Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1979, p. 2

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spurgeon's TMensM ?> WALLPAPER 1 wgm 250 BOOKS ^ UP TO 25°o SAVIMCS <zA/{o±tl!y OCLCL [ E to N EASTER PARADE - The theme of the annual fashion show presented by the Whispering Oaks Oman's club is "Easter Parade*'. The event will be held at Andre's Steak House in Richmond, pril 4. Some of the charming models participating in this year's event are, from the* left, Hjordis ^arisen, Anna Lura, Janet Riemien, Anne Zednik, Georgia Hickey and Florence Juzwik. Happy ^ime will begin at 11:30 a.m., with lunch at 12:30. Tickets are available from Mrs. Walter Reichmann or general chairman, Mrs. R. Foy. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD GEORGINA RUZICKA RICHBARTLETT ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - John and Vera Ruzicka, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgina, to Rich Bartlett, son of Frank and Evelyn Bartlett of Woodstock. The bride-elect attended McHenry Community high school, and the prospective groom attended Woodstock high school. An August 11 wedding is planned. Proving It "Does your husband live up to the promises he made during his courtship days?" "Always. In those days he said he wasn't good enough for me. Warned! A woman may put on a golf suit and not go near a golf course. She may put on a bathing suit and not go near the water. But look out, fellas, when she puts on a wedding gown--she means business. MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Name- Address- Phone- Parents' Names- Birth Date- Hobbies- School Attended- School Activities- Parents' Signature- Please include picture, preferably black and white. Candidate or parent must bring this coupon to Plaindealer office, 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, in person. Prairie Grove Club Art Show Names Winners The Prairie Grove Activities club's smorgasbord and student Art Show was a great success this year because of the people of the community and school, who donated food, time, and efforts. The Student Art show coordinated with the country picnic theme. Entries of country scenes were done by Kindergarten through eighth grade and placed throughout the school. Judging at each grade level was done on the preceeding Friday and marked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention. On Tuesday, March 6, in an assembly, ribbons were awarded to winners. First place winners from each class are as follows: first grade, Cathy Jo Miller; second, Robert Tanquist; third, Debbie Schuerr; fourth, Jennifer Seda; fifth. Gayle Pearson; sixth, Dan Ferraro; seventh, Sandy Mingotti; and eighth, Leigh Ann RuLon. C.D.A. 573 To Hold Election Members of Court Joyce Kilmer 573, Catholic Daughters of the Americas were informed at the March meeting that it is election of officers year; so the next meeting, April 5, is a very important one. A nominating comittee is to be chosen. The March meeting was refreshingly hosted by Mary Jean Lahs, Mary Kantorski (whose birthday was celebrated), and Bertha Huff. Laura Weber won the attendance prize. The Court's annual spring public card party will be held . April 19. Plans are also well under way for the Mother's Day banquet on Mary 15. This was announced by Martha Cossey for chairlady Eleanor Freund. The April 5 committee chairlady is Rita Ullrich, with Lee Schwarz, Catherine Clark, Elvera Durland. Elizabeth Weber, Margaret Weber, Joan Larkin and Viola Brda. Community I 1 Calendar MARCH 29 McHenry Community high school drama club presents Cole Porter's "Kiss Me Kate"-8 p.m.-West Campus auditorium. Girl Scout Neighborhood meeting-St. Patrick's hall-9:15 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens club "Drivers Refresher Course"- first session-9:45 a.m.- McHenry city hall council chambers. MARCH 30 Rummage sale-Ringwood United Methodist church-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fox Ridge WdlHfcn's club- wine tasting party at the Knights of Columbus hall-8 p.m. McHenry Community high school drama club presents Cole Porter's "Kiss Me Kate"-8 p.m.-West Campus auditorium. MARCH 31 Rummage sale-Ringwood United Methodist church-9 a.m. to noon. • St. Margaret chapter of Naim-cards-St. Mary's Oak room-7:30 p.m. McHenry Community high school drama club presents Cole Porter's "Kiss Me Kate"-8 p.m.-West Campus auditorium. The Mouse That Roared-8 p.m.-Johnsburg high school auditorium. Pigtail League registration- firehouse-10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Newcomers club Couples' Bowling night-Fox Lake Bowl-7 p.m. APRIL 1 Forester Communion Mass-8 a.m.-St. Mary's church- breakfast following in the Legion hall. McHenry Community high school drama club presents Cole Porter's "Kiss Me Kate"-2 p.m.-West Campus auditoriom. APRIL 2 UMW Mission Team, executive committee, meeting- 9 a.m.-First United Methodist church. Craft club, First United Methodist church-10 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens executive committee meeting- McHenry Public Library-10 a.m. St. Patrick's Ladies' guild meeting-1 p.m.-St. Patrick's church hall-slide presentation of the holy Land by Mary Marsh. APRIL 3 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves com­ munity center at 8:45 a.m. Rides available for senior citizens and residents-call 385- 8518 hetween March 26 and 31. Koinonia Group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. Bible study group-First United Methodist church- parlor-11 a.m. Marcia Mary Ball circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church-hostess, Lonah Wendlandt. Pigtail League meeting-7:30 p.m.-city hall-meeting to draft the senior division teams. No free blood pressure screening at the First United Methodist church-free service will resume May 1 at the church-2 p.m. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-noon- hostess: Mrs. Charlene Tonyan. APRIL 4 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-luncheon and fashion show, "Easter Parade"- Andre's. APRIL 5 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess, Karen Colomer^opic:Service. Zion Lutheran church rummage sale-Zion Lutheran church, Waukegan road-9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pigtail League draft, pony division-7:30 p.m.-city hall. McHenry Senior Citizens club "Drivers Riefresher Course'- second session-10 a.m. to noon- city hall council chambers. McHenry Barracks 1315- Veterans of World War I meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Post Home-2505 N. Ringwood road. League of Women Voters- board of directors' meeting-St. Paul's Episcopal churcb-9 a.m. League of Women Voters- Open Forum on McHenry Park planning-McHenry city hall- 7:30 p.m. Joyce Kilmer CD of A meeting-7:30 p.m.-K of C hall. APRIL 6 Zion Lutheran church rummage ~sale-Zion Lutheran church, Waugegan road-9 a.m. to 4 m. United Methodist Women's annual Spring Rummage Sale-8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church. Donkey Basketball game- 6:30 p.m., Johnsburg high school gym. APRIL 7 United Methodist Women's annual Spring Rummage Sale-8 a.m. to noon-First United Methodist church. APRIL 9 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting-7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria. Blood Pressure check- Whispering Oaks Community Center-4513 Front Royal drive-1 to 3 p.m. APRIL 10 Pigtail League draft, Junior division-7:30 p.m.-city hall. Whispering Oaks Woman's club board meeting-9:30 a.m. Newcomers club-monthly meeting-St. Paul's Episcopal church-7:30 p.m.-visitors welcome. APRIL 11 Lakeland Park Women's club meeting-7:30 p.m.-community house-normal meeting date changed because of Holy Thursday. APRIL 12 Priscilla Circle meeting-9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Senior Citizens club "Drivers Refresher Course"- thirdand final session of this series-lOa.m. to noon-McHenry city hall council chambers. League of Women Voters monthly meeting-Presbyterian church-Woodstock-9:30 a.m. APRIL 14 Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m- First United Methodist church. APRIL 16 THEOS meeting, location to be announced. APRIL 18 Fox Ridge Women's club monthly meeting-8 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church. Lakeland Park Women's club annual Spring Gala luncheon and card party-St. Patrick's church hall-serving starts at 11 a.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's club annual meeting and program-1 p.m. Auxiliary to McHenry hospital's spring fashion show- Andre's-social hour, 6:30 p.m - for information, write PO Box 69, McHenry. APRIL 19 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter meeting-hostess: Linda Thietje-topic: Health. United Methodist Women's General meeting-noon at the church-potluck luncheon- Marcia Mary Ball circle, hostesses. Joyce Kilmer Court C D of A Public Card party-8 p.m.