. PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1879 Each year Americans spend more than $5 billion on 4 weddings. Brides spend $160 million on trousseaux alone. A HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lake. Illinois 60014 •(815) 459*2641 The MeHenrv Plaindealer (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday A Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry. Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscribers or* requested to provide immediofe notice of change of address to The McHonry Plotndoolor 3912 W ilm St McHonry III 600SO A deduction of One month Irom •he oipirotion of o subscription will bo mode whore o change of oddross is provided through tho Post Offico Deportment Larry E. Lund-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor Sv/imeirv GKZ NEWSPAPER/ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER jSL mOCUTIOH I r n P r t i s G ] »«»T m\ fliKH NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER -- 1979 SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Y * o r . . $ 1 2 . 0 0 1 Y e o r $ 1 7 . 0 0 In McHenry Outside McHenry County County By Kathleen Thayer For those of our readers who are unfamiliar with exactly what Helping Paws does, the following is an outline of our basic programs. We have a slogan that simply capsules our policies. We call it the three Rs'. No, not "reading, 'riting or 'rithmetic", but rather Rescue, Rehabilitation and Relocation. ,~Resue of course refers to the many strays we take in when injured; the rehabilitation- comes when we place that stray or injured animal into a foster home where it once again can have a taste of the good life, the DISCONTINUE SURVEY With the Chamber of Com merce recommendation that stores open only one night a g r e e u p o n F r i d a y , t h e problem in the McHenry business community has been solved. For this reason, the P l a i n d e a l e r d i s c o n t i n u e d i t s s u r v e y t o d e t e r m i n e t h e public's desires. All answers received favored Friday night. LET'S GET GROWING With Help From nflowarwocd and Ortho SPRINTER GERANIUMS Also Available in 4 inch pots. $1.50 ea. READY TO PLANT! 4 COLORS - SCAR LET* RED#WHITE*SALMON Sprinter geraniums are specially grown for this area's hot summers and clay soil. They out-perform every other geranium in this area. Plant several for months of blooming beauty! ORTHO TOMATO VEGETABLE DUST •Controls many common insects and plant diseases. Reg. $2.98 - 10 oz. POTTED-HARDY ROSES •HYBRID TEAS •FLORIBUNDA •CLIMBERS ft UP 1.000 TO CHOOSE FROM SHASTA DAISIES •COLUMBINE SILVER MOUND •DELPHINIUM |ANNUAL| FLOWERS ORTHO •WAX BEGONIAS PETUNIAS •MARIGOLDS •ALYSSUM MANY MORE! THIS AREA'S LARGEST SELECTION OF QUALITY PLANTS ORTHO UPSTART •GETS PLANTS OFF TO A GROWING START •IDEAL FOR TRANSPLANTING •STIMULATES ROOT GROWTH I UP STMT *4.75 ORTHO ISOTOX IS0I0I One complete, ef fective spray for all flower and shrub in GROWING POTTED PERENNIALS sect pests ORTHO PHALTAN Ideal Rose fungicide 25 & UP LIMITED SUPPLY-DOZENS MORE! mix with isotox L Electronic BUG KILLERS Model Bk-1000 Eliminate Flying Pests Model Coverage Price BK1000 1/3 Acre *89.95 BIG BOY TOMATOES $1 29 189.95 I V 2 Acre BK8500* *Also controls flies 1,600 sq. ft. PACK Other Size Models Also Available Phone 815-459-6200 cwerw Highways 14 & 176 Crystal Like relocation occurs when the pet is placed into a new home, hopefully for the rest of its life Having no shelter, we rely on the foster home to care for the strays. We pay all medical expenses to the foster home during this period of care, and provide supplies. In cases where someone has a pet but who it proven unable to pay the medical care, we provide a special assistance. Of course, through our newspapers, we are able to place pets for adoption. Our adoption programs are very strict and in compliance with state laws. We advocate the neutering of dogs although the state law does not; however all female dogs and cats and male cats, must be neutered when adopted from us. We also visit all homes of those adopted, to make sure the adoption contract con ditions are being met All of these programs take time. FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS & Jd & Stowl ....tk itrnfum. 1214 N. Creep 9«., McHenry CONTRACTORS Job Held Up Because Of Concrete Delivery Delay? CALL ACCU-CRETE, INC. Saturday Deliverys Available Phone: 338-4718 CARRY-HOWE® Covers THE ORIGINAL PLASTIC COVER Used for over 25 years by Homeowners, Gardeners, Boaters, Campers, Farmers Use it wherever a protective cover is needed HEAVY DUTY 4 MIL Look lor the Bright Yellow Package Accept No Substitutes I Take This Ad To Your Dealer To Be Sure Yoo Get The Best Your Money Can Buy! Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm St., McHenry Coast to Coast Store 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry Hornsby's Family Center 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry McHenry Lumber Co. 4030 W. Main St., McHenry Vycital Hardware 1228 N. Green St., McHenry Wonder Lake Tru Value 7602 Hancock Dr., Wonder Lake people and money. We have found that in order to keep going, we must pay for practically all of Jhe services we receive. Naturally, there is never enough money. We are still asking for help to feed the mother cat and six kittens that we have in our office. Two very lovely people supplied us with litter and dry food. Cans of food are still a must as we feed her a mixture of canned and dry. Please bring anthing to our office at 465 Virginia street (Route 14) a few doors east of Dole in Crvstal Lake or drop off supplies at 446 Porter, a few blocks south of Route 14, off of McHenry avenue in Crystal Lake. Please help us. Our tag day request for helpers is receiving responses. Hopefully more of you out there will join us in Crystal Lake on June 16. Tag day is a big fund raiser for us. Representatives will stand in front of various store and business locations with an HP can in which we hope area residents will con tribute generously. Also at a few locations will be colorfully decorated large round tubs in which we will be placing pet supplies to help feed and care for our strays. There are other tag days coming up; one in Woodstock in July, and another in McHenry in August. If you are interested please call the office at 459-2641 or contact Mary Nelson 312-658- 8389. DOGS FOR ADOPTION 10 week old Lab mix pup, black, male. 338-4520. A l a s k a n M a l a m u t e , housebroken, 14 year old female, good with children and pets. 312-658-8189. Staffordshire mix, brindle and white pup, 5 months male, all shots, good with children and pets. 338-7568. Pedigree black Afghan, 1'2 years male, good with children and pets, shots. 312-658-8597. Pedigree German Shepherd spayed female, 3 years, good with children and pets, housebroken. 459-8815 after 6 p.m. CATS FOR ADOTPION Orange and white semi long hair male, very affectionate, pale green eyes. 385-1698. black, curly hair, choke chain. 385-0844. Pedigree Yorkshire Terrier female, two years, red collar and bell, pink barrette. 385- 6995. , Found Dog: Beagle female, old, very unusal ideintification marking, found at Dog and Suds on 14 in Crystal Lake, very fat, brown leather collar. 385-7319. Lost Cat:Siamese, grey and black, neutered male, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0700 evenings. SERVICE NEWS Three little kittens, ,six weeks, white with black, 455- 2306. \ Five black kittens afd mother, 45|-9223. Semi-long hair young mama cat or 3 male 8-week old kittens, one black, one orange and white and one black and white spotted. 459-6523. Three six-week old kittens, 2 males, tawny and one orange female, 344-3892 after 5 p.m. Beautiful Persian mix medium gray male, neutered 2'j years, loves older children and adults. 385-1721. LOST AND FOUND ' Please call Animal Control at once when you lose or find a pet. They are the one central location for McHenry county and co-ordinate'all efforts to reunite pet and owners. 338- 7040. Small mixed breed, greyish C A R R Y H U M f C0V€"M-L lii^' 1 op ©*»• V?AS1<' Of ^ CARRY HOME COVERALL HAVE YOU TRIED OUR FAMOUS FISH fftS SERVING - FRIDAYS - 5-10 PM ALSO SERVING: STEAK-WHOLE CATFISH-DEER DATTER SHRIMP AND SANDWICHES PISTHKEE COUNTRY CLUB 8 1 5 W . D a y R d . , M c H e n r y 385-9854 Promotion For Mark Lava I lee Mark R. Lavallee, son of Mrs. Beverly J. Lavallee, Route£&12, Spring Grove, recently was promoted to Army specialist four while serving as a truck driver with the 33rd Armor in Kirch Gons, Ger many. Lavallee entered the Army in January 1977. He received his high school diploma through the General Educational Development program. Lavallee's father, Robert F. Lavallee, lives at 2401 West ward drive, Spring Grove. Okinawa Duty For G. Switzer Marine Lance Corporal Gerald C. Switzer, son of Jerold and Jane Switzer, 5212 N. Memory Trail, McHenry, has reported for duty with 3d Marine Division on Okinawa. He joined the Marine Corps in May 1977. Promoted To Senior Airman Louis W. Ramer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Ramer of 806 S. Broadway, McHenry, has been promoted to senior airman in the U.S. Air Force. The airman, a chapel management specialist at Vance AFB, Okla., serves with a unit of the Air Training Command. Airman Ramer is a 1973 graduate of McHenry high school. His wife, Cindy, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler of Wilton, Wise. PFC Tom Broderick CompUtes Course In Primaly Repair Marine Private First Class Thomas M. Broderick, son of Joe P. and Irene M. Broderick, 5000 Bonner drive, McHenry, has completed the Electrical Equipment Repair course. The sixteen weeks of cl a s s r o o m i n s t r u c t i o n a n d practical application at the Marine Corps Engineer school, Camp Lejeune, N.C., were designed to provide a thorough understanding of the operation, maintenance and repair of field power generating equipmient. Students studied electrical theory, the operating principles of alternating and direct current generators and their control devices. A 1978 graduate of McHenry high school, he joined the Marine Corps in June, 1978. Today's Youth BY PATRICK DUDGEON Be Careful of Credit Young people are fast'be- coming eligible for financial credit opportunities. Keep in mind that credit can be a two- sided coin: It's both a blessing and a burden. The same credit that is a blessing because it permits you to use goods while paying for them can become a burden if used unwisely. Credit can increase the cost of goods, reduce the amount of money you have available for future use and may even cause you financial difficulties of a larger nature. Following are some tips for young adults considering en tering the ranks of those encum bered by credit. If you can't an swer yes to the questions, you need to evaluate and improve your credit use habits. --Do you avoid using credit whenever possible? --Do you compare total credit costs, including interest and other costs, for the lowest amount before using credit? --Do you pay the full amount due on credit card accounts to avoid paying finance costs? --Do you know how much credit adds to the cost of items? --Do you know how much is paid for credit costs each month and each year? Plan to use credit as infre quently as possible. Keep cred it payments within safe levels --never more than about 45 per cent of your take-home pay .m ACE HARDWARE A Representative from ORTHO will be at ACE HARDWARE SAT., JUNE 9 From 10 AM-2 PM To answer any lawn & garden questions yon may have! ORTHO DIAZIN0N GRANULES $179 Reg. $2.59 1 LB. Simple, sprinkle application Stops ants Kills lawn insects ORTHO Insect Fogger Reg. $44.95 • Lightweight, completely portable. • Propane powered. • Use at home, on picnics, when camping. ORTHO TOMATO VEGETABLE DUST $179 Reg. $2.98 10 OZ. • Controls many common insects and plant diseases. ORTHO-v TRIOX Liquid Vegetation Killer $ 1 9 9 ssra 0RTNU QTS. GAL. Reg. $2.98 $T79 Reg. $9.98 • Stops weed trouble up to 1 yr. • Great for walks, patios, drive ways, fence rows. SALE EFFECTIVE THRU WED., JUNE 13 ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. ELM ST. (Rj 120) McHENRY 385-0722 OPEN DAILY 8 -6, FRI.8-8, SUN. 9 - NOON ACE