Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1979, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25,1979 Jolinsburv Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Restoration Of St John's Church Well Underway St. John the Baptist Catholic parish, Johpsburg, was organized in 1841. First bap­ tism, September, 1841. First church constructed 1842 of logs. First marriage, May 8, 1943. First Catholic school in McHenry county founded by the parish in 1943. Second church constructed 1850 of frame. Third church con­ structed 1867-1880 of brick. The first three churches were destroyed by fire. The fourth church built in 1900 of brick, is now 79 years old, and being restored. No doubt you received a copy of the Woodstock Daily Sen­ tinel, dated Monday, April 16, which included a number of special sections with news of years gone by. In Section C- Page 10, there was a bold heading - "The New St. John's Catholic Church - Dedication." It surely caught our eye - and especially when we noticed services were to be by the Catholic Bishop of Chicago on Sunday, July 24, 1870! This set us straight. But it was on the same site that our present church building now stands, and in which restoration work is in progress. Yes, a great deal of work has been'completed, but the most difficult part, final decoration, is now under way, requiring a great deal of time and effort to complete. We'll try to keep you posted as time goes on. RUMMAGE SALE St. John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality annual event, starts tomorrow, Thursday, April 26, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and continued Friday, April 27, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., in the basement of the Johnsburg Community club - entrance east side of building. There will be many in­ teresting items for all your family, be sure not to miss it! St. John's Restoration fund will benefit from this sale. N.C.S.F. St. Agatha Court 777 - our best wishes for a happy and successful year for all the newly elected officers - Laura Schmitt, president; Katie Huff, vice-president; Elaine Miller, recording secretary; Jane Mann, financial secretary; Evelyn Diedrich, treasurer. BEST WISHES and God's blessing to Angela De Wolfe and David Sanderson of St. John's parish, who were served at the Table of the Lord for the first time this month. HOME AND HOSPITAL Our sick need your prayers, remember them. Also, stop in and visit your neighbors now that our weather is better. Those who live alone, need company, to encourage them. Share some of your time with them. If they are hospitalized, visit them or send a card. God bless you. VISITORS Mrs. Marie De Wit, River- dale, and Mr. and Mrs. John Pepping,, her daughter and husband^ stopped in to visit Agnes K. Freund, Johnsburg road, Monday, April 16. The Peppings went on to Whispering Hills to also spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pepping. A very pleasant dinner was enjoyed by-Marie De Wit, Mrs. Bob Green, McHenry, Mrs. Mamie (Joe) Schmitt, Agnes and her sister, Mary K. Sch­ mitt, as well as a relaxing visit. CONGRATULATIONS To all the Johnsburg area girls and boys, young women and men who have been reported recently in the Plaindealer, for excellence in their particular field, armed services and schools. This information is always good news for all of our readers. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Be sure to check the "Service Line" listing in the McHenry Plaindealer by the McHenry Chamber of Commerce. You will find information and phone numbers for many local, state and federal departments that can give you the information you need for answers to many of your questions! JOHNSBURG HIGH SCHOOL "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" - a musical, Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28, in the John­ sburg high school auditorium. There are about thirty-five in the cast. Should be excellent entertainment for everyone. Time; 8 p.m. Tickets available at school. P.T.O.-DISTRICT 12 Tuesday, May 15, Johnsburg high school auditorium - Talent Show - from six years up! You know from previous presen­ tations this is a special show - be sure to come. Time: 7:30 p.m. SPRING DINNER-THEATRE An evening of One-Act plays, scheduled for Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26, John­ sburg high school auditorium. Keep the dates open. More information to come. FISH Friends In Service Here - it is felt that all of you are aware of the Fish organization - we have been working together, all volunteers, for more than five years. Our pantry has enabled us to help many a family over a bad spot, until their usual source of income was re-established. It is a one-time emergency help only. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter our needy families are remembered - but as you and I know - we have to eat everyday, not only on holidays. Due to the flooding conditions, and also other causes, we presently find our shelves empty. We do not like to turn away any worthy request. We would like to ask, if you are able, that any food you can spare be brought to Fish at this time. Canned fruit, vegetables, paper goods, canned and powdered milk, meat, soups, etc...all items necessary to keep a home and family going. These may be brought to my home, in Jak-Ana Heights, Johnsburg, 4009 N. Hill crest Place, and will be picked up by Fish members and delivered to those in need. - If you prefer to send a check, or a certificate from a super­ market, please mail to FISH, Box 282, McHenry, 111., 60050 God bless you. DATES TO REMEMBER April 26 and 27 - Rummage Sale, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, St. John's Church, Johnsburg Community club basement. April 27 and 28 - Musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." 8 p.m., Johnsburg high school auditorium. May 8 - Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, St. John's Mother's Dav meeting, Potluck suooer DELLIIQUORSI MERCHANTS Hh OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS 385-3200 4610 W. RTE. 120-McHENRY, ILL SALE GOOD WED.. APRIL 25 thru TUES.. MAY 1 From Our Wine Shoppe •IMPORTED] SWEET OR DRY llfiHAWAUrftj <=• H ~ •Rhinoskollor Moselle •Vln Rose •Chianti TEN HIGH ttUlOMT torn** WNISfttY RHINESKELLER MOSELLE IMPORTED MT. GAY BARBADOS IRUMI WHITE OR MD NEW! From Colony - CHILLED LIGHT BURGUNDY Ii £cma&ifln LTD (Mamm mil** FROM OUR DELI MERKT'S CHEESES 1.5 LITRE MAGNUM $o\onu, WINE 5»*0U4iS * HARVEY? Mil u'Ac'a M Come on in this Fri. & Saturday and taste this new Colony Wine! COMPARE McHENRY! YOU'LL SAVE MORE AT BELL LIQUORS!! CANFIELD'S FLAVORS 116 oz.ims. PEPSI DIET PEPSI PEPSI LIGHT ne oums COKE-TAB FRESCA SPRITE 8-1E 02. ITTIS. W'^l" Pl»S0£P. If "SKp. OLD STYLE 116 OZ. CANS 1 99 PLUS OfP *1 RC COLA DIET RITE A&W ROOT 7-UP CANFIELD'S MIXERS 8-iG oz ims PIUS PEP PIUS DEP. OLD MILWAUKEE FOX DELUXE i» 2 1 FOR 00 NO RETURN BOTTLES 24-12 OZ. BOTTLES 3 49 6:30 p.m., Schaefer residence. May 15 - P.T.O. School District 12, Talent Show, 7:30 p.m., Johnsburg high school auditorium. May 25 and 26 - Spring-Dinner Theatre. One-Act plays. Johnsburg high school auditorium. May 28 - Memorial Day, Johnsburg Community Unit School District 12. June 13 - Blessed Virgin Mary Annual Luncheon-Card party. Johnsburg Community club. W.L.S. RADIO CONTEST Report just received over the radio to the effect that John­ sburg high school won the contest that was open to ap­ proximately 500 high schools in Illinois and surrounding areas. They accumulated the greatest amount of votes called in for their school. The prize is a complete day at Great America, Gurnee, with the park for their exclusive use on April 29, the day before the o f f i c i a l o p e n i n g . Congratulations! Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Cafeteria Supplies for the 1979-80 school year. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. May 7,1979. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, IL. Michael R. Kelly Business Manager (Pub. April 25,1979) Legal Notice Johnsburg Community Unit School District No. 12 will be receiving bids for asphalt Saving. pecitications for the above mentioned bid package are available from Dr. Ken Falkinham, 2117 W. Church Street, McHenry, IL. 60050. Completed sealed bids are due May 10, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. at the Administration Office. The CALLING ALL "MOTHERS" aid "Mothers To Be" to shape up for your big day! Get a fresh new look from FRAN "JUST FOR YOU" FRANS HIDDEN 1212 N. Green St (Office 8) McHenry, It. 344-1019 Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids found to be in the best interest of the District. BOBBIE HART, Secretary (Pub. April 25,1979) Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING EQUALIZATION BY BOARD OF REVIEW Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 108 of the T,Revenue Act of 1939", that the Board of Review of McHenry County proposes to equalize assessments of farms, as defined by Section 1, of said Act, by applying to each assessment tne multipler (s) set forth below: The following multipliers will be appliedto land value only on all parcels of farm property that have a farm classification as defined