Joanna Vertical Blinds. E 2 -PLA1NDEALER -FRIDAY, JULY 13.1W» I Annual Church j Flea Market And OCLU, Community Calendar fr- MR. AND MRS. LOREN KLAPPERICH LIVING IN MCHENRY - After a wedding trip to the Smokey Mountain area, which followed their April 29 wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Klapperich are making their home in McHenry. The 3 -prm. ceremony, which united the former Susan Lynn Wickenkamp and Loren W. Klapperich, took place in the First United Methodist ^church of McHenry, and Reverend Ralph Smith and Father Everett Hiller, uncle of the groom, both officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wickenkamp, 4316 Clearview, ^McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klapperich, 3812 N. Hillcrest, 'McHenry, are the parents of the groom. A reception for 185 guests Jwas held at Chapel Hill. Both are 1977 graduates of McHenry ^Community high school. The bride is employed as a teller, and the 'gloom's occupation is farming. m : ---- m - JULY 14 McHenry Senior Citizen club members' annual picnic-noon, Johnsburg Community center - bring lunch , JULY 15 Free earth powered home seminar-3 p.m.-West Campus- "•-public invited. JULY 16 THEOS potluck dinner~5:30 p.m.-home of Mae Stinespring- -3329 N. BayView lane. / » JULY 17 Marcia Mary Ball circle annual picnic-noon-Petersen park. Women of the Moose business meeting -8 p.m. JULY 18 McHenry Grandmothers' club, Charter no. 826-picnic-at Peterson park-ll:30 a m,. Newcomers' club "Tea, Talk, and Sew"-Petersen Park-9:30 a.m. JULlf 20 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM meeting-Montini Middle school, Oak room-7:30 p.m. Ringw'ood church Flea Market-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.- information about spaces, call 653-9262. JULY 21 Ringwood church ' annual Chicken Barbecue-Ringwood church lawn-seving 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.-for tickets, call 385-7646 or 728-0222. JULY 23 McHenry Senior Citizens club meeting--7:30 p.m., West Campus. McHenry Women's club board meeting-10 a.m.-city hall. ry JULY 25 "Kitchen Band" reunion picnic-noon-Petersen park. club-no July meeting. MR. AND MRS. ROGER LANCE ;WED IN.FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH -A 2 p.m. exchange of vows '{June 2 at the First Baptist church, McHenry, united the former >Judy Lynn Revak and Roger Thomas Lance. The bride is the ^daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Revak, 4217 Clearview drive, CMcHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Lance of Tennessee are the /parents of the groom. After the ceremony, 175 guests toasted the ; couple at a reception in the social hall of the church. The couple ;'both attended Southwest Baptist college in Bolivar, Mo., where the * groom 'recently graduated with a degree in Business »Administration, and the bride is working toward a B.S. degree in J music, with organ emphasis. They will reside in Missouri until the * bride completes work for her degree. Both were raised'in >McHenry, and may make it their eventual home. t * "Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true." I Sir Francis Bacon - . '• V -j : v' ' -OTr v ^ - - U. . ' , \ ; . . . - . v Chicken Bar-B-Que » 0 The Flea Market at the Rinf.wood United Methodist church will be on Friday, July 20, beginning at 9 and con tinuing until 5 p.m. This will be an outdoor fun day for buyers and sellers, under the big top or in the open air, as one chooses. Anyone wishing to be a seller, contact Doris Low about the availability of space, by July 18. there is a deposit plus a fee, with deposit being returned at the end of the day1 with premises cleaned up. A buyer might find that special something that he or she has been looking for. There will be coffee, rolls and hot dogs for one's eating pleasure. Tickets are available for the Chicken Bar-B-Que from chairman Althea Walkington or Mertie Harrison, Alice Peet, Katie Christopher, Doris Low and Alice Wilcox in the Woodstock area. Serving will be at 4, 5:30 and 7 p.m. on Satu-day,July 21. A ticket will get a person chicken with all the trimmings; homemade dessert will be extra. Come or call for your tickets now to be assured of dinner. INSTALL OFFICERS - Recently installed officers of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are, from' the left, Clare Stegar, financial secretary; Anne Marie Helyer, second vice-president; Bertilla Freund, vice-regent; Mary Agnes Hartman, regent; Jeannette Driscoll, monitor and Marion Kauth, treasurer. The as decided to eliminate two meetings during the winter month's and substitute .two meetings during the summer instead. The newly scheduled summer meetings for this ytar will be July 19 and Aug. it. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD APSO' Shows "Nan's Class The bi-monthly showing of the latest Lamaze film "Nan's Class" at Woodstock Memorial hospital will take place on Monday, July 16, at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria. The film and information on the Lainaze method of prepared childbirth is open to the public, especially pregnant couples, their families and health professionals. "Nan's Class" offers the viewer a unique insite into the latest in Lamaze techniques, philosophy' and birth 'ex periences. Five couples are followed throughout the later portion of their pregnancy, the class sessions, and their birth experiences. Giving birth is within the normal province of women, although for some it can be a 'lightening, unpleasant ex perience. To undergo labor and delivery without preparation, can lead to frustration and ' dissatisfaction. Lamaze prepared childbirth offers the mother and father a way to experience the miracle of birth with dignity and satisfaction. The classes consist of a thorough ex planation of pregnancy, labor and delivery; instruction in relaxation, physical exercises and breathing techniques; a technique for pushing;, and information concerning area VFW Auxiliary hospital policies, obstetrical procedures and medications. The father is trained to coach and supply physical and emotional support. Classes, which are intended for both husband and wife, are held for six consecutive weeks during the latter part of pregnancy. Preregistration is advisable early in pregnancy as class size is limited. For further information about the film or classes that are taught by A.S.P.O. (The American ; Society for Psycholrophylaxis in Ob stetrics, Inc.) certified in structors call Marie Walters, 459-8647, Lila Keller 338-6667, or Phyllis Passerelli 344-3088. Cite Hospital Volunteers For Entertaining Patients JULY 28 McHenry area Divorced Catholics' group picnic- Petersen park-noon. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM cards-Montini Middle school. Oak room-7:30 p.m. JULY 29 NAIM Diocesan Family Picnic-Macktown Forest Preserve, north of Rickton - bring a dish to pass and table service. * AUGUST 5 St. John's family dinner and picnic-Johnsburg Community club. AUGUST 6 McHenry Lioness clu meeting-American Legidn Post home-7:30 p.m. AUGUST 7 Whispering Oaks bus to Chicago Loop leaves Com munity Center at 8:45 a.m - rides available for senior citizens and residents -call 385- 8518 by Aug. 3. AUGUST 16 ' McHenry Senior Citizens club trip-Lake Geneva boat ride and Playboy club luncheon-9 a.m.-bus leaving from McHenry Savings and Loan. • •m. The July meeting of the X Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 was conducted by President Mary Fergen. when announcement was made that the auxiliary had received a citation. It recognizes a group of hospital volunteers who entertain the „ patients with games and serve refreshments each month at the Veterans Administration Medical center of North Chicago.. Citations earned by the auxilliary in the 5th district were for 100 percent mem bership and having par ticipated in the sale of poppies. A trophy for having donated the quota set by the State of Illinois Ladies auxiliary for cancer aid and reserach, citiations for particiapting in the safety program, donating the £tate specified quota to Child Welfare and donating to the various funds at the VFW National home-- were all received at * the state con vention. Chairman for the 1979-80 year appointed by the president are: Rehabilitation, Sally Bujak;- & i a T J 5 Q M fi J a DEBOftAH FREUND AND THOMAS ZORN ft nor «n ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Freund, • McHenry, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage 6f their daughter, Deborah, to Thomas E. Zorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zorn, LaSalle, 111. The bride-elect is a graduate of Washington university in St. Louis, and is employed as a physical therapist. The prospective gt-oom graduated from Illinois Valley Community college, and is employed as a designer. A Nov. 24 wedding is planned. Community Service, Mary Fergen; Voice of Democrary, Youth Activities and poppy,Sue Wallace; Membership and Hospital.' Ila Hogan; National Home and Child Welfare, Mary Amore; Americanism, Vi Abbink; Legislative, Barbara Bryniarski; Junior Girls Unit, Pat Spot; Historian and Safety, Edna Olson; Cancer, Renee .lende; Grave Registration and Sunshine, France^ Nells; and Public Relations, Gerry Kuck. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 2. McHenry Hospital Has Nurse Update Course Crystal Lake PWP Has Dinner Dance On Month's Agenda Crystal Lake Chapter no. 189 Parents Without Partners is holding ,it's monthly dinner dance. Friday, July 13, at the American Legion Hall at Oak and Woodstock streets, Crystal Lake. Dinner begins at 8:30 with dancing to follow at 9 p.m. The dinner is smorgasbord style. Members from other chapters are cordially incited to be a part of this enjoyable evening. Other events scheduled for the month are a poker party, family swim, bowling, a 50's partv. family crafts day. volleyball, campout. adult swim, and several interesting discussion groups. To be eligible for mem bership in P.W.P., a person must be a parent of one or more children, and single by reason of death, divorce, or separation, or unmarried. Custody of the children is not a requirement for membership. Those interested may call 815- 568-7563 or 312-742-1783 for more information. r Senior Walk-In Canter Vertical Blinds have so much to recommend them. They don't get dusty. They help retain heat in winter, air conditioning in summer. They fit any area. C They're terrific looking, with clean, modem lines in a variety of colors and materials. Join Your Friends and Neighbors on on ACAPULCO VACATION! I Departing Sat. Sept. 29, 19791 Meals are served Monday ' through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In Center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day 'before at 385-8260. The men^i for the week of July 16 through July 20 is as follows: July 16: Ham loaf with raisin sauce, mashed potatoes, spinach, rye bread, apricots and milk. > July 17: Stuffed peppers with onion sauce, tiny parsleyed potatoes, whole kernel corn, bread, angel food cake with lemon, and milk. July 18: Beefaroni, peas and cheese salad, corn bread, mixed fruit and milk. 75 Celebrate Family Reunion The Johnsburg Community club grounds was the setting for the second family reunion of 75 memhers of the Mike Freund family, and it was agreed by all family members that this would be an annual event. The day began with a Mass, celebrated by Father Bartel, honoring the memory of parents Mike and Mary Freund, and Margaret Peterman led the singing at the liturgy. Lunch and games followed. Almost all of the immediate family was able to be present, with the exception of Mildred Garret of Kentucky. Families represented were Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller, Esther Wagner, Harvey and Arnold Freund of Chicago, Elmer Freund of DesPlaineS. Chuck Hiller and his family were unable to at tend. The free 10-week refresher course called "Nurse Update", which will be offered this fall at McHenry hospital,/ still has openings for registered nurses ~\iow inactive in their profession but seeking to re-enter. "Before they resume their profession, registered nurses who have temporarily dropped out of nursing to raise families, need instruction and super vised practical experience to update their knowledge and techniques," according to Pat Kelly, R.N., director of staff development at McHenry hospital. " "This refresher course, which we have designed and have presented many times during the past three years, combines textbook learning and lectures with practical demonstrations and supervised bedside experience." To accommodate registered nurses who have children of school age, the course will begin September 10 and will end before Thanksgiving. The daily schedule is also planned to coincide with the school hours of elementarv school children, Mrs. Kelly said. Appointments for further information and an interview may be obtained by calling Mrs. Kelly at 385-2200, ex tension 642. July 19: Turkey-a-la-king over rice, broccoli, bread, purple plums and milk. - July 20: Ham cubes in scalloped potatoes, shredded carrots in jello, rye bread, cranberry-applesauce and milk. DOUDLE OCCUPANCY INCLUDES: 1. Round trip jet on American Airlines 2. 7 Nights at Fiesta Tortuga Hotel 3. Transportation from McHenry to O'Hare Field, round trip 4. Roundtrip transfers between airport 6 hotel | in Acapulco Daily . | i»5J0 Shop At Home Call »L12 ̂ Nuif I :<• M. TUNM Shop At Home Call mat 1 I j » j.--*W'- rases Many •15-344-1888 --EJ CHAIN O'LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry 365 7500 POLKA DANCE SUNDAY,JULY 15 2 P.M. -4 P.M. Music By: JOHNNY & His LAP ORGAN POLISH CAMP 2500 SPOJNIA ROAD - SPOJNIA Women Of The Moo$e Hold Chapter Night i T|?e Women of the Moose Chapter night meeting was held at the Moose Lodge with members of the college of Regents, Eleanore Haerle,*H in charge. Collegian Marge Granath received her Red Tassel at this same meeting. Three chairmen and one ap pointed officer were installed at this meeting, as they were absent at the June 9 in stallation. Carolyn Justen received the special award, and Donna Dobbertin was not present to collect the Attendance award. Bertha Moshiek received the attendance award on June 19. The next meeting will be a business meeting and will be on Tuesday, July 17, and good attendance is hoped for. The Moose picnic, to be held on August 5 at Petersen Park, needs to be planned. The Bazaar, to be held on November 3 at the Moose Lodge, will need some thoughts for different plans. Delicious refreshments were served by Collegian Eleanore Haerle and her committee of collegiates. See you July 17. Support your Chapter. Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8 p m. Birthday girls were Elizabeth Dorsch, Kathy Kelley and Carolyn Justen