Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1979, p. 21

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spas msi&W 1 *43$ ^P$5$K!E I CARL WOERNER HEATING Mil S. Wright Rd.. McHonry • M y - m i • MWWST wmMmm V5 .H' Vf S»> f4w • •'-•v St •' KgHR ' J " . , . V . , I •••• • . , . • ' \ . V . * * • . k , ' - , . • • • . ( • • v - > > ' . • ; w ' ̂ ' ; r ' . - : V . . I h ^pfpaiii CAUL _ AND COO Oldest) CO dealers ii ike HcH Crystal Lake aad areas. WOERNER HEA AND COOLING is off Reate 17* at bridge ea Wrigkt read la a central lecatlea that eaables them te eeeaeailcaUy service the entire area. WOERNER HEATING AND COOLING iavites to stop by ihelr shop and showroom which is epea from s a.m. to fr* ea weekdays aad • a.m. to 2 putt, ea Satardays. WOERNER HEATING AND COOLING has a complete line at faraace filters, hamidifler parts, »• belts aad ether accessaries in stock. Call WOERNER HEATING AND COOLING at 4S9-2399 for aaswers to all year heatlag aad cooling qaestiona. p :l ^^v," •• 1 ' - mi - '• A , K ; " V. : V - ' • v4;' "- " - V ' " ' i f PAGE 21 • PLAIN DEALER -FRIDAY, JULY 8. 1979 -'vV TAMI'S FURNITURE at 4895 W. Reate 1M, featares a complete llae of javealle, teenage aad adalt faraitare from cribs aad matchlag accessories for the newest member of the family, to fall- sited hlag. qneen or twin bedding by Simmom. TAMPS FURNITURE. McHenry's faraitare specialists, welcomes Visa aBd Mastercharge aad also has a store charge accoaat for yoar coavenleace. Open daily from 19 a.m. to 5:39 p.m., Monday aad Friday nights nntil • p.m., bat closed Sanday, TAMPS FURNITURE invites yon to stop ia when you're in the market for new faraitare. It's that time of year agaia aad kicking off the water skiiag season was a show held recently in Liberty ville featuring world record holder and ARC "Superstars" competition winner, Wayne Grlmdltch, shown here. MUNSON MARINE, at the intersection of Roates 12 and 129 in Volo, is the Midwest's largest water ski dealer and is ready to supply everything for yoar water skiing pleasure. MUNSON MARINE invites you to visit either of their two locations- in Volo, or at the intersection of 1-94 and Russell road. Stop in today! THE VFW VETERAN'S.CLUB is ready to host your wedding reception, meeting, banquet or party. Hall rental is available at the VFW to accommodate ap to4®0 people and a catering service is available. A beautiful louage with good drinks and excellent atmosphere is open Monday, Wednesday ajid Sunday nights from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. and on Friday and Saturdays until 2 a.m. The VFW VETERAN'S CLUB is closed Tuesday and Thursday during the winter. Call 385-9889 and talk to club manager Don Kadlow or his wife, Uene, to make reservations for that upcoming party or reception. The VFW is located at 3902 .:JtlJtoate 120. 2 V THE SHUTTER HUT on Route 12 in Volo, is the shutter specialist of northern nUaels. Jack Ready is showing the newest interior shutters-the 2Mt inch ^Victoria louver«as would be used on a sliding patio door, and the standard iy« inch louver is shown behind him. THE SHUTTER HUT will measure and install esjhi premises custon shutters as well as all stock shutters. THE SHUTTER HUT has over 1,909 shutters in stock for the do-it-yourselfer or that can be customized to your specifications. Anyone interested will find THE SHUTTER HUT a must to visit. There are window size displays of woven wood shades and draperies, mini and vertical blinds in addition to the shutters. Stop in to THE SHUTTER HUT, just north of the Route 12 and 120 intersection in Volo. Mike Retz, sales manager at PAYTON CHEVROLET INC., is shown with the new Chevy Citation, Chevrolet's Car of the 89's. You can see and drive the new Citation and