Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1979, p. 5

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Wonder Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 Father-Son Cub Scout Bake Off Great Success One of the hardest decisions I have had to make in some time was recently put, not on my shoulders, but in my mouth and eyes. Thursday night, March 22, Mr. Ed O'Brien, fire chief of Company One, and I were the judges in a father-son bake off held at the monthly meeting of Pack 145. This is an annual event, and talent scouts from all the nearby bakeries should have attended. There were twenty cakes on display, baked and decorated totally by the fathers and sons. I had thought they would be typical layer cakes, but was I in for a surprise! The most original cake was one that looked like a puzzle of the United States. Each state was individually decorated and placed in the puzzle, right down to each of the Hawaiian Islands. This was made by Mike and Chris Stolle. First place went to David and Tom Murray, who created a Flinstone scene, with a house and even the Flinstone's car. Second place tasted delicious with a pudding frosting covered with coconut decorating a rabbit. It was made by Steve and Siegfried Peter. Joe and Steve Liggett created a beautiful flag. The red and white stripes were done with tiny star shaped frosting. It received third place. If we had our way, Mr. O'Brien and I would have picked all twenty as winners. The time put in on the cakes must have been hours. There was a castle with miniature marshmallows lending to a brick effect, a lion, a cute dog, a train, a Cub Scout cap, and a pinewood derby race track with three cars. It was un­ believable! After the judging, the cakes were auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Pack. Other events of the evening were the awarding of some pins by the scout leader, Tom O'Brien. Chris Stolle received two Silver Arrows; Dan Pend- zynski, a one year pin; and Chris Churchill one Silver Arrow. Mike Johnson and Randy Moore received Webelos Badges. Individual skits were in­ troduced by the Webelo leader Roger Moore. Those par­ ticipating were: Steve Liggett, John Chesler, Brian Nutter, David Murray, Mike Johnson, and Randy Moore. The 1979 Scout show, "The Wonderful World of Scouting", will take place April 21, at the McHenry county fairgrounds from 1 to 8 p.m. Fifty percent of the ticket sales will go to the Pack; so Mr. Dominic Iodice encouraged the parents to help their sons with ticket sales. SPRING ARRIVAL March 20 not only marked the arrival of spring, but the arrival of a daughter to James and Linda Mazan of Deep Springs. She has been named April. What better name for a spring time little girl! She weighed 7 lbs., 14 oz., and was 20 inches in length. Maternal grandparents are Don and Arlene Buss, formerly of Wonder Lake, who now live in Cottonwood, Arizona. , Paternal grandparents are Wally and Flo Mazan of Wonder Lake. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For those residents on the southeast side of Wonder Lake, Landmark school asked me to announce that McHenry school district 15, will be having kindergarten registration and screening from March 26 to April 4. It will take place at Zion Lutheran church, 4206 W. Route 120, in McHenry. Completion of a registration form, parent interview, and educational screening are required for all children who will be entering kindergarten this fall. This is dorte by ap­ pointment only. You may receive an appointment by calling 385-7210. ANNIVERSARY DINNER Final plans for the Young At Hearts anniversary dinner were discussed at the March 21 meeting held in Christ the King church hall. The dinner will be held April 18, at one oNour local restaurants. The club is looking ahead to summer by planning a picnic to be held July 11, at Petersen Park in McCullom Lake. Marie Robinson, president, received a birthday card signed by the members, who also sang "Happy Birthday". Marie celebrated her special day on March 26. Marge Clark, Lucille Kowar, and June Tepper were the ladies who "provided the desserts for this meeting. The next meeting will be April 4, at 11 a.m. at Christ the King church hall. Anyone in­ terested in joining should stop in any first or third Wednesday of the month. PARENT'S