TONES ELtGTRQWCS. HOME OWNERS THE SIDING FACTORY 1st Time Ever •VINYL *STEEL • ALUMINUM Now You Can Bypass All The Stages That Make Siding Your House So Costly. For The First Time Ever You Can Deal With An Authorized Factory To You (Installed On Your Howso) Distributor In The Northern Illinois & Southern W'c/"onsin DON'T THROW AWAY fe »EV- 6ET OUR ROTTOM PRICE ALUMA-WALL INC. 3910 W. MAIN ST. ^ McHENRY.IL. (815)385-6889 V - Call Collect-Call Now ' * * ' < ' ̂j MUddf S<§iVied-TD6ys KWeeK "**" * SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER-PAGE 26-FRIPAV maw run iQ7« When is the best time to buy your air conditioner? AR-161 ONLY $^^95 IMPROVE YOUR HOME... With A Stereo Component Rack AR16° A ^ ONLY $^^95 When the cold winds blow, the very last thing most people think about is how to keep the inside of their homes cool. But winter is really the best time to think ahead to spring and summer, say home economists from Whirlpool Corporation. For instance, picture this scene . . . you're eating sup per in a sticky, humid kitchen and the heat is sweltering. After a few restless nights and uncomfortable meals. you decide that you've got to get an air conditioner. According to the home eco nomists, you've just cho sen the worst time to buy. Buy before heatwave The best time to buy an air conditioner, they advise, is before the hottest summer days arrive. Between January and May, air con ditioner sales are generaljy slower so you can shop in less crowded stores and get the full attention of the appliance salesman. Prices may also be lower when the temperature is lower. Think about what your re quirements are. For exam ple, it's important to select an air conditioner of the right capacity to meet your needs. An air conditioner cools and dehumidifies the air. A unit that's too large cools a room too quickly, be fore it can do enough de- THE BEST TIME TO BUY an air conditioner is before those hot summer days get the best of you, say home economists from Whirlpool Corporation. Between January and May, air conditioner sales are generally slower, so you can shop in less crowded stores and get the full attention of the appliance salesman. Prices may also be lower when the temperature is lower. humidifying, so the room feels cold and clammy. A .too-small unit can't cool ad equately. Make sure you know the dimensions of the room or rooms you want to cool. Fans save energy Some models have a fan control that can be set for continuous fan operation or intermittent fan operation which can help save energy. During intermittent opera tion, the fan turns on only when the room temperature begins to climb and addi tional cooling is needed. A variety of air direction controls are available. Some have two-way controls that direct cool air to the left or right; Others offer four-way controls that aim the air up or down and right or left. Consider room position In making your choice, consider where in the room the air conditioner will be in stalled. Will you want cooled air directed toward or away from the door, directly toward you, or in yet another direction? Some models have an air changer control with three choices: circulating room air only for fastest cooling, bringing in outside air to alle viate that "closed-in" feel ing, or exhausting room air to the outdoors. Before you go shopping you should know: How many rooms and connecting halls do you want to cool? What is the size of each room and hall? Are the rooms sunny or shaded? How many windows are in each room and what size and type are they? Are room walls insulated? What about the ceilings? What electric voltage is available? Beat the heal! Following these sugges tions offered by Whirlpool home economists can help make your air conditioner shopping trip much easier-- and you'll be a step ahead in beating those uncomfort able hot summer days and nights that will soon be here. Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese can be used in a variety of ways. It works well as a salad, a main dish, in desserts or as a base for dips. One and one-third cups of cottage cheese provide the same amount of calcium as an eight ounce glass of milk. For a unique, tasty combo, mix cottage cheese with chopped radishes, green pepper and a pinch of onion. AuUto Cat*net Mode! A0t63 AR 163 ONLY Awok; Rag* MuftftiPwi Space-starved for a place to put your stereo system? See our fine line of stylistic component racks. The look of . expensive < furniture at reasonable prices • EASY ASSEMBLY •COMPONENTS NOT INCLUDED Conveniently AREA'S OLDEST Located on Rtes. 31 ft 120 McHenry, III. (Across from Jewel) ft LARGEST MUSIC ft ELECTRONICS SHOPPING CENTER SINCE 1964