by the Illinois Revenue Statutes 1977 - Chapter 120, Section 501e and classified as 0010 or 0020 in all assessments and tax records of McHenry County, applies to the 1978 assessments. Chemung Alden Hebron Richmond Burton Dunham Hartland Greenwood McHenry Marengo Seneca Dorr Nunda Riley Coral Grafton Algonquin Twp. 1.27 Two. 1.35 Twp. 1.18 Twp. 1.22 Twp. 1.22 Twp. 1.11 Twp. 1.11 Twp. 1.08 Twp. 1.08 Twp. 1.26 Twp. 1.12 Twp. 1.14 Twp. 1.09 Twp. 1.08 Twp. 1.15 Twp. 1.27 Twp. 1.00 Notice is further given that the owners of property affected or anyone representing them, or other citizens of the affected territory mav aDDear before the Board of Review at a hearing to be held in Room 203, McHenry County Court House, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 on May 7,1979 at 9:30 a.m. to show cause why such action should not be taken. Board of Review, McHenry County Walter J. Dean, Chairman Iola Desmond, Member Robert Eickstadt, Member (Pub. Apr. 20,25 & May 2,1979) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on April 13th, A.D. 1979, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, con­ ducting and transacting the business known as TRANS AMERICAN OIL AND GAS OPERATING COMPANY, located at 3709 Tilche Lane, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. Dated this 13th day of April, A . D . 1 9 7 9 . Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk. (Pub. Apr. 18,25 & May 2,1979) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on April 5th, A.D. 1979, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenrv County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as VALLEY ELEC­ TRIC, located at 4031 Dayton Street, (McHenry Shores), McHenry, 111., 60050. Dated this 5th day of April, A.D. 1979 Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk - (Pub. Apr. 11,18 & 25,1979) Concert Association In Membership Drive Music lovers and theatre goers of the Belvidere Com­ munity Concert association have a very special event scheduled for them Wed­ nesday, April 25 at 8 p.m., at Belvidere communitv building. The Young Americans salute Richard Rodgers with a cast of forty-plus brilliant young ar­ tists. Admission to this concert is by season membership in the Belvidere Community Concert association. Memberships for 1979-1980 series are being ob­ tained now from any worker. Drive week is scheduled for April 30 through May 4.Memberships can be obtained for the 1979-80 series by calling Belvidere headquarters, 544- 6831. W0RKWISE J 1. I applied for a job as a receptionist through a private employment agency. After filling out an application, I was interviewed by a counsellor who told me he didn't have any requests for receptionists. I overheard the counsellor at the next desk referring a lady she was interviewing to a job for a receptionist. I feel I was discriminated against. Who should I complain to? Contact: Division of Private Employment Agencies, Illinois Department of Labor, 910 S. Michigan Avenue, Room 1863, Chicago, 111., 60605 ( 312 ) 793- 2818 or Fair Employment Practices Commission, 179 West Washington, Chicago, 111., 60601 (312 ) 793-6200. 2. I am unemployed. Are there any employment agen­ cies which will help me find a job without charging me a fee? Yes. A good source for free employment agency services is Job Service of the Illinois Department of Labor. You will find a complete listing in your telephone directory under "Illinois. State Office". Questions may be submitted to Workwise, 910 S. Michigan Avenue, Room 1823, Chicago, 111., 60605 •New Homes HOUSE CLEANING-CONTRACTORS SPECIALS •Light Housekeeping •Moid Service •Small offices ^ > •Apartments •Weekly Bi-monthly •Moving in or out k~Btfl&wu*?ro>e"iono1 •Models CLEANING SERVICE INC. FREE ESTIMATES - Call Today 385-0283 Arizona sun 3321 W. EI_M ST. MC HENRY. ILL. 815-385-1633 AUTHENTIC WESTERN WEAR & INDIAN JEWELRY vArizonlv SUN HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10 to 5:30 Fri. 10 to 9 PIUS DEPOSIT McHenry BELT Buckle (ACTUAL SIZE) IN PEWTER OR SOLID BRASS 1st Edition Collector's Buckle Production of this McHenry buckle is limited to 1000. Copyright and distribution rights owned solely by Arizona Sun, Western Wear & Indian Jewelry, McHenry. Each year we'll introduce a new collectors' McHenry buckle of limited edition, designed by local artist, Sally Miller. The value of this buckle should increase rapidly. Start your collection now. THE FIRST 400 BUCKLES WILL RETAIL FOR $6.00 THE SECOND 400 FOR $7.50 - & THE LAST 200 for $9.00 Croat Gifts for P«»t B- Pwitnt Rwidtnti, Too! --r-n ^

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