all the other Chevy models right now at PAYTON CHEVROLET, 998 N. Front street. In addition to PAYTON CHEVROLET'S complete line of new Chevy's, PAYTON also has a wide detection of quaiiiy used cars. Yon can be sure that PAYTON CHEVROLET can take care of your service needs in its top-notch service department staffed with' professional technicians who use genuine GM parts. Stop in today for the best deals this year on a 1979 Chevrolet during the Summer Sales Spectacular. O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION CO. owners Ed and O. Edwin Malenius are shown beside another segment of their business which includes both residential and apartment remodelling and construction. O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION CO. boasts organisation, efficiency and A-l quality in all the work they do. Call O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION CO. at 344-1832 or visit their office at 1397 N. Richmond road for all your home building or remodelling needs. » v&w THE OAK PARK HOTEL AND LOUNGE ownVsJton and Cathy Fuchs invite everyone to come out and tahe part in either the Monday night mens, or Wednesday night womens volleyball leagues. Afterwards, step into the lounge and enjoy some of the best drinks and the best company around. Stop In and visit THE OAK PARK HOTEL AND LOUNGE where boat sUps are still available. Tahe Chapel Hill to Bay road, turn left onto Weingart, right Onto Rolling lane and follow the signs to THE OAK PARK HOTEL AND LOUNGE soon. THE OAK PARK HOTEL AND LOUNGE located on beautiful Pistakee Bay. "WfeSj-C The only full-service gas statiop in town is the MILLSTREAM UNION 78 on Elm street and Freand. MILLSTREAM UNION 78 repairs all domestic aad foreign cars, aad specialises ia Datsun, Volvo and Toyota models. A complete llae of new aad used tires is available as is complete Sun electronic testing aad tuae-ups. Complete brahe work is another feature at MILLSTREAM UNION 78, Need your car serviced? Call MILLSTREAM UNION 78 at 385-2518, or visit them at 3782 W. Elm street. :• \ • • • - • '."-V • • ...TJ • . w . ' ~ ' ' ' . • ' ' ' • • . . h * - . . • . . . . 1. . , / \c, •. .* { . • • . : j • ..'in complete line of Cobra combinatiea units at special . addition to the sale of eqaipm inst alley stems ia most aiy the largest ef which caa aew PVRAndlpH laaatalLail-- demenstratiea aad free radios save feel. we alae have radar detectors r "/ ' RADICOM INC., the ceaaty's leader la CB, scaaaers, mariae aad baslaess radios, ha* aew expaaded late sterea systems. RADICOM INC., haadles a aad MjM [COM INC. caa camper or beat, la ear aewly today far a ember, 2-dray waste, . ' J Ml •M, ACE HARDWARE srn W. ant St. McHcnry • 3*5-0722 ADAMS BROS. STEEL DIVISION *001W. at*; 110. Mcttonry - 3*5*100 ADAMS ENTERPRISES 3017 W. Bto, 1M. Mcttonry - 3*5-5970 A g f V A C U U M 1333 N. Rirental* Or. McHcnry - 344-0*9* ADAMS LAWN ft LEISURE 1103 W. Kte. 110. Mcttonry - 3*5-0434 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. *0* N. ̂ rontSt., Mcttonry - 3*5-1424 ARIZONA SUN 3331 W. (Im it.. Mcttonry • 3*5-1*33 BCN l*RANKLIN 1250 N. OfMM It., Mcttonry 3*5 0*06 , BOB'S AUTO BODY 1701 W. at*: t«0. Mcttonry - 385 *222 tOf $ COLORS 4730 W. M*. ISO, Mcttonry - 3*5-111« BOOKMARK, THE 343* W. IhnSU, Mcttonry - 3*5 *444 BRAKE PARTS CO. 1*00 N. IwAwtHal Br.. Mcttonry - 3*5-7000 BYRNES tROS., INC. REALTORS 4507 W. Bto.'t». Mcttonry - 3*5-5900 CAREY APPLIANCE 1141 N. OfMMSi. MdWnry • 3*5-5500 CASUAL SHOPPE, THE 111* N. CimoSt.. Mcttonry - 3*5-2713 CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL 3405 W. Dm St., Mcttonry - 3*5-7500 CHAPEL HILL GOLF CLUB 1*00 N. Chapal M1M M., Mcttonry - 3*5-0333 COAST TO COAST 4400 W. Ilk IB, Mcttonry 3*5-5455 