VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON Get? yen thorjtscij* wt-feat VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON SECTION A - PAGE A4 We bring variety to life! UR 102nd BIRTHDAYCELEBRATI Btmhskl BUNK TAPE CASSETTES • hekagi of 3 Bonus pack . . . Set of three blank cas sette tapes that re cord 60 minutes each. Twin Pack PRINGIES POTATO CHIPS Onward TABLETS, ENVELOPES Gillette ̂supermax2 styter/dryer Men s, women's styles. R$§. *149 MowOalf Rt§. 69* neh Take par pick Commercial, confiden tial, desk pack envel opes. 100-sheet writing tablets. Twice as much munching! Old favorites and new flavors, tool On/off switch, 2 air speeds, 3 attachments. 800 watts. UL Approved. UTUMMMOT DAYTIME k HAHtt> - 'i I* Sterling PAMPERS TODDLERS 1ft % *184 HawMf Rag. 99* MowOafy Ra§. *1.79 MmOafy Two rolls of tape, each with its own handy dis penser! Each roll 800- inches. Daytime disposable diapers for babies over 25 lbs. Pleated for better fit, "new" tape tabs. Miracle Brand. Two sealed 8-oz. bagsj for use as "needefcl. J Compact. Ideal for purse, pocket, or auto. Color choice. f FOR OVER-DRY SKIN 110-112 PAGE A4 CONDENSED