHY SCRUB POTS and pans the old way (top) when a great work-saver such as this non-stick French skillet (bottom) makes scrubbing obsolete? Food simply can't stick--so cooks never have to scrub! HOLD EVERYTHING... THERE'S A BETTER WAY! AUTOMATIC GARAGE"' DOOR OPENER SYSTEMS Can Keep You Out Of The Rain, Snow And Icy Cold! REBUILT UNITS ALSU AVAILABLE U(axC (DCxion CONTRACTOR •SERVICE -SALES •INSTALLATION McHENRY 385-8885 WONDER LAKE 653-6936 have your own custom _____ engraved or sandcrafted... PARKWAY SIGN • where you live •where you worship •where you work •where you play COME IN OR CALL c PARKWAY PRODUCTS COMPANY 7318 WEST ROUTE 120 BOX 487 McHENRY , ILLINOIS 600501 PHONE 815/385-0825 TRAVEL PARENTHOOD GUIDEBOOK By Nancy Moore Thurmond (author, Mother** Medicine, Pub. by Wm. Morrow, N.Y.) WASHINGTON, D.C. - Here are a few things about fever for parents with children one to six years old, which often prove helpful. Normal temperature can vary from 97.6 degrees to 100.4 in a healthy child. Gen erally, a child has fever when his temperature goes above normal by two degrees or more. At the first sign of fever, fill him with liquids to keep him from becoming dehydrat ed. Put him to bed and encour age him to be quiet. He shouldn't be bundled in clothes or blankets. A doctor may prescribe any of a variety of aspirinlike medication to re duce fever. It usually takes twenty minutes or longer for aspirin to take effect. Before and after use, wash the thermometer in cold water with soap and shake down. Hot water will break it. You may wish to wipe it clean with a cotton ball satuated with alcohol. External heat can raise a baby's temperature rapidly. A hot water bottle or steam tent can cause a quick rise and should be used with care. For a child under three, very sick, take temperature rectally. For a child over three take the temperature under the tongue for three minutes. Another method is the arm pit. Place the thermometer in armpit, press the child's arm against his side for four min utes. This reading will be about 1 degree lower than oral, 2 lower than rectal. . When you report tempera- , ture to a doctor, say which method was used. Late after noon or evening readings are usuallv the day's highest. The amount of fever is not necessarily indicative of the fierceness of a child's sick ness. If a child's temperature goes above 102, the doctor can be consulted. You can help by sponging with tepid water-but avoid letting him get chilled. W -M .4 _