MEETING Tonight, March 28, at 7 p.m., there will be a meeting for all parents of boys who will be playing baseball in the Wonder Lake Boy's Baseball league this coming summer. It will be held at the Wonder Lake Inn, 5506 E. Wonder Lake road. The rules for the Major, Minor, and Teeners will be discussed, along with the budget. Carl Kieman, president of the league, yrould like to see as many parents as possible at­ tend. PINOCHLE CLUB If Pinochle is your game, the members of Pinochle club would like you to join them. They are in need of some more players and it doesn't matter if you are a novice or an expert. They meettn Christ the King church hall between April and December, beginning at 7 p.m. Their next meeting will be April 5. If you would like more in­ formation, you could call Mrs. Draffkorn at 653-9763. COMMUNITY CALENDAR March 28-Boy's Baseball parents meeting, 7 p.m.- Wonder Lake Inn April 2-Senior Citizens meeting, l p.m.-Nativity Lutheran church April 4-Young At hearts meeting, 11 a.m.-Christ the King church April 5-Pinochle club, 7 p.m.- Christ the King church April 5-Woman's club board meeting, 8 p.m. April 8-4th Grade CCD group Reconciliation service, 10:45 a.m. April 15-Easter April 19-Woman's club meeting, 8 p.m.-Nativity Lutheran church Kennel Club Show Attracts Record 3,131 Dogs The thirty-ninth annual In­ ternational Kennel Club Dog show will be held at the In­ ternational Amphiheatre March 31 and April 1. A total of 3,131 dogs have been entered in the show, making this the largest benched dog show in the United States thus far for 1979. The International is a ben­ ched show. There will be three groups judged each day. The Working, Terrier, and Non- Sporting dogs will be judged Saturday, March 31, and Sporting, Hound and Toy on Sunday, April 1. The dogs in each group will be benched only on the day they will be judged. More than 80 commercial exhibitors will display their wares at this year's dog show. Their products include every need in the canine industry. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Airshow Team PAGE 5 - »»I.AIN1)E A1.KH If "The Spirit of America" airshow team is shown above with some of the models members will be flying at "Expo II" in June. "The Spirit of America" airshow team will be flying at "Expo II" June 2-3 at Lakehurst Shopping center at Waukegan. In addition, there will be an exhibit and contest in the Mall for any builder of a radio-controlled model aircraft wishing to enter the com­ petition. McHenry has numerous model plane enthusiasts who will be participating. The rules and entry blanks will be published in the near future and will be available throughout the Lake, Cook, and McHenry county areas or upon request. Radio control, or"RC" as it is called by those who par­ ticipate. mans just what it says: control by radio. An RC model, typically with a five-foot WI DXKSIIAY, MARCH 28,1979 wingspan and flying at speeds of from 50 mph to over 100 mph, is controlled from the ground by a hand-held, miniaturized, transmitting statiojMAat sends out from one to 12 channels of information. The "pilot" on the ground, sends these command signals to his airborne model which contains a receiver less than half the size of a package of cigarettes. The model is one on which the builder spends from several weeks to several months constructing. Along with the receiver the model contains some highly miniaturized control actuators, called 4'servos,' that receive switching signals from the receiver to drive the proper control sur­ face to the right position. Other functions modelers use their receivers and servos to com' mand are such units as retracting landing gear, steerable nose wheel, flaps, and wheel brakes. RC models can do everything and more that a full-szie air­ craft can do. Their ability to do more stems from the fact that there is no real pilot aboard, so maneuvers need not be limited within the human physical ability to withstand Explained Someone has assured the country thafMh*- dollar st i l l contains 10 dimes and 20 nickles. The problem isn ' t change, but ex change. -Post . Dcnvei vr£j Cheese Consumption Since 1965, cheese consumption has increased by about 70 per cent. Consumption in the U.S. ex­ ceeded 16 pounds per person last year. V The McHenry Medicol Group announces the association of JOSEPH S. DICKSTEIN, M.D in the practice of OBSTETRICS and GYNECOLOGY 1110 North Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Office Hours Dy Appointment Telephone: (815) 385-1050 See Why Our Furniture & Prices Are Real... OmumL Pimm I STOP IN TODAY! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 a CONTEMPORARY SOFA & LOVESEAT TOP GRADE HERCULON FABRIC $1095 VALUE 699 95 TOP GRADE 100% NYLON MATERIAL EARLY AMERICAN SOFA & LOVESEAT $79995 GOOD/YEAH ECONOMY STARTS Choose This Goodyear Value .For Long, Low- Cost Mileage! Rib Hi-Miler is the tire to see. Check out the hefty 5-rib tread, the buttressed shoulders, the big footprint. Inside, there's an all nylon cord body that helps keep this tire going, mile after mile after mile. See it today! 32 40 6.70-15 TT. LR C, plus $2 44 F.E.T. and old tire Free Mounting On Standard One Piece Rims Blackwall Size & Type Load Range OUR PRICE Plus F.E.T. and old tire 75M6TT D 56.43 3.70 56.03 3.50 80016.5TL 0 56.03 3.50 875-16.5TT C 61.02 3.65 For Pickups, Vans, Campers, Light Trucks TRACKER A T... ALL TERRAIN TRACTION FOR GO ANYWHERE FREEDOM! TRACKER LT... NYLON DEPENDABILITY HELPS KEEP YOU ON THE GO! 46 00 Size Sidewall Load Range OUR PRICE Plus F.E.T. and old tire 10-15 Blackwall B 40.00 $4.23 10-15 OWL B 45.90 $4.23 11-15 OWL B 7I.M $4.50 Outline White Letter Size 9-15, LR B, plus $4.10 F.E.T. and old tire DU iUfl) PICKUPS AND VANS 78 Series & Wide Treads Size! Type Load Range OUR PRICE Plus F.E.T. and old tire H7I1STL c St. 00 145 D 74.00 4.« D 50.74 3- r [ mm | o 40.00 ii n G78-15 TL blackwall LR C, plus $3.18 F.E.T. and old tire Free Mounting On Standard One Piece Rims! WHITE SPOKE WAGON WHEELS 1 5 x 8 35 64 EACH PLUS CAPS. LUGS & TAX OTHER SIZES AND STYLES AT LOW PRICES, TOO! Lube & Oil Change $£•8 Oil Filter Extra • Up to 5 quar ts 10/30 major brand oi l • Helps protec t moving par t s • Chass is lu­ br ica t ion and oi l change • Check f lu id leve ls • Inc ludes light trucks • Call for an ap­ pointment. Front-End Alignment 1 7 " | B TRUCKS Pad* if 'taui'M ClC'uOfS «'0"» «he<i I".* TRUCKS AND VANS SLIGHTLY HIGHER •Piotect tire& and improve vehitle p**rt<>' manrr 'Check suspension and steering system *Se,l camber, easier and toe-in to manufacturers specifications Most U S made - some mport cars Engine Tune-lip 46 VANS ADO * 00 Price includes parts and labor .M ie« for electronic ignition 88 6 C»l $41 aa 4 cyf. $49-M 8 cyl • tlrrlronir rrn^inr slnrttnft 'inil th.irtjinn system •in.iKsis • ln<will nriv poin:«. sp.irk pliijis con ilrnsri .tnd rutin • Sri ilwvrll .ind cnRinr timing • A11111st r.n(junior Inr furl rrnnumy • No rxtr* iliaiur lot .in i ondituinrd rars • Includes Volks \\dK' ii •Tuynti D.itsun ,ind li^ht trucks adjust mem noUnctated w GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER OWNED AND OPERATED BY: McHENRY CHECKPOINT, INC. 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL PHONE 385-7300 HOURS: MONDAY -- FRIDAY 8-&30 SATURDAY 8430 CREDIT TERMS 9 All living room, dining room and bedroom sets in our store available for immediate delivery to your home. Or, use our convenient lay-away plan. PEDESTAL OR TRESTLE TABLE Includes 4 side chairs, and 2 Captain's chairs. NOW REG. $799.95 629 95 Elegance Beyond Compare! CHERRY DINING ROOM KG.S29S5 $1799" •" I * i * k .« £ ! /'{ Ui •k ,tBT I t -S , » >!r.:. * • •' ift* *2 f SOFA SLEEPERS ALL STYLES • Early American • Contemporary • Traditional FROM s34995 AND UP U NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND BEDDING QUEEN SIZE DEC. 128995 * » * ' * » i • * *• •>! NOW » • > > TT* ^ * k A fc * * * » *189 95 FULL SIZE REG.S249.95 NOW $14995 TWIN SIZE REG. S199.95 BENTWOOD ROCKER KC.t1B.99 $8995 MANY OTHER STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Occasional Chairs And Dining Rooms SUPER SALE PRICED! Due To A Special Purchase We Have Some Amazing Red Tag Living Room Specials! <•> STRATOLOUNGER RECLJNER RE6. $329.95 $219" ST Home of American D<e« 4618 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY. ILL mdlEHKY Koine fwnishings "The Store That Cares To Save You Money" M«.. Ties.. Tlars., fri 9 aa ti 9 pa. irf. I Sat 9 aa ti S pa So. Km t» 5 pa-fne Stt-ap. Minn. • lap Saat as Cask 385-8200

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