PLEMEN1 Helpful advice fof installing kitchens SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 27 -FRIDAY, MARCH 23,1979 It's easier to install a kitchen than you might think. Non-professionals do it every day, with professional results. If you're wondering if you can be among them, here's a way to find out. Write for a booklet titled "How To In stall Your Own Kitchen" a- vailable for 75 cents (the price includes postage) from Yorktowne Cabinets, Dept. M, Red Lion, PA 17356. If you're handyperson enough to accept the book let's initial words of advice -- b e p a t i e n t ! -- a n d t o follow its step-by-step in structions, you're probably c a p a b l e o f p i c k i n g u p chalkline, carpenter's level and C-clamps, and proceed ing to install cabinets. All the information is here, in 16 pages of commentary and line drawings, including an illustrated list of the tools you will or may need. First, the booklet notes, you must plan your layout and identify cabinets--wall cabinets that are 12 inches deep and base cabinets that are 34Vi inches high by 24 inches deep. Before you can install new cabinets, of course, you have to remove old ones--and the range, refrigerator and any other msyor appliances that will be in the way. (It's sug gested that water systems be removed and, if necessary, relocated by a plumber; also that a professional make electrical connections.) "How To Install Your Own Kitchen" tells how to measure and mark walls to receive cabinets, how to find the high points and compen sate for the low points of floor and walls, how to find the wall studs. Then it tells you ̂ -having accomplished the prepara tory steps--how to install your cabinets. It tells you to start with corner wall units and work aw$y from them, checking that each is square and level before you attach them to one another. It tells you how to install a blank corner or revolving corner'unit as the point of de- p a r t u r e f o r o t h e r b a s e cabinets, and how to align and attach the base cabinets to each other in the same manner as the wall cabinets. Other topics covered in this "how to" manual from one of the country's leading producers of kitchen/bath cabinetry include counter- top installation, soffit treat ments, how to use shims and fillers, and how to realign any door or drawer fronts that for some reason are not parallel once cabinetry is installed. H CAN YOU INSTALL your own kitchen? Yorktowne Cabinets tells you how in a 16-page brochure illus trated with line drawings covering tools, mea surements and installation techniques. To Beautify your home... PINE TREE PET SHOP has attractive aquariums, tropical fish, and all the accessories needed to start you off right in this fascinating hobby. Enchanting birds and elegant cages, as well as other lovable pets are also available. Come see us for all your pet needs. / , ) PINE TREE PET SHOP 2102 RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-6220 .,, - L~l_|--l_l II- ~ ~ -- -- -- - - - A MULTI-PURPOSE, GREENHOUSE-TYPE WINDOW area highlights this "Con servatory" kitchen, designed by William J. Keteham, General Electric'g kitehen design manager. The clean, contemporary styled kitehen has an extended eounter at the sink area for pass-through serving to the patio. "YOU'VE SEEN THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST" CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER CONDITIONING Save Work! Save Money! Cleaner Dishes! with custom made water conditioners BY MRLI ---- MARIO WATER CONMTMNERS FEATSRE •DEPENDABLE FULLY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS •SEAMLESS ONE PIECE SOLUTION TANKS & CABINETS •ECONOMY SALT SAVING BRINE CONTROL •AUTOMATIC BYPASS & "GUEST CYCLE'REGENERATION •FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PRESSURE VESSELS •OUTSTANDING WARRANTY EXCLSSIVE WARRANTY CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER CONDITIONING WILL GUARANTEE EACH UNIT FOR 18 MONTHS (PARTS & LABOR) Pi«S MARLO'S WARRANTY •PRESSURE VESSEL-LIFETIME •VALVE BODY-5YR. •BRINE TANK & BRINE CABINET-10 YR. •ALL OTHER COMPONENTS-2»/j YR. BUY NOW AND SAVE! PfOMPT pROFessiONai SeRVlCE HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9 TO 5 Sot. 10 To 2 VALUABLE COUPON Purchase of a New Custom-made Water Conditioner with WT Exclusive Warranty! (MMRTI tfFEK UMBES SATRRRAY, MARCH 31, 1979) CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER CONMIMMUNC "We Sell the Best & Service the Rest" 1260 N. GREEN ST. DOWNTOWN McHENRY, ILL. FREE ESTIMATES! PHONE S15-M5-2775 Featuring NAME BRANDS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! SERVICE ON ALL MAKES 8 MODELS! fluMSLt ACT HOW & RECEIVE FREE: FREE NAUR ANALYSIS free NO CHARGE FOR NORMAL INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATE