PACE 8 - PLAMDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY 2$, in* STAMPS AND STORIES By Stanley James In about the first century, A.D., Greek mathematician Herod described a primitive steam-driven device known as an aeolipile. Ever since, great minds hive groped with the prin ciple of steam-driven power. In 1769, Scottish engineer James Watt patented a practi cal steam engine that utilized a piston rod to power other types of machinery. The first steam- powered boat to ply American waters, designed by James Rumsey of Maryland, navi gated the waters of New York, Maryland and Virginia. Robert Fulton developed the steam- driven paddle-wheeler, and within a few years, these boats were hauling cargo and pas sengers along the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes and the Atlantic coast. On May 22, 1819, the "Savannah," a full-rigged sailing ship fitted with steam engines and side paddle wheels steamed out of Sa vannah, Georgia, bound for Liverpool, England. Though regular trans-oceanic steam ship passage was still more than 20 years away, the Savan nah was the first steam-fitted vessel to cross the Atlantic. The event was memorial ized 125 years later, on May 22,1944, with the issuance of a three-cent commemorative postage stamp, first placed on sale in Savannah, Ga.t and Kings Point, N.Y., home of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Fifty-Fifty "How is your garden get ting along, old man?" "Well, if the green things coming up are vegetables, it's fine; but if they're weeds, it's terrible." A HELPING I'AWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 * Crystol Lake, Illinois 60014 •(•15)459-2641 w Clara was sitting in the movies with her girl friend when the trailer of an animal film was put on, showing a donkey going to its manger for food. Clara: "Heavens! I quite forgot to get my husband's supper!" ightty overwhelmed by the details of planning a wedding? And a household? Our Welcome Wagon NEARIYWED PARTY* simplifies your decision-making. It's planned around young brides-to-be with gifts and advice from a full range of bridal professionals And it's a fun way to plan for the big day Call now for reservations Carolyn Farrington l m usually at home 385-7980 OIL Darling Staffordshire mix pup, brindle and white, male, all shots, S months, very good with children and pets. 338-7568. Phot*Credit: Don Kaiser By Kathleen Thayer As we had been expecting, the spring time rush is on and it is literally "raining cats and dogs" in McHenry county. Animal Control is not funded to care for cats, but because of a warm heart they have far too many at the present time. They need large cages to ac- * K toWCI*Weed is having a Memorial Day Sale to remember. NOW GET ̂ Aahnujicusi QUALITY AT BRAND X" PRICES! And these Great Outdoor Cooking Machines are loaded with everything to make your cooking fast, easy, and fun: if •Cook practically anything you can cook indoors. Roast, broil, grill, bake, warm -and smoke. •Charm-Rok® briquets. No charcoal, no mess. Self- cleaning, too. •Quick heat-up, so you start cooking fast. •Stainless steel grid and burners clean easily, resist rust. •Cast .aluminum for no- rust, year-round use. Model 1030. Single burner, portable cart 235 sq. In. cooking surface. NOW ONLY v *14995 (with 20 lb. LP gas tank) SAvgiS. sale &S&- tySSt»'• *• "• BONUS: Buy the Charmglow Rotisserie Set for your grill and get a Charmlite Electronic Ignitor at no extra cost. ROPE HAMMOCKS from $8,5..$6695 CHAISE WITH (unassembled) 60"VANDY CRAFT TABLE with built in Lazy Susan with 4 curved benches $319,s R®g NOW (unassembled) OPEN MONDAY, MAY 28th 9 to ocJ cwerwi Highways 14 & 176 Crystal Lake Phone 815-459-6200 Mon.-Fri. 9 to t Sat. A Sun 9 to 5 0'Bft£U)£ftV SINCE 1868--FOOD & SPIRITS 3s 3429 N. PEARL ST. - McHCNRV |1 Block North of Route 120) 385-3130 Delicious Homemade Specials SOUPS & CHILI For Lunch and Dinner WE ARE OPEN WEEKENDS FOR BREAKFAST 7 AM jrY OUR FAMOUS f BEER fWOAV fish FR1 CARRYOUTS AVAILABLE SATURDAY FEATURING Includes Baked Potato and Salad Many other Delicious Items "i? on our Menu To Any Customer at the Bar when the Cubs get a Home Run in a day gome. McHENRY HOLDS DICYCLE INSPECTION CLINIC The Second Annual 'Bicycles are Beautiful' Bicycle Safety Inspection Clinic was held on May 19, 1979 in McHenry, sponsored by McDonald's Restaurant of 4411 West Elm Street. The event at tracted 165 bicyclists. Each bicyclist participating, was taken in dividually through the safety inspection course, which included a thorough inspection of all bike brakes, steering equipment, lights, reflectors, wheel alignment, tires and frame condition. Each participant completing the inspection received a free 'Bicycle Safety Tip' flyer, certificate of completion, a set of character bike reflectors, McDonald's 'Be Our Guest' card for a free ham burger and french fries, and orange drink .was provided at the clinic. Because of the Program's successful results, plans are now being made for next year's 'Bicycles are Beautiful' Bicycle Safety Inspection Program. Sincerely, /OAM/jl SeltttvU?' Debbie Bellino STAR COORDINATOR McDonald's® Adv. commodate their new guests and food and litter would help too. Last Saturday a woman called to tell us that she had gone to Animal Control with a litter of six 7-day-old kittens and mama that she had found. She arrived there too late as they had closed for the day and consequently called us. Although ours is just an of fice, we told her to bring them here for it was that or they were to be drowned by a friend of hers. For the first time our office has been turned into a temporary shelter and never has a cat and kittens received such attention. We feel alive. Not only are we placing animals sight unseen but now we can actually touch, love and care for directly. Such are the rewards of having a shelter. We too need litter, food and anything else our readers might care to contribute. Our mini-shelter (tem porarily) is at 465 Virginia street in Crystal Lake which is Route 14, a few doors southeast on Dole avenue. If our office is not open, please drop your contributions through our mail slot in small cans. If not our drop off center for supplies is located at 446 Porter, which is west of McHenry avenue and a few blocks south of Route 14. This experience has brought us to the realization that we must do something to expand our program to actually aid the animals in person. We have had no luck in soliciting help from area reasidents in locating a facility to suit our needs. We could operate a mini shelter under Pet Store zoning. We would be able to set up a movable mobile unit if there was a spot to put it on. Perhaps moved every two week to different locations within our county. Please help by asking around, there must be people out there who want to help...- sometimes they just don't realize how desperate we are when we ask. Call Ron Nelson or Mary at 312-658-8389 with any information. One June 16 we will hold our annual Crystal Lake Tag day, but this time, we must do so by adding a new incentive to bring out people to help. There are not enough volunteers to make the day count anymore and so we must offer those who par ticipate in the tag day (those who do not wish to do it just as volunteers) 10 percent of their can contributions. We have no choice, it is this way or no way at all and we must use every method available to us to keep that money coming in. Remember, we are not funded by any large contributors or's strictly all done by so many of you out there to whom we are enternally grateful. Call the office at 459-2641 if you would like to join us on tag day. Lets make it a big day. A barrel for pet supplies will be on hand at different locations on that day if you would like to help with that kind of con tribution. Thank you all again and do come in to visit our mascot cat and her newborns. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Black and white Springer Spaniel mix housebroken, spayed female, 8>£ months, excellent with children and other pets all shots. 338-0982. Pedigree Afghan 16 months male, housebroken and very good with children and pets, DHL shots. 312-658-8597. Salt and pepper Miniature Schnauzer, 2 years, female, all HOMEOWNERS NEED CONCRETE? No Long Delay. Sat. Service Available. Any Amount From 1 Yd. Up. Call ACCU-CRETE, INC. PHONE: 338-4718 SEE BEFORE YOU BUY. THE NEW, MODERN 3- KINETICO WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEM •NO ELECTRICITY •METERED WATER •LESS SALT •SAVES MONEY FREE WATER TEST AND RENTAL RATES ON REQUEST CALL YOUR LOCAL WATER CONDITIONING DEALER: ' KINETICO 0runer TOM HUEMANN WATER CONDITIONING 2103 W. CHURCH ST. - J0HNSBUR6 McHENRY, ILL. 385-3093 " LARGEST SERVICE DEPT. IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS" shots, good with children and pets, housebroken. 337-7482. Golden Lab mix spayed 2 year old female, housebroken, all shots, very good with children and pets. 455-4591. Pedgiree germ an Shepherd, 3 , years, spayed female, very good with children and pets, all shots, housebroken. 459-8815 after 6 p.m. Irish Setter female, spayed, 5 years, very gentle with children and good with pets, outside dog. 312-526-7139. Pedigree English Cocker Spaniel, housebroken, 5 years male, good with children and pets. 459-7196. Collie Shepherd mix spayed 8 month female, honey color and white semi-long hair, very good with children and pets, housebroken. 338-7813. Husky Shepherd, 5 years male, cream colored, housebroken^ shots, good with children and pets. 459-7632. CATS FOR ADOPTION Darling 8 week old smoke grey, very affectionate, all shots. 459-3946. Four young kittens, call foster home for further in formation of new arrivals. 455- 2506. Young adult male, silvery grey semi-long hair, green eyes, good family pet. 385-2451. Personality plus, people cat, spayed, brown and black tiger, 7 months, very affectionate. 312-639-2881 after 5 p.m. Neutered male, Persian grey, all shots, good with older children. 385-1721. Please call the office for further information, 459-2641. Also many pups and kittens available at Animal Control, in fact far too many. Give them a call, all you could hope for can be found there, 338-7040. LOST AND FOUND Please remember to call Animal Control when you lose or find a pet. They are there to help relocate animals into the homes from which they have strayed. Calling at once may help save a life, calling often to inquire may prove rewarding. LOST DOGS Black lab, white collar and tag, young female. 385-1329. Keeshound, black and silver long thick coat, brown leather collar and tag. 385-7979 after 5 p.m. Australian Sheep dog, gold with black and white markings, male, collar. 385-6046 after 4 p.m. FOUND DOGS Britanny Spaniel, owner must identify further. 385-1329 FOUND CATS Orange, male semi-long hair; white nose and four white paws, green eyes, very gentle, 385- 1698. POETS CORNER T H E J O U R N E Y I am going on a journey To a distant place so far And when I start to travel There will be no earthly bar. I hope that I am ready And can make that distant star And that nothing in this great wild world Can on that journey put a mar. For we each must make that journey And make it all alone Our stay is such a little while Before we have to roam. A while, then we must travel To a destination still unknown Where everyone since time began Has sooner or later flown. Louise Hipwell CHARLOTTE... DO YOU PUT THE > RUBBER PANTS OVER OR UNDER THE DIAPER?; ^tHjteeTM6**Jv] I'M COUNTING ON To SEND d*W ME TO ( ̂ C0U_E6E?\ > ( WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? LIKE, MOW ABOUT \ PUTTING A GUARD RAIL ACROSS THE ̂ BASEMENT STEPS? I'M A LITTLE BABY.. I COULD FALL AND BREAK MY MEAD. OUR six MONTH OLD SON JUST INSULTED ME.' J LOOK, I to SORRY, BUT ̂I'M A LITTLE WORRIED ABOUT MOW YOU'RE HANDLING MY IMPORTANT POfWMUVE MONTHS I NEVER THOUGHT/ OP COURSE ABOUT... r-̂ 7 YOU DIDN'T! AND DID IT EVER OCCUR "10 YOU TO GET ME AN APPOINTMENT VS/lTH THE DENTiST? I AAA.GOING TO HAVE TEETH SOON.ĵ h 7 N060DY TAKES KIDS TO THE DENTIST Y'RE S TIL THEY'RE SIX OR SEVEN YEARS OLD. :< OM.IS THAT RIGHT, DR. WELBY?THEFACTIS THAT AS SOON AS THE FIRST TOOTH ERUPTS FROM MY CUTE, LITTLE PINK GUMS YOU SHOULD GET A DENTIST TO CHECK ME OUT. HE MAY SPOT PROBLEMS THAT'LL SAVE ME YEARS OF DENTAL WORK- AMD YOU THAT DOES \ TRUST ME...NOW MAKE SENSE.) LET'S TALK ABOUT --. R-Y--^SOMEINVESTMENTS, \ 1 ft THINK YOU OUGHT TO_ L BE MAKING IN VVV, MY NAME- EVEN BABY TEETH NEED THE ATTENTION OF A CARING DENTIST A public service mettsqefrom THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DEMTISTSV FOR (MIUMM HOUSE CLEANING-CONTRACTORS SPECIALS ;^rekeepin9 •New Homes •Moid Service •Srnoil Offices •Apartments •Weekly Bi-monthly •Moving in or out FREE ESTIMATES - Call Today 385-02S3 li tk~Btflfewu*?rofe"iono' •Models CLEANING SERVICE INC. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FAMOUS FISH f ta SERVING - FRIDAYS - 5-10 PM ALSO SERVING: STEAK-WHOLE CATFISH-DEER BATTER SHRIMP AND SANDWICHES PrSTRKEE COUNTRY CLUB A 815 W. Boy Rd., McHenry /yfy