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Mil W. IN*. US. Mcttonry - 3*5-077* CRESENTBAY LANDING 3309 N. ChafMltMnS., Jotinsburg • 3*5-**99 ERA-BEHRENS ft ZAUN REALTORS •017 W. at*. ISO, Mcttonry - 344-1010 ERA-RD6 REALTY 920 N. Piwrt St.. Mcttonry - 3*5-9394 ESSEX ft COSTELLO REAL ESTATE VMM. PfiM SI., Mcttonry-3*5-7050 EUHOPA MOTORS 1414 W. Bto. TSO. Mcttonry - 3*5-0700 FASHION SHOPPE, THE 1007 N. FiMt St.. Mcttonry - 3*5-7747 FIRST FEDtRAL SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION OFtitVETAi LAKE, MeHENRY BRANCH g 4400W.RM.tft,Mcttonry-30S-9000 ̂ FIRST NATHMAt RANK OF MeHENRY 3S14 W.StolSt. Mcttonry - 3*5 5400 FOX VAMSf ARTS ft PAINTS 1110 N. afc**trinr.. Mcttonry - 3*5 0454 CURL 1111W.Oixifl.pN.0.Mcttonry. -344-1019 P.FREUND 4102 W. Mcttonry • 3*5-0420 rs ISIS N. SIVMiO*Or.. Mcttonry - 3U-0130 QM SHOES 1307 H. ai>*liie» B». • Mcttonry - 3*5-2*01 GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER 4400W. ato. IS*, Mcttonry, • 3*5 7300 JOS. «L IHWMANN ft SONS. INC. ssssw. TOM HUEMAIJBI WATER CONDITIONING StSSW.4 CORP. mow. afeRMRMtonry 305-7340 mm . . SSS-4SI0 ^w-ssa McGEE'S STORE FOR MEN 1245 N. Cram St.. Mcttonry - 3*5-0047 MeHENRY AUTO PARTS 331 *W. PmH St.. Mcttonry - 3*1 **0* MeHENRY COUNTRY CLUB *20 N. John St.. Mcttonry - 3*5-1071 MeHENRY CO. WELL AND PUMP 3100 Richmond ltd.. Mcttonry - 305-5152 MeHENRY DRAPERY ft CARPET CO. 1353 N. Croon St., McHonry • 3*5-7531 McHENRY'S FAVORITE SPORT CENTER I1I0N. Groon St.. McHonry - 305-1000 MeHENRY HOME FURNISHINGS 451* W. ato. 130. McHonry • 3*5-«100 MeHENRY LUMBER CO. 4030 W. Main St., McHonry • 3*5-4400 MeHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY *03 N. Front St. (ato. 31) Mcttonry - 3*5-5*90 MeHENRY PAINT, GLASS ft WALLPAPER 3411 W. Elm St.. McHonry • 3*5-7353 MeHENRY PRINTING SERVICES 3909 W. Main St.. Mcttonry - 3*5-7500 MeHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN 1309 N. Croon St.. Mcttonry • 3*5-3000 MeHENRY STATE BANK 3510 N. Elm St.. McHonry - 3*5-1040 MILLSTREAM UNION '78 3702 W. Elm St.. McHonry - 344-2510 MR. DON'S CLEANERS 1207 N. Third St.. McHonry - 3*5-2011 MUNSON MARINE ato. 12, Volo - 3*5-2720 /S* NELSON ELECTRONICS 501 S. ato. 31. Mcttonry - 3*5-7253 OAK PARK HOTEL ft LOUNGE *01 W. Oak Crovoad.. Mcttonry - 3*5-9*72 O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 1307 N. Richmond ad. - 344-1532 OLD BRIDGE TAVERN 1334 N. Rivorsido Dr.. Mcttonry - 3*5-0305 OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC 1111N. Front St., McHonry - 3*5-5000 PAYTON CHEVROLET 900 N. Front St.. McHonry - 3*5-1100 PETALS ft STEMS . 3301 W. Elm St.. McHonry • 305-4747 C.R. "CHUCK" PETERSON, INS. W1 Elm St.. Mcttonry - 305-1331 PINE TREE PET SHOP 11011, ato. 110. McHonry - 3*5-4220 QUALITY TIRE, INC. 7401 Sprln* Orovo ad.. Spring Cro»o • 575-137* RADICOM. INC. 2504 N. Chapol Hill ad.. McHonry - 305-4114 RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING 20MW. ato. 110. McHonry • 105-7010 SHAMROCK CLEANERS 4400 W. ato. 170. Mcttonry - 305-1944 SHUTTER HUT. THE ato. ii a ato. 110. voto - 344-1*** GRANVILLE SORNSON, STATE FARM INS. I3S3 N. Richmond ad.. Mcttonry - **5-1517 SUPREME MUFFLER ft AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 5110 W. ato. 110. Mcttonry -144-1104 * TAMI'S FURNITURE 4505 WMo. 12*.Mcttonry -305-9291 TODDLER SHOP. THE 3430 W. E|m St., Mcttonry - 305-4745 TONES MUSIC AND ELECTRONICS 37I9W. Elm St.. Mcttonry-3S*-4545 TORKELSON LINCOLN-MERCURY 4411 W. at*. 110. Mcttonry • 344-1200 V.F.W. VETERAN'S CLUB 3001W. ato. 110. Mcttonry-SSS-9S* VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 1149 N. Croon St.. Mcttonry • SSS-001 WEATHERVANE SHOP 1313N. aivortidoDr.. Mcttonry-3*5-*SS4 WHAT'S UP RECORDS AND TAPES

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