f •J.- VAC.E 22 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, JUNE 22,1979 'A*. Pa Kte- lA A: ml aw tlWli feo on© the a*** ASP\>V.S \o tthe^ K\ 3609 W. Elm McHenry, III. (815) 385-8000 CUSTOM MTAUATION »ou Y WIN CARPET MMNANTJ IT CARPETS AND OYER 600 REMNANTS READY for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! BIG SAVINGS! jjlSTOCK CARPETING 9 5 , « $ SQ. YD. ¥11 • W SQ. YD. COMPLETELY INSTALLED, INCLUDES PADDING! Now In Stock, Ready For Immediote Delivery - Buy Now G Sove! (HURRY PRICES GOOD ONLY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) PRICES AVAILABLE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS FINANCING AVAILABLE! --McHENRY ( 8 1 5 ) 385-8000 3609 W. ELM ILLINOIS NAME BRAND MILLS TOP QUALITY SUCH AS: • Alex Smith • Magee • World • Mohawk • Trend • Ozite • Armstrong • And More! MANYMAKER^ANYCOLORS-MANY STYLES RESIDENTIAL-COMMERICAL-INDUSTRIAL-INSTITUITIONAL CITY WIDE CARPET COMPANY 3609 W. ELM (CORNER OF RTE. 120 & RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILL. PHONE (815) 385-8000 Hours: Sundoy 12 to 5, Mon. & Fri. 9 to 9, Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 to 6, Sot. 9 to 5 CITY WIDE Miss Congeniality Tammy Ann Ray, a 5-foot 5-inch blonde with blue eyes, smiles happily after finding that she was awarded the title of Miss Congeniality in the Miss McHenry contest, held Tuesday evening at the Legion clubhouse. The vote of the contestants gave the title to Tammy Ann. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD College Honors j Summer Study Tour In England For Ms. Karas Maribeth Karas, 212 South Lily Lake road, McHenry is one of 41 students participating in "Wheaton in England", an eight-week literature study program sponsored by Wheaton college. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Br uno C. Karas, she will study in London until June 30 when the group takes a four-day trip through southern England and South Wales. The remaining five weeks will be at St. Anne's college in Oxford. Attends June Excursions are planned to sites associated with English authors. Included are Can terbury, Dover, Cambridge, Windsor, Milton's Cottage, Gray's Churchyard at Stokes Poges, Winchester, Salisbury, Stonehenge, George Herbert's church at Bemerton, the Ar thurian sites at Glastonbury and Tintagel, Exeter Cathedral, Coventry, the Lake District (Wordswoth sites and Hilltop Farm of Beatrix Pot ter), Stratford-upon-Avon, and Warwick Castle. achievement with a minimum grade point average for the • I - mm | q i semester of 3.5, the equivalent IWU DO DC! Lamp Of an A-minus on a perfect 4.0 scale. The second one-week session of Illinois Wesleyan Univer sity's Junior high band camp opened Sunday, June 17, with the arrival of 210 students from 67 Illinois cities and one from Dubuque, la. Steven L'Abbe, 118 E. Navajo Trial, McHenry, was among these. Camp director Maurice Willis, associate professor of wind instruments, reports that W.C. Edwards of Park Ridge, a teacher at Darien grade school, was guest conductor of the concert band, and Dan Gannon, band director at Pekin Com munity high school, was guest conductor of the symphonic band. In addition to daily rehear sals and recreation hours, there were evening programs for the students. A free concert at 1 p.m. Saturday in Presser Hall concluded the week. Two From McHenry Named To Dean's List At Bradley Bradley university, Peoria, 111., has announced its Dean's List for the second semester of the 1978-79 academic year. •Qualifications for the Dean's List are based on academic David J. Knox, son of Mrs. Cynthia Knox, 2411 N. River side, has received recognition on the Dean's List. Roger O. Gerstad, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Gerstad, 303 Dale avenue, McHenry, earned a perfect 4.0 (Straight A) average for the semester through outstanding academic work. There are 183 students at Bradley who achieved a straight-A average, on the current Dean's List. BIBLE VERSE "...He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 1. Who spoke these words? 2. Unto whom were they addressed? 3. To whom does "her" refer? 4. Where is the quotation found in the Bible? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Jesus. 2. Certain Scribes and Pharisees. 3. A woman taken in adultery. 4. John 8:7. We'll Help The Patient's Convalescence1 HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT for Rent or for Sale RENTAL PER MONTH Hospital Beds... 75.00 Walkers '10.00 Commodes..... '12.00 Wheel Chairs '30.00 AND OTHER PATIENT AIDS WS KEMTAt I SALES. INC. McHENRY 904 Front St OPEN DAILY 7:30 • 6 SUNDAYS 9• 1 Aystal'lake 5407 Terra Cotta Ave. (Hwy. 176)