-K of C hall. APRIL 20 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM potluck-bring table service-Oak room-St Mary's school-6 p.m. APRIL 21 Order of the Eastern Star card party-7:30 p.m.-1309 N. Court. APRIL 22 Rockford Diocesan con­ ference of Foresters-Chapel Hill country club-April 22 through 25. APRIL 23 McHenry Senior Citizens Gub meeting-7:30 p.m.-West Campus cafeteria. THE Furniture Hospital CRYSTAL LAKE UPHOLSTERY SHOP S REPAIRING t REGLUING Larry & Jim Seymour «1S/4S»-06S3 APRIL 27 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter, Founder's day dinner. McHenry Market Pja^e 385-4100 Come In ft See Our NEW LOOK! BEN FRANKLIN STORE 1250 N.Green St. 3S5-M06 McHenry, III. PAGE 2 - PUVINDF.AI.ER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28,1979 LOOK THIS THURSDAY I MARCH 29 H E L D O V E R . . . Women of the Moose Lun­ cheon and Card party-noon- Moose Lidge-advance tickets available-call 385-3267 or 653- 9262. Miss Teen Finalists APRIL 26 St. Gara Court 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, installation. APRIL 28 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-cards-Oak room-St. Mary's-7:30 p.m. APRIL 30 Beta Sigma Phi, PiAlpha chapter, Founder's day. MAY 3 McHenry Barracks 1315, Veterans of World War I- meeting-2 p.m.-McHenry Post home-2505 N. Ringwood road. Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess: Virg Stasiak-topic: Use of Leisure. MAY 17 Beta Sigma Phi, Pi Alpha chapter meeting-hostess: Ingrid Nuhsbaum-no program. "Friends In Service Here" McHenry Chapter SPRING-EASTER Spring is here, we welcome her, and invite her to stay. How nice to see the roads again, and . to wave to our neighbors and friends. We look for the first green slips of green of the coming tulips and hyacinths. Soon it will be Easter, and Fish is making plans now for baskets for needy families. Any contributions one would like to make of food items, paper products, candy, may be brought to St. Patrick's church basement, McHenry. Use the door to the left side of the vestibule. These may be brought on Saturday, April 7 and Sunday (a.m. only), April 8. Please bring cartons, if possible. Volunteers will be needed to prepare the baskets on Sunday morning, April 8. The Girl Scouts have offered to be with us, too. Deliveries will be made as soon as boxes are ready. If a person prefers to send a check or certificate from a supermarket, please address the envelope to Fish, Box 282, McHenry, 111., 60050. FISH can always use more volunteers to carry on our telephone lines and also for transportation. One is asked to offer one day a month for telephone calls that come up with reauests for rides to the doctor, hospital, etc., or one day a month to take folks to the hospital, doctor, etc. Possibly a husband and wife team can work together, or two neigh­ bors. Give it some serious thought and let us answer your questions. There are no dues, no meetings to attendV but lots of satisfaction through helping others. Call FISH, 385-0258, or^te FISH, Box 282, McHenry^ Illinois, 60050. Kindness is a warm breeze in a frigid climate - a radiant heat that melts the icebergs of fear, distrust and unhappiness! M.G. Fog Cancels THEOS Program The T.H.E.O.S. group met at a restaurant on Route 120 on Monday, March 19 at 5:30 p.m. The crowd was rather small due to the fact that the "fog" was beginning to appear. A nice leisurely dinner was enjoyed; however, it had become so very "foggy" that it was unanimously agreed that it would be better for everyone to go home, rather than return to the church for the program. Mae Stinespring and Margaret Andersen, hostesses, reached the speakers and cancelled the program. The next meeting will be on Monday, April 16 at 5:30 p.m., when Marian Doenecke and Dorothy Yeoman will be the hostesses. As soon as they decide upon the restaurant, location will be published. T.H.E.O.S., "To Help Each Other Smile", is a non- denominational group, for widows and widowers, meeting the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, then going to the First United Methodist church for a meeting and program. LAURETTE WEDELL Lori Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Robertson, McHenry, and Laurette Wedell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wedell, Island lake, have been selected to be finalists in the 1979 Illinois Miss Teen-USA pageant to be held at the Sheraton-Oakbrook, June 29 and 30, and July 1. The pageant is the official state­ wide finals for the Miss Teen- USA to be held in Albuqueque, New Mexico in November, 1979. Contestants from all over the state will be competing for the title. All contestants are between the ages of 14 and 18 and must have at least a "B" average in school. They are requested to participate in the community service program of the Miss Teen-USA pageant. Through this program many youngsters are becoming involved in community activities by contributing at least twelve hours of time to LORIROBERTSON some worthwhile charity or civic work. Among the prizes the winner of the Illinois Miss Teen-USA pageant will receive is a self- improvement course, cash scholarship to the school of her choice, and an all expense paid trip to the national finals where she will compete for $15,000 in scholarships, $2,000 in wardrobe, the use of a new automobile for the reigning year and a $2,000 personal appearance contract. Contestants will be judged on scholastic and civic achievements, beauty, poise and personality. The contestants may choose to give either a two minute speech on "My Favorite Patriot" or a two minute patriotic talent presentation. Speeches will be judged on content and delivery. Talent will be judged on originality and performance. No swimsuit competition is required. GOURMET CLUB DINNER - Joe and Nancy John, McHenry, are pictured as they prepared a treasured family recipe for a recent gourmet dinner sponsored by the Town and Country Newcomers club at their home. The gourmet club is a special interest mini- group within the newcomers club. A service and social club, the Newcomers group has undertaken several fund-raising events, including the Cutest Baby contest during Fiesta Days, for the benefit of the community. Membership information may be obtained from jlidie Wilcox at 385-4650. UMW Genera l Mee t ing Acts Or¥ Large Agenda With the Priscilla circle hosting, the Agape luncheon was shared as the high point of March meeting, before oving on to the many items of business on the busy agenda of the United Methodist Women at their monthly general meeting. Veretta Gerstad, chairlady of the spring Rummage Sale advised that rummage can be brought to the church basement beginning the week of March 25. Dates and times are Friday, April 6 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday, April 7, from 8 a.m. to noon. Pick-up for large items can be arranged by calling the church office, 385- 0931. Veretta has a list of volunteers to help on this project, but there is still room for more workers. Marilyn Haines reported on the activities of the building committee whose meeting she attended. In order for the Evening circle to feel more involved, two evening meetings are being scheduled, one in June and the other in September, both at 7:30 p.m. Pat Esposito talked about the "Crop Walk" on Palm Sunday, at 1:30 p.m., at Moraine Hills state park, urging members to walk or sponsor walkers on the ten mile hike. The Mother and Daughter banquet scheduled for May 17 was discussed, and a program interesting to both children and adults is being planned. On April 3. both the Marcia Mary Bell circle and the Ruth circle will be meeting at the church at noon. Members of both circles bring their own sandwiches and the hostesses serve the dessert and beverages. At the conclusion of the circle meetings, a Tee Shirt demonstration party is scheduled for 1:30 p.m ., with an open invitation to friends and guests to attend the demon­ stration party. This party should be very interesting, and the U.M.W. will serve coffee and cookies. Everyone is most welcome to attend. The next U.M.W. general meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 19, at noon, and will be a potluck luncheon with the Marcia Mary Ball circle as hostesses. * * * * An unintentional error is often stupid but not as stupid as the derision which sometimes greets it. • * * * One of the most valu­ able discoveries about so- called big men is that under the skin they are just ordinary little men. • • * * The trouble with spring is that it makes you too lazy to work. Incidentally. summer, autumn and winter have the same fault. COMPLETE LINE OF DRAPERY 300 STYLES & PATTERNS HARDWARE •CUSTOM DRAPES LOW-LOW PRICES DRAPERY IN TOWN!! You owe it to yourself to shop & compare! IN STOCK •CURTAINS A SNEERS 200 STYLES & COLORS 72nd ANNIVERSARY SALE! LOOK FOR OUR Super Section IN THIS WEEK'S McHENRY COUNTY CITIZEN 4 FULL PAGES OF MONEY SAVING ITEMS FOR VOU AND YOUR FAMILY!

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