Bible School by Gerry Johnson Children in the community will be participating in crafts, Bible instruction, fun and games when Alliance church holds vacation Bible school June 18-28. The Alliance church, 3815 Bull Valley road, McHenry, an- nounces the start of its vacation bible school Monday, June 18, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and continuing until 12:15. The classes will run each week day for nine days, ending Thursday, June 28. There will be a closing program on that evening at 7:30 p.m. for parents and friends to come and fellowship and to see and hear what the children have learned and made during the time spent. There were over 100 out last year and more are expected this year. A pick-up system has been established for picking up children and bringing them _ back to certain stops in the -various McHenry neigh borhoods. Interested persons Hhould call pastor Robertson **for further information at 385- 6960. "... Saturday, June 16, there will /. be parade in Fox Ridge sub division at 10:30 a.m. Marchers ' will meet at West campus at 10 a.m. if they wish to participate. A picnic will be held on the church grounds following the parade. Bring a bag lunch. Dessert and soft drinks will be provided. Vacation Bible school is for children, kindergarten through eighth grade. There is no charge, although there will be an offering for a missionary project taken each day. If anyone wishes to defray any of the expenses of V.B.S. the money will be gratefully received. Handbills will be given out Saturday in McHenry Shores area also. Pastor Gerald Robertson extends his inviation to the community to participate in this time of fun, games, crafts and instruction. Doctor Turns From Patients To Paint Brush Still a bundle of energy at 71, Dr. Aaron Spirer has turned from his medical practice on the lower cast side of New York City to award-winning oil painting in Delray Beach, Florida. Born in America to an Austrian father and a Hun garian mother Dr. Spirer returned to Hungary with his mother when he was five and didn't return for 10 years. "When I came back I couldn't speak English." Dr. Spirer told a writer from The National Council on the Aging. He overcame that ob stacle, however, and after graduating from Long Island University, he found it cheaper to go to medical school in Budapest, Hun gary. "I can remember listen ing to lectures in Hungarian and taking notes in Eng lish," Dr. Spirer said. He returned to the U.S. 'Resist temptation? I can't even find any!' just as Hitler was starting to dominate Europe and served in the Army Medical Corps, eventually landing in Francc where he adminis tered aid close to the front lines. Record NEW CAR sales have created our largest inventory of used cars in our history. Stop in today for this finest selection in used car buys you'll ever see at CONLON-COLLINS FORD Where Every Day is Discount Day IISKD CAR SPECIALS Hi WILL SELL OVER 150 A 1 USED CARS DURING THE MONTH BY DISCOUNTING THEM AT WHOLESALE AUCTION PRICES USING THE CURRENT ILLINOIS WHOLESALE BLACK BOOK AS YOUR GUIDE. A-l USED CARS 1979 GRANADA $4975 2-dr., air, auto., p.s. p.b. 1979 PINTO $3875 2-dr., 4 cyl., 4-speed. 1979 MUSTANG II $4850 Auto., steering and brakes. 1978 LTD WAGON $4250 8, auto., steering, brakes and air. 1978 THUNDERBIRD .. $4875 Air. 1978 MUSTANG II $4450 2-dr., 4 cyl., 4-speed. 1978 FAIRMONT FUTUR A$5250 6. auto., steering and air. 1978 MUSTANG II $4750 Auto., air, and power steering. 1978 HONDA CIVIC WAGON $4295 1978 FIESTA $3995 4 cyI., 4 speed. 1978 PLYMOUTH HORIZON $5295 auto., air. 1977 PONTIAC LeMANS$3425 8. auto., steering, brakes, air. A-l USED CABS 1977 LTD SQUIRE WAGON $3975 Air, tilt, and cruise. 1977 LTD LANDAU $3450 2-dr., air. 1977 LTD II WAGON . . $3250 Auto., p.s., brakes and air. 1977 PINTO WAGON. $3275 4-sp., air. 1977 GRANADA $3575 6-cyl., std., trans., power steering. 1977 PINTO $2795 3-dr., 4-cyl., 4-sp. 1977 MAVERICK $3650 4-dr., 6 auto., power steering. 1976 CHEVY NOVA $2875 6-cyl., auto., p.s., AM-FM. 1976 MUSTANG 2 + 2 . $3150 V8. auto. 1976 GREMLIN $2375 6-cyl., auto., air. 1976 LTD SQUIRE WAGON $3795 Loaded. 1976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE . . $3895 6-cyl., auto., p.s., p.b. and air. 1976 FIREBIRD. ..... $4350 8, auto., steering and brakes. 1976 PLY. GRAND FURY$1975 Wagon, 8 auto., steering & brakes. 1976 PLY. VOLARE .. . $2595 2-dr., 6-cyl., std. trans. 1976 GRANADA^, .. . $2795 4-dr., 8 p.s., stan. trans. 1975 MAVERICK $2195 6 cyl., stick. 1975 BUICK REGAL .. . $3450 AM-FM, 8, auto., air. A-l USED CARS 1974 GRAN TORINO. . $1295 4-dr.. auto., air. 1974 FORD CUSTOM. . $1425 4-dr., 8, auto., and steering. 1974 CAD. FLEETWOOD$l650 Loaded 1973 CHEVY IMPALA. .$1250 2-dr., air, auto., power steering & brakes. 1971 TORINO SQUIRE WAGON $500 A-l USED TRUCKS 1979 F 250 4x4 $8375 V8, auto., air. 1977 COURIER... $3875 auto., with cap. 1976 CHEVROLET BLAZER CHEYENNE $4995 V8, auto., air. 1976 CHEVY 4x4 $6475 with plow. 1976 F150 $1995 6 cyl., standard. 1976 F-100 EXPLORER . $2875 automatic, power steering. 1976 F-250 SUPER CAB. $4975 automatic, air, 1974 FORD F-250-4x4. $2495 automatic. 1973 CHEVY 3/4 TON . $1395 1971 BRONCO f. $1875 6 cyl.. standard. After he was wounded, Dr. Spirer was returned to New York \yhere he mar ried his wife, Naomi, and opened his medical practice. "When I first started my patients were poor Euro pean immigrants," Dr. Spirer said, "but gradually the neighborhood got very rough." In 1959, two weeks after he was robbed at gun point, Dr. Spirer had his first heart attack. Three months later l ie was back at work. After his second heart at tack in 1970, which fol lowed another holdup and a series of burglaries, Dr. Spirer decided to retire. "Physically, emotionally and mentally I was worn out," he said. Gradually, he trimmed his patient load of around 240 a week down to 40. This wasn't enough work for the energetic doctor, so he returned to medical studies and piled up 400 credit hours. By 1973, with his prac tice about one-sixth what it had been and the neighbor hood not showing signs of improving. Dr. Spirer closed his office and moved to Florida. How does he like his new life? "I won't tell you 1 don't miss my practice because it was such a big part of my life," Dr. Spirer said. "But I'm happy here and I'm glad 1 have the chance to express myself through painting at long last. I never had time for it when I was younger." Dr. Spirer is making up for lost time. He won first prize in a Greater New York Senior Citizens Art Exhibit in 1971 and has also re ceived a three year art scholarship. "I've always been impa tient," Dr. Spirer said. "I've always wanted to learn about everything.'1 That's why he crammed three years' worth of study into eight months. "You know, I always tell my wife and friends to do things now and not wait un til tomorrow," Dr. Spirer said, adding after a pause, "Why waste time?" A RECENT SURVEY by the American Institutes for Research found that the average age at retirement is 60.9 years. But the survey also found that in the future more individuals may delay their retirement. In all, SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. JUNE 15,1879 1,000 persons between 40 and 69 years of age were questioned about their re tirement plans. Those near- ing retirement were asked if they would stay on the job past 65 because of a 3 per cent boost in Social Security payments for each year worked beyond that age. Twenty-three percent said they would "consider" post poning retirement. GERRY JOHNSON IS looking for people to profile in GOING STRONG. If you know an interesting, ac tive older person who you 'think would be a good sub ject for a column, send a brief biographical sketch of the person along with their name, address and tele phone number to: Gerry Johnson, The National Council on the Aging, 1828 L Street, N.W., Washineton, DC. 20036. Political Corner SEEKS CONORESSION \I. SE AT William E Sisler. slate's attorney of Stephenson county has announced that he will ser l the Republican nominal'^n representative to Congi *ss from the Sixteenth disiri< in 1980. At a meeting in Rod >rd Sisler advised that his de> >io> to run came only ft" discussions with Republic; s every county in the Sixt n Congressional district Th- ,en; is being relinquished 1 - ' Anderson of Rock ford v\ run for President Presidential Facts Grover Cleveland is the only United States president to have been married in the White House. President Taft weighed 350 pounds. President John Tyler had 15 children. In 1976, President Gerald Ford mailed out about 40,000 Christmas cards. Theodore Roosevelt's wife and mother both died on the same day. --^ have a nice weeker d.. |WATC H A| SUNRISE Prices Effective While Quantities Lost. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. PRICES EFfECIIVE THURS. thru SUN. JUNE 14-17 REMEMBER DAD WITH BLACK AND DECKER 0 SAVE SAVE SAVE Black and Decker® Jig Saw Kit Reg. 24.54. Two ipttd Jig Saw lets you pick th* spe*d to •uit th* job. Low sp**d for m*tals and plastics, high sp**d for wood and compositions. No. 7531. Black and Daclrar® Drill Kit. >•« 24.54. 3/1" Drill g*ar*d for bigg*r, tough*r jobs. V*rsatil* drill and acc*ssori*s in custom fill*d carrying Sale 21" sv*< ^ow**> YOUR CHOICE SAVE SAVE SAVE Black and Docker" 7 W Circular Saw Sal* 25" I V| MP (mar im .•» output) Oood g*n*ral purpos* saw f*r around the he lit Ipecs, 7%" combination blod* In cluded. ft lord •• •*,. No. 730S, rog. 27.47. SAVESAVISAVE •lath A Mw' Wtrkmou Sal* 59' Duel-height Work mat* No. 79-001. St**l from*, fully essembled, od|ustablo foot for leveling on uneven floors, folding l*fi allow two working heights 31 7/1" work ben- l^ch holght, 23 3/4" sawhorso hoight and moro. SAVE SAVE SAVE Mack and Decker® Extension Cord Keeper Sale 1" Rog. 1.97. Extension Cord Keeper No. 79-989. Holds up to 150 ft. of oxtonsion cord for convoniom storago. Easy to wind cord oround holdor. Protocts cord. K**ps it n*at. IS! SAVE SAVE Black and Decker "T: Hedge Trimmer ; Sale 29" 1 R*g. 35.86 No. 8124. >or . «; popular h*dg* siz*s. Safety iw|tch locks "on" turns off with a touch of th* trigger/ SAVE SAVE Black and Decker" Cordless (ran Shear Sale 19" Reg. 22.26 No. 8280. 3" wide blade, single charge will cut 88:$:$ th* *dg*s of a half acr* lot. Ill SAVE SAVE Black and Decker^ String Trimmer R*g. 44.97 No. 8260. 6 inch cutting swath with lin*, 4 inch xij&'i: cutting swath with blade. 40 min. on a tingle charg*. Sale 39" SAVE SAVE Black and Decker* String Trimmer Sale 14" Reg. l6.96No. 8206. 9" cutting swath. Spool d*sign*d forfait and *asy advancing of cutting lin* lengths and quick spool replacement. { mmm. Jl SAVE 25% Ballbarrow Sale 14" J Rugged, rustproof body, large capacity, but light in weight. Easy I to balance and leaves no lawn Imarfcs. Reg. 19.17 9Pcscremtr |v.v.;.;.v.v.v SAVE 35% Screwdriver Sat with Cap Sale 5" Buy this 9 pc. set and get a Fuller cap FREE with purchase. Ideal for all your repair fobs around home. Model No. 4009. CvKw. SAVE 27% Fighter Protect your hom* t vXj family from gr*as* point, *l*ctrical and gasolin* fir*s. Com*s jx£ complete with moun ting brack*t. No. HB0911. R*g. 8.87 :*:*> SAVE 21% 20" 2 Drawer Tool Box Sale 23" Two drawer chest. 20" x 10%" * 8'/,". Two drawers 17V«" x 2 3/8' x 7'/»" each, green t*xtur*d. No 86666. Reg.29.96 LABOMV CU ARBAMtlTI 14 MIU Mil Of COYSTAL IAKM1I-4S9-I1H Ovat 70,000 UTHra> CMTOMUI TNUM MUST Bl A aiAftOMt OPEN 9-9 Mon. thru Fri.. Sat. 9-5. Sun. 10 5 - SPECIAL NEW SERVICE DEPT. HOURS 9 9 Hon, thru Fri., 9 5 Sat. 4400 W. RTK. 120-McHENRY ME. 47 A COUNTRY CLUB RO.-WOOOSTOCK HORNSBYS fami ly centers --- DